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The possibility of recycling the Municipal Solid Wastes Incinerated (MSWI) bottom ash by its incorporation in ceramic tiles was investigated. The MSWI bottom ash was introduced both in untreated (previous deironization) and vitrified condition. The sintering of the different products was investigated by determining water absorption and linear shrinkage. To evaluate possible variations due to the presence of different amount of bottom ash, mineralogical and microstructural examinations by quantitative X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, were performed. While the untreated bottom ash, till an amount of 5 wt%, did not seem to affect the above characteristics of selected materials, the vitrified bottom ash, 5–10 wt%, as strong fluxing agent, promoted the sintering of porcelain stoneware. Leaching results allow to assert that the fired samples are not dangerous.  相似文献   

Tribological behaviour of zirconia-toughened alumina (ZTA) with different metal oxide additives was studied. Solid oxide lubricants (MOx; M = Cu, Ti, Mg, Zn, Mn) were added in small quantities (∼8–11 wt%) to provide a self-lubrication action and thereby to decrease the coefficient of dry friction. Dry mixed ceramic composites powders were compacted and pressureless sintered at different temperatures. Densification studies show that near full densities (>97%) were obtained for ZTA ceramic containing both TiO2–CuO and TiO2–MnO2 at 1450 °C. Phase and qualitative compositional analysis was done using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Tribological behaviour of the various ZTA composites was tested by dry sliding the different specimens against SiC abrasive grit paper at a load of 50 N. The lowest specific wear rate of 9.2 × 10−5 mm3/N m and coefficient of friction of 0.35 were observed for the ZTA ceramic composite with TiO2–MnO2. The basic wear mechanisms were abrasion and grain pullout as corroborated from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images.  相似文献   

Pore structure of carbons coated on ceramic particles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pore structure of carbon coated on ceramic particles by carbonization of precursor in a powder mixture at 900 °C was studied by focusing on the effects of substrate ceramics (MgO, TiO2 and various phases of Al2O3) and of carbon precursor (poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and hydroxyl propyl cellulose (HPC)). By dissolving substrate MgO particles, carbon coated was found to have a high BET surface area, more than 1000 m2/g, which was almost the same as the value estimated from apparent surface area measured on carbon-coated MgO particles under the assumption of zero surface area of the substrate. The carbon separated was found to be rich in micropores from the analyses by DFT method and αs plot. The dependence of the BET surface area on the amount of carbon coated on TiO2 with a high surface area was the same for three carbon precursors, although the carbon yields from the precursors were slightly different. Porous Al2O3 substrates, γ-Al2O3as-received and that formed from Al(OH)3 during carbonization, gave a high BET surface area, but dense Al2O3, α-Al2O3, gave a low surface area.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2016,42(10):11692-11699
Sm/Mn codoped BaTiO3 ceramics were investigated for their microstructure and dielectric characteristics. The powders were prepared by the conventional solid state procedure. The concentration of Sm2O3 as a donor dopant has been kept from 0.1 up to 5.0 at%. The content of MnO2 as acceptor was kept constant at 0.05 at% Mn in all samples. The specimens were sintered at 1290 °C, 1320 °C and 1350 °C in an air atmosphere for two hours.A mainly uniform and homogeneous microstructure with average grain size ranging from 0.3 µm to 2.0 µm was observed in low doped samples. In highly doped samples, apart from the fine grained matrix, the appearance of local area with secondary abnormal grains was observed.The dielectric properties were investigated as a function of frequency and temperature. The low doped samples exhibit the high value of dielectric permittivity at room temperature and the greatest change at the Curie temperature. The highest value of dielectric constant (εr=6800) was measured for 0.1Sm/BaTiO3 samples sintered at 1350 °C. A nearly flat permittivity-temperature response and lower values of εr were obtained in specimens with 2.0 and 5.0 at% additive content. The dielectric constant increases with the increase of sintering temperature. The dissipation factor ranged from 0.01 to 0.22 and decreases with the increase of sintering temperature. The Curie constant (C), Curie-Weiss temperature (T0) and critical exponent of nonlinearity (γ ) were calculated using a Curie-Weiss and modified Curie-Weiss law. The highest value of Curie constant (C=9.06·105 K) was measured in 0.1 at% doped samples. The Curie constant decreased with increasing dopant content. The γ values, ranging from 1.001 to 1.58, point out the sharp phase transition in low doped samples, and the diffuse phase transition in heavily doped BaTiO3 samples.  相似文献   

