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利用BIM技术开发了火灾自动报警系统组件库,并通过在实际建筑模型中的应用,实现了建筑内火灾自动报警系统中各设备的三维可视化查看、详细信息参数查询查看等功能,进而分析了BIM技术在建筑消防设施管理中的应用优势与前景,促进了建筑消防设施管理的精细化、可视化与信息化,提高了消防管理的效率和水平。  相似文献   

在当代科技越来越发达的今天,计算机与网络技术也有了突飞猛进的发展,各行各业在利用信息技术而获得最大的收益,然而建筑消防在相比较其它行业来说,信息技术的应用不是特别成熟,在建筑消防安全中,应该将先进的计算机技术体现在消防安全当中去,利用相关的程序,使计算机对火灾进行有效的防控,从而使得发生火灾的概率降低,为保障人民群众的生命财产安全作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

陶亮 《电脑迷》2016,(3):141-142
当前,我国的经济水平随着社会的不断进步也迅速发展,人们的生活水平已经大大提高,但是消防和火灾知识并没完全符合当前要求。另外,由于消防救援技术和安全管理体质并未与社会发展需求与时俱进,导致发生火灾时伤亡人员大。通过对目前物联网技术下社会消防安全管理模式中的远程监控以及组织机构的运行,探究物联网技术运用在社会消防安全管理模式中的现状和问题,对当前物联网技术的消防安全模式管理和方法提出了要求和建议,改善物联网技术运用在消防安全管理的状况。本文,笔者将对物联网技术的社会消防安全管理模式进行探究。  相似文献   

针对国内许多大型的消防控制系统仍然处于分散报警阶段,没有统一的消防管理的问题,提出了一种应用在Web环境下的消防安全管理信息监测系统的设计方案。首先,设计了消防安全管理系统的总体架构,并将系统划分为报警监测、故障跟进、监督管理、报警数据统计和分析四大功能模块;其次,对数据库表单设计、服务层业务逻辑定义、前端页面展示进行了技术实现;最后,以本市重点消防单位为试点进行测试,该系统提高了消防联网单位火灾预警能力和消防安全管理水平,满足了城市消防集中化、信息化、规范化的需求。  相似文献   

随着经济发展和城市化进程的不断加快,城市火灾事故不断增多,造成的人员伤亡和财产损失也越来越严重[1]。而消防监督不严与救援不及时是火灾发生和灾情加剧的主要原因。该文以消防安全基本原理为理论依据,结合Visual C#与SuperMap Object.Net组件式GIS平台,实现了对城市群体建筑的信息管理、消防监督、户籍化管理、三维火灾模拟,并通过基于栅格GIS的最优路径分析完成了城市消防对设定着火点下进行火灾救援的实时三维模拟展示。  相似文献   

数字信息化是建筑行业提高效率的关键。建筑信息管理(BIM)是建筑、工程和施工行业的主要发展,它提供一种技术和流程,将传统的设计和施工实践带入数字时代。介绍BIM信息化技术在建筑工程中的可视性以及协调性等优势,指出建筑工程管理中信息化程度较低、数据传递方式滞后以及管理模式落后等问题,分析BIM的信息化管理中可视化、信息化以及安全管理等方面在建筑工程中的应用,提出一些建议有利于促进建筑工程项目信息管理水平的提升,也为基于BIM的信息化管理在建筑工程中的应用提供一些新思路。  相似文献   

为实现火灾预警及协同消防员作业的目的,本文提出一种基于BIM技术与飞行器的新型消防救援系统。以BIM技术为基础,建立三维信息模型,连结飞行器与传感器,制备新型消防救援系统,并进行测试。实验表明,新型消防救援系统可以实现及时、精准定位着火点,方便人员搜救,以及数据收集的目的。  相似文献   

为使灭火救援指挥有科学准确的数据依据和决策指引,在现有的消防地理信息数据基础上,以三维仿真城市地图为载体,设计基于虚拟现实技术的消防三维预案辅助决策指挥系统,提高消防部队灭火救援能力。设计包括4大部分:三维地图信息数据库、专题资源数据库、消防安全保卫预案以及辅助决策指挥系统。三维地理信息数据库包括建筑物地理分布信息,并以三维仿真地图的方式展现。消防专题资源数据库整合消防水源、力量、社会联动资源等信息。消防安全保卫预案使用三维高仿真技术,重现建筑物的三维仿真。辅助决策指挥系统在上述基础平台上,采用人工智能方法,进行火灾危险性分析、火灾蔓延分析、一键式调度和火灾损失预测。  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术是近年来出现的高新技术,也称灵境技术或人工环境。目前虚拟现实技术应用在消防领域还比较少,但在此方面的应用却能产生重要的作用,对人民生活及财产安全都能启动重要保护。本主主要阐述利用虚拟技术,把建筑的CAD图生成建筑的3D模型,可以进行漫游,可以直观的了解建筑的内外部结构,便于消防员在救灾现场决策,当火灾发生时,可以在系统里给出现场反馈。另外阐述了系统的网络拓扑设计方案及与外部系统衔接的顶层设计方案。结合当前的互联网发展,该文给出了基于Web的3D火灾可视化系统的设计与实现方案,提出了设计的思路,并在结论中给出实现效果。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化人口的不断增加,使得城市中发生火灾的概率也在逐年上升,为了保证人们的生命财产安全,就需要我国加强消防安全管理,但由于城市化建筑不断增加,使得消防安全工作的开展具有很大的困难,因此就要求我国着加强消防管理的同时注意建立完善的消防管理制度,不断优化创新消防监督管理模式。本文主要针对我国消防管理现状进行描述,同时针对我国消防管理体制中所存在的问题进行分析和探讨,借此建立完善并优化的消防监督管理模式,使得我国消防管理工作能够顺利开展。  相似文献   

