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It is thought that at least some of the initial specification of the five somatic founder cells of the C. elegans embryo occurs cell-autonomously through the segregation of factors during cell divisions. It has been suggested that in embryos from mothers homozygous for mutations in the maternal-effect gene mex-1, four blastomeres of the 8-cell embryo adopt the fate of the MS blastomere. It was proposed that mex-1 functions to localise or regulate factors that determine the fate of this blastomere. Here, a detailed cell lineage analysis of 9 mex-1 mutants reveals that the fates of all somatic founder cells are affected by mutations in this gene. We propose that mex-1, like the par genes, is involved in establishing the initial polarity of the embryo.  相似文献   

Mechanosensory hair cells in the sensory patches of the vertebrate ear are interspersed among supporting cells, forming a fine-grained pattern of alternating cell types. Analogies with Drosophila mechanosensory bristle development suggest that this pattern could be generated through lateral inhibition mediated by Notch signalling. In the zebrafish ear rudiment, homologues of Notch are widely expressed, while the Delta homologues deltaA, deltaB and deltaD, coding for Notch ligands, are expressed in small numbers of cells in regions where hair cells are soon to differentiate. This suggests that the delta-expressing cells are nascent hair cells, in agreement with findings for Delta1 in the chick. According to the lateral inhibition hypothesis, the nascent hair cells, by expressing Delta protein, would inhibit their neighbours from becoming hair cells, forcing them to be supporting cells instead. The zebrafish mind bomb mutant has abnormalities in the central nervous system, somites, and elsewhere, diagnostic of a failure of Delta-Notch signalling: in the CNS, it shows a neurogenic phenotype accompanied by misregulated delta gene expression. Similar misregulation of delta ; genes is seen in the ear, along with misregulation of a Serrate homologue, serrateB, coding for an alternative Notch ligand. Most dramatically, the sensory patches in the mind bomb ear consist solely of hair cells, which are produced in great excess and prematurely; at 36 hours post fertilization, there are more than ten times as many as normal, while supporting cells are absent. A twofold increase is seen in the number of otic neurons also. The findings are strong evidence that lateral inhibition mediated by Delta-Notch signalling controls the pattern of sensory cell differentiation in the ear.  相似文献   

Netrins are secreted molecules that can attract or repel growth cones from a variety of organisms. In order to clarify the extent and scope of the effects of netrins for guiding growth cones, we have analyzed netrin-1a within the relatively simple and well-characterized nervous system of zebrafish embryos. netrin-1a is expressed in dynamic patterns that suggest that it guides the growth cones of a wide variety of neurons. The spatiotemporal relationship of netrin-1a expression and extending growth cones further suggests that netrins may act to delineate specific pathways and stimulate axonal outgrowth in addition to attracting and repelling growth cones. Furthermore, aberrant outgrowth by commissural growth cones in the spinal cords of floating head mutants, in which netrin-1a expression is altered, is consistent with an in vivo, chemoattractive action of netrin-1a. These data suggest that netrins act on many growth cones and influence their behavior in a variety of ways.  相似文献   

Metastatic breast cancer remains incurable by conventional means and is the second leading cause of all cancer deaths in women in the United States. Laboratory and clinical studies have shown chemotherapy dose intensity may be important in breast cancer therapy, and therefore clinical trials have been investigating high-dose chemotherapy (HDC) with autologous stem cell rescue (ASCR) for the past decade. Initial Phase I trials in heavily pretreated patients demonstrated good response rates but short survival times. The next generation of trials used HDC as initial treatment for metastatic breast cancer and showed improved results. Most recently, patients receive HDC after "induction" chemotherapy to minimize tumor burden prior to HDC. Results from these most recent trials are encouraging, with complete remissions (CR) achievable in at least half of patients and long-term survivors noted. An ongoing randomized trial of HDC versus conventional chemotherapy should answer whether HDC is superior to conventional chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer. Based on encouraging data from a preliminary trial, two ongoing randomized trials are comparing HDC versus conventional chemotherapy in high-risk primary breast cancer. Technological improvements, better supportive care and experience have all contributed to decrease the morbidity and mortality of this procedure. Additionally, hospitalizations have become shorter and costs may be decreasing. This review will discuss the issues pertinent to this modality in the past and present, including chemotherapy regimens, stem cell technology and related issues, outcomes, ongoing trials and future directions for consideration.  相似文献   

We have studied the developmental activation of the metaphase checkpoint, and the consequences of activating this checkpoint, in the zebrafish embryo. (1) Treatment with nocodazole (a microtubule destabiliser) before mid-blastula transition (MBT) produces complete destruction of all nuclei in the deep cell layer of the embryo. In contrast, nocodazole treatment after MBT efficiently produces metaphase arrest in this cell layer. Thus, the metaphase checkpoint becomes activated at MBT. (2) Although a metaphase arrest is induced by nocodazole, it is not induced by paclitaxel (a microtubule stabiliser). Thus the metaphase checkpoint appears to sense a destabilisation, but not a stabilisation, of spindle microtubules. (3) Metaphase-arrested cells (in nocodazole) can be driven into the next interphase by adding the Ca2+-specific ionophore A23187. Thus, a Ca2+-signalling pathway lies downstream of, or parallel to, the metaphase checkpoint. (4) After mid-gastrula stage, treatment with nocodazole produces DNA fragmentation in all three cell layers. In the enveloping epithelial monolayer (EVL), this is associated with a classical apoptotic phenotype. In the deep layer, it is associated with an unusual, highly condensed nuclear state that is entered directly from metaphase arrest. Thus, after the mid-gastrula stage, the embryo responds to nocodazle by undergoing apoptosis. (5) Nocodazole-induced apoptosis in the deep cell layer can be blocked by the caspase-1,4,5 inhibitors Ac-YVAD-CHO and Ac-YVAD-CMK. This suggests that a homologue of the C. elegans ced-9-ced-4-ced-3 pathway is involved in control over apoptosis in the early zebrafish embryo.  相似文献   

The cellular response to DNA damage includes growth arrest and activation of DNA repair. Certain insights into how DNA damage is converted into intracellular signals that control the genotoxic stress response have been derived from the finding that the c-Abl protein tyrosine kinase is activated by ionizing radiation and other DNA-damaging agents. c-Abl associates with the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) and is activated by DNA-PK-dependent phosphorylation. The ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) gene product also contributes to c-Abl activation. The demonstration that c-Abl binds to p53, induces the transactivation function of p53 and activates p21 expression has supported involvement of c-Abl in regulation of the p53-dependent G1 arrest response. Interaction between c-Abl and the Rad51 protein has also provided support for involvement of c-Abl in recombinational repair of DNA strand breaks. Defects in G1 arrest and repair predispose to replication of damaged templates and, in the event of irreparable DNA lesions, induction of apoptosis. The available evidence indicates that c-Abl effects a proapoptotic function by a mechanism largely independent of p53. c-Abl also functions as an upstream effector of the proapoptotic JNK/SAPK and p38 MAPK pathways. In addition, c-Abl-dependent inhibition of PI 3-kinase contributes to the induction of apoptosis. The findings thus suggest that, in response to genotoxic stress, c-Abl functions in determining cell fate, that is growth arrest and repair or induction of apoptosis. The physiologic function of c-Abl may reside in control of the cellular response to DNA strand breaks that occur during DNA replication, genetic recombination and gene rearrangements.  相似文献   

In a direct test of conditioned antisickness (CAS; B. T. Lett, 1983) theory, the authors measured emesis in ferrets and found those with a history of forward pairings of pentobarbital and lithium to have fewer and shorter bouts of emesis on test, whether induced by lithium or, in a subsequent test, by the highly emetogenic anticancer drug cisplatin. In an indirect test of her CAS theory, B. T. Lett (1992) paired interoceptive (drug) or place cues with lithium chloride toxicosis and found that rats with a forward-pairings history ate less food than controls on a forward-pairing test, consistent with conditioned sickness rather than CAS. But rats eat dirt or clay in response to sickness and adaptively eat small amounts of food when clay is not available. We substituted clay (kaolin) for food in a partial procedural replication of B. T. Lett's (1992, Experiment 1) experiment and found that rats with a history of forward pairings of pentobarbital and lithium ate less kaolin, which is consistent with CAS.  相似文献   

