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循环温度荷载作用下饱和多孔介质热-水-力耦合响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白冰 《工程力学》2007,24(5):87-92
对半无限体表面作用简谐循环温度荷载下,饱和多孔介质热-水-力耦合响应的一维情形进行研究,给出内部温度、孔压和位移等的解析表达式。分析了半无限体温度响应由瞬态到准稳态的演化过程以及准稳态条件下温度、孔压和位移等的波动特征。研究表明:随着温度荷载作用时间的增长,热力学响应以波的形式向深处传导和扩散并趋于准稳态过程;随着介质深度的增加,热力学响应的波动幅值不断减小,而其相位相应滞后;随着介质透水性质的增强,孔压沿深度的分布趋于均匀化;当介质深度超过一个波长后,其热力学响应值几乎为零。  相似文献   

旋转壳—流体耦合系统频率响应的动态设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于流固耦合理论,对浸水旋转壳频率响应的动态设计进行了比较全面的研究。针对动态设计中动力学重分析计算量大的问题,在对旋转壳-流体耦合系统进行动力学建模时,对于旋转壳,根据其结构特点引入了既能保证计算精度又能大大提高计算效率的有限条法;对于流场,则采用边界元法来解决无限域问题和提高计算效率;然后利用凝聚降阶减小计算量,通过一种改进的模态迭加技术获得系统响应。计算结构动力响应及其灵敏度时,将灵敏度分析方法与动力响应计算方法相结合,得到动态灵敏度分析的快速算法。采用多目标优化方法,以重量、响应作为设计目标,对旋转壳结构进行了动力优化设计。计算实例表明,本文方法有效,并满足工程需要。  相似文献   

采用一种改进型广义微分求积(MGDQ)法,数值研究了初始轴向机械力作用下含均匀孔隙的功能梯度材料(FGM)梁在热环境中的耦合振动及耦合屈曲特性。考虑了材料性质随温度的相关性,温度沿梁的厚度方向按不同类型稳态分布,采用含孔隙率修正的Voigt混合幂率模型来表征多孔FGM梁的材料属性。采用一种n阶广义梁理论(GBT),在Hamilton体系下统一建立描述该系统耦合振动及屈曲问题力学模型的控制方程。通过引入边界控制参数,可实施3种典型边界梁动态响应MGDQ法求解的MATLAB统一化编程。基于两种静动态力学行为之间的二元耦联性,编写循环子程序用来获得屈曲静态响应,该分析方法极大地简化了解耦过程并提高了计算效率。通过算例主要探究了梁理论、边界条件、温度分布、升温、初始轴向机械力、热-力耦合效应、孔隙率、梯度指标、跨厚比等诸多参数对多孔FGM梁振动及屈曲特性的影响,同时刻画并揭示了两种静动态力学行为之间的二元耦联性。  相似文献   

巴振宁  梁建文  金威 《工程力学》2015,32(11):189-200
基于Biot流体饱和多孔介质理论,求得层状饱和地基表面移动荷载的动力格林函数,进而建立2.5维间接边界元方法,研究了高速移动列车荷载作用下层状饱和地基-轨道耦合系统的动力响应。该文通过与已有结果的比较验证了方法的正确性,并以均匀饱和半空间地基和饱和基岩上单一饱和土层地基为模型进行了数值计算,分析了列车移动速度和饱和土层等对动力响应的影响。研究表明,层状饱和地基和均匀饱和地基对应的动力响应有着显著的差别;列车移动速度接近饱和地基的Rayleigh波速时,会引起饱和地基-轨道耦合系统的共振,产生较大的动力响应;饱和地基不透水情况下动力响应最大,饱和地基透水情况下动力响应次之,干土情况下动力响应最小。另外,饱和土孔隙率、饱和基岩与饱和土层刚度比、饱和土层厚度等也对动力响应具有重要影响。  相似文献   

