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Adsorption of Er( Ⅲ ) and Its Mechanism on Diglycolamidic Acid Resin   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Thesynthesischaracterizationandadsorp tionpropertyofpolymericmaterialshavebeenpublishedinrecentyears[1~ 9] .DiglycolamidicacidresinDAARisanovelpolymericmaterialwhichcontainsafunctionalgroup [-N(CH2 COOH ) 2 ].Itpossessesnotonlyprotonthatcanexchangewithcation ,b…  相似文献   

The use of polar organic solvents for the separations of rare earth elements ( Ⅲ ) is effective especially for their extensive separations despite the solubility limitations.The study shows that polyaerylate anion exchangers, particularly the weakly basic, gel anion exchanger Ambedite IRA 68,can be applied to the separation of rare earth complexes with EDTA in H20-metthanol and H20-ethanol systems.In most cases the determined distribution coefficients of Ln^3 complexes with EDTA in mixed media like water-methanol on polyacrylate anion exchangers are larger than those in pure water media.  相似文献   

In China, scientists have applied inorganic com pounds of rare earths (RE), which act as a microele ment fertilizer, to agricultural crops since 1970s[1~3].Recent works have proved that RE can increase aquat ic production. RE has been widely applied i…  相似文献   

β-diketone type chelating ligands have high coordinative activity and selectivity, and are widely applied in analytical ehemistry. In order to obtain profounder understanding to the properties of bis(4-aeylpyrazolone-5), A new 4-aeylpyrazol-5-one derivative (H2BPMPP) was syntheszed, whieh eontains a heteroeyelie ring between two 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-aeylpyrazol-5-one rings. The new compound was eharaeterized by element analyses, UV, IR and ^1H NMR speetra. The equilibrium of the keto-enol tautomerism was studied. The results show that a lower dieleetric constant of solvent favors the enol form whieh has a higher λmax.Due to speeial merits of paraffin wax, the solidliquid extraetion behavior of Ce(Ⅲ) with molten paraffin wax as a diluent was also investigated at higher temperature. The value of the pH1/2 was 3.19 and the value of logKex was 3.467. The ehemieal eomposition of the complex was obtained by the slope analysis method.  相似文献   

在硫酸稀土溶液中,用Na2SO4复盐法分离Ce(Ⅳ)和RE(Ⅲ)时,研究了溶液中F-浓度、Na2SO4加入量、反应时间、温度和溶液的酸度对Ce(Ⅳ)提取率的影响,以及复盐沉淀洗涤情况对Ce(Ⅳ)和RE(Ⅲ)分离效果的影响。确立了在稀土溶液中用Na2SO4复盐法提取铈和少铈稀土的合理工艺条件。  相似文献   

Ce(Ⅳ) nitrato complexes were adsorbed on two anion exchangers based on polyvinyl pyridine (PVP) and quaternized PVP incorporated into porous silica matrix. The effect of nitric acid concentration (0.5~6 mol·L-1) and temperature (278~318 K) on Ce(Ⅳ) sorption efficiency was investigated. Sorption increased with increasing nitric acid concentration, indicating that [Ce(NO3)6]2- complex is the main adsorbed Ce(Ⅳ) species. Oxidation of sorbents by adsorbed Ce(Ⅳ) species resulting in Ce(Ⅲ) release to the solution was observed. Pyridine based anion exchangers exhibited higher oxidation stability compared to the commercial strong base anion exchanger. Ce(Ⅳ) reduction was temperature dependent and obeyed pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics. Column separation of Ce(Ⅳ) from La(Ⅲ) and Y(Ⅲ) was carried out from 6 mol·L-1 nitric acid with PVP based anion exchanger. Reasonable Ce(Ⅳ) breakthrough capacity (0.7 mol·kg-1 PVP) was achieved. No remarkable decrease of capacity was observed within 3 consequent runs. In contrast, Ce(Ⅲ) leakage due to reduction decreased and breakthrough capacity slightly increased. This effect was more pronounced with increasing temperature. Regeneration with 0.1 mol·L-1 nitric acid was successful (recovery 100%±4%) and Ce solution of high purity (>99.97%) with respect to La and Y content was gained.  相似文献   

稀土离子交换和萃淋树脂色层法分离中的配位化合物问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨华 《稀土》2004,25(2):65-69
从树脂吸附、淋洗、萃取剂几个方面,对稀土离子交换和萃淋树脂色层法分离过程中有关稀土配位化合物问题进行了简要的综述。  相似文献   

Heteropolycompoundisanewcatalystwithmanyfunctionsinchemistryindustry .Itsexcellentcatalyticperformanceisdeterminedbyitscompositionandstructure .Ithassimplecompositionandfixedstructure ,althoughitmayconsistofmanyelements .Itsstructureandpropertycanbechang…  相似文献   

Asabranchofsuperamolecularchem istry ,lanthanidecalixarenechemistryhasat tractedconsiderableresearchinterestforsever alyears[1~ 5 ] .Inthisrespect,Harrowfieldetal.[6~ 13] synthesizedalotoflanthanidecal ixarenecomplexes ,andrevealedtheircrystalstructures .Amongstt…  相似文献   

杜巧云  胡少强  翁薇  曹佃省 《稀土》2004,25(6):52-55
制备了萘普生与稀土元素镨、镝、铒的配合物。通过元素分析、摩尔电导、红外光谱及热分析等方法进行了表征。结果表明,配合物的组成为:RE·L3·H2O(RE=Pr、Er、Dy),其中心离子的配位数为7。  相似文献   

N-methylimidazolium functionalized anion exchange resin in NO3-form(RNO3) was prepared and used for adsorption of Ce(IV)in nitric acid medium.The adsorption amount increased with shaking time increasing and the adsorption equilibrium was obtained within 180min.Ce(IV) was partially reduced to Ce(III) and the reduction percent of Ce(IV) increased with shaking time increasing.But RNO3 was morestable than other resins due to the high resistance to oxidation.A little increase of adsorption amount was found with ...  相似文献   

Application of Rare Earth Magnet Nd-Fe-B in Solid-Liquid Separation  相似文献   

Rareearths (RE)arepowerfultracersinthestudyofevolutionofgeochemicalsystems .Theyhavebeenusedoverthepast 3 0yearsasatoolforsolvingvariousgeologicalproblems .TheapplicationofREabundancestopetroge neticproblemshascenteredsofarontheevo lutionofigneousrocks ,whe…  相似文献   

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