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一、与罐结缘 魏琼谈起最初关于罐头的记忆:小的时候,罐头产品作为“奢侈品”是请客送礼的佳品,这些被亲戚朋友拎来拎去的铁盒子玻璃瓶,是孩子们眼中最好的美味世界。因为那时罐头是很稀缺的,所以小孩子都很想生病,那样就可以吃到美味的罐头。那些美味或许比药还管用,几口罐头下肚,小孩子马上就能活蹦乱跳起来。  相似文献   

北京市食品安全办近日通报,两种不合格食品全市停售,其中的"恒翔"乡巴佬麻辣美味香干,发现菌落总数实测值是标准值的26倍多。北京市工商局近期在流通领域食品安全监管工作中,抽检出两种不合格食品,除了北京国缘假日宾馆销售的"恒翔"乡巴佬麻辣美味香干,还有标称银川市一品园工贸有限公司北京  相似文献   

台湾,祖国的美丽宝岛。山清水秀人诚,自由游程所至,一份份美味小吃;一款款精巧的手工制作……食摊、商铺、书店……,  相似文献   

<正>食物,是指能够满足人体正常生理和生化能量需求,并能延续正常寿命的物质。食物和水是人每天的必需品。在满足这个基本需求之后,人类对食物有了更多的需求。除了果腹,美味的食品在人的一生中扮演着越来越重要的作用,例如医疗、社交、改善心情等等。同时,对"美味"生活的追求也衍生出很多与美食有关的趣味话题和知识。  相似文献   

据《世界经理人文摘》报道,12岁的哈利·威尔舍来自英格兰艾塞克斯郡比利列卡尔镇。与同龄孩子一样,包装精美、甜蜜美味的各式糖果历来是他的最爱。  相似文献   

实用拍摄指南教您用影像留下美味回忆……想象一下西式的美味套餐,开胃小食是嫩炸土豆配上浓味巧克力酱,主菜是火候鲜嫩的鸡肉蘸着木塞瓶里的上等Harmite酸香汁, 甜点是棉花糖和土豆泥饼,旁边舀上一勺水果色拉,再滴几点清香的橄榄油。这是不是非常难得的佳肴?吃完还可以再要一碗滋补汤,而不是咖啡或薄荷酒。这种搭配听起来好像只是过于异想天开的幻想,  相似文献   

在世界包装发展史中,有许多发明都来源于战争的需要。例如,当今人们经常食用的各种美味罐头食品,最初就是为了解决战争中肉食给养的问题而研究发明的。  相似文献   

美味酱汗包装:微波炉蒸煮袋;花生酱的一次性杯包装;伏特加酒:透明蓝色PET瓶包装;罐装咖啡饮料的人性化组合装;[编按]  相似文献   

各类网址信手拈来,照片能在巧克力上现身。绝对意想不到的方法,增加风味和诱惑! 巧克力是人人喜爱的节日小礼,不过,看看它的样子,还是缺了一点儿想像力。但是,现在已经千真万确地可以给美味的礼品增添一点儿个性了。那就是,用照片定制巧克力。是的,您真的可以把自己的获奖照片复制到美味的巧克力上面去。只要登录到我们在此推荐的网站,就可以让自己或心爱的人得到奖赏。  相似文献   

<正>从古至今,国人都渴望能够食用纯真但却更加美味的谷物食品,尤其是现代人的健康理念更加崇尚原汁原味,甚至"是原汁但比原味更美味"的绿色食品。北京从古至今生物科技有限公司拥有自主知识产权的发明专利FAMINGZHUANLI001075926,该专利是中国生物科技专家赵光先生经过10年研究而成,依据该专利技术而开发、生产的玉米原汁已投放市场,首试产品即被作为国际投资大会指定饮品,广受中外嘉宾褒奖;该产品还荣获国际食品工业联合会特别金奖。谷物原汁以谷物尤其是以玉米为原料作为全粮  相似文献   

