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We are interested in this paper in recovering an harmonic function from the knowledge of Cauchy data on some part of the
boundary. A new inversion method is introduced. It reduces the Cauchy problem resolution to the determination of the resolution
of a sequence of well-posed problems. The sequence of these solutions is proved to converge to the Cauchy problem solution.
The algorithm is implemented in the framework of boundary elements. Displayed numerical results highlight its accuracy, as
well as its robustness to noisy data.
Received 6 November 2000 相似文献
A fast multipole boundary element method (BEM) for solving large-scale thin plate bending problems is presented in this paper. The method is based on the Kirchhoff thin plate bending theory and the biharmonic equation governing the deflection of the plate. First, the direct boundary integral equations and the conventional BEM for thin plate bending problems are reviewed. Second, the complex notation of the kernel functions, expansions and translations in the fast multipole BEM are presented. Finally, a few numerical examples are presented to show the accuracy and efficiency of the fast multipole BEM in solving thin plate bending problems. The bending rigidity of a perforated plate is evaluated using the developed code. It is shown that the fast multipole BEM can be applied to solve plate bending problems with good accuracy. Possible improvements in the efficiency of the method are discussed. 相似文献
Boundary element formulations for modelling the nonlinear behaviour of concrete are reviewed. The analysis based on the dual boundary element method (BEM) to represent the cracks in concrete is presented. The fictitious crack is adopted to represent the fracture process zone in concrete. The influence of reinforcements on the concrete is considered as a distribution of forces over the region of attachment. The yielding of reinforcement is considered when the total force at any section of the reinforcement is greater than the yielding force and is assumed to be broken when the strain reaches the maximum strain. In using the BEM to simulate cracks, the crack path need not be known in advance since it can be calculated during the iteration process and as such remeshing becomes obsolete. The numerical results obtained are compared to the FEM analysis. 相似文献
An iterative hybrid technique of boundary element method (BEM) and distributed dislocation method (DDM) is introduced for solving two dimensional crack problems. The technique decomposes the problem into (n + 1) subsidiary problems where n is the number of crack branches. The required solution will be the sum of these (n + 1) solutions. The first subsidiary problem is to find the stress distribution induced in the plate in the absence of the crack using BEM. All of the remaining subsidiary problems, are stress disturbance ones that will be solved using DDM. The results will be added and compared with the boundary conditions of the original problem. Iteration will be performed between the plate boundaries and crack faces until all of the boundary conditions are satisfied. 相似文献
Y. J. Liu 《Computational Mechanics》2008,42(5):761-773
A new fast multipole formulation for the hypersingular BIE (HBIE) for 2D elasticity is presented in this paper based on a
complex-variable representation of the kernels, similar to the formulation developed earlier for the conventional BIE (CBIE).
A dual BIE formulation using a linear combination of the developed CBIE and HBIE is applied to analyze multi-domain problems
with thin inclusions or open cracks. Two pre-conditioners for the fast multipole boundary element method (BEM) are devised
and their effectiveness and efficiencies in solving large-scale problems are discussed. Several numerical examples are presented
to study the accuracy and efficiency of the developed fast multipole BEM using the dual BIE formulation. The numerical results
clearly demonstrate the potentials of the fast multipole BEM for solving large-scale 2D multi-domain elasticity problems.
