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In a recent article, Chen et al. [Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 130: 279] presented their fabrication and characterization results on a graphene/n-Si solar cell where the Au nanoparticles were inserted in graphene to increase its optical and electrical properties. The higher efficiency of the device was attributed to increased conductivity of graphene after doping with Au nanoparticles. However, the knowledge in the field of Schottky diode solar cells relates this to increased band bending at the junction. Also, to explain the instability behaviour, they concluded that the growth of silicon oxide on the Si surface or oxygen adsorption on the window layer resulted in the device performance increasing initially and decreasing in the end. However, this instability seems to be due to variation in series resistance reduced at the beginning because of slightly lowered Fermi level and increased at the end by the self-compensation by deep in-diffusion of Au nanoparticles into n-Si layer. We also propose that inserting a very thin p-type layer at the junction will enhance the carrier collection and performance of this device. 相似文献
Here, we reply to comments by Valentic et al. on our paper published in Electrochimica Acta (2014, 130: 279). They commented that Au nanoparticles played the dominant role on the whole cell''s performances in our improved graphene/Si solar cell. We argued that our devices are Au-doped graphene/n-Si Schottky barrier devices, not Au nanoparticles (film)/n-Si Schottky barrier devices. During the doping process, most of the Au nanopatricles covered the surfaces of the graphene. Schottky barriers between doped graphene and n-Si dominate the total cells properties. Through doping, by adjusting and tailoring the Fermi level of the graphene, the Fermi level of n-Si can be shifted down in the graphene/Si Schottky barrier cell. They also argued that the instability of our devices were related to variation in series resistance reduced at the beginning due to slightly lowered Fermi level and increased at the end by the self-compensation by deep in-diffusion of Au nanoparticles. But for our fabricated devices, we know that an oxide layer covered the Si surface, which makes it difficult for the Au ions to diffuse into the Si layer, due to the continuous growth of SiO2 layer on the Si surface which resulted in series resistance decreasing at first and increasing in the end. 相似文献
研究了Au纳米颗粒表面等离激元增强聚噻吩(P3HT)与富勒烯衍生物(PCBM)共混体系聚合物太阳电池的光电转换效率。Au纳米颗粒表面由双十烷基二甲基溴化铵(DDAB)修饰,能够均匀分散在活性层中。研究了Au纳米颗粒的质量分数对电池性能的影响,发现质量分数为1.2%时,电池性能最佳,转换效率高达3.76%,较未掺杂的参比电池相对提高约20%。掺入Au纳米颗粒后P3HT和PCBM共混膜光吸收显著增强,从而使电池外量子效率大大增加。电池效率的提升主要归结于Au纳米颗粒表面等离激元激发所引起的近场增强。 相似文献
Cooperative plasmon enhanced small molecule organic solar cells are demonstrated based on thermal coevaporated Au and Ag nanoparticles (NPs). The optimized device with an appropriate molar ratio of Au:Ag NPs shows a power conversion efficiency of 3.32%, which is 22.5% higher than that of the reference device without any NPs. The improvement is mainly contributed to the increased short-circuit current which resulted from the enhanced light harvesting due to localized surface plasmon resonance of Au:Ag NPs and the increased conductivity of the device. Besides, factors that determining the performance of the Au:Ag NPs cooperative plasmon enhance organic solar cells are investigated, and it finds that the thickness of MoO3 buffer layer plays a crucial role. Owing to the different diameter of the thermal evaporated Au and Ag NPs, a suitable MoO3 buffer layer is required to afford a large electromagnetic enhancement and to avoid significant exciton quenching by the NPs. 相似文献
采用真空蒸镀方法在Si衬底上制备了Si/Au、Si/Ni/Au和Si/Ti/Au结构多层膜,进行多种条件下的退火实验,研究了不同黏附层对Au/Si共晶体系中硅扩散的影响.实验结果表明,黏附层对硅的扩散起到阻挡作用,Ti层与Ni层作为阻挡层在较低温度下发生失效,退火气氛对阻挡层的失效具有显著影响.这表明Au/Si体系中扩散阻挡层失效的机制并不是直接的固相反应.文章提出势垒模型来解释扩散阻挡层的失效机制. 相似文献
空间实用背场Si太阳电池和GaAs/Ge太阳电池性能随质子辐照注量变化的比较 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
研究了空间实用背场Si太阳电池和GaAs/Ge太阳电池性能随质子辐照注量1×109~5×1013cm-2的变化.实验表明,两种太阳电池的电性能随辐照注量增加有不同的衰降趋势.背场Si太阳电池性能参数Isc、Voc和Pmax衰降变化快,辐照注量为2×1010cm-2时,Pmax就已衰降为原值的75%;而GaAs/Ge电池对应相同的衰降辐照注量达8×1011cm-2,且其Isc、Voc和Pmax衰降变化起初缓慢,当辐照注量接近3×1012cm-2时才迅速下降.背场Si电池和GaAs/Ge电池性能衰降分别与质子辐照引入的Ev+0.14eV及Ev+0.43eV和Ec-0.41eV深能级有关. 相似文献
Haijuan Zhang Zejiao Shi Laigui Hu Yuan-Yuan Tang Zhengyuan Qin Wei-Qiang Liao Zi Shuai Wang Jiajun Qin Xiaoguo Li Haoliang Wang Meenakshi Gusain Fengcai Liu Yiyi Pan Mingsheng Xu Jiao Wang Ran Liu Chunfeng Zhang Ren-Gen Xiong Wei E. I. Sha Yiqiang Zhan 《Advanced functional materials》2021,31(27):2100205
