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The effect of cold and warm intermittent antegrade blood cardioplegia, on the intracellular concentration of taurine in the ischaemic/reperfused heart of patients undergoing aortic valve surgery, was investigated. Intracellular taurine was measured in ventricular biopsies taken before institution of cardiopulmonary bypass, at the end of 30 min of ischaemic arrest and 20 min after reperfusion. There was no significant change in the intracellular concentration of taurine in ventricular biopsies taken after the period of myocardial ischaemia in the two groups of patients (from 10.1 +/- 1.0 to 9.6 +/- 0.9 mumol/g wet weight for cold and from 9.3 +/- 1.3 to 10.0 +/- 1.3 mumol/g wet weight for warm cardioplegia, respectively). Upon reperfusion however, there was a fall in taurine in both groups but was only significant (P < 0.05) in the group receiving cold blood cardioplegia (6.9 +/- 0.8 mumol/g wet weight after cold blood cardioplegia versus 8.0 +/- 0.8 mumol/g wet weight following warm blood cardioplegia). Like taurine, there were no significant changes in the intracellular concentration of ATP after ischaemia in the two groups of patients (from 3.2 +/- 0.32 to 2.95 +/- 0.43 mumol/g wet weight for cold and from 2.75 +/- 0.17 to 2.62 +/- 0.21 mumol/g wet weight for warm cardioplegia, respectively). However upon reperfusion there was a significant fall in ATP in both groups with the extent of the fall being less in the group receiving warm cardioplegia (1.79 +/- 0.19 mumol/g wet weight for cold and 1.98 +/- 0.27 mumol/g wet weight for warm cardioplegia, respectively). This work shows that reperfusion following ischaemic arrest with warm cardioplegia reduces the fall in tissue taurine seen after arrest with cold cardioplegia. Accumulation of intracellular sodium provoked by hypothermia and a fall in ATP, may be responsible for the fall in taurine by way of activating the sodium/taurine symport to efflux taurine. 相似文献
From our current understanding of the genetic basis of development and pattern formation in Drosophila and vertebrates it is commonly thought that clusters of Hox genes sculpt the morphology of animals in specific body regions. Based on Hox gene conservation throughout the animal kingdom it is proposed that these genes and their role in pattern formation evolved early during the evolution of metazoans. Knowledge of the history of Hox genes will lead to a better understanding of the role of Hox genes in the evolution of animal body plans. To infer Hox gene evolution, reliable data on lower chordates and invertebrates are crucial. Among the lower triploblasts, the body plan of the ribbonworm Lineus (nemertini) appears to be close to the common ancestral condition of protostomes and deuterostomes. In this paper we present the isolation and identification of Hox genes in Lineus sanguineus. We find that the Lineus genome contains a single cluster of at least six Hox genes: two anterior-class genes, three middle-class genes, and one posterior-class gene. Each of the genes can be definitely assigned to an ortholog group on the basis of its homeobox and its flanking sequences. The most closely related homeodomain sequences are invariably found among the mouse or Amphioxus orthologs, rather than Drosophila and other invertebrates. This suggests that the ribbonworms have diverged relatively little from the last common ancestors of protostomes and deuterostomes, the urbilateria. 相似文献
Y Furukawa 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1993,34(5):572-577
The retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (RB) and p53 gene are now known to be the prototypes for a class of tumor suppressor genes. Both genes act as a regulator of cell cycle transition at G1/S in many types of cell lineages. Underphosphorylated form of RB protein (Rd) acts as a growth suppressor by blocking exit from G1 through a specific binding to E2F or promoter region of certain growth-associated genes. Phosphorylation of Rb can be viewed as inactivating Rb and allowing cell cycle progression to occur. Differentiation of hematopoietic cell is accompanied with the loss of ability to phosphorylate Rb, indicating that Rb plays an important role in hematopoietic cell growth and differentiation. Abnormalities of RB gene may, therefore, predispose to the development of hematologic malignancies. DNA rearrangement was reported to be present in 1.5-12.1% of cases with primary leukemias, and the absence of RB protein was also observed in 6.3-23.2%. The abnormalities of p53 gene were also frequently observed in hematologic malignancies. DNA rearrangement of p53 was observed in 20-30% of the cases with blastic crisis of CML. Point mutation at the "hot spot" was reported in many types of leukemias, especially in cell lines established from these cases. 相似文献
H Stobbe 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1981,36(16):571-577
In a survey of quantitative and qualitative changes of blood and blood-forming cell systems by big consumption of alcohol is informed about the frequency of such lesions and the importance of additional substances of alcohol, particularly of the fusel oils with their cancerogenic, mutagenic, hepato- and haemototoxic effects. The alcohol-conditioned lesions of the erythrocytopoiesis with disturbances of maturation by deficiency of folic acid under formation of a megaloblastosis, the alcoholinduced disturbances of the iron metabolism with increase of the sideroblasts as well as the formation of vacuoles in the cytoplasm of the proerythroblasts are discussed. In this connection the symptomatic anaemias, caused by alcoholic liver lesion and its sequelae as well as by ulcerous haemorrhage, particularly also of Zieve's syndrome, are discussed. Functional disturbances of the granulocytes and granulocytopenias are to be brought into connection with the particular susceptibility to infections of patients suffering from alcoholism. Functional disturbances of the thrombocytes and thrombocytopenias, to be sure, rarely lead to a haemorrhagic diathesis, deserve, however, more consideration as possible causing factors in apoplexias under big consumption of alcohol. On principle the direct alcohol-toxic (at least ethanol-toxic) defects of haemotopoiesis are reversible for a short time. 相似文献
WS Alexander 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,16(5-6):651-682
Hematopoiesis is the process by which mature, functional progeny of the eight major lineages of blood cells are produced from a hierarchy of progressively less mature progenitor and stem cells. The control of hematopoiesis involves intimate cellular interactions between developing blood cells and stromal elements as well as regulation by soluble cytokines, that may act locally in the bone marrow environment or at remote tissue sites. In excess of twenty cytokines that stimulate the production and/or function of hematopoietic cells have now been cloned and are available in purified, recombinant form. The colony-stimulating factors, erythropoietin and the recently discovered thrombopoietin are key regulators of granulocyte/macrophage, erythroid and megakaryocyte/platelet production respectively. The activities of these cytokines have been extensively studied, both in vitro and in vivo, and recent analysis of mice genetically engineered to lack these regulators or their cell surface receptors have provided profound insights into their essential physiological roles. These studies have culminated in the development of these cytokines as valuable clinical reagents. 相似文献
Glucan as stimulator of hematopoiesis in normal and gamma-irradiated mice. A survey of the authors' results 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Glucan, a beta-1,3-linked polyglucose derived from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a broad spectrum enhancer of host defense mechanisms stimulating humoral and cell-mediated immunity. On the basis of these features, glucan has been tested by the authors' research group in experiments on gamma-irradiated mice. Two glucan forms, particulate and soluble, have been studied. Attention has been focused on various application regimens in relation to the time of irradiation (pre- or postirradiation application), the possibilities of using glucan in various radiation regimens (single or repeated irradiation), combined pharmacological therapy (joint administration of glucan with cystamine or inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis), and on the negative side effects of therapy with glucan. Some studies included also experiments on unirradiated mice. The results have demonstrated the ability of glucan to influence positively the course of the acute radiation disease. Stimulation of hematopoiesis has been found to be the most important mechanism of glucan's radioprotective effects. In this communication, the results of 11 full-length articles are summarized and discussed. 相似文献
To directly test the hypothesis that only two pigment genes are expressed from the X-chromosome array, we examined expressed M and L pigment gene sequences from > 100 male eye donors. In this sample, there were eight men who expressed high levels of more than one L pigment gene in addition to M pigment genes. The fact that these eyes expressed both L and M pigment genes at significant levels suggests they were from men with normal colour vision. We reject the hypothesis that only two pigment genes from one X-chromosome array can be expressed. 相似文献
GN Schwartz MK Warren SW Rothwell J Zujewski DC Halverson KH Cowan A Tolcher J O'Shaughnessy RE Gress 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,22(5):457-468
Marrow stromal layers were used to investigate the potential role of negative regulators produced by the marrow microenvironment as one potential cause of hematopoietic suppression after chemotherapy and cytokines. Stromal layers were established from marrow of normal or prechemotherapy donors and breast cancer patients after hematological recovery from one cycle of 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide and GM-CSF or PIXY321 (GM-CSF/IL-3 fusion protein). Normal donor CD34+ cells were placed in contact with stromal layers, and the number of colony-forming units for granulocytes and macrophages (CFU-GM) was determined. There were 25-79% fewer CFU-GM in post-chemotherapy stromal layer cocultures than in no chemotherapy cocultures. With neutralizing antibody to TNF-alpha the number of CFU-GM in no chemotherapy and post-chemotherapy stromal cocultures was, respectively, 96 +/- 7% (n = 5) and 142 +/- 8% (n = 5) of the number with no antibody treatment. PIXY321 and GM-CSF pretreated stromal layers also suppressed production of CFU-GM. Anti-TNF-alpha promoted an increase in CFU-GM numbers from GM-CSF, but not PIXY321, pretreated stromal cocultures. The results demonstrate that post-chemotherapy marrow stromal layers were deficient in supporting in vitro hematopoiesis and suggest that negative regulators induced by chemotherapy and cytokines may be one cause for this defect. 相似文献
VC Broudy 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,90(4):1345-1364
GJ Maestroni 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,92(8):2971; author reply 2972-2971; author reply 2973
S Kozubek E Lukásová L Ryznar M Kozubek A Lisková RD Govorun EA Krasavin G Horneck 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,89(12):4537-4545
Using dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) combined with two-dimensional (2D) image analysis, the locations of ABL and BCR genes in cell nuclei were studied. The center of nucleus-to-gene and mutual distances of ABL and BCR genes in interphase nuclei of nonstimulated and stimulated lymphocytes as well as in lymphocytes stimulated after irradiation were determined. We found that, after stimulation, the ABL and BCR genes move towards the membrane, their mutual distances increase, and the shortest distance between heterologous ABL and BCR genes increases. The distribution of the shortest distances between ABL and BCR genes in the G0 phase of lymphocytes corresponds to the theoretical distribution calculated by the Monte-Carlo simulation. Interestingly, the shortest ABL-BCR distances in G1 and S(G2) nuclei are greater in experiment as compared with theory. This result suggests the existence of a certain regularity in the gene arrangement in the G1 and S(G2) nuclei that keeps ABL and BCR genes at longer than random distances. On the other hand, in about 2% to 8% of lymphocytes, the ABL and BCR genes are very close to each other (the distance is less than approximately 0.2 to 0.3 microm). For comparison, we studied another pair of genes, c-MYC and IgH, that are critical for the induction of t(8;14) translocation that occurs in the Burkitt's lymphoma. We found that in about 8% of lymphocytes, c-MYC and IgH are very close to each other. Similar results were obtained for human fibroblasts. gamma-Radiation leads to substantial changes in the chromatin structure of stimulated lymphocytes: ABL and BCR genes are shifted to the nuclear center, and mutual ABL-BCR distances become much shorter in the G1 and S(G2) nuclei. Therefore, we hypothesize that the changes of chromatin structure in the irradiated lymphocytes might increase the probability of a translocation during G1 and S(G2) stages of the cell cycle. The fact that the genes involved in the t(8;14) translocation are also located close together in a certain fraction of cells substantiates the hypothesis that physical distance plays an important role in the processes leading to the translocations that are responsible for oncogenic transformation of cells. 相似文献
The dominant and sex-linked forms of hereditary hearing loss, which have long been recognized, are readily identified on the basis of the family history and routine hearing tests. The mode of inheritance of the recessive forms of hereditary deafness, on the other hand, has been extremely difficult to determine. The research of the last few years, however, has disclosed that carriers of genes for recessive deafness can be identified by audiometric recording of certain peculiarities in the hearing function. This is an important advance, not only as regards diagnositc work, but also in the research into the genetics of deafness. 相似文献
JD Cashman T Lapidot JC Wang M Doedens LD Shultz P Lansdorp JE Dick CJ Eaves 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,89(12):4307-4316
Based on initial observations of human CD34+ Thy-1+ cells and long-term culture-initiating cells (LTC-IC) in the bone marrow of some sublethally irradiated severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice transplanted intravenously with normal human marrow cells, and the subsequent finding that the NOD/LtSz-scid/scid (NOD/SCID) mouse supports higher levels of human cell engraftment, we undertook a series of time course experiments to examine posttransplant changes in the number, tissue distribution, cycling activity, and in vivo differentiation pattern of various human hematopoietic progenitor cell populations in this latter mouse model. These studies showed typical rapid posttransplant recovery curves for human CD34- CD19+ (B-lineage) cells, CD34+ granulopoietic, erythroid, and multilineage colony-forming cells (CFC), LTC-IC, and CD34+ Thy-1+ cells from a small initial population representing <0.1% of the original transplant. The most primitive human cell populations reached maximum values at 5 weeks posttransplant, after which they declined. More mature cell types peaked after another 5 weeks and then declined. A 2-week course of thrice weekly injections of human Steel factor, interleukin (IL)-3, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and erythropoietin (administered just before the mice were killed for analysis) did not alter the pace of regeneration of either primitive or mature human hematopoietic cells, or their predominantly granulopoietic and B-lymphoid pattern of differentiation, although a significant enhancing effect on the level of human cell engraftment sustained after 3 months was noted. Cycling studies showed the human CFC present at 4 to 5 weeks posttransplant to be rapidly proliferating even in mice not given human growth factors. However, by 10 weeks and thereafter, only quiescent human CFC were detected; interestingly, even in mice that were given the 2-week course of growth factor injections. These studies indicate the use of this model for future analysis of the properties and in vivo regulation of primitive human hematopoietic cells that possess in vivo repopulating ability. 相似文献
M Belickova HW Schroeder YL Guan J Brierre S Berney MD Cooper JT Prchal 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,1(1):56-61
The Drosophila hairy gene encodes a basic helix-loop-helix protein that functions in at least two steps during Drosophila development: (1) during embryogenesis, when it partakes in the establishment of segments, and (2) during the larval stage, when it functions negatively in determining the pattern of sensory bristles on the adult fly. In the rat, a structurally homologous gene (RHL) behaves as an immediate-early gene in its response to growth factors and can, like that in Drosophila, suppress neuronal differentiation events. Here, we report the genomic cloning of the human hairy gene homolog (HRY). The coding region of the gene is contained within four exons. The predicted amino acid sequence reveals only four amino acid differences between the human and rat genes. Analysis of the DNA sequence 5' to the coding region reveals a putative untranslated exon. To increase the value of the HRY gene as a genetic marker and to assess its potential involvement in genetic disorders, we sublocalized the locus to chromosome 3q28-q29 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. 相似文献
JW Voncken V Kaartinen J Groffen N Heisterkamp 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,16(15):2029-2032
The BCR gene contributes to Philadelphia-positive leukemogenesis via a number of discrete mechanisms, one of which may be through interaction of its normal gene product with the Bcr/Abl oncoprotein. In the current study this hypothesis was tested in vivo by introducing a Bcr/Abl P190 transgene into mice lacking endogenous bcr protein. Our finding, that the P190 BCR/ABL oncogene is still capable of producing leukemia in these mice with indistinguishable latency and clinical pattern as in genetically matched counterparts, rules out any significant or major contribution of the bcr protein as a whole to leukemia development in these mice. 相似文献