In-situ synthesis of dense near-single phase Ti3SiC2 ceramics from 3Ti/SiC/C/0.15Al starting powder using spark plasma sintering (SPS) at 1250 °C is reported. Systematic analysis of the phase development over a range of sintering temperatures (1050–1450 °C) suggested that solid state reactions between intermediate TiC and Ti5Si3 phases lead to the formations of Ti3SiC2. The effect of starting powder composition on phase development after SPS at 1150 °C was also investigated using three distinct compositions (3Ti/SiC/C, 2Ti/SiC/TiC, and Ti/Si/2TiC). The results indicate that the starting powder compositions, with higher amounts of intermediate phase such as TiC, favor the formation of Ti3SiC2 at relatively lower sintering temperature. Detailed analysis of wear behavior indicated that samples with higher percentage of TiC, present either as an intermediate phase or a product of Ti3SiC2 decomposition, exhibited higher microhardness and better wear resistance compared to near single phase Ti3SiC2.  相似文献   

The influence of the activation temperature on the pore structure of granular activated carbons prepared from rockrose (Cistus ladaniferus L.), extracted previously into petroleum ether, is comparatively studied. The preparation was carried out by pyrolysis of a char in nitrogen and its subsequent activation by carbon dioxide and steam (flow of water controlled to generate the same mol number per minute of water as well as carbon dioxide/nitrogen) at 700-950°C to 40% burn-off. The techniques applied to study the pore structure were: pycnometry (mercury, helium), adsorption (carbon dioxide, 298 K; nitrogen, 77 K), mercury porosimetry and scanning electron microscopy. The preparation by steam activation, especially at 700°C, yields activated carbons showing a total pore volume larger than those prepared by carbon dioxide activation. The pore structures present the greatest differences when the activations are carried out between 700 and 850°C and closer at higher temperatures. At high temperatures, the decrease of differences in pore development caused by carbon dioxide or steam is attributed to an external burn-off. The micropore structure of each activated carbon is mainly formed by wide micropores. At the lowest activation temperatures, especially at 700°C, steam develops the mesoporosity much more than carbon dioxide. At 950°C, a similar reduction of pore volume in the macropore range occurs.  相似文献   

Binders are generally inorganic, organic or organomineral and have an important influence on the performance and corrosion resistance of slag line and deskulling. Since silicate and phosphate binders have some side effects, in this work sulphate binders such as sulphamic acid, H2NSO3H; aluminum sulphate, Al2(SO4)3; ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2SO4; magnesium sulphate, MgSO4; calcium sulphate, CaSO4; sodium sulphate, Na2SO4; and potassium sulphate, K2SO4, are investigated. Cold crushing strength at different heat treatments of room temperature, 110 °C, 1100 °C, 1400 °C is measured. Apparent porosity of samples without pulp and bulk density together with pH of the binder solution is evaluated and XRD and SEM studies are performed. Among these sulphate binders MgSO4 was found to be the best. It is acidic in nature and develops strong bonds to the basic aggregate, MgO, at low temperatures. At high temperatures it dissociates from MgO(s) and SO3(g) and the remained portion of MgO is the same as host oxide, with no corrosion and easy deskulling. Basic binders such as calcium sulphate, sodium sulphate and potassium sulphate could not strongly bond the MgO aggregates.  相似文献   

Densification rate and phase structure changes during sintering of nanosized ZnTiO3 were studied. Sintering was performed in a dilatometer in two regimes: the first to 900 °C (heating rates 5, 10 and 15 °C/min) and the second to 1200 °C (heating rates 3, 5 and 10 °C/min). XRD analysis of samples sintered at both temperatures combined with Rietveld structure refinement enabled determination of all phases present and their structure parameters. Samples sintered to 900 °C contained ZnTiO3 and Zn2TiO4 with traces of r-TiO2 (rutile) and Zn2Ti3O8, while samples sintered to1200 °C contained only r-TiO2 and Zn2TiO4. A master sintering curve was defined for sintering to 900 °C enabling determination of the sintering process activation energy as 313 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

