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Antipeptide antibodies raised against the carboxyl-terminal region of the human sodium/iodide (Na+/I-) symporter (hNIS) were used to investigate by immunohistochemistry the presence and distribution of the hNIS protein in normal thyroid tissues, in some pathological nonneoplastic thyroid tissues, and in different histotypes of thyroid neoplasms. In normal thyroid tissue, staining of hNIS protein was heterogeneous and limited to a minority of follicular cells that were in close contact with capillary vessels. In positive cells, immunostaining was limited to the basolateral membrane. In contrast, in Graves' disease the majority of follicular cells expressed the hNIS protein. In autoimmune thyroiditis, the number of hNIS-positive cells, was similar to that found in normal tissue. These positive cells were found essentially close to lymphocytic infiltrates. This observation supports the concept of hNIS as an autoantigen. In diffuse nodular hyperplasia, hNIS staining was heterogeneous, but the number of hNIS-positive cells exceeded that found in normal tissue. In well differentiated follicular or papillary carcinoma, the number of hNIS-positive cells was significantly lower than in normal tissue. In poorly differentiated follicular carcinoma, the number ofhNIS-positive cells was less than that found in well differentiated carcinoma, or there were no positive cells. Interestingly, in all of these thyroid tissues, the number of follicular cells exhibiting TSH receptor (TSHR) immunoreactivity was greater than the number ofhNIS-positive cells. As hNIS expression appears to be related to TSHR stimulation, the decreased number of TSHR-positive cells in cancers may contribute to the reduced capacity of neoplastic cells to concentrate iodide. In one patient with a follicular cancer with an absence of hNIS immunostaining, the total body 131I scan showed no uptake in metastatic tissue. In three cancers with positive hNIS cells, the 131I scan showed uptake in lymph node metastases. This suggests that immunodetection of hNIS could predict radioiodine uptake in thyroid cancers.  相似文献   

The human Na+/I- symporter (hNIS) is the plasma membrane protein that mediates active iodide uptake into several tissues, such as the thyroid and salivary glands. To study the distribution and cellular localization of the hNIS protein, we have generated a polyclonal antibody that could detect the hNIS protein by immunohistochemical staining on tissue sections. In normal thyroids, hNIS expression is heterogeneous, and it is only detected in sporadic thyrocytes of a given follicle. The hNIS protein was not detected in thyroid carcinomas, yet it was detected in the majority of thyrocytes in Graves' thyroids. In salivary glands, hNIS protein was not detected in acinar cells, but it was detected in ductal cells. The hNIS proteins are clustered in the basal and lateral membranes in cells stained positive for hNIS.  相似文献   

A sexual dimorphism more marked than in living humans has been claimed for European Middle Pleistocene humans, Neandertals and prehistoric modern humans. In this paper, body size and cranial capacity variation are studied in the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene sample. This is the largest sample of non-modern humans found to date from one single site, and with all skeletal elements represented. Since the techniques available to estimate the degree of sexual dimorphism in small palaeontological samples are all unsatisfactory, we have used the bootstraping method to asses the magnitude of the variation in the Sima de los Huesos sample compared to modern human intrapopulational variation. We analyze size variation without attempting to sex the specimens a priori. Anatomical regions investigated are scapular glenoid fossa; acetabulum; humeral proximal and distal epiphyses; ulnar proximal epiphysis; radial neck; proximal femur; humeral, femoral, ulnar and tibial shaft; lumbosacral joint; patella; calcaneum; and talar trochlea. In the Sima de los Huesos sample only the humeral midshaft perimeter shows an unusual high variation (only when it is expressed by the maximum ratio, not by the coefficient of variation). In spite of that the cranial capacity range at Sima de los Huesos almost spans the rest of the European and African Middle Pleistocene range. The maximum ratio is in the central part of the distribution of modern human samples. Thus, the hypothesis of a greater sexual dimorphism in Middle Pleistocene populations than in modern populations is not supported by either cranial or postcranial evidence from Sima de los Huesos.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A (SAA) is a plasma protein which has been associated with several diseases, including amyloidosis, arthritis, and atherosclerosis, and its abnormal expression, particularly in nonhepatic cells, is implicated in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Transfection and DNA-binding studies were performed to investigate the mechanism controlling cytokine-induced, nonhepatic expression of the SAA gene. We have identified a novel promoter, located between positions -280 and 224, that confers interleukin-6 (IL-6) inducibility to an SAA-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene in both nonhepatic and hepatic cells. DNase I protection assays revealed, within this region, three homologous highly pyrimidine rich octanucleotide sequence motifs, termed SAA-activating sequences (SAS). Specific mutations within these three SAS motifs severely reduced IL-6-mediated induction of the reporter gene in transfected nonhepatic cells but not in liver cells. A nuclear factor activated by IL-6 in both hepatic and nonhepatic cells efficiently interacts with the SAS. The induction kinetics and cycloheximide sensitivity of this SAS-binding factor (SAF) suggested that de novo synthesis of this factor itself or an activator protein is essential. Loss of DNA-binding ability as a result of in vitro dephosphorylation, induction of SAA-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene activity in the presence of genistein, a protein kinase inhibitor, further indicate that a phosphorylation step is necessary for the activation of SAF. Our results suggest that SAF is a key regulator of cytokine-mediated SAA gene expression in some nonhepatic cells.  相似文献   

