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Neurogranin/RC3 (Ng), a postsynaptic neuronal protein kinase C (PKC) substrate, binds calmodulin (CaM) at low level of Ca2+. In vitro, rat brain Ng can be oxidized by nitric oxide (NO) donors and by oxidants to form an intramolecular disulfide bond with resulting downward mobility shift on nonreducing SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The oxidized Ng, as compared with the reduced form, is a poorer substrate of PKC but like the PKC-phosphorylated Ng has a lower affinity for CaM than the reduced form. To investigate the physiological relevance of Ng oxidation, we tested the effects of neurotransmitter, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), NO donors, and other oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide and oxidized glutathione on the oxidation of this protein in rat brain slices. Western blot analysis showed that the NMDA-induced oxidation of Ng was rapid and transient, it reached maximum within 3-5 min and declined to base line in 30 min. The response was dose-dependent (EC50 approximately 100 microM) and could be blocked by NMDA-receptor antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid and by NO synthase inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester and NG-monomethyl-L-arginine. Ng was oxidized by NO donors, sodium nitroprusside, S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, and S-nitrosoglutathione, and H2O2 at concentrations less than 0.5 mM. Oxidation of Ng in brain slices induced by sodium nitroprusside could be reversed by dithiothreitol, ascorbic acid, or reduced glutathione. Reversible oxidation and reduction of Ng were also observed in rat brain extracts, in which oxidation was enhanced by Ca2+ and the oxidized Ng could be reduced by NADPH or reduced glutathione. These results suggest that redox of Ng is involved in the NMDA-mediated signaling pathway and that there are enzymes catalyzing the oxidation and reduction of Ng in the brain. We speculate that the redox state of Ng, similar to the state of phosphorylation of this protein, may regulate the level of CaM, which in turn modulates the activities of CaM-dependent enzymes in the neurons.  相似文献   

RC3/neurogranin is a postsynaptic protein kinase C (PKC)-/calmodulin-binding substrate implicated in long-term potentiation (LTP) forms of synaptic plasticity. Our previous digoxigenin in situ hybridization (DIG-ISH) studies detected RC3 mRNA in apical dendrites and cell bodies of neurons in the rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus. This observation suggested that RC3 mRNA is selectively translocated to dendrites, where it may be translated locally in response to synaptic activity. To test this hypothesis further, we isolated a full-length cDNA clone of the homologous human RC3 mRNA from a human cortex lambda GT11 library, determined its nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences, and performed mRNA expression studies in cerebral cortex from normal human patients and from patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) and fronto-temporal dementia (FTD). The human cDNA clone detects a single approximately 1.3 kb mRNA whose nucleotide sequence is 73% similar to the rat nucleotide sequence and 96% similar to its amino acid sequence. DIG-ISH studies detect robust staining of RC3 mRNA in cell bodies of numerous neurons throughout Layers II-VI and in both apical and basal dendrites of pyramidal neurons in human neocortex (temporal/frontal). We conclude that dendritic targeting of RC3 mRNA is conserved in human brain. In AD neocortex tissue, there is little or no evidence for RC3 mRNA translocation to dendrites, while in FTD neocortex, targeting of RC3 mRNA to apical dendrites is preserved. Comparative studies in AD and FTD point to the potential importance of synapse integrity and the dendritic cytoskeleton in RC3 mRNA targeting in the human neocortex.  相似文献   