陈静云  孙依人 《振动与冲击》2013,32(19):119-124
采用四分之一车辆模型和三维线弹性沥青路面模型,借助ANSYS有限元分析软件,将车、路有限元模型通过接触单元联系在一起,进行了接触非线性瞬态求解。分析了车辆匀速行驶过一段路面时车-路耦合系统的动力响应特点。通过修改系统参数,计算分析了行车速度、路面平整度、基层模量、轮胎刚度、轮胎阻尼、悬架刚度、悬架阻尼等七个参数对车-路耦合系统动力响应的影响。最后分析了车-路耦合系统的共振问题。结果表明:在文章给定的路面结构组合下,最大纵向拉应力和最大横向拉应力均出现在基层和底基层结合处,容易导致疲劳破坏的产生;沥青面层层底剪应力是导致其破坏的主要原因;控制协调好车-路耦合系统中的各个参数,对提高路面寿命和行车舒适性有重要意义;车-路耦合系统的共振问题不容忽视。  相似文献   

进给系统动态误差是决定数控机床加工精度的关键因素,明确机械系统和控制系统参数以及两者之间耦合作用对进给系统动态误差的影响是当前面临的重要课题。以某五轴联动加工中心的进给系统为研究对象,充分考虑进给系统传动件结合面间刚度和滚珠丝杠柔性特征,搭建了进给传动系统动力学模型,并利用有限元软件进行了验证。利用典型三环PID(proportion integration differentiation,比例积分微分)控制结构搭建了机电-刚柔耦合进给系统动力学模型,通过仿真分析研究了机械系统参数和控制系统参数对进给系统动态误差的影响规律。结果表明,机械系统参数中,滚珠丝杠导程和螺母副轴向刚度对进给系统动态误差的影响显著,支撑轴承轴向刚度的影响不明显;控制系统参数中,位置环比例增益对进给系统动态误差的影响显著,速度环比例增益的影响不明显。研究结果为实现进给系统动态误差的可预知和可控性奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

基于Eringen非局部线弹性理论,采用n阶广义梁理论(GBT),应用改进型广义微分求积(MGDQ)法数值研究了初始轴向机械力及热载荷共同作用下功能梯度材料(FGM)纳米梁的耦合振动及耦合屈曲特性.考虑了材料性质的温度相关性,且温度沿梁的厚度方向按不同类型稳态分布,采用Voigt混合幂率模型表征FGM纳米梁的材料属性....  相似文献   

为准确高效求解车辆-轨道耦合系统动力响应,利用轨道结构的周期性特征,基于传递矩阵法(transfer matrix method,TMM)提出了一种便捷的轨道子系统建模和求解方法.该方法根据轨道系统结构特点,分别将有砟轨道和CRTSⅡ型无砟轨道系统的周期性重复部分划分为不同轨道元胞结构,在元胞结合面引入刚度方程假定,基...  相似文献   

为提高列车-轨道-桥梁耦合系统(Train-Track-Bridge Coupled System,TTBS)动力分析的计算效率,该文基于作者之前提出的TTBS动力分析混合模型,结合模态叠加法和直接刚度法,提出了一种改进的混合方法(Improved Hybrid Method,IHM)。该方法中,列车动力方程通过多刚体动力学方法建立;轨道结构动力方程通过直接刚度法建立以准确求解其高频局部振动响应,桥梁结构动力方程通过模态叠加法建立以降低其自由度数目。列车和轨道结构通过轮轨线性Hertzian接触关系耦合为列车-轨道耦合时变子系统,轨道与桥梁间通过轨-桥相互作用力的平衡迭代实现耦合。首先以朔黄重载铁路32 m简支梁桥现场试验数据验证了该文方法的正确性。然后,以CRH2型高速动车组通过万宁系杆拱桥为例,探究了桥梁振型数量对动力响应指标计算精度的影响规律,最后,对比三种不同的列车-轨道-桥梁耦合系统动力分析方法的计算结果及耗时,结果表明:同样的计算精度下,该文方法具有更高的计算效率。  相似文献   

