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对长沙市非空调环境下的人体热舒适性进行了问卷调查,分析了长期生活在湖南的本地人与北方人对同一环境的冷热感和湿度感,发现本地人耐寒性与耐湿性更强.研究了空气比焓、温度、湿度等参数对热感觉平均投票值的影响规律,发现在低温区域相对湿度对人体舒适感有明显作用.统计了不同环境下相应的热感觉平均投票值、湿度感以及实际不满意率的对应关系,并与Fanger提出的PMV-PPD指标进行了对比.  相似文献   

非空调环境下性别与热舒适的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对长沙某高校的600多名学生进行了为期一年的现场问卷调查,对有关空气参数进行了测量。统计分析结果表明,女性的耐寒能力比男性差;预期平均评价PMV指标对男女热感觉的预测效果较差;男女对湿感觉的评价无较大差异,只在温度较低时,女性比男性觉得更潮湿;女性的吹风感比男性强;热舒适评价不仅受热、湿感觉影响,还受其他环境因素及心理因素的影响。  相似文献   

利用现场实测方法,对上海一典型村庄进行了夏季及冬季住宅热环境以及居民热舒适性现场实测及调研,研究了上海地区农村住宅热环境及室内热舒适度问题。依据问卷调研结果得到了夏季、冬季农村居民对于住宅环境的可接受温度范围、热中性温度以及期望温度,同时研究了热舒适度的影响因素,可为上海地区村镇住宅节能计算、热舒适环境与绿色生态住宅的设计提供必要的理论依据。  相似文献   

In this paper, based upon Fanger's thermal comfort concept, several concepts, which utilize computing results obtained from the large eddy simulation (LES), are put forward, such as thermal comfort index based on time-averaged parameters, instantaneous thermal index, time-averaged thermal comfort index and time-averaged thermal comfort index along walking routes. Also their discrepancies and calculation methods are discussed in the paper. Apart from these, we have calculated PD value as an example, whose results indicate that the distributions of four indices are obviously different. Therefore, it is suggested to distinguish different cases and select correspondingly thermal comfort evaluation indices while considering the question of thermal comfort.  相似文献   

气流运动及其与热舒适关系研究的进展与评述   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
指出气流组织的研究对空调节能和保证人体舒适感有着重要的意义,综述了气流运动与热舒适关系及房间气流紊流特征的研究进展,评价了已有的研究成果,对该研究的发展提出了看法。  相似文献   

对昆明市200户住宅夏季室内热环境参数进行了实测,并进行了现场问卷调查。分析了室内温度、相对湿度、风速、人员服装热阻的分布频率,统计得出了昆明地区住宅夏季室内热环境及人体热舒适的基本情况,并分析了室内热环境改善措施。调查发现,昆明市居民夏季普遍通过开窗进行自然通风以降低室内温度,在非空调条件下约有90%的居民的热感觉在舒适范围内。  相似文献   

重庆自然通风热舒适模型的建立及热环境评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张敏飞  张华玲 《暖通空调》2012,42(1):61-64,42
在分析国内外自然通风热舒适研究的基础上,结合重庆地区潮湿的气候特点,对现有自然通风热舒适评价模型进行了湿度修正.采用电子温湿度记录仪对重庆地区村镇典型住宅的室内外热湿参数进行了全年监测,并利用该模型对村镇住宅的室内热环境进行了评价.分析表明,村镇住宅室内和室外相对湿度高于70%的时间分别占全年总时间的95.4%和87.2%,室内温度高于28℃且相对湿度高于70%的时间达1 196 h;全年舒适时间为3 838 h,占全年总时间的43.8%;现有评价模型与修正模型的舒适时间相差405 h,其中空调季相差342h,且温度越高,相对湿度对热舒适的影响越大,说明在温度较高时应考虑相对湿度对热舒适的影响,但修正模型的可靠性还需进一步验证.  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2001,36(6):711-720
Despite the obvious importance of thermal comfort in the design of indoor environments, it has not been effectively integrated with design support tools. The reasons can be attributed in part to an absence of modular and flexible software architecture that facilitates dynamic data transfer between building performance simulation modules. Research has shown that the mathematical models of thermal comfort sometimes fail to accurately describe or predict thermal comfort in workplace settings even when the values of environmental and personal parameters are known. Thus, there is a critical need to provide a thermal comfort evaluation framework that, in addition to the algorithmic implementation of mathematical thermal comfort prediction models, would make use of the empirical knowledge base accumulated over the last 20 years from field experiments around the world. This paper first talks about an integrated simulation environment SEMPER that allows for multiple performance evaluation including thermal comfort analysis from a shared object model of building. Then, it discusses the results of a detailed thermal comfort analysis performed to find the reasons for the discrepancy between the predicted and observed values and the factors responsible for such discrepancy. Finally, the paper shows how the results of the empirical thermal comfort analysis can be used in designing better thermal environments.  相似文献   

