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采用轻钢构件、石膏板和矿棉板制造的建筑系统在美国、澳大利亚和日本应用广泛,并正在逐渐占据欧洲国家的市场。这类系统通常具有承重墙,轻型钢带或混凝土楼板,适用于工业化生产和高效的建造过程。文中提供有这些构件和系统的实例。中低层建筑采用的墙体主要抵抗风荷载等水平作用。自20世纪70年代起,在瑞士和芬兰开始普及该类型木结构房屋。本文介绍了在多层建筑中采用单层石膏板作为墙体的传统设计模式,后由于防火需要将墙体改用双层板建造。 相似文献
低层冷弯薄壁型钢结构住宅体系 总被引:30,自引:6,他引:30
详细介绍了冷弯薄壁型钢结构住宅体系的组成、材料、基本构件形式、一般构造、楼盖构造、墙体构造、屋盖构造、紧固件连接要求,以及该结构体系的保温隔热、隔声、防火与防护、防潮、管道与电线安装等具体构造措施;同时还根据冷弯薄壁型钢结构住宅体系的组成和构造,归纳和评述了该结构体系所具有的节能、节地、节材、环保,有利于住宅产业化,并具有结构自重轻、施工周期短、综合效益好等一系列特点.冷弯薄壁型钢结构住宅结构体系适合中国国情,符合中国土地资源政策、环保政策和可持续发展战略,在中国具有广阔的应用前景. 相似文献
结合国内外已完成的冷弯薄壁型钢龙骨式复合墙体静力和动力试验研究成果,提出了冷弯薄壁型钢复合墙体的骨架曲线和恢复力模型。基于已经完成的屈服强度550 MPa高强超薄壁冷弯型钢足尺结构模型振动台试验,对结构在多遇和罕遇地震作用下的抗震分析方法进行了对比。结果表明:多遇地震作用下结构的弹性分析可采用底部剪力法、反应谱法和弹性时程分析法;罕遇地震作用下结构分析可采用静力非线性(推覆)分析和非线性时程分析法。依据GB 50011-2010《建筑抗震设计规范》的基本规定,提出了低层冷弯薄壁型钢龙骨体系结构的抗震设计实用方法建议。 相似文献
高强超薄壁冷弯型钢低层住宅足尺模型振动台试验 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
进行了两层高强超薄壁冷弯型钢住宅结构足尺模型的振动台试验,模型采用屈服强度550 MPa、厚度2 mm以下超薄壁冷弯型钢龙骨,外墙内外侧覆面板分别采用12 mm厚石膏板和0.42 mm厚屈服强度550 MPa带肋波纹钢板,内墙两侧覆面板均为12 mm厚石膏板。试验选取3条实测地震波记录和1条人工合成地震波,地震加速度考虑7度多遇到9度罕遇的烈度水平。试验结果表明:结构破坏均发生在连接部位和覆面板的局部区域,破坏模式为自攻螺钉的脱落和石膏板的局部破裂,而内部主体型钢龙骨基本无破坏;结构水平刚度虽有较大削弱,但在地震作用下结构无倒塌危险;采用双面覆板构造的复合墙体结构,能够满足抗震设防地区“大震不倒”的要求;墙体开洞部位为结构的薄弱区域,结构设计时应加强门、窗等开洞部位的构造措施以及自攻螺钉连接的可靠性。 相似文献
Shear wall panels, as the one of the primary lateral load resisting elements, have been extensively used in lightweight framing of low- and mid-rise residential construction, particularly in seismic applications. In current practice, lateral strengths of shear wall panels with cold-formed steel framing are primarily determined by tests, owing to the lack of applicable analytical methods. Meanwhile, the use of numerical methods such as the finite element method has rarely been employed in the design practice to determine the lateral strength of shear wall panels due to the extensive amount of computational effort associated with the modelling. Presented in this paper is an analytical method to determine the ultimate lateral strength of the shear wall panel and its associated displacement. The method takes into account the factors that primarily affect the behaviour and the strength of the shear wall panel, such as material properties, geometrical dimensions and construction details. Lateral strengths obtained from the proposed method for shear wall panels with different sheathing materials and steel stud thicknesses, sizes and spacing of sheathing-to-stud fasteners were compared with those of recent experimental investigations. The comparison demonstrates that the predicted results are in good agreement with those of the tests. Therefore, it is recommended that the proposed method be used in engineering practice. 相似文献
为了获得冷弯型钢骨架墙体最大受剪承载力实用计算公式,提出了墙体在水平力作用下的两种可能破坏模式,即边立柱在抗拔连接件处的净截面破坏和墙体周边或墙板拼缝处大多数自攻螺钉连接破坏。根据墙体破坏模式提出了相应的最大受剪承载力计算模型,并结合试验数据和有限元结果,得到了单面覆石膏板墙体、单面覆OSB板墙体和单面覆带肋钢板墙体最大受剪承载力实用计算公式,公式计算结果同试验、有限元分析结果吻合较好。最后,给出了冷弯型钢骨架墙体受剪承载力实用计算公式应用算例,以供设计参考。 相似文献
喷涂保温材料冷弯薄壁型钢组合墙体是在冷弯薄壁型钢骨架区格内设置聚苯乙烯泡沫板,并在骨架外侧喷涂轻质保温材料制成。通过对1个冷弯薄壁型钢骨架试件和2个喷涂保温材料冷弯薄壁型钢组合墙体试件的低周反复加载试验,分析了试件的受力过程和破坏形态,研究了试件的滞回曲线、骨架曲线、承载能力、抗侧刚度以及延性等力学特征,并将试验结果与已有的两侧挂板冷弯薄壁型钢组合墙体的试验数据进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:冷弯薄壁型钢骨架的节点刚度较弱,承载能力较低,不宜单独作为抗侧力构件;与两侧挂板冷弯薄壁型钢组合墙体相比,轻质保温材料的连续喷涂使得组合墙体更具整体性,其承载能力和抗侧刚度显著增加,并具有良好的抗震性能。 相似文献
总结了钢结构住宅的优越性,着重介绍了轻钢结构住宅体系的组成、分类和特点,分析研究了轻钢结构住宅的发展现状,在此基础上对目前钢结构住宅发展过程中存在的问题给出了一些建议,以期指导实践。 相似文献