The effect of the thyroid hormone on the rate of brain protein synthesis in rats was studied. Experiments were conducted on three groups of rats given 6-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU, a thyroid inhibitor) without a triiodothyronine (T3) treatment, those treated with PTU + T3, and those treated with neither PTU nor T3 (control). The fractional rates of protein synthesis in the brain, liver, and kidney of rats given PTU + T3 were significantly greater than those in rats given PTU alone. In the brain and kidney, the RNA activity [g of protein synthesized/(g of RNA.d)] were significantly correlated with the fractional rates of protein synthesis. In the liver and kidney, the RNA concentration (mg of RNA/g of protein) was related to the fractional rate of protein synthesis. These results suggest that the thyroid hormone treatment would be likely to increase the rate of protein synthesis in the brain of rats, and that the RNA activity is, at least partly, related to the fractional rate of brain protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Tat is one of the regulatory proteins of the HIV-1 virus. To date, besides the transactivation activity, a myriad of effects exerted by HIV-1 Tat on cellular and viral genes have been observed. The present study investigated the in vivo effects of HIV-1 Tat protein in the Xenopus embryo. We adopted the Xenopus system since expression of putative regulatory factors in the embryo has been widely used as a quick and effective first screen for protein function. Xenopus' early development is well characterized by stage-specific phenotypes, therefore, an in vivo HIV-1 Tat-mediated aberrant phenotype can easily be detected and analyzed. HIV-1 Tat protein expression through injection of synthetic mRNA into zygotes produced a marked delay in gastrulation leading to altered specification of the anterior-posterior axis and to partial or total loss of anterior structures. HIV-1 Tat effects resulted in a general suppression of gene expression, including that of Xbra and gsc, two early genes whose expression is required for proper gastrulation. The specificity of Tat effects was demonstrated by injecting a 'loss of function' mutant (Tat-C37S), lacking a single cysteine residue, which did not yield any effect. Both Tat and Tat-C37S were found to be localized mainly in the nucleus. The importance of subcellular targeting for the effects caused by HIV-1 Tat was demonstrated by injecting a second mutant (Tat-BDM), carrying an altered nuclear localization signal sequence. The Tat-BDM protein localized in the cytoplasm and accumulated at the cell membrane. Embryos injected with Tat-BDM mRNA did not develop beyond gastrulation. The importance of proper protein conformation and subcellular localization in determining Tat effects is discussed.  相似文献   

Antenatal administration of triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) to late gestation rats resulted in decreased lung antioxidant enzyme (AOE) activity but increased surfactant phospholipids. In fetal rat lung explant cultures, T3 decreased the expression of surfactant proteins (SP) A and B. There have been no reported studies of the simultaneous in vivo developmental influence of T3 on both pulmonary AOE and SP gene expression. We hypothesized that antenatal T3 treatment would cause differential regulation of surfactant phospholipid, SP, and AOE genes in the late gestation fetal rat. Timed pregnant rats received intramuscular injections of either T3 (7 mg/kg) or placebo on days 19 and 20 of gestation and fetuses were delivered on day 21. Fetal lung SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, and AOE mRNA levels were studied by Northern analysis. AOE mRNA levels were further quantitated by solution hybridization. Total lung phospholipids (TPL) and disaturated phosphatidylcholine (DSPC) content were quantitated by a phosphorus assay. T3 significantly increased TPL and DSPC content, and significantly decreased the expression of SP-A, SP-C, CuZnSOD, and catalase genes. Because of a crucial interplay of these factors for normal lung function at the time of birth, the molecular mechanisms by which these apparently opposing changes are accomplished warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

The prevalence of RET/PTC rearrangements in papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs) varies widely in different studies, and an association of RET/PTC presence with tumor behavior remains to be clarified. A prospective study of 50 adult PTCs examined, using RT-PCR, the prevalence of the 3 main RET rearrangements and also of RET tyrosine kinase (TK) domain sequence expression. The genetic findings were correlated with the MACIS clinical prognostic score and with individual clinical parameters. Three of the patients had been exposed to radiation in childhood or adolescence. Four of the PTCs contained RET/PTC1, confirmed by sequencing, and none contained RET/PTC2 or RET/PTC3. The prevalence of RET rearrangements overall was 8%, but in the subgroup of 3 radiation-exposed patients it was 66.6%. Interestingly, RET tyrosine kinase domain messenger ribonucleic acid was detectable in 70% of PTCs using RET exon 12/13 primers and was detectable in 24% of PTCs using RET exon 15/17 primers. RT-PCR for calcitonin and RET extracellular domain, however, was negative. There was no association between the presence or absence of RET/PTC in the patient's tumor and clinical parameters. We conclude that RET/PTC1 is the predominant rearrangement in PTCs from adults with a history of external irradiation in childhood. RET TK messenger ribonucleic acid expression is common in PTCs, using RT-PCR, and cannot be used to infer the presence of specific RET rearrangements or of RET activation.  相似文献   

