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一种十字形运动搜索算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年,虽然运动估计算法有了很多种的快速算法,但是,运动搜索巨大的计算量依然是视频压缩速率的瓶颈,本文针对运动矢量的分布特点,提出了一种新的运动搜索算法,算法不仅结构简单,而且测试结果表明,该算法比原有DS9(dia-mondsearch)算法在搜索点数和图像质量方面有较大的提高,最好时的搜索点数只有DS算法的3/4。  相似文献   

Motion estimation plays a vital role in reducing temporal correlation in video codecs but it requires high computational complexity. Different algorithms have tried to reduce this complexity. However these reduced-complexity routines are not as regular as the full search algorithