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In recent years, generalization-based data mining techniques have become an interesting topic for many data scientists. Generalized itemset mining is an exploration technique that focuses on extracting high-level abstractions and correlations in a database. However, the problem that domain experts must always deal with is how to manage and interpret a large number of extracted patterns from a massive database of transactions. In generalized pattern mining, taxonomies that contain abstraction information for each dataset are defined, so the number of frequent patterns can grow enormously. Therefore, exploiting knowledge turns into a difficult and costly process. In this article, we introduce an approach that uses cardinality-based constraints with transaction id and numeric encoding to mine generalized patterns. We applied transaction id to support the computation of each frequent itemset as well as to encode taxonomies into a numeric type using two simple rules. We also attempted to apply the combination of cardinality cons- traints and closed or maximal patterns. Experiments show that our optimizations significantly improve the performance of the original method, and the importance of comprehensive information within closed and maximal patterns is worth considering in generalized frequent pattern mining.  相似文献   

The Object Constraint Language (OCL) is widely used to express static constraints on models and object-oriented systems. However, the notion of dynamic constraints, controlling the system behavior over time, has not been natively supported. Such dynamic constraints are necessary to handle temporal and real-time properties of systems.In this paper, we first add a temporal layer to the OCL language, based syntactically on Dwyer et al.'s specification patterns. We enrich it with formal scenario-based semantics and integrate it into the current Eclipse OCL plug-in. Second, we translate, with a compositional approach, OCL temporal properties into finite-state automata and we connect our framework to automatic test generators. This way, we create a bridge linking model driven engineering and usual formal methods.  相似文献   

提出一种基于会话策略的多主体交互协议描述方法。交互协议中的消息用言语动作来表示,这些言语动作被描述为WS-Agreement的schema;会话策略则描述了消息传递的流程以及交互过程中的上下文信息,如参与者属性、时间阈值等等,所有这些会话策略组成了一个多主体交互协议;采用本体描述语言OWL作为会话策略的表示语言。这种方法使得主体在一个开放、动态的环境中可以灵活地选择交互协议。  相似文献   

It is a well-known fact that polymorphism is one of the greatest find of malicious code authors. Applied in the context of Buffer Overflow attacks, the detection of such codes becomes very difficult. In view of this problematic, which constitutes a real challenge for all the international community, we propose in this paper a new formal language (based on temporal logics such as CTL) allowing to specify polymorphic codes, to detect them and to better understand their nature. The efficiency and the expressiveness of this language are shown via the specification of a variety of properties characterizing polymorphic shellcodes. Finally, to make the verification process automatic, this language is supported by a new IDS (Intrusion Detection System) that will also be presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Research on how to reason about correctness properties of software systems using model checking is advancing rapidly. Work on extracting finite-state models from program source code and on abstracting those models is focused on enabling the tractable checking of program properties such as freedom from deadlock and assertion violations. For the most part, the problem of specifying more general program properties has not been considered. In this paper, we report on the support for specifying properties of dynamic multi-threaded Java programs that we have built into the Bandera system. Bandera extracts finite-state models, in the input format of several existing model checkers, from Java code based on the property to be checked. The Bandera Specification Language (BSL) provides a language for defining general assertions and pre/post conditions on methods. It also supports the definition of observations that can be made of the state of program objects and the incorporation of those observations as predicates that can be instantiated in the scope of object quantifiers and used in describing common forms of state/event sequencing properties. We illustrate how BSL can be used to formulate a variety of system correctness properties for several multi-threaded Java applications. Published online: 2 October 2002  相似文献   

Facilitation of collaborative business processes across organizational and infrastructural boundaries continues to present challenges to enterprise software developers. One of the greatest difficulties in this respect is achieving a streamlined pipeline from business modeling to execution infrastructures. In this paper we present Evie - an approach for rapid design and deployment of event driven collaborative processes based on significant language extensions to Java that are characterized by abstract and succinct constructs. The focus of this paper is to provide proof of concept of Evie’s expressability using a recent benchmark known as service interaction patterns. While the patterns encapsulate the breadth of required business process semantics the Evie language delivers a rapid means of encoding them at an abstract level, and subsequently compiling and executing them to create a fully fledged Java-based execution environment.
Wasim SadiqEmail:

Tony O’Hagan   is a Senior Research Fellow in School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. He is currently working in the eResearch group of the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering developing software tools to assist scientists in research data publication. His interests include Business Process Execution, Collaborative Business Processes, Scientific Processes, Service Oriented Architectures and Language Design, Messaging Middleware and Application Security. Tony has over 20 years software development experience and has been awarded a Postgraduate Diploma of Information Technology and B. Sc. degree majoring in Computing from the University of Queensland. Shazia Sadiq   is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. She is part of the Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE) research group and is involved in teaching and research in databases and information systems. Shazia holds a PhD from The University of Queensland in Information Systems and a Masters degree in Computer Science from the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. Her main research interests are innovative solutions for Business Information Systems that span several areas including business process management, governance, risk and compliance, data quality management, workflow systems, and service oriented computing. Wasim Sadiq   is a Research Architect at SAP Research. He has over 22 years of research and development experience in the areas of enterprise applications, business process management, workflow technology, service-oriented architectures, database management systems, distributed systems, and e-learning. Wasim has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Queensland, Australia, in the area of conceptual modeling and verification of workflows. He has led several research projects collaborating with academic and industry partners in Australia, Europe and USA.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous and autonomous transaction processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pu  C. Leff  A. Chen  S.-W.F. 《Computer》1991,24(12):64-72
The problems specific to heterogeneous and autonomous transactions processing (HATP) systems are discussed. HATP is divided into three dimensions: distribution, heterogeneity, and autonomy. The authors regard the three dimensions as independent, and they present concrete design and implementation techniques to support this view  相似文献   

The localization of the components of an object near to a device before obtaining the real interaction is usually determined by means of a proximity measurement to the device of the object’s features. In order to do this efficiently, hierarchical decompositions are used, so that the features of the objects are classified into several types of cells, usually rectangular.In this paper we propose a solution based on the classification of a set of points situated on the device in a little-known spatial decomposition named tetra-tree. Using this type of spatial decomposition gives us several quantitative and qualitative properties that allow us a more realistic and intuitive visual interaction, as well as the possibility of selecting inaccessible components. These features could be used in virtual sculpting or accessibility tasks.In order to show these properties we have compared an interaction system based on tetra-trees to one based on octrees.  相似文献   

工作流事务性研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了工作流中事务性的起源和发展,讨论了事务工作流在建模阶段将业务模型与事务性相结合所采用的主要方法,总结了事务工作流中并发控制机制和采用的各种调度算法,研究了事务工作流的错误恢复机制,概括了广泛应用的补偿机制的研究现状,论述了面向Web服务工作流事务性的特点及相关研究,并展望工作流事务性未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

企业服务总线中,传统事务处理模型、扩展事务处理模型和Web服务事务处理模型都无法满足该环境下服务流程的事务处理需求.提出一种以流程进行事务注册、以事务性消息进行事务划分的面向流程的事务处理模型来解决企业服务总线环境下具有服务松耦合、运行时间长短不确定,服务类型多样以及服务流程的静态编制等特性的服务流程的事务需求.该事务处理模型已在企业服务总线产品中得到了成功应用.  相似文献   

Requirements and Specification Exemplars   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Specification exemplars are familiar to most software engineering researchers. For instance, many will have encountered the well known library and lift problem statements, and will have seen one or more published specifications. Exemplars may serve several purposes: to drive and communicate individual research advances; to establish research agendas and to compare and contrast alternative approaches; and, ultimately, to lead to advances in software development practices.Because of their prevalence in the literature, exemplars are worth critical study. In this paper we consider the purposes that exemplars may serve, and explore the incompatibilities inherent in trying to serve several of them at once. Researchers should therefore be clear about what successfully handling an exemplar demonstrates. We go on to examine the use of exemplars not only for writing specifications (an end product of requirements engineering), but also for the requirements engineering process itself. In particular, requirements for good requirements exemplars are suggested and ways of obtaining such exemplars are discussed.  相似文献   

文章设计了一个交易中间件模型,该模型主要由通信进程、交易进程和服务进程组成,同时介绍了应用层接口和数据库接口,重点描述了交易处理方式及完整性保护机制。为了有效地控制交易风险,提出了一种锁与自动确认/冲正相结合的处理方式。  相似文献   