Fire hazards are a big threat to human life and property safety. The U.S. fire statistics reveal that, in 2017 alone, 1,319,500 fires caused 3400 deaths and 14,670 injuries, which resulted in a loss of $23 billion [1]. Effective evacuation planning in densely occupied buildings should be primarily put in place if both the number of injuries/fatalities and the level of property loss are to be minimized. However, it is not realistic, and is unethical to study human evacuation performance under a burning building. For this reason, computational tools tend to be the best approach for simulating fire growth as well as human response to fire hazards. This study aims to develop a BIM-based simulation framework that implements the Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS) and agent-based modeling (ABM) for simulating fire growth and evacuation performance for different building layout scenarios. An experimental implementation is conducted to validate the proposed framework, which verified the benefits of (1) using BIM to offer a platform for conducting simulation design and visualizing the simulation results of (a) hazardous fire zones and (b) effective escape routes; (2) simulating fire growth using the FDS tool; (3) developing an agent-based model that accounts for the critical factors affecting evacuation performance; and (4) applying a statistical analysis for investigating the effects of influential parameters from the proposed model. As a result, the simulation outputs can be used to optimize the building design and to investigate the influential factors on human evacuation efficiency. The proposed framework contributes to building fire safety management by enabling to minimize both injuries/fatalities and property loss.  相似文献   

The building information model/modeling(BIM) technology is currently applied in a broad range of applications and research for facility management(FM), while the BIM-based mobile FM is difficult owing to various factors and environments. For example, the mobile applications usually require frequent cross-equipment compatibility. This paper proposes a reasonable BIM-based FM cross-platform framework and develops a mobile application on the basis of an existing BIM-based FM system. The developed mobile application is applied in a case study of a metro station project in Guangzhou to verify its effectiveness in FM practice. It helps maintenance staff in viewing BIMs, accessing related information, and updating maintenance records in a unique platform. The test results demonstrate that the proposed BIM-based cross-platform framework meet the FM application requirements and supports the extension of FM functions.  相似文献   

The building information model/modeling(BIM) technology is currently applied in a broad range of applications and research for facility management,while the BIM-based mobile FM is difficult owing to various factors and environments.For example,the mobile applications usually require frequent cross-equipment compatibility.This paper proposes a reasonable BIM-based FM cross-platform framework and develops a mobile application on the basis of an existing BIM-based FM system.The developed mobile application is applied in a case study of a metro station project in Guangzhou to verify its effectiveness in FM practice.It helps maintenance staff in viewing BIMs,accessing related information,and updating maintenance records in a unique platform.The test results demonstrate that the proposed BIM-based cross-platform framework meet the FM application requirements and supports the extension of FM functions.  相似文献   

基于BIM 的运维管理研究与应用综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在建筑物的运营维护阶段中引入BIM 技术可以得到显著效益。尽管近年来相关文献 发表数量持续增长,但目前国内外运维阶段的BIM 研究与应用还处于初级阶段。为此在广泛的文 献调研的基础上,从技术层面和应用层面对当前国内外BIM 运维的研究和应用现状进行综述,介 绍其所涉及的关键技术及相关系统研发现状,进而归纳了已经实现的各种运维功能和项目应用情 况。在总结现状的基础上,最后讨论了该领域现存的挑战和瓶颈,并针对性地展望了BIM 运维未 来的发展方向。  相似文献   

随着科学技术水平的快速发展,传统的二维设计在水利水电工程施工中的缺点逐渐突出,制约了水利水电工程管理水平的进一步提升,而BIM技术的发展可以实现对工程项目过程的可视化管理,使各专业之间达到整体协同,提高工程管理水平.基于此,从逆向设计的技术路线、平台配备软件及模式等3个方面,介绍基于BIM技术的水利水电各专业的逆向设计...  相似文献   