3-(4-Carboxybenzoyl)-2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde has been utilized as a precolumn derivatization agent for various amino sugars. Constituents of various biological mixtures can be converted to highly fluorescent isoindole derivatives, separated by high-performance capillary electrophoresis and determined at attomole (10(-18) mol) levels by a laser-induced fluorescence detector. This method has been applied to the analysis of monosaccharides and acid-hydrolyzed polysaccharides. Carbohydrate moieties derived from a glycoprotein were also tagged and determined.  相似文献   

The naturally occurring polysaccharides, starch and pectic acid, were hydrothermally degraded in a semi-batch reactor coupled with a plug-flow reactor (PFR) to produce valuable chemicals including mono- and oligosaccharides over a temperature range from 160 to 240 °C at 10 MPa. The solid polysaccharide samples were solubilized in a semi-batch reactor, and the water-soluble (WS) components instantly entered the PFR in which further degradation took place. The reaction temperature and/or residence time in the PFR significantly affected the yields of oligosaccharides, monosaccharides and secondary decomposition products, and also the average molecular weight of WS components. The product distributions were expressed with severity, which combines the effects of temperature and time on the progress of the reaction, as a single reaction parameter. Using this parameter, it was found that similar product distributions were obtained at equal levels of severity. The severity parameter enabled easy interpretation of the change in product distribution for these reactions.  相似文献   

Analysis of monosaccharides is typically performed using analytical systems that involve a separation step followed by a detection step. The separation step is usually necessary because of the high degree of structural similarity between different monosaccharides. A novel sensing system for monosaccharides is described here in which living bacteria were designed to detect a model monosaccharide, L-arabinose, without the need for a separation step. In such sensing systems, analytes are detected by employing the selective recognition properties found in certain bacterial proteins. These systems are designed so that a reporter protein is expressed by the bacteria in response to the analyte. The concentration of the analyte can be related to the signal generated by the reporter protein. In the sensing system described here, the green fluorescent protein (GFP) was used as the reporter protein. L-Arabinose concentrations can be determined by monitoring the fluorescence emitted by the bacteria at 509 nm after excitation of GFP at 395 nm. The system can detect L-arabinose at concentrations as low as 5 x 10(-7) M and is selective over D-arabinose, the stereoisomer of the analyte, as well as over a variety of pentose and hexose sugars.  相似文献   

Different excipients, which are currently being studied for colon delivery systems, were examined with respect to their stability toward neutron irradiation as a potential method of radiolabeling the formulations for γ-scintigraphic studies. Three different pectin and four different hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) types, in addition to two types of polymethacrylate films, were exposed to 1, 2, and 3 min of thermal neutron irradiation in a flux of 1.1 × 1013 n cm-2 s-1. The physicochemical characteristics of pectins and HPMCs and the mechanical properties of the polymethacrylate films were examined after the radioactivity of the samples had declined to background levels. Methods included ultraviolet (UV) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, pH measurements, loss on drying, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), viscosimetry, gas chromatographic (GC) analysis of pectin monosaccharides, and tensile strength testing of the films. The results suggest that pectins and HPMCs undergo degradation, as expressed by a significant reduction in the dynamic and intrinsic viscosities of the samples. Generally, HPMCs were more sensitive than pectins to neutron irradiation. However, calcium pectinate proved to be the most sensitive among all the investigated polymers. Both polymethacrylate films (Eudragit® L and S) resisted loss of mechanical properties following 1 and 2 min of neutron irradiation, whereas irradiation for 3 min implied significant changes in the appearance and the mechanical properties of Eudragit L films. As a conclusion, neutron irradiation results in dose-dependent degradation of the investigated polysaccharides and polymethacrylates. The consequences on the in vitro behavior of a formulation containing such polymers are discussed.  相似文献   

Through the use of ion-molecule reactions and SORI-CID, the phosphate position in hexose phosphate monosaccharides has been determined in the negative ion mode. Trimethyl borate was used as a reagent gas and was found to react readily with the phosphorylated hexose monosaccharides. After reaction of the reagent gas with the hexose phosphate, ion activation of the precursor by SORI-CID yielded different MS/MS spectra. Different diagnostic ions were generated for the two isomers, thus enabling differentiation and linkage position determination of the phosphate moiety.  相似文献   