In this paper, we adopt the viewpoint of a nonlinear complementarity problem (NCP) to derive an index-one differential algebraic equations (DAEs) system for the problem of elastic-plastic wave propagation in an elastic-plastic solid undergoing small deformations. This is achieved by recasting the pointwise complementary trio in the elastic-plastic constitutive equations into an algebraic equation through the Fischer-Burmeister NCP-function. Then, for an isotropicallyhardening/ softening material under prescribed impulse loadings on a thin-walled tube with combined axial-torsional stresses, we can develop a novel algorithm based on the Lie-group differential algebraic equations (LGDAE) method to iteratively solve the resultant DAEs at each time marching step, which converges very fast. The one-dimensional axial-torsional wave propagation problems under different imposed dynamical loading conditions and initial conditions are solved, to assess the performance of the LGDAE.  相似文献   

In this work, a partitioned scheme for the numerical simulation of the surface‐coupled problem of a fluid interacting with a saturated porous medium (fluid‐porous‐media interaction) is proposed by adopting the method of localised Lagrange multipliers, which facilitates an automatic spatial partitioning of the problem and a parallel treatment of the interacting components, and allows for using tailored solvers optimised for each subproblem. Moreover, proceeding from the interaction between an incompressible bulk fluid with a saturated biphasic porous medium with intrinsically incompressible and inert constituents, the characteristics of the governing equations are scrutinised, and the various constraints within the subsystems are identified. Following this, the method of perturbed Lagrange multipliers is used to replace the constrained equation systems within each subdomain by unconstrained ones. Furthermore, considering the one‐dimensional (1D) version of the equations, a stability analysis of the proposed solution method is performed, and the unconditional stability of the partitioned solution scheme is shown. Solving 1D and 2D numerical benchmark examples, the applicability of the proposed scheme is demonstrated. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种半解析DQ法,分析结构构件的时程动力响应。算例表明,半解析解DQ法的结果与解析解的结果非常一致。这种半解析的DQ法,通过引入类似文献[10]的推广的DQ单元,可以应用到较为复杂的结构的时程动力响应的求解。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new efficient monolithic finite element solution scheme to treat the set of PDEs governing a 2D, biphasic, saturated theory of porous media model with intrinsically coupled and incompressible solid and fluid constituents for infinitesimal and large elastic deformation. Our approach, which inherits some of its techniques from CFD, is characterized by the following aspects: (1) it only performs operator evaluation with no additional Gateaux derivatives. In particular, the computations of the time‐consuming material tangent matrix are not involved here; (2) it solves the non‐linear dynamic problem with no restriction on the strength of coupling; (3) it is more efficient than the linear u v p solver discussed in previous works; (4) it requires weaker derivatives, and hence, lower‐order FE can be tested; and (5) the boundary conditions are reduced, solution independent and more convenient to apply than in the old u v p formulation. For the purpose of validation and comparison, prototypical simulations including analytical solutions are carried out, and at the end, an adaptive time stepping procedure is introduced to handle the rapid change in the numbers of nonlinear iterations that may occur. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

周凤玺  马强  宋瑞霞 《工程力学》2015,32(5):198-207
基于线弹性理论和Biot多孔介质模型,分析了含液饱和多孔二维简支梁的动力响应,其中考虑了固体颗粒和流体的可压缩性以及孔隙流体的粘滞性。通过Fourier级数展开和常微分方程组的求解,得到了含液饱和多孔二维梁动力响应问题的解,并将其退化为单相固体二维梁的情形与Bernoulli-Euler梁和Timoshenko梁的自由振动相比较,验证了该文方法的正确性。作为数值算例,分析了含液饱和多孔二维梁的自由振动以及在均布简谐荷载作用下的动力响应特性,分析了表面渗透条件、孔隙流体渗透系数和荷载频率等参数对含液饱和多孔二维梁的自由振动频率、固相位移和孔隙流体压力等物理量的影响。  相似文献   