The method can be applied to study composite materials, functionally-graded materials, and micro-electro-mechanical-systems
with coupled fields, all of which often involve thin shapes or thin inclusions. 相似文献
I. Benedetti A. Milazzo M. H. Aliabadi 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2009,80(10):1356-1378
In the present paper a fast solver for dual boundary element analysis of 3D anisotropic crack problems is formulated, implemented and tested. The fast solver is based on the use of hierarchical matrices for the representation of the collocation matrix. The admissible low rank blocks are computed by adaptive cross approximation (ACA). The performance of ACA against the accuracy of the adopted computational scheme for the evaluation of the anisotropic kernels is investigated, focusing on the balance between the kernel representation accuracy and the accuracy required for ACA. The system solution is computed by a preconditioned GMRES and the preconditioner is built exploiting the hierarchical arithmetic and taking full advantage of the hierarchical format. The effectiveness of the proposed technique for anisotropic crack problems has been numerically demonstrated, highlighting the accuracy as well as the significant reduction in memory storage and analysis time. In particular, it has been numerically shown that the computational cost grows almost linearly with the number of degrees of freedom, obtaining up to solution speedups of order 10 for systems of order 104. Moreover, the sensitivity of the performance of the numerical scheme to materials with different degrees of anisotropy has been assessed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A fast multipole boundary element method (FMBEM) for 3D multi-domain acoustic scattering problems based on the Burton-Miller formulation is presented in this paper. A multi-tree structure is designed for the multi-domain FMBEM. It results in mismatch of leaves and well separate cells definition in different domains and complicates the implementation of the algorithm, especially for preconditioning. A preconditioner based on boundary blocks is devised for the multi-domain FMBEM and its efficiency in reducing the number of iterations in solving large-scale multi-domain scattering problems is demonstrated. In addition to the analytical moment, another method, based on the anti-symmetry of the moment kernel, is developed to reduce the moment computation further by a factor of two. Frequency sweep analysis of a penetrable sphere shows that the multi-domain FMBEM based on the Burton-Miller formulation can overcome the non-unique solution problem at the fictitious eigenfrequencies. Several other numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the developed multi-domain FMBEM for acoustic problems. In spite of the high cost of memory and CPU time for the multi-tree structure in the multi-domain FMBEM, a large BEM model studied with a PC has 0.3 million elements corresponding to 0.6 million unknowns, which clearly shows the potential of the developed FMBEM in solving large-scale multi-domain acoustics problems. 相似文献
This paper presents a wideband fast multipole boundary element approach for three dimensional acoustic shape sensitivity analysis. The Burton-Miller method is adopted to tackle the fictitious eigenfrequency problem associated with the conventional boundary integral equation method in solving exterior acoustic wave problems. The sensitivity boundary integral equations are obtained by the direct differentiation method, and the concept of material derivative is used in the derivation. The iterative solver generalized minimal residual method (GMRES) and the wideband fast multipole method are employed to improve the overall computational efficiency. Several numerical examples are given to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the present method. 相似文献
Boundary Element Method (BEM) computer models typically involve use of nodal points that are the locations of singular potential functions such as the logarithm or reciprocal of the Euclidean distance function. These singular functions are typically associated with the nodes themselves as far as identification. The Complex Variable Boundary Element Method (CVBEM) is another application of similar types of singular potential functions and includes other functions that are not singular but are fundamental solutions of the governing partial differential equation (PDE). These various singular potential functions form a basis whose span of linear combinations (either real or complex space, as appropriate) is a vector space. As part of the approximation approach, one determines that element in the vector space that is closest (usually in a least squares residual measure) to the exact solution of the PDE and related boundary conditions. Recent research on the types of basis functions used in a BEM or CVBEM approximation has shown that considerable improvement in computational accuracy and efficiency can be achieved by optimizing the location of the singular basis functions with respect to possible locations on the problem boundary and also locations exterior of the problem boundary (in general, exterior of the problem domain). To develop such optimum locations for the modeling nodes (and associated singular basis functions), the approach presented in this paper is to develop a Real Time Boundary Element Node Location module that enables the program user to click and drag nodes (one at a time) throughout the exterior of the problem domain (that is, nodes are allowed to be positioned on or arbitrarily close to the problem boundary, and also to be positioned exterior of the problem domain union boundary). The provided module interfaces with the CVBEM program, built within computer program Mathematica, so that various types of information flows to the display module as the node is moved, in real time. The information displayed includes a graphic of the problem boundary and domain, the exterior of the domain union boundary, evaluation points used to represent problem boundary conditions, nodal locations, modeling error in L2 and also L∞ norms, and a plot of problem boundary conditions versus modeling estimates on the problem boundary to enable a visualization of closeness of fit of the model to the problem boundary conditions. As the target node is moved on the screen, these various information forms change and are displayed to the program user, enabling the user to quickly navigate the target node towards a preferred location. Once a node is established at some optimized location, another node can then be clicked upon and dragged to new locations, while reducing modeling error in the process. 相似文献