聚乳酸与多糖都是生物可降解、生物相容性材料,将聚乳酸的力学性能优越性和多糖的生物学优越性能综合利用起来,设计生物仿生材料是一种制备生物医用材料的新手段。文中综合讨论了聚乳酸与多糖接枝改性的最新研究进展,同时对于这类生物仿生材料目前存在的问题以及前景进行了评估。  相似文献   

We obtained the nearly complete structural elucidation of oligosaccharide components, including sequence, linkage, and even stereochemistry in the picomolar levels. The "catalog-library" approach is used for elucidating the structures of minor components in a mixture of oligosaccharides. Oligosaccharides released from a family of glycoproteins are often composed of a small finite set of monosaccharides. In this regard, the numerous oligosaccharide species are analogous to the products found in syntheses involving combinatorial libraries. The great structural diversity in the library is the result of the nearly infinite combinations in which even a small number of monosaccharides can be arranged. Fortunately, structural similarities exist between different oligosaccharides, as specific substructural motifs are preserved among different compounds. We propose that a catalog of substructural motifs can be identified and characterized by collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry. The catalog is constructed from a set of known compounds that have been fully structurally elucidated by, for example, nuclear magnetic resonance. The catalog consists of the characteristic fragmentation patterns belonging to a set of specific substructural motifs. Collision-induced dissociation is used to determine the presence of these motifs and reconstruct the structures of less abundant components.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate a process for liquefaction of cellulose with hot compressed water as a pre-treatment for a compact gasification process of cellulose. Experiments were carried out using a batch reactor with a temperature controller. The temperature profile for heating was controlled in a proportional relationship with time. Cellulose was drastically decomposed and liquefied when the maximum temperature was set at over ∼513 K. It decomposed to oligosaccharides, monosaccharides and pyrolysis products such as glyceraldehydes and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde. Theoretical treatment was investigated by considering the following stepwise processes: decompositions of I. cellulose to oligosaccharides, II. oligosaccharides to monosaccharides and pyrolysis products and III. monosaccharides to pyrolysis products. In these steps, step I is a heterogeneous reaction consists of: (a) Diffusion of water monomer to a cellulose surface and (b) Hydrolysis reaction of water monomer with a cellulose molecule at the surface. The temperature dependence of the rate constants was expressed by the Arrhenius relationship. The calculated result showed good correlation to the experimental data. The results suggest that it is possible to estimate the decomposition of cellulose by hot compressed water in a batch reactor that requires slow heating process.  相似文献   

Closed-end single-walled carbon nanotubes were wetted in aqueous solutions of monosaccharides, forming weak surface complexes, as proven by the estimation of the content of monosaccharides in complexes isolated from aqueous solutions. The complexation was confirmed by micro-Raman spectroscopy. The Gaussian 03 (Molecular Mechanics UFF method) computations of total energy of the single-walled carbon nanotube-monosaccharides inclusion and surface complexes showed that inclusion complexes should be more stable than corresponding surface complexes. Computed total energies for particular complexes pointed to a lack of preferences for the formation of complexes with either alpha- or beta-tautomers and either pyranoses or furanoses. The forms preferred in the formation of the surface complexes usually differ from these favored in the formation of the inclusion complexes.  相似文献   

Engineering Nanoassemblies of Polysaccharides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polysaccharides offer a wealth of biochemical and biomechanical functionality that can be used to develop new biomaterials. In mammalian tissues, polysaccharides often exhibit a hierarchy of structure, which includes assembly at the nanometer length scale. Furthermore, their biochemical function is determined by their nanoscale organization. These biological nanostructures provide the inspiration for developing techniques to tune the assembly of polysaccharides at the nanoscale. These new polysaccharide nanostructures are being used for the stabilization and delivery of drugs, proteins, and genes, the engineering of cells and tissues, and as new platforms on which to study biochemistry. In biological systems polysaccharide nanostructures are assembled via bottom‐up processes. Many biologically derived polysaccharides behave as polyelectrolytes, and their polyelectrolyte nature can be used to tune their bottom‐up assembly. New techniques designed to tune the structure and composition of polysaccharides at the nanoscale are enabling researchers to study in detail the emergent biological properties that arise from the nanoassembly of these important biological macromolecules.  相似文献   

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