Elongation factor P (EFP) is a protein that stimulates the peptidyltransferase activity of fully assembled 70 S prokaryotic ribosomes and enhances the synthesis of certain dipeptides initiated by N-formylmethionine. This reaction appears conserved throughout species and is promoted in eukaryotic cells by a homologous protein, eIF5A. Here we ask whether the Escherichia coli gene encoding EFP is essential for cell viability. A kanamycin resistance (KanR) gene was inserted near the N-terminal end of the efp gene and was cloned into a plasmid, pMAK705, that has a temperature-sensitive origin of replication. After transformation into a recA+ E. coli strain, temperature-sensitive mutants were isolated, and their chromosomal DNA was sequenced. Mutants containing the efp-KanR gene in the chromosome grew at 33 degrees C only in the presence of the wild-type copy of the efp gene in the pMAK705 plasmid and were unable to grow at 44 degrees C. Incorporation of various isotopes in vivo suggests that translation is impaired in the efp mutant at 44 degrees C. At 44 degrees C, mutant cells are severely defective in peptide-bond formation. We conclude that the efp gene is essential for cell viability and is required for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The presence of at least 2.5 mM Na during the first several min after insemination is required for the activation of sea urchin eggs. Of those chemical species examined that exist entirely as cations, and which did not activate the unfertilized egg, only Li substitutes for Na. Ammonium and other amines, with pKa values between 9 and 10.8, in the complete absence of Na (a) can induce nuclear activation of unfertilized eggs, and (b) permit the development of the early fertilized egg through the stage that normally requires Na.  相似文献   

Naloxone benzoylhydrazone (NalBzoH) is a potent mu antagonist in vivo. In a cell line stably transfected with MOR-1 (CHO/MOR-1), NalBzoH also was an antagonist when examined in adenylyl cyclase studies. In binding studies, it displayed high affinity for the mu receptor, confirming its earlier characterization in brain membranes. In competition studies under equilibrium conditions, NalBzoH and diprenorphine both retained their potency in the presence of the stable GTP analog 5'-guanylylimidophosphate, consistent with their mu antagonist properties, whereas the agonist DAMGO showed more than a 3-fold loss of affinity. The dissociation of 3H-diprenorphine was monophasic. However, kinetic studies revealed biphasic dissociations for both 3H-NalBzoH and 3H-DAMGO. The slow component of 3H-NalBzoH dissociation, corresponding to the higher affinity state, was dependent on coupling to G-proteins. It is selectively abolished by guanine nucleotides, leaving only the rapid dissociation phase. Furthermore, the slow dissociation component is eliminated by treatment of the cells with pertussis toxin, but not cholera toxin. In conclusion, NalBzoH is an unusual opioid. Functionally it is an antagonist, a classification consistent with its equilibrium binding in the presence of guanine nucleotides. Yet, kinetic studies reveal that it labels a G-protein coupled state of the receptor with high affinity.  相似文献   

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