进行了2块双面无板带交叉扁钢拉条支撑的冷弯型钢骨架墙体足尺试件(宽2.4m,高3m)抗剪试验。利用提出的墙体抗侧移刚度简化计算模型推导了墙体抗侧移刚度理论计算公式,并结合试验数据和有限元分析结果,得到墙体抗侧移刚度实用计算公式,公式计算结果与试验、有限元分析结果吻合较好;通过对墙体在水平力作用下的各种可能破坏模式的研究,提出了相应的墙体最大抗剪承载力计算模型,并结合试验和有限元结果,得到了墙体最大抗剪承载力实用计算公式,公式计算结果同试验、有限元分析结果比较一致。 相似文献
为了获得冷弯型钢骨架墙体抗侧移刚度实用计算公式,将墙体墙面板等效为拉压斜杆,并基于其他一些基本假定提出了冷弯型钢骨架墙体抗侧移刚度简化计算模型,在弹性分析的基础上得到了墙体抗侧移刚度理论计算公式,并结合试验数据和有限元分析结果进行了弹塑性修正,得到单面覆石膏板墙体、单面覆OSB板墙体、单面覆带肋钢板墙体在水平风荷载、水平多遇、水平罕遇地震作用下抗侧移刚度实用计算公式,墙体抗侧移刚度实用计算公式计算结果与试验、有限元分析结果吻合较好。同时,提供了冷弯型钢骨架墙体抗侧移刚度实用计算公式应用算例,以供设计参考。 相似文献
This paper investigates the applicability of a simple fire resistance design method for axially loaded thin-walled steel studs in wall panel assemblies when exposed to parametric fires from one side. The simple method includes calculations of cross-section temperatures and ultimate load carrying capacities at elevated temperatures. The simplified calculation method for heat transfer in the cross-section is based on dividing the cross-section into a number of segments. The thermal properties of these layers are based on weighted averages of the thermal properties of the components contained within. The structural capacity calculation method is based on the Direct Strength Method. Results from the design method are compared with the results from Finite Element simulations for heat transfer and structural analysis (236 models). The calculation results are in good agreement with the simulation results and the proposed method may be used in performance-based fire engineering design of such construction. 相似文献
对550MPaC型冷弯型钢立柱、550MPa带肋钢板和石膏板组成的高强冷弯型钢骨架墙体进行了16块足尺试件(宽2.4m,高3m)的抗剪试验研究。对带肋钢板+石膏板双面板、单面带肋钢板、单面石膏板和双面无板带交叉扁钢拉条支撑4类墙体试件进行了无竖向力水平单调加载、无竖向力水平低周反复加载和有竖向力水平低周反复加载的试验,得到了各类墙体试件的受剪承载力指标和位移延性系数μ等性能指标。试验结果表明:各类墙体单调加载试件抗剪强度均比反复加载试件高;单面石膏板墙体试件与0.8倍的单面带肋钢板墙体试件的承载力指标之和与双面板墙体试件承载力指标接近;双面无板带交叉扁钢拉条支撑墙体试件抗剪强度是双面板墙体试件的60%~67%;双面板墙体试件延性系数在1.731~2.384之间。 相似文献
The use of panelized cold-formed steel framing as the primary structural system has become increasingly popular for low- and mid-rise residential and commercial construction. The primary load-resistant elements in such framing are the structural panels built with uniformly spaced cold-formed steel studs and covered with structural sheathing. By taking advantage of in-line-framing, the framing members can be designed manually by using load tables published by manufacturers or spreadsheets developed in-house. In the case where the overall behaviour of the structure is needed, a finite element analysis has to be carried out. Conducting a finite element analysis for such types of buildings can be time consuming due to the large number of elements involved in modeling the framing member and structural sheathing. In this paper we present a simplified approach for analyzing cold-formed steel buildings by using finite element methods. In the proposed method, a typical 1.2 m wide wall panel which is built with cold-formed steel studs and structural sheathing is modeled by a 16-node shell element having equivalent material properties. In addition, the nonlinear behaviour of shear wall panels is simulated by a stiffness degradation factor. Compared to the conventional finite element method, a lesser number of elements will be used in the proposed method for modeling a building structure. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method are demonstrated through the comparison of results of the proposed and the conventional method on single shear wall panels. In addition, an example of nonlinear analysis for a three-storey building is presented. 相似文献