Web service的事务协调框架研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出并实现了一种Web服务的事务协调框架,DTCF(Distributed Transaction Coordination Framework)。该模型基于嵌套事务模型和协调思想,将局部事务的实现细节进行封装,不同局部事务可采用不同的并发控制和恢复技术,而对全局事务则采用完全分布的管理机制进行管理。DTCF是一种可重用的框架,实验结果表明其可用性。  相似文献   

Transaction data are increasingly used in applications, such as marketing research and biomedical studies. Publishing these data, however, may risk privacy breaches, as they often contain personal information about individuals. Approaches to anonymizing transaction data have been proposed recently, but they may produce excessively distorted and inadequately protected solutions. This is because these approaches do not consider privacy requirements that are common in real-world applications in a realistic and flexible manner, and attempt to safeguard the data only against either identity disclosure or sensitive information inference. In this paper, we propose a new approach that overcomes these limitations. We introduce a rule-based privacy model that allows data publishers to express fine-grained protection requirements for both identity and sensitive information disclosure. Based on this model, we also develop two anonymization algorithms. Our first algorithm works in a top-down fashion, employing an efficient strategy to recursively generalize data with low information loss. Our second algorithm uses sampling and a combination of top-down and bottom-up generalization heuristics, which greatly improves scalability while maintaining low information loss. Extensive experiments show that our algorithms significantly outperform the state-of-the-art in terms of retaining data utility, while achieving good protection and scalability.  相似文献   

Iterators are defined, and previously published methods for defining their meanings are outlined. It is shown how to use trace specifications to define a common form of iterator module (Alphard-style iterators). A form of specification for an iterator is shown which can capture the key differences between a set and a sequence at a few particular places in the specification. The trace specification of a sequence iterator is compared to an algebraic specification. It is concluded that the algebraic specification is possible but somewhat clumsier. Traces are used to give partial specifications of iterator construct that make sequences of calls on procedural parameters  相似文献   

Overview of multidatabase transaction management   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A multidatabase system (MDBS) is a facility that allows users access to data located in multiple autonomous database management systems (DBMSs). In such a system,global transactions are executed under the control of the MDBS. Independently,local transactions are executed under the control of the local DBMSs. Each local DBMS integrated by the MDBS may employ a different transaction management scheme. In addition, each local DBMS has complete control over all transactions (global and local) executing at its site, including the ability to abort at any point any of the transactions executing at its site. Typically, no design or internal DBMS structure changes are allowed in order to accommodate the MDBS. Furthermore, the local DBMSs may not be aware of each other and, as a consequence, cannot coordinate their actions. Thus, traditional techniques for ensuring transaction atomicity and consistency in homogeneous distributed database systems may not be appropriate for an MDBS environment. The objective of this article is to provide a brief review of the most current work in the area of multidatabase transaction management. We first define the problem and argue that the multidatabase research will become increasingly important in the coming years. We then outline basic research issues in multidatabase transaction management and review recent results in the area. We conclude with a discussion of open problems and practical implications of this research.  相似文献   

Design of transaction management protocols   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper shows how transaction management protocols can be designed using discrete-event system control theory. It outlines designs for some well-known protocols: serialization graph testing, two-phase locking, and timestamp ordering. These protocols can be obtained as solutions (centralized, fully decentralized, or maximal decentralized) of standard control problems. The results serve to unify the problems considered and suggest the possibility of computer-aided design  相似文献   

This article integrates an interoperability architecture, the OSCATM architecture, and a distributed transaction processing protocol, the X/Open® Distributed Transaction Processing model, into a unified model of large scale interoperability and distributed transaction processing. Applications supporting different business operations are often deployed in heterogeneous environments in which applications are stand alone islands and operations are fragmented. But in order to have integrated operations, a loosely coupled system of autonomous applications is required often bound together via a distributed transaction processing protocol. This article describes a model for this configuration. It will propose that the span of control of a transaction manager defines the transaction environment for a single application. Any two applications need not conform to the same supplier's transaction environment nor reside in the same environment. Interoperability must be provided among applications, since any one application cannot assume that any other application is under the control of the same transaction manager. Requirements are imposed upon the interactions of applications to support interoperability. The interface between transaction managers must be compatible with these requirements. Other distributed architecture standards must define the requirements for release independence, resource independence, accessibility transparency, location transparency, contract interfaces, and secure environment.  相似文献   

EJB技术的探讨与研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
首先从分析Java组件着手,着重对EJB的应用结构、内部结构、运行流程及J2EE平台中进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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