With the capability to manipulate the built-in field in solar cells, ferroelectricity is found to be a promising attribute for harvesting solar energy in solar cell devices by influencing associated device parameters. Researchers have devoted themselves to the exploration of ferroelectric materials that simultaneously possess strong light absorption and good electric transport properties for a long time. Here, it is presented a novel and facile approach of combining state-of-art light absorption and electric transport properties with ferroelectricity by the incorporation of room temperature 1D ferroelectric perovskite with 3D organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite (OIHP). The 1D/3D mixed OIHP films are found to exhibit evident ferroelectric properties. It is notable that the poling of the 1D/3D mixed ferroelectric OIHP solar cell can increase the average Voc can be increased from 1.13 to 1.16 V, the average PCE from 20.7% to 21.5%. A maximum power conversion efficiency of 22.7%, along with an enhanced fill factor of over 80% and open-circuit voltage of 1.19 V, can be achieved in the champion device. The enhancement is by virtue of reduced surface recombination by ferroelectricity-induced modification of the built-in field. The maximum power point tracking measurement substantiates the retention of ferroelectric-polarization during the continued operation. 相似文献
It is widely considered that charge carrier extraction in bulk‐heterojunction organic photovoltaics (BHJ OPVs) is most efficient when the area of contact between the semiconductor layers and the electrodes is maximized and the electrodes are electrically homogeneous. Herein, it is shown that ≈99% of the electrode surface can in fact be insulating without degrading the efficiency of charge carrier extraction, provided the spacing of the conducting areas is less than or equal to twice the optimal thickness of the BHJ layer. This striking result is demonstrated for BHJ OPVs with both conventional and inverted device architectures using two different types of BHJ OPVs, namely, PCDTBT:PC70BM and the ternary blend PBDB‐T:ITIC‐m:PC70BM. This finding opens the door to the use of a large pallet of materials for optical spacers and charge transport layers, based on a low density of conducting particles embedded in a wide bandgap insulating matrix. 相似文献
Mikio Taguchi Akira Terakawa Eiji Maruyama Makoto Tanaka 《Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications》2005,13(6):481-488
We have achieved a very high conversion efficiency of 21·5% in HIT cells with a size of 100·3 cm2. One of the most striking features of the HIT cell is its high open‐circuit voltage Voc, in excess of 710 mV. This is due to the excellent surface passivation at the a‐Si/c‐Si heterointerface realized by Sanyo's successful technologies for fabricating high‐quality a‐Si films and solar cells with low plasma damage processes. We have studied ways to treat the surface to produce a good interface throughout our fabrication processes. We have also investigated the deposition conditions of a‐Si layers for optimizing the barrier height for the minority carriers in the heterojunction. Our approach for obtaining HIT cells with a high Voc is reviewed here. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Seong Hyun Lee Myunhun Shin Sun Jin Yun Jung Wook Lim 《Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications》2015,23(11):1642-1648
We showed that thin n‐type CuOx films can be deposited by radio‐frequency magnetron reactive sputtering and demonstrated the fabrication of n‐CuOx/intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon (i‐a‐Si:H) heterojunction solar cells (HSCs) for the first time. A highly n‐doped hydrogenated microcrystalline Si (n‐µc‐Si:H) layer was introduced as a depletion‐assisting layer to further improve the performance of n‐CuOx/i‐a‐Si:H HSCs. An analysis of the external quantum efficiency and energy‐band diagram showed that the thin depletion‐assisting layer helped establish sufficient depletion and increased the built‐in potential in the n‐CuOx layer. The fabricated HSC exhibited a high open‐circuit voltage of 0.715 V and an efficiency of 4.79%. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
制绒Si片清洗工艺的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究对比了不同清洗工艺对制绒Si片性能的影响,采用原子力显微镜和少子寿命测试仪测试经不同化学清洗工艺处理之后的Si片表面微粗糙度和少子寿命。研究发现,使用浓硫酸、双氧水混合液和稀释的氢氟酸溶液清洗Si片能够有效改善Si片表面的质量,Si片表面的微粗糙度由原先的5.96μm降低到4.45μm;采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积法在清洗之后的Si片上生长本征氢化非晶Si层,对Si片进行表面钝化,钝化之后的Si片少子寿命可达107.88μs。测试结果还表明,采用此种清洗方法处理的Si片少子寿命稳定性有很大提高。 相似文献
石墨烯在半导体光电器件中的应用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
基于石墨烯透明、软性、能带结构连续可调、电子迁移率高等一系列优点,着眼于石墨烯与其他半导体光电功能材料的复合,对石墨烯在有机和无机发光二极管、太阳能电池、纳米发电机等方面的应用和研究进展进行了介绍。 相似文献