A direct boundary element method is presented for three-dimensional stress analysis of frictionless contact problems. The isoparametric formulation of the boundary element method is implemented for the general case of contact in the absence of friction, which is limited to linear elastic homogeneous and isotropic materials. An iterative procedure is employed to determine the correct size of the contact zone by finding a boundary solution compatible with the contact condition. The applicability of the procedure is tested by application to three problems of advancing and conforming contact. The computed results are compared with numerical and analytical solutions where possible. 相似文献
Meysam Mohammadi-Amin Behzad Ghadiri 《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》2012,36(5):789-798
In this paper a continuous-time state-space aerodynamic model is developed based on the boundary element method. Boundary integral equations governing the unsteady potential flow around lifting bodies are presented and modified for thin wing configurations. Next, the BEM discretized problem of unsteady flow around flat wing equivalent to the original geometry is recast into the standard form of a continuous-time state-space model considering some auxiliary assumptions. The system inputs are time derivative of the instantaneous effective angle of attack and thickness/camber correction terms while the outputs are unsteady aerodynamic coefficients. To validate the model, its predictions for aerodynamic coefficients variations due to the various unsteady motions about different wing geometries are compared to the results of the direct BEM computations and verified numerical and theoretical solutions. This comparison indicates a good agreement. Since the resulting aerodynamic model is in the continuous-time domain, it is particularly useful for optimization and nonlinear analysis purposes. Moreover, its state-space representation is the appropriate form for an aerodynamic model in design or control applications. 相似文献
I. Benedetti M. H. Aliabadi 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2010,84(9):1038-1067
In this work a fast solver for large‐scale three‐dimensional elastodynamic crack problems is presented, implemented, and tested. The dual boundary element method in the Laplace transform domain is used for the accurate dynamic analysis of cracked bodies. The fast solution procedure is based on the use of hierarchical matrices for the representation of the collocation matrix for each computed value of the Laplace parameter. An ACA (adaptive cross approximation) algorithm is used for the population of the low rank blocks and its performance at varying Laplace parameters is investigated. A preconditioned GMRES is used for the solution of the resulting algebraic system of equations. The preconditioners are built exploiting the hierarchical arithmetic and taking full advantage of the hierarchical format. An original strategy, based on the computation of some local preconditioners only, is presented and tested to further speed up the overall analysis. The reported numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique for both uncracked and cracked solids and show significant reductions in terms of both memory storage and computational time. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
B. F. Zalewski R. L. Mullen 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2009,78(4):403-428
In this paper, a method to account for the point‐wise discretization error in the solution for boundary element method is developed. Interval methods are used to enclose the boundary integral equation and a sharp parametric solver for the interval linear system of equations is presented. The developed method does not assume any special properties besides the Laplace equation being a linear elliptic partial differential equation whose Green's function for an isotropic media is known. Numerical results are presented showing the guarantee of the bounds on the solution as well as the convergence of the discretization error. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Bruce A. Ammons Madhukar Vable 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1998,41(4):639-650
The discretization of the boundary in boundary element method generates integrals over elements that can be evaluated using numerical quadrature that approximate the integrands or semi-analytical schemes that approximate the integration path. In semi-analytical integration schemes, the integration path is usually created using straight-line segments. Corners formed by the straight-line segments do not affect the accuracy in the interior significantly, but as the field point approaches these corners large errors may be introduced in the integration. In this paper, the boundary is described by a cubic spline on which an integration path of straight-line segments is dynamically created when the field point approaches the boundary. The algorithm described improves the accuracy in semi-analytical integration schemes by orders of magnitude at insignificant increase in the total solution time by the boundary element method. Results from two indirect BEM and a direct BEM formulation in which the unknowns are approximated by linear and quadratic Lagrange polynomial and a cubic Hermite polynomial demonstrate the versatility of the described algorithm. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A new boundary element method for mixed boundary value problems involving cracks and holes: Interactions between rigid inclusions and cracks 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper derives a new boundary integral equation (BIE) formulation for plane elastic bodies containing cracks and holes and subjected to mixed displacement/ traction boundary conditions, and proposes a new boundary element method (BEM) based upon this formulation. The basic unknown in the formulation is a complex boundary function H(t), which is a linear combination of the boundary traction and boundary displacement density. The present BIE formulation can be related directly to Muskhelishvili's formalism. Singular interpolation functions of order r