A method for the design of steel sheathed cold-formed steel framed shear walls has been developed for inclusion in the American Iron and Steel Institute's North American standards for lateral design using a comprehensive database of single-storey shear wall tests carried out in Canada and in the United States. The wall configurations differed in terms of wall aspect ratio, framing and sheathing thickness, screw fastener schedule and framing reinforcement. The Equivalent Energy Elastic–Plastic (EEEP) analysis approach was used to derive key design information from the test data, including: nominal shear resistance, a resistance factor, an over-strength factor for capacity based seismic design and ‘test-based’ seismic force modification factors for ductility and over-strength. 相似文献
Recent research at the Queensland University of Technology has investigated the structural and thermal behaviour of load bearing Light gauge Steel Frame (LSF) wall systems made of 1.15 mm G500 steel studs and varying plasterboard and insulation configurations (cavity and external insulation) using full scale fire tests. Suitable finite element models of LSF walls were then developed and validated by comparing with test results. In this study, the validated finite element models of LSF wall panels subject to standard fire conditions were used in a detailed parametric study to investigate the effects of important parameters such as steel grade and thickness, plasterboard screw spacing, plasterboard lateral restraint, insulation materials and load ratio on their performance under standard fire conditions. Suitable equations were proposed to predict the time–temperature profiles of LSF wall studs with eight different plasterboard-insulation configurations, and used in the finite element analyses. Finite element parametric studies produced extensive fire performance data for the LSF wall panels in the form of load ratio versus time and critical hot flange (failure) temperature curves for eight wall configurations. This data demonstrated the superior fire performance of externally insulated LSF wall panels made of different steel grades and thicknesses. It also led to the development of a set of equations to predict the important relationship between the load ratio and the critical hot flange temperature of LSF wall studs. Finally this paper proposes a simplified method to predict the fire resistance rating of LSF walls based on the two proposed set of equations for the load ratio–hot flange temperature and the time–temperature relationships. 相似文献
解读北京建筑节能新标准--《居住建筑节能设计标准》 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据参编过程中的体会,对该标准中与暖通空调有关的要点,特别是不同于原有两个节能设计标准的内容,作了详细介绍。 相似文献
结合工作经验,叙述了粘钢加固法的施工流程及操作要点,通过分析某工业厂房结构破损原因,针对其受损部位、受损程度分别提出不同的加固方案,经试验证明粘钢加固法对于厂房梁柱的加固是一种实用的加固方法。 相似文献
Slotted steel studs to reduce thermal bridges in insulated walls 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为研究采用蒸压无石棉纤维素纤维水泥板(CCA板)覆面的轻钢龙骨式复合墙体的抗剪性能,进行了13片足尺墙体的水平单调加载和低周反复加载试验。试验结果表明,采用CCA板覆面轻钢龙骨式复合墙体的破坏主要表现为自攻螺钉连接处的CCA板拉裂或者螺钉拔出,最终CCA板失去传递剪力的能力而破坏,轻钢龙骨未发生明显破坏。基于试验结果,得到了各类CCA板覆面墙体的屈服荷载、最大荷载、破坏荷载以及位移延性系数等性能指标。最后,分析了CCA板厚度、密度以及加载方式对轻钢龙骨式复合墙体受剪性能的影响,并与OSB板、石膏板覆面墙体进行了比较。 相似文献