The diffusion coefficients of two caged fluorescent dyes were measured in free solution and in the lateral intercellular spaces (LIS) of cultured Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells after photoactivation by illumination with a continuous or pulsed UV laser. Both quantitative video imaging and a new photometric method were utilized to determine the rates of diffusion of the caged fluorescent dyes: 8-((4,5-dimethoxy-2-nitrobenzyl)oxy)pyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (DMNB-HPTS) and (4,5-dimethoxy-2-nitrobenzyl) fluorescein dextran (10,000 MW) (DMNB-caged fluorescein dextran). The diffusion coefficients at 37 degrees C in free solution were 3.3 x 10(-6) cm2/s (HPTS) and 0.98 x 10(-6) cm2/s (10,000 MW dextran). Diffusion of HPTS within nominally linear stretches of the LIS of MDCK cells grown on glass coverslips was indistinguishable from that in free solution, whereas dextran showed a 1.6 +/- 0.5-fold reduction in diffusivity. Measurements of HPTS diffusion within the LIS of multicellular regions also exhibited a diffusivity comparable to the free solution value. The restriction to diffusion of the dextran within the LIS may be due to molecular hindrance.  相似文献   

In an accompanying report (Kopp, A., Muskavitch, M. A. T. and Duncan, I. (1997) Development 124, 3703-3714), we show that Hh protein secreted by posterior compartment cells patterns the posterior portion of the anterior compartment in adult abdominal segments. Here we show that this function of hh is mediated by optomotor-blind (omb). omb- mutants mimic the effects of loss-of-function alleles of hh: structures from the posterior of the anterior compartment are lost, and often this region develops as a mirror image of the anterior portion. Structures from the anterior part of the posterior compartment are also lost. In the pupa, omb expression in abdominal histoblasts is highest at or near the compartment boundary, and decreases in a shallow gradient toward the anterior. This gradient is due to activation of omb by Hh secreted by posterior compartment cells. In contrast to imaginal discs, this Hh signaling is not mediated by dpp or wg. We describe several gain-of-function alleles that cause ectopic expression of omb in the anterior of the segment. Most of these cause the anterior region to develop with posterior characteristics without affecting polarity. However, an allele that drives high level ubiquitous expression of omb (QdFab) causes the anterior tergite to develop as a mirror-image duplication of the posterior tergite, a pattern opposite to that seen in omb- mutants. Ubiquitous expression of hh causes similar double-posterior patterning. We find that omb- alleles suppress this effect of ectopic hh expression and that posterior patterning becomes independent of hh in the QdFab mutant. These observations indicate that omb is the primary target of hh signaling in the adult abdomen. However, it is clear that other targets exist. One of these is likely Scruffy, a novel gene that we describe, which acts in parallel to omb. To explain the effects of omb alleles, we propose that both anterior and posterior compartments in the abdomen are polarized by underlying symmetric gradients of unknown origin. We suggest that omb has two functions. First, it specifies the development of appropriate structures both anterior and posterior to the compartment boundary. Second, it causes cells to reverse their interpretation of polarity specified by the underlying symmetric gradients.  相似文献   