BIM-based tools can contribute to addressing some of the challenges faced by structural engineering practitioners. A BIM-based framework for the development of components that deliver Automatic Code Compliance (ACC) is presented. The structural design problems that such components solve are categorised as simple, where ACC can be implemented directly, or complex, where more advanced approaches are needed. The mathematical process of Multi-Dimensional Data Fitting (MDDF) is introduced in order for the latter, enabling the compression of complex engineering calculations to a single equation that can be easily implemented into a BIM software engineering package. Proof-of-concept examples are given for both cases: offsite-manufactured structural joists are utilised as a non-recursive example, implementing the results obtained in the manufacturer’s literature; the axial capacity of metal fasteners in axially loaded timber-to-timber connections are utilised as an example of recursive problems. The MDDF analysis and its implementation in a BIM package of those problems are presented. Finally, the concept is generalised for non-structural aspects at a framework level, and the challenges, implications, and prospects of ACC in a BIM context are discussed.  相似文献   

建筑机电设备逻辑关系自动提取成为建筑信息模型(BIM)从施工向运维阶段应用的 关键技术要点之一。针对实际工程项目 BIM 模型中设备、管线之间的物理连接错误、缺漏较多、 自动化提取设备逻辑连接关系难度高等问题,提出了建筑机电系统物理连接关系自动修复和效 率优化的方法。针对跨文件连接断点、错位连接、连接方向错误等 3 类问题进行准确定义,提 出自动检查和修复方法,能够自动快速修复现有 BIM 模型中常见的物理连接大量缺失的问题。 该方法在工程的实施支持施工 BIM 模型向运维 BIM 模型的快速转化,有利于实现基于 BIM 的 机电系统运维维护管理。  相似文献   

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has emerged as a new paradigm for the construction industry. The combination of electric distribution systems design and BIM is the future development trend of architectural design. The traditional electric distribution wiring design based on BIM is mainly carried out manually, which is laborious and error-prone. To cope with this challenge, some studies have proposed explorations of automated BIM wiring design based on graphs in building structures, HAVC, and AEC fields, but few efforts were made on automatic electric distribution wiring. In view of its complicated nature, actual construction factors such as design specifications, wiring costs, etc. should be considered with electric distribution wiring simultaneously. To address this issue, this study proposes a BIM-based automatic indoor electric distribution wiring (IEDW) scheme using graph theory and capacity-limited multiple traveling salesman problem (CMTSP). Firstly, the IEDW sets up the model for design specifications and actual wiring costs with four constraints of specification, cost, installation, and load. Then, a electric distribution wiring heterogeneous graph model is designed to solve both specification and installation constraints. Thirdly, a CMTSP-based algorithm is designed to solve the problem of automatic electric distribution wiring under cost and load constraints. Finally, the performance of IEDW is evaluated on three types of buildings. The experimental results proved that the IEDW can provide a more reasonable wiring solution than manual wiring in terms of circuit balance and total wiring length. Moreover, the IEDW can reduce the wiring cost by 8.8% on average. The proposed IEDW will enhance the efficiency of BIM-based electric systems design and delivery.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to suggest and develop a building information modeling (BIM) database based on BIM perspective definition metadata for connecting external facility management (FM) and BIM data, which considers variability and expandability from the user’s perspective. The BIM-based FM system must be able to support different use cases per user role and effectively extract information required by the use cases from various heterogeneous data sources. If the FM system’s user perspective becomes structurally fixed when developing the system, the lack of expandability can cause problems for maintenance and reusability. BIM perspective definition (BPD) metadata helps increase expandability and system reusability because it supports system variability, which allows adding or changing the user perspective even after the system has been developed. The information to be dealt with differs according to the user’s role, which also means that the data model, data conversion rules, and expression methods change per perspective. The perspective should be able to extract only the user-requested data from the heterogeneous system’s data source and format it in the style demanded by the user. In order to solve such issues, we analyzed the practice of FM and the benefits of using BIM-based FM, and we proposed a BPD that supports data extraction and conversion and created a prototype.  相似文献   

Current design approaches for new buildings do not sufficiently plan for or adapt to changing conditions that could be used to extend the useful life of buildings, as part of a circular economy. While notable advances have emerged for using BIM-based configurators to improve building design and project execution, there is a need expand such configurators to look at how buildings can be adapted and re-configured across their lifecycle. This paper develops and demonstrates an innovative feature modeling approach for configuring and adapting modular buildings. This study uses BIM for structuring intricate feature relationships of specific design aspects in terms of product circularity. The design aspects considered are structural design, dimensional variation control, and disassembly planning design. Feature parameter maps, which are a general constraint relation representation, are implemented to describe the data models since they are an efficient way to visualize feature elements and interdependencies, to avoid the creation of redundant information, and to improve data structure consistency. The application of the proposed methodology is validated with a functional demonstration of a conceptual design and optimization for a single module that is meant to be part of a modular construction project. The product model was synthesized in a parametric BIM environment for iterative configuration, analysis of results, and final optimization of the single module assembly. The demonstration case study shows that BIM can be adapted to assist on modeling specific design aspects for modular buildings and to create design alternatives. Also, the method shows a considerable benefit that the designer can produce diverse accurate design alternatives within a reduced amount of time.  相似文献   

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