为研究热湿工况下使用工位辐射空调的人体热舒适情况,在人工环境实验室内,通过改变环境背景温度来影响人体的热感觉,并采用热感觉投票(TSV)作为评价标准,重点研究了人体头部、躯干、上肢、下肢以及整体热感觉情况。实验结果表明,尽管背景环境参数超出舒适范围,但使用工位辐射空调能维持受试者的舒适状态,即背景温度稳定在28℃时,平均整体热感觉投票值低于+0.2;背景温度为30℃时,受试者热感觉仍能满足ASHRAE规范中规定的80%可接受范围要求。  相似文献   

高原低气压环境对人体热舒适性影响的研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模拟了高原低气压环境,以问卷调查的方式进行了低气压环境下人体热舒适的实验研究,为低气压地区舒适性空调的设计提供了参考.  相似文献   

With rapid urbanization, big cities in the south of China are progressively falling short of sustaining outdoor thermal comfort. In this paper, a thermal comfort and energy evaluation model is derived from revisions of previous study, to simulate and predict the interaction of coupled urban building-site climate and then the thermal comfort. The methodology of principal calculations is demonstrated first, then a hypothetical district of office buildings in Shanghai is selected. Dynamic on-site climate parameters, anthropogenic heat and indoor/outdoor SET* values, etc., are simulated and evaluated. The results show the variation of outdoor SET* values influenced by factors including canopy height, building coverage and air-conditioning set-point temperature.  相似文献   

This work shows some of the results of a field study about environmental comfort investigations in classrooms. In this project thermal, acoustic, visual and air quality aspects were analysed in a number of classrooms—13 classrooms at four different high schools of the Provincia di Torino and four typical medium-sized university classrooms of the Politecnico di Torino, Italy. The investigations were carried out during the heating period. Both field measurements and subjective surveys were performed at the same time during the regular lesson periods.  相似文献   

Thermal comfort aspects in a room vary with different space heating methods. The main focus in this study was how different heating systems and their position affect the indoor climate in an exhaust-ventilated office under Swedish winter conditions. The heat emitters used were a high and a medium–high temperature radiator, a floor heating system and large wall heating surfaces at low temperature. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were used to investigate possible cold draught problems, differences in vertical temperature gradients, air speed levels and energy consumption. Two office rooms with different ventilation systems and heating needs were evaluated. Both systems had high air exchange rates and cold infiltration air.  相似文献   

陶求华  李莉 《暖通空调》2012,42(4):72-75
为考察冬季非空调环境下人体热感觉,对厦门某高校教室的热舒适度进行了现场测试.在测量室内外热舒适参数的同时,通过问卷调查得到了人体热反应样本.分析样本得出厦门高校教室冬季非空调工况下人体热中性温度和热期望温度分别为19.3和19.4℃.综合考虑温度、相对湿度、平均辐射温度、风速及服装热阻对坐姿轻度活动状态人体的热舒适影响,使用MATLAB软件进行非线性回归,得到非空调工况下热舒适预测方程.该预测方程与实测得到的人体热舒适投票两者结果有较高相关度,同时较大程度上反映了冬季非空调环境下人体热感觉的变异.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2006,38(1):18-24
Through combining gypsum boards with phase change materials (PCM), the compound phase change wallboards are formed. The transition temperature and latent heat of these phase change wallboards are tested by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results indicate that these phase change wallboards can be applied in buildings to save energy cost and electric power. Then, the thermal properties of phase change wallboards are analyzed. The phase change wall room and the ordinary wall room are experimented and compared under the climatic conditions in winter in the northeast of China. The impact on the indoor temperature, surface temperature of wallboards and thermal flow through wall are achieved. Finally, it can be got that the phase change wallboards can improve indoor thermal environment.  相似文献   