We demonstrate improved performance of inverted planar heterojunction CH3NH3PbI3-xClx perovskite solar cells with a TiO2/MoO3 core/shell nanoparticles (NPs) doped poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene):poly(4-styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) hole-transporting layer (HTL). TiO2/MoO3 Core/shell NPs with size of approximately 40 nm are successfully prepared with a simple wet solution method and are interspersed into PEDOT: PSS layer to construct the HTL. The optimized device shows a high power conversion efficiency of 13.63%, which is dramatically improved compared with the reference device with a pristine PEDOT:PSS HTL. The improvement is mainly attributed to the increased crystalline of the CH3NH3PbI3-xClx film with large-scale domains and a compact morphology. More interesting, the cells exhibit superior stability in ambient conditions, which is attributed to the inhibited penetration of moisture due to the compact morphology of the CH3NH3PbI3-xClx film and the reduced hygroscopicity of the PEDOT:PSS film. 相似文献
以二氧化硅颗粒作为模板、金纳米颗粒作为表面晶种的方法制备了壳厚度可控的镍空心球。得到的空心镍纳米球是由似针状的面心立方的镍纳米颗粒构成的,碱溶液处理过程不影响镍纳米壳的形貌。高温处理显示镍空心球具有良好的热稳定性。研究了镍空心球电催化氧化甲醇和乙醇的活性,结果显示在碱性溶液中镍空心球是一种非常高效的甲醇和乙醇电催化氧化剂。 相似文献
J. C. Hu P. Y. Su V. Lapeyronie S. L. Cheng M. Y. Lin L. J. Chen 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2004,33(10):1058-1063
Long-range order, uniform in size, and regular in shape two-dimensional (2-D) arrays of core-shell structure Au nanoparticles
have been synthesized. A reaction involving the displacement of the outer shells from tetraoctylammonium bromide (TOAB) to
dodecanethiol (DT) molecules was used to form Au@TOAB-DT nanoparticles at room temperature (RT). The displacement reaction
has used both superior size and shape control of Au@TOAB nanoparticles and uniform dispersion capability of Au@DT nanoparticles
to achieve an extraordinarily large in extent (3 μm×3 μm), regular nanoparticle lattice structure. From ultraviolet (UV)-visible
spectra, it was inferred that the interaction between the inner core and outer shell of Au@TOAB nanoparticles is weaker than
that of Au@TOAB-DT and Au@DT samples. As a result, the ability of the TOAB outer shell to protect the Au@TOAB nanoparticles
is weaker so that the system is more prone to agglomerate. On the other hand, the strong interactions between the inner core
and outer shell for Au@TOAB-DT and Au@DT nanoparticles led to a predominantly 2-D structure. 相似文献
The photon harvesting of the photoactive layer within a multilayered polymer solar cells (PSCs) greatly affects the output electric power of the devices. For PSCs, the device performance is very sensitive to the photoactive layer thickness. Therefore, how to enhance the light absorption of the photoactive film with fixed thickness is still a big challenge. Plasmonic enhancement induced by noble metal nanoparticles has been proved to be an effective way to enhance light trapping inside the photoactive film without increasing the thickness of film. By incorporating Au decahedra into the poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(4-styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) anode buffer layer, high performance plasmonic PSCs based on P3HT:PC60BM and PBDT-TS1:PC70BM were fabricated and the light response of the PSCs are greatly improved in a broadband wavelength, resulting in a remarkable enhancement in short-circuit current density. The calculation results of finite difference time domain (FDTD) confirm that the plasmonic effects induce enhancement in device performance. Upon optimization, the best power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the device based on P3HT:PC60BM and PBDT-TS1:PC70BM reaches 4.14% and 10.29%, respectively, among the best values reported in literature. These results can provide valuable guidelines for the design of metal nanostructures for organic photovoltaic applications. 相似文献
Dispersions of surfactant-free organic nanoparticles have proven a viable route to an eco-friendly lab-scale deposition of bulk-heterojunctions for polymer solar cells, matching the performance of solar cells deposited from toxic chlorinated solvents. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of doctor blading for the deposition of photo-active layers from organic nanoparticles comprising poly(3-hexylthiophene) and indene C60-bisadduct. The devices yielded power conversion efficiencies of 3.9% on 0.105 cm2 photo-active area and 3.4% on 1.1 cm2, being close to the performance of their spin cast counterparts. Likewise, the photo-active layers can be ink-jet printed yielding overall power conversion efficiencies of 2.9%, altogether rendering surfactant-free organic nanoparticles in eco-friendly dispersion agents a valuable process route to a sustainable large-area fabrication of organic solar cells. 相似文献