A differential quadrature hierarchical finite element method (DQHFEM) is proposed by expressing the hierarchical finite element method matrices in similar form as in the differential quadrature finite element method and introducing interpolation basis on the boundary of hierarchical finite element method elements. The DQHFEM is similar as the fixed interface mode synthesis method but the DQHFEM does not need modal analysis. The DQHFEM with non‐uniform rational B‐splines elements were shown to accomplish similar destination as the isogeometric analysis. Three key points that determine the accuracy, efficiency and convergence of DQHFEM were addressed, namely, (1) the Gauss–Lobatto–Legendre points should be used as nodes, (2) the recursion formula should be used to compute high‐order orthogonal polynomials, and (3) the separation variable feature of the basis should be used to save computational cost. Numerical comparison and convergence studies of the DQHFEM were carried out by comparing the DQHFEM results for vibration and bending of Mindlin plates with available exact or highly accurate approximate results in literatures. The DQHFEM can present highly accurate results using only a few sampling points. Meanwhile, the order of the DQHFEM can be as high as needed for high‐frequency vibration analysis. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The co-rotational formulation of quadrature planar beam element undergoing large displacement and large rotation is presented. A local frame co-rotates with the differential element and decomposes the motion into a rigid body movement and a strain-producing deformation. General explicit formulations of elemental vectors and matrices, including internal force vector, external force vector, tangent stiffness matrix, and mass matrix, are derived via the numerical integration together with the differential quadrature law. Thus, the element nodes and numerical integration method can be chosen arbitrarily based on the accuracy requirement and problem type. A number of case studies on the static, postbuckling, and dynamic response of beams and frame structures are conducted. The convergence study shows that the co-rotational quadrature element has an exponential rate of convergence and the reduced Gauss integration yield the highest accuracy. It is seen that the proposed co-rotational quadrature beam element is simple in formulations, computationally efficient, and capable of capturing the complex nonlinear behavior of beam and frame structures with high precision.  相似文献   

沈景凤  张翠  刘方 《复合材料学报》2019,36(4):1017-1028
基于热弹性耦合理论,对处于热载荷下的Al-Al2O3功能梯度材料(FGM)薄壁旋转碟片进行研究。根据FGM构造理论结合碟片轴对称特性,得到其力学特性全场分布。分别采用函数构造方法和热耦合传导方程推导得到模型所处温度场,并加以分析对比。建立了统一温度场的热耦合本构方程,并根据平面应力情况下热弹性材料力学特性基本原理,拟合确定其物性系数。通过微分求积方法(DQM)求解不同温度场下不同FGM构造形式模型的位移控制方程。结果表明:常温下,热耦合本构方程可以退化到胡克定律;经典热弹性理论与热弹性耦合理论下的碟片径向位移误差可达41.7%;热弹性耦合理论的结果随温度非线性变化,这种变化趋势也体现在大量科学实验中;碟片外表面温度变化、转速和所处的温度场显著地影响其热弹性场。   相似文献   

李伟华  王文强 《振动与冲击》2019,(12):182-190,212
非饱和介质波动理论的发展,使得非饱和土地基动力响应问题求解成为可能。根据现有的非饱和多孔介质动力方程,采用解耦技术,建立非饱和多孔介质动力反应分析的显式有限元分析方法,并编制相关计算程序。通过与已有解析解的对比,验证了方法及程序的正确性和精度。利用该方法,分别分析了刚性基础与柔性基础条件下非饱和土地基振动问题,重点讨论了饱和度对非饱和土地基振动响应的影响,结果表明:刚性基础条件下地基的振动响应大于相同条件下柔性基础地基振动响应;土体饱和度Sr=1时地基各点振动比Sr<1时明显减小;刚性基础条件下,Sr<1时,随着饱和度增加各点竖向位移减小,水平位移增大,而柔性基础条件下,Sr<1时,饱和度对地基各点振动的影响有限。  相似文献   

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