I. Prasetyo  D. D. Do   《Carbon》1999,37(12):1909
The feasibility of preparing Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS) by tailoring pore structure of activated carbon under catalytic cracking of benzene has been examined. In this method, benzene vapour was cracked over metal-impregnated activated carbon particles at 523–773 K. Among the metal catalysts tested, only cobalt exhibited significant cracking activity toward benzene. In this range of temperature coke was originated on the metal surface only, therefore an excessive coke deposition as indicated in non-catalytic process was not observed. The amount of coke and the site of deposition in the pore network were determined to some extent by the metal loading as well as the rate of benzene cracking. Raman spectra indicated that the coke produced was less amorphous than those produced in non-catalytic processes. Only a small loss in micropore volume and surface area was observed after the coke deposition process. The CMS produced was tested for its adsorption characteristics of carbon dioxide and methane. The improvement in the CO2/CH4 kinetic selectivity was observed.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2016,42(14):15261-15268
Cellular glass, or foamed glass, has been obtained as a result of the heating (to 700–800 °C) of heavy and strong preforms formed due to the binding properties of the silicate additives. Durability of the preforms reached 6 MPa at the density of 1.8 g/cm3. The main expanding agent in the composition is steam, which can also be a carbon oxidizer and increase the amount of the evolved gases and decrease the density of the foamed glass obtained. As a result of changing the initial composition structure, the density of the obtained foamed glass varied from 0.14 to 0.6 g/cm3, its breaking strength - from 0.6 to 5.0 MPa. and heat conductivity – from 0.045 to 0.15 W/(m·К), respectively. The speed of expansion of the preforms had an extreme character with the induction period typical for topochemical reactions. The obtained cellular materials possessed a distinct crystalline structure. The experiments showed the possibility of obtaining cellular materials with acceptable properties from different types of glass for the solution of environmental tasks. Various technological methods of obtaining cellular material blocks from preforms of various forms were tested to use them for thermal insulation and facing materials.  相似文献   

Lightweight aggregates (LWAs) were produced from water reservoir sediment with added calcium oxide by employing four heat treatments, respectively, at temperatures in the range of 1170-1230 °C. The results show that LWAs produced at temperatures above 1200 °C meet European Union regulation EN-13055-1, which states that the unit weight of LWAs should be lower than 2000 kg/m3. The bulk density was easily lowered by extending the soaking time and increasing the heating rate. The ratio of strength to unit weight of the LWA produced at 1230 °C with a short soaking time and a fast heating rate was near that of a commercial product. The level of water adsorption was below 4%, which increased initially and then decreased due to pore connections and pore sealing. The formation of a glassy phase made the LWAs treated at higher temperature rough and sealed small pores (<0.1 mm) connected to the walls of large pores (>0.2 mm). The mineral phases of the LWAs were quartz, anorthite, and hematite.  相似文献   