To study the effects of iodine and thyroid hormone deficiency during brain development on activities of enzymes of central acetyl choline metabolism, activities of choline acetylcholinetransferase (CHAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in hippocampus and cerebral cortex, basal forebrain and cerebellum in 20-day-old rats were determined. Results showed that CHAT and AChE activities in hippocampus, cerebral cortex and basal forebrain in iodine deficiency and hypothyroid rats were significantly lower than those in controls. A ratio of membranebound AChE to soluble AChE, activities of inextractable AChE, and percentage of its activities in the four sections of the brain in the trial rats were significantly lower, and activities of soluble AChE and its percentage of activities were significantly higher than those in controls. It suggests iodine and thyroid hormone deficiency could affect maturation of CHAT and disturb transformation and maturation of various molecular types of AChE and delay distinctly the development of cholinergic neurone during the critical period of brain development in rats.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 36-year-old female patient with insulin dependent diabetes who developed hypothyroidism of pituitary origin after giving birth. She had low levels of free T4 and TSH with no response to i.v. TRH. Antimicrosome antibodies were increased (1/25000), suggesting Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The other hormones were normal except for a low level of growth hormone and insulin growth factor 1. There were no antibodies against the pituitary. MRI of the pituitary was normal. We suspect a vascular origin for this partial pituitary deficiency.  相似文献   

Sex differences, androgen dependence and asymmetries of aromatase activity have been reported during ontogeny of the rat. It remains to be elucidated, however, whether the changes in aromatase activity are reflected by similar changes in specific mRNA levels. In addition, very little is known regarding mechanism(s) underlying such differential regulation of aromatase expression. To address these questions, we have employed the in situ hybridization (ISH) technique to examine specific mRNA levels in the brain of both male and female rats at selected stages of development. In prenatal stages of development, at gestational day (GD) 18 and 20, aromatase mRNA was detected in several hypothalamic and limbic brain regions. Semiquantitative analysis of aromatase mRNA did not reveal statistically significant sex differences in any of these regions (except in one experiment at GD20, when a sex difference was found in the medial preoptic nucleus). In contrast, clear sex differences were determined at postnatal day (PN) 2; male animals contained significantly more aromatase mRNA in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) and the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN) compared to female rats. Four days later in development, at PN6, sex differences of aromatase mRNA signals were observed in the BST, but were no longer detectable in the SDN. At PN15 and in adult animals, no sex differences could be determined. The effect of flutamide treatment (50 mg/kg/day) was investigated in GD20 fetuses as well as in adult rats. No statistically significant changes in aromatase mRNA expression were found in either case. In summary, our results suggest that differential regulation of aromatase mRNA expression during the critical period of sexual differentiation might, in part, account for the establishment of some of the many sexually dimorphic parameters of the rat brain. The role of androgens in the regulation of the sex-specific and developmental expression of aromatase mRNA in the rat brain remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

Analysis of blood flowing from the rat thyroid has shown that an acute immobilization stress enhanced thyroid hormone secretion with an increase of the T3/T4 x 100 index. The most marked response to stress was observed after repeated 2 min immobilization with a 3 min interval. Such increase of secretion was arrested by injection of prazosin, an alpha-adrenoblocker. Propylthiouracil injected an hour before the experiment reduced T4 thyroid conversion index. These results permit a conclusion that short-term repeated immobilization enhanced thyroid hormone secretion via alpha-adrenergic system stimulation, this being paralleled by increased production of hormonally more active T3.  相似文献   

