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The Authors report their experience in the application of local anesthesia during breast prosthesis implantation.  相似文献   

An effective topical and regional anesthetic technique using 25% cocaine paste combined with intravenous midazolam hydrochloride was used in 554 patients undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery. The operative fields were excellent and all procedures were completed with little patient disturbance. Patients recovered rapidly from sedation and were usually fit for discharge on the same day. There were no anesthetic complications. The major surgical complication rate was 0.5%.  相似文献   

The authors report their experience with the use of local anesthesia in anal surgery (hemorrhoids, anal fissures and fistulas). They describe their technique in detail, stressing the importance of thorough knowledge of the neuroanatomy of the anal canal and of a stepwise blockage of all sensory and motor fibers to the area. They report their results on 300 anal procedures performed under local anesthesia, with good patient acceptance.  相似文献   

A walk-in, once-a-week clinic was established in May 1993. In the first year, 1268 patients (954 new and 314 follow up) were seen with a reduction in waiting time, high patient and general practitioner satisfaction, and raised awareness of colorectal disease.  相似文献   

In modern anaesthesia various antagonists are used. They provide efficient tools to facilitate better control of pharmacological effects and side effects of drugs routinely used in anaesthesia. Naloxone is a competitive antagonist of opioids without any intrinsic activity. It counteracts respiratory depression, pruritus, sedation and analgesia caused by opioids. It is fast-acting with a duration of action of 45 to 90 min. Several investigators have reported severe side effects of naloxone including hypertension, tachyarrhythmias, left heart failure and cardiac arrest, and hence the use of naloxone must be carefully considered in every single patient. Flumazenil is a competitive antagonist of benzodiazepines. It is a remarkably safe drug and very effective to terminate all benzodiazepine effects in anaesthesia and intensive-care patients. Serious complications caused by flumazenil have been reported in patients receiving benzodiazepines in the treatment of seizure disorders and in patients with mixed intoxications. Neostigmine is one of several antagonists of neuromuscular blocking agents. Its side effects include bradycardia, increased bronchial secretions and increased peristalsis. Indication depends on the results of neuromuscular monitoring. Physostigmine is an unspecific antagonist of the central anticholinergic syndrome, an acute psychosis that may be caused by numerous drugs used in anaesthesia. Generally, antagonists should be carefully titrated. In emergency medicine the use of these antagonists is not recommended; the primary goal is to restore vital functions.  相似文献   

Technological advances and economic, social, and cultural conditions have created a climate of change in health care. New roles and approaches are developing in relation to the holistic health movement. Within the holistic nursing community, three concepts of holistic practice have emerged. Differentiations among (a) certified holistic nurses, (b) practitioners of a healing modality, and (c) healers are presented to promote future discussion. As new roles must match a social need and become institutionalized to secure a professional role, speculations on possible directions for the certification in holistic nursing are presented.  相似文献   

Antepartum plasma hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA was quantified in 155 mothers coinfected with HCV and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), and HCV RNA was serially assessed in their infants. Of 155 singleton infants born to HCV antibody-positive mothers, 13 (8.4%) were HCV infected. The risk of HCV infection was 3.2-fold greater in HIV-1-infected infants compared with HIV-1-uninfected infants (17.1% of 41 vs. 5.4% of 112, P = .04). The median concentration of plasma HCV RNA was higher among the 13 mothers with HCV-infected infants (2.0 x 10(6) copies/mL) than among the 142 mothers with HCV-negative infants (3.5 x 10(5) copies/mL; P < .001), and there were no instances of HCV transmission from 40 mothers with HCV RNA concentrations of < 10(5) copies/mL. Women dually infected with HIV-1 and HCV but with little or no detectable HCV RNA should be reassured that the risk of perinatal transmission of HCV is exceedingly low.  相似文献   