The signaling molecule encoded by Sonic hedgehog (shh) participates in the patterning of several embryonic structures including limbs. During early fin development in zebrafish, a subset of cells in the posterior margin of pectoral fin buds express shh. We have shown that regulation of shh in pectoral fin buds is consistent with a role in mediating the activity of a structure analogous to the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) (Akimenko and Ekker (1995) Dev. Biol. 170, 243-247). During growth of the bony rays of both paired and unpaired fins, and during fin regeneration, there does not seem to be a region equivalent to the ZPA and one would predict that shh would play a different role, if any, during these processes specific to fish fins. We have examined the expression of shh in the developing fins of 4-week old larvae and in regenerating fins of adults. A subset of cells in the basal layer of the epidermis in close proximity to the newly formed dermal bone structures of the fin rays, the lepidotrichia, express shh, and ptc1 which is thought to encode the receptor of the SHH signal. The expression domain of ptc1 is broader than that of shh and adjacent blastemal cells releasing the dermal bone matrix also express ptc1. Further observations indicate that the bmp2 gene, in addition to being expressed in the same cells of the basal layer of the epidermis as shh, is also expressed in a subset of the ptc1-expressing cells of the blastema. Amputations of caudal fins immediately after the first branching point of the lepidotrichia, and global administration of all-trans-retinoic acid, two procedures known to cause fusion of adjacent rays, result in a transient decrease in the expression of shh, ptc1 and bmp2. The effects of retinoic acid on shh expression occur within minutes after the onset of treatment suggesting direct regulation of shh by retinoic acid. These observations suggest a role for shh, ptc1 and bmp2 in patterning of the dermoskeleton of developing and regenerating teleost fins.  相似文献   

The trunk neural crest of vertebrate embryos is a transient collection of precursor cells present along the dorsal aspect of the neural tube. These cells migrate on two distinct pathways and give rise to specific derivatives in precise embryonic locations. One group of crest cells migrates early on a ventral pathway and generates neurons and glial cells. A later-dispersing group migrates laterally and gives rise to melanocytes in the skin. These observations raise the possibility that the appearance of distinct derivatives in different embryonic locations is a consequence of lineage restrictions specified before or soon after the onset of neural crest cell migration. To test this notion, we have assessed when and in what order distinct cell fates are specified during neural crest development. We determined the proportions of different types of precursor cells in cultured neural crest populations immediately after emergence from the neural tube and at intervals as development proceeds. We found that the initial neural crest population was a heterogeneous mixture of precursors almost half of which generated single-phenotype clones. Distinct neurogenic and melanogenic sublineages were also present in the outgrowth population almost immediately, but melanogenic precursors dispersed from the neural tube only after many neurogenic precursors had already done so. A discrete fate-restricted neuronal precursor population was distinguished before entirely separate fate-restricted melanocyte and glial precursor populations were present, and well before initial neuronal differentiation. Taken together, our results demonstrate that lineage-restricted subpopulations constitute a major portion of the initial neural crest population and that neural crest diversification occurs well before overt differentiation by the asynchronous restriction of distinct cell fates. Thus, the different morphogenetic and differentiative behavior of neural crest subsets in vivo may result from earlier cell fate-specification events that generate developmentally distinct subpopulations that respond differentially to environmental cues.  相似文献   

To investigate whether rhinovirus infection impairs epithelial barrier functions, human rhinovirus 14 (HRV-14) was infected to primary cultures of human tracheal epithelial cells and experiments were performed on Day 2 after HRV-14 infection. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2; 3 x 10(-)4 M) increased electrical conductance (G) across the epithelial cell sheet measured with Ussing's chamber methods. Exposure of the epithelial cells to HRV-14 had no effect on H2O2-induced increases in G and [3H]mannitol flux through the cultured epithelium in the control condition, but it markedly potentiated H2O2- induced increases in both parameters in IL-1beta (100 U/ml) pretreated condition. However, pretreatment with TNF-alpha (100 U/ml) was without effect. IL-1beta enhanced the intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression assessed by immunohistochemical analysis and susceptibility of epithelial cells to HRV-14 infection. An antibody to ICAM-1 inhibited HRV-14 infection of epithelial cells and abolished H2O2-induced increases in G and [3H]mannitol flux in IL-1beta-pretreated epithelial cells with HRV-14 infection. These results suggest that rhinovirus infection may reduce barrier functions in the airway epithelium in association with upregulation of ICAM-1 expression.  相似文献   

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