Lipofuscin (age pigment) is a brown-yellow, electron-dense, autofluorescent material that accumulates progressively over time in lysosomes of postmitotic cells, such as neurons and cardiac myocytes. The exact mechanisms behind this accumulation are still unclear. This review outlines the present knowledge of age pigment formation, and considers possible mechanisms responsible for the increase of lipofuscin with age. Numerous studies indicate that the formation of lipofuscin is due to the oxidative alteration of macromolecules by oxygen-derived free radicals generated in reactions catalyzed by redox-active iron of low molecular weight. Two principal explanations for the increase of lipofuscin with age have been suggested. The first one is based on the notion that lipofuscin is not totally eliminated (either by degradation or exocytosis) even at young age, and, thus, accumulates in postmitotic cells as a function of time. Since oxidative reactions are obligatory for life, they would act as age-independent enhancers of lipofuscin accumulation, as well as of many other manifestations of senescence. The second explanation is that the increase of lipofuscin is an effect of aging, caused by an age-related enhancement of autophagocytosis, a decline in intralysosomal degradation, and/or a decrease in exocytosis.  相似文献   

Hydrophilic-interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) has recently been introduced as a highly efficient chromatographic technique for the separation of a wide range of solutes. The present work was performed with the aim of evaluating the potential utility of HILIC for the separation of postranslationally acetylated histones. The protein fractionations were generally achieved by using a weak cation-exchange column and an increasing sodium perchlorate gradient system in the presence of acetonitrile (70%, v/v) at pH 3.0. In combination with reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) we have successfully separated various H2A variants and posttranslationally acetylated forms of H2A variants and H4 proteins in very pure form. An unambiguous assignment of the histone fractions obtained was performed using high-performance capillary and acid-urea-Triton gel electrophoresis. Our results demonstrate that for the analysis and isolation of modified core histone variants HILIC provides a new and important alternative to traditional separation techniques and will be useful in studying the biological function of histone acetylation.  相似文献   

In sheep maternal behaviour and the formation of the selective olfactory, ewe/lamb bond are induced by feedback to the brain from stimulation of the vagina and cervix during parturition. In the present study, we have used in situ hybridization histochemistry to quantify changes in cellular expression of two immediately-early genes, c-fos and zif/268, in order to identify activated brain regions during the induction of maternal behaviour and olfactory bonding as well as regions where plastic changes are occurring during with the formation of the olfactory memory associated with bonding. Three different treatment groups were used. One group gave birth normally, became maternal and were allowed to interact with their lambs for 30 min. A second group received exogenous treatment with oestradiol and progesterone to induce lactation and then received a 5-min period of artificial stimulation of the vagina and cervix (VCS) which reliably induces maternal behaviour but could not interact with lambs. A final control group received exogenous hormone treatment but no VCS or interaction with lambs. Compared to the control group, post-partum animals and animals that had received VCS showed increased c-fos expression in a number of cortical regions (cingulate, entorhinal and somatosensory), the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus and the lateral habenula, the limbic system (bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral septum, medial arnygdala, dentate gyrus and the CA3 region of the hippocampus) and the hypothalamus (medial preoptic area, mediobasal hypothalamus, paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus and periventricular complex). The group that gave birth and had contact with their lambs for 30 min had significantly enhanced c-fos mRNA expression in the cingulate cortex compared to those receiving VCS and additionally showed significantly increased c-fos mRNA expression in olfactory processing regions (olfactory bulb, piriform cortex and orbitofrontal cortex). Expression of zif/268 was significantly increased in the entorhinal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex and dentate gyrus of the parturition group compared to either the control or the VCS alone groups. These results show a clear differentiation between neural substrates controlling the expression of maternal behaviour and those involved in the olfactory memory process associated with selective recognition of offspring although at the level of the hippocampus and cingulate cortex there may be some degree of overlap. Alterations in zif/268 at tertiary processing sites for olfactory information (orbitofrontal cortex) and the entorhinal cortex and dentate gyrus may reflect plastic changes occurring during the early stages of olfactory memory formation.  相似文献   

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