Twelve cases of death due to fluorocarbon inhalation have been seen in a four year period 1971-1975. The source of the material has been commercial spray cans. The postmortem examinations are nonspecific, but a history of excitement or sudden death is often elicited. Confirmation of the cause of death was made by demonstration of a halogenated hydrocarbon in the blood by gas chromatography.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The reflex response to orotracheal intubation provokes an increase of arterial pressure accompanied by an increase of chorioides volume and a consequent ocular hypertone. There are several methods to reduce the reflex response due to intubation. One of the most effective is topical anaesthesia of larynx and trachea. Experiments were directed to evaluate the efficacy of topical anaesthesia to reduce the intraocular hypertone due to orotracheal intubation. DESIGN: A prospective randomized mask study was conduct on patients undergoing ophthalmologic (anterior segment) surgery at the Eye Clinic of Florence University. METHODS: Intraocular pressure was measured by a Goldman tonometer at four times: T0 = basal, T1 = 2' minutes after induction of general anaesthesia, T2 = 2' minutes after laryngoscopy, T3 = 2' minutes after orotracheal intubation. At the same moments, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, rate pressure pro duct were measured. Patients were randomly divided in two groups: Group L (n = 10) in which was evaluated the efficacy of laryngotracheal topical spray of lidocaine 4% (2 ml) and Group F (n = 10) in which saline was used instead of anesthetic. The filling of the LTA kit (Abbott) was made by a person not involved in the experiments. DATA ANALYSIS: Student's t test for unpaired data. RESULTS: Topical anaesthesia reduces the increase of intraocular pressure, hypertension and rate pressure product due to intubation. The intraocular pressure reduces to 13% less than basal value in Group L and increase to 50% more than basal value in Group F. CONCLUSION: The topical anaesthesia of larynx and trachea is effective to reduce the intraocular hypertension due to the reflex response evoked by orotracheal intubation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare technical and clinical differences between epidural and spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized prospective trial. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 64 pregnant women at term scheduled for elective cesarean section. Two groups were randomized: A) PD Group (n = 32): continuous epidural anesthesia by administration of bupivacaine 0.5% plus epinephrine 1/400,000 via an epidural catheter. Epidural morphine 3 mg was administered at the end of surgery. B) SP Group (n = 32): "single shot" spinal anesthesia by intrathecal administration of hyperbaric 1% bupivacaine 1-1.4 ml plus morphine 0.2 mg. The pin prick block level reached T2-T6 at incision time. DATA COLLECTION: 1) Time from the beginning of anesthesia to surgical incision. 2) Hypotension episodes. 3) Ephedrine consumption. 4) Intraoperative discomfort at delivery, traction and uterine manipulation, peritoneal toilette. 5) Nausea and vomiting. 6) Apgar score. 7) Postoperative headache. RESULTS: Women in the SP group had more hypotensive episodes (81% vs 53%: p < 0.05) and more ephedrine consumption with a large individual variability (29.12 mg +/- 20.4 vs 12.83 +/- 13.8: p < 0.01) when compared to PD group, without any difference in the Apgar score. The SP group required less time consumption (10.5 min. +/- 6.7 vs 35.9 min. +/- 17.3: p < 0.01) and had less intraoperative discomfort with less analgesic and/or sedative drugs consumption (9.7% vs 29%: p < 0.05) and less vomiting (3% vs 22.5%: p < 0.05). No postoperative headache was noticed in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: With the described pharmacological and technical approach, spinal anesthesia is more suitable than continuous epidural technique for cesarean section, unless contraindicated.  相似文献   

Teniposide (VM26) has been claimed to be active with a moderate toxicity in elderly patients affected by small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). Twenty-two patients with SCLC older than 65 years received VM26 as first-line chemotherapy at a dose of 60 mg/m2 on 5 consecutive days every 3 weeks. Age distribution ranged from 67 to 80 years (median 72 years). Fourteen patients were men and eight were women. Twelve patients had limited disease (LD) and ten extensive disease (ED). One patient (LD) had a complete response, and four (3 LD, 1 ED) achieved a partial response for an overall response rate of 22.7% (95% CI 6-40%). The most frequent toxicity was myelosuppression: 20 and 15% of patients had grade 3 leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, respectively. Our results seem to suggest that VM26 by this schedule is moderately effective in elderly patients with SCLC, and it cannot be recommended as a routine treatment.  相似文献   

Operative and case-fatality rates in Ontario for eight elective (discretionary) and seven nonelective (nondiscretionary) operations and the proportions of these operations and their anesthetic procedures performed by general practitioners were calculated. Cholecystectomy increased in frequency 32% from 1968 through 1973, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy decreased 37%, and hysterectomy increased 41%. Except for colectomy the rates for nonelective operations changed only slightly over the 6 years. Case-fatality rates (hospital deaths per 10000 operations) for the discretionary operations in 1973 were as follows: extraction of lens, 23.1; tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, 0.4 (2 deaths among 52938 operations); varicose vein stripping, 6.1; nonrecurrent inguinal herniorrhaphy, 21.9; cholecystectomy, 61.0; hemorrhoidectomy, 9.8; prostatectomy, 115.9; and hysterectomy, 9.6. In 1973 general practitioners did 32% of tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies (61% in 1971), 10 to 20% of inguinal herniorrhaphies, hemorrhoidectomies and appendectomies and 6% or less of the other operations. However, they performed 35% or more of the anesthetic procedures for these four operations as well as for varicose vein stripping, cholecystectomy and hysterectomy. Rates of general-practice surgery and anesthesia in an urban centre in Ontario were substantially less than those for the province as a whole.  相似文献   

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