–1/2 (where r is the distance measured from the crack tip) are introduced such that singular integrand involved at the element level can be integrated analytically. By applying the BEM, the interaction between a rigid circular inclusion and a crack is investigated in details. Our results for the stress intensity factor are comparable with those given by Erdogan and Gupta (1975) and Gharpuray et al. (1990) for a crack emanating from a stiff inclusion, and with those by Erdogan et al. (1974) for a crack in the neighborhood of a stiff inclusion. 相似文献
Abstract This paper presents a new boundary element formulation in which the eigenvalue appears outside the integral operator, which distinguishes it from the Helmholtz integral equation. Thus, the formation of global matrices need only be assembled once. Since the kernel of the operator used in the new formulation is real‐valued, all calculations can be carried out in a much simpler way in the real domain. The complex acoustic pressure amplitude is considered herein to deivate by a certain amount from a harmonic function. It is an important contribution that an exact relation between the deviator and the complex acoustic pressure amplitude is constructed locally and thus no more approximations are introduced except conventional boundary discretizations. Several examples are given to illustrate the feasibility of an accurate, effective prediction of resonance. 相似文献
Yijun Liu 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2006,65(6):863-881
A new fast multipole boundary element method (BEM) is presented in this paper for large‐scale analysis of two‐dimensional (2‐D) elastostatic problems based on the direct boundary integral equation (BIE) formulation. In this new formulation, the fundamental solution for 2‐D elasticity is written in a complex form using the two complex potential functions in 2‐D elasticity. In this way, the multipole and local expansions for 2‐D elasticity BIE are directly linked to those for 2‐D potential problems. Furthermore, their translations (moment to moment, moment to local, and local to local) turn out to be exactly the same as those in the 2‐D potential case. This formulation is thus very compact and more efficient than other fast multipole approaches for 2‐D elastostatic problems using Taylor series expansions of the fundamental solution in its original form. Several numerical examples are presented to study the accuracy and efficiency of the developed fast multipole BEM formulation and code. BEM models with more than one million equations have been solved successfully on a laptop computer. These results clearly demonstrate the potential of the developed fast multipole BEM for solving large‐scale 2‐D elastostatic problems. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Dennis W. Quinn Mark E. Oxley Donald C. Vosika 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1999,46(8):1335-1346
In this paper a boundary problem is considered for which the boundary is to be determined as part of the solution. A time‐dependent problem involving linear diffusion in two spatial dimensions which results in a moving free boundary is posed. The fundamental solution is introduced and Green’s Theorem is used to yield a non‐linear system of integral equations for the unknown solution and the location of the boundary. The boundary element method is used to obtain a numerical solution to this system of integral equations which in turn is used to obtain the solution of the original problem. Graphical results for a two‐dimensional problem are presented. Published in 1999 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
S. Liapis 《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》1994,14(4):315-323
When using the boundary element method, the accuracy of the numerical solution depends critically on the discretization of the boundary into elements (panels). The distribution of the panels is one of the most important decisions taken when analyzing a problem, but still the vast majority of users employ empirical guidelines to distribute the panels. This paper reviews the various adaptive schemes that have been proposed for boundary elements. Numerical results are obtained for infinite fluid flow problems and free surface problems and are used to assess the reliability and effectiveness of each method. 相似文献
The present work discusses a solution procedure for heterogeneous media three-dimensional potential problems, involving nonlinear
boundary conditions. The problem is represented mathematically by the Laplace equation and the adopted numerical technique
is the boundary element method (BEM), here using velocity correcting fields to simulate the conductivity variation of the
domain. The integral equation is discretized using surface elements for the boundary integrals and cells, for the domain integrals.
The adopted strategy subdivides the discretized equations in two systems: the principal one involves the calculation of the
potential in all boundary nodes and the secondary which determines the correcting field of the directional derivatives of
the potential in all points. Comparisons with other numerical and analytical solutions are presented for some examples. 相似文献