Single-phase Mn3Cu0.5Ge0.5N bulks were prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS) in nitrogen atmosphere at different sintering temperatures, and the effects of sintering temperature on microstructure, nitrogen deficiency and densification were studied. It was found that the densification is accompanied by the thermal decomposition of Mn3Cu0.5Ge0.5N. Nitrogen deficiency and porosity due to the thermal decomposition of the compound do not increase with increase of the sintering temperature; the nitrogen deficiency from decomposition is compensated by the diffusion of nitrogen atoms from the N2 atmosphere. When the two processes reach the balance, minimum nitrogen deficiency of Mn3Cu0.5Ge0.5N is achieved together with the highest densification.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2016,42(5):6383-6390
Porous silica ceramics were obtained at low forming pressure (40–80 MPa) and low sintering temperature (850–1300 °C) for 4 h in air. Boric acid was used as a low-cost additive, in the amount of 2 wt%. Relatively high porosities of nearly 40% and 65% are obtained for the samples of clay and diatomite pressed at 40 MPa, and sintered at 1000 °C, respectively. The samples sintered at 1150 °C and 1300 °C have the average pore size diameters in the range of macroporous for clay 0.2–10 μm and for diatomite 0.2–5 μm. X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and mercury porosimetry measurements were employed to characterize of the obtained samples. Measurements of densities and open porosities by immersion technique were used, according to the Archimedes principle. The relations between mechanical characteristics of the samples formed by using different pressures and sintered at different temperature, were discussed.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2017,43(6):4814-4820
Si-B-C-N monoliths with 5 wt% LaB6 additives were prepared by spark plasma sintering at 1250–2000 °C and 50 MPa using a mechanically alloyed mixture of graphite, c-Si, h-BN and LaB6 powders as the starting materials. Microstructural evolution, mechanical and thermal properties of the as-prepared La/Si-B-C-N monoliths were investigated. The densification of the ceramics starts at 1160° and ends at 1800 °C with the formation of La-containing compounds coupled with SiC and BN(C) phases. La-containing BN(C) grains develop into a lamellar structure at 1900 °C offering improved fracture toughness and decreased Vickers hardness, flexural strength and elastic modulus. The formation of lamellar BN(C) is also responsible for a high thermal expansion coefficient of 4.2×10−6 /°C.  相似文献   

The crystalline phase evolution during firing of glass-ceramic materials from residual E-glass fibres was investigated as a function of temperature and time. The thermal stability and the mechanism of crystallisation were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The mineralogical and microstructural characterisation of the sintered glass-ceramics was carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), respectively. The crystallisation behaviour was depicted by the TTT (Time–Temperature–Transformation) curve. The activation energies for crystallisation were calculated by the Friedman differential isoconversional, ASTM and Kissinger methods. The results show that devitrification of the glass leads to a series of glass-ceramic materials composed of wollastonite and plagioclase s.s. Their microstructure is composed of a dense network of crystals, which is responsible for the high mechanical properties exhibited by these materials.  相似文献   

This study presents the fabrication and characterization of composite materials of hydroxyapatite and Ti. Hydroxyapatite (HA) powder was obtained from bovine bones (BHA) and human enamel (EHA) via calcination technique. Fine powders of HA were admixed with 5 and 10 wt.% fine powder of metallic Ti. Powder-compacts were sintered at different temperatures between 1000 and 1300 °C. Compression strength, Vickers microhardness and elastic modulus as well as density were measured. SEM and X-ray diffraction studies were also conducted. The experimental results showed that addition of Ti to EHA and BHA decreases the elastic modulus, comparing to samples of pure BHA. The best mechanical properties for BHA–Ti composites were obtained after sintering in the range of 1200–1300 °C and for EHA–Ti composites in the range of 1100–1300 °C.  相似文献   

Sintering of lime was carried out in the presence of V2O5 by a single firing process. A pure limestone was crushed, mixed with 1, 2 and 4 wt.% V2O5, pelletised and fired between 1550 and 1650 °C. The sintered lime was evaluated by bulk density, apparent porosity, microstructure, hydration resistance and hot modulus of rupture (HMOR) at 1300 °C. Incorporation of V2O5 forms liquid phase with lime at elevated temperature and influences the densification process by liquid phase sintering. As a result bulk density of sinters improved and they become more hydration resistant due to the larger grain size of the lime phase. The hot strength increased up to a certain temperature followed by deterioration because of the pressure of higher amount of liquid phase.  相似文献   

The sintering of a pottery clay from Burkina Faso was studied as a function of the heating rate, at 3 or 10°C/min. The experimental method used was loading dilatometry in isothermal conditions at 1120°C. In these conditions, we found that the densification rate of the material is low, but tend to a limiting value after 2 h at 1120°C, depending on the pre-sintering heating rate and the load used. The relationship between the pre-sintering heating rate and the densification rate indicated the existence of a weakly organised material at higher heating rates. Nevertheless, higher values of shrinkage were observed when the temperature increased continuously. It is, therefore, proposed that the material is subject to a preferential solid state diffusion mechanism at face to face of the remaining kaolinite layers at high temperatures. This mechanism is favoured by higher heating rates, mainly in the temperature range corresponding to the structural reorganisation of the metakaolin phase.  相似文献   

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