This paper discusses thermal comfort inside residences of three cities in the hot-humid climate of central southern China. Only a few thermal comfort studies have been performed in hot-humid climates and none in Central Southern China. Field sampling took place in the summers of 2003 and 2004 by obtaining 110 responses to a survey questionnaire and measuring environmental comfort variables in three rooms in each of 26 residences. The objectives are to measure and characterize occupant thermal perceptions in residences, compare observed and predicted percent of dissatisfied and discern differences between this study and similar studies performed in different climate zones. Average clothing insulation for seated subjects was 0.54 clo with 0.15 clo of chairs. Only 48.2% of the measured variables are within the ASHRAE Standard 55-1992 summer comfort zone, but approximately 87.3% of the occupants perceived their thermal conditions acceptable, for subjects adapt to prevailing conditions. The operative temperature denoting the thermal environment accepted by 90% of occupants is 22.0–25.9°. In the ASHRAE seven-point sensation scale, thermal neutral temperature occurs at 28.6°. Preferred temperature, mean temperature requested by respondents, is 22.8°. Results of this study can be used to design low energy consumption systems for occupant thermal comfort in central southern China.  相似文献   

The effects of local body cooling on thermal comfort and sleep quality in a hot environment were investigated in an experiment with 16 male subjects. Sleep quality was evaluated subjectively, using questionnaires completed in the morning, and objectively, by analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals that were continuously monitored during the sleeping period. Compared with no cooling, the largest improvement in thermal comfort and sleep quality was observed when the back and head (neck) were both cooled at a room temperature of 32°C. Back cooling alone also improved thermal comfort and sleep quality, although the effects were less than when cooling both back and head (neck). Mean sleep efficiency was improved from 84.6% in the no cooling condition to 95.3% and 92.8%, respectively, in these conditions, indicating good sleep quality. Head (neck) cooling alone slightly improved thermal comfort and subjective sleep quality and increased Stage N3 sleep, but did not otherwise improve sleep quality. The results show that local cooling applied to large body sections (back and head) could effectively maintain good sleep and improve thermal comfort in a hot environment.  相似文献   

This commentary considers the recent Building Research & Information special issue titled ‘Comfort in a Lower Carbon Society’ and what it suggests about how to conduct contextual studies of thermal comfort. Firstly, consideration is given to the places within which comfort is examined and how research might beneficially trespass beyond the borders of the building to explore how lifestyles combine various places with a range of social expectations and techniques for managing personal temperature. Secondly, the suggestion is that whilst it could be worthwhile to examine various lifestyles, contextually sensitive researchers must select the groups they study carefully and acknowledge the limitations associated with this choice. Thirdly, it considers which practical methods are most appropriate for this line of research and how existing approaches could be supplemented by techniques currently uncommon in this field. The overall argument is that qualitative approaches with groups of current users could identify the most sensitive ways of steering societies towards more sustainable thermal futures.

Ce commentaire analyse le récent numéro spécial de Building Research & Information intitulé « Le confort dans une société sobre en carbone » et ce qu'il suggère sur la façon de mener des études contextuelles du confort thermique. L'auteur s'intéresse tout d'abord aux lieux où le confort est examiné et comment la recherche pourrait avantageusement dépasser les frontières du bâtiment pour voir comment les styles de vie combinent divers lieux avec une gamme d'attentes sociales et de techniques pour gérer la température personnelle. Puis, alors qu'il pourrait être intéressant d'examiner divers styles de vie, il suggère que les chercheurs sensibles au contexte sélectionnent des groupes qu'ils étudient avec soin et reconnaissent les limites associées à ce choix. Enfin, il considère les méthodes pratiques qui seraient les plus appropriées pour cette ligne de recherche et comment les approches existantes pourraient être complétées par des techniques qui sont actuellement rares dans ce domaine. L'argument général est que les approches qualitatives avec des groupes d'utilisateurs actuels pourraient jouer un rôle utile dans l'identification des solutions les plus judicieuses pour diriger les sociétés vers un avenir thermique plus durable.

Mots clés: adaptation, agence, confort, société sobre en carbone, satisfaction de l'occupant, méthodes qualitatives, consommation durable  相似文献   

关于"热舒适"的讨论   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:33  
赵荣义 《暖通空调》2000,30(3):25-26
指出了人体热反应研究中关于热舒适的一些模糊概念及对热舒适与热感觉关系的含混认识。分析了热舒适与热感觉的不同含义、现有的不同解释及两者的稳态和动态条件下的差别。  相似文献   

通过正交试验,以问卷调查的方式进行了低气压环境下人体热舒适性的实验研究,重点分析了温度、压力和风速对受试者平均热感觉MTS影响的显著性.结果表明,在75.994~101.325 kPa(0.75~1.00 atm)的压力范围内,压力对人体平均热感觉MTS的影响仅次于温度,风速的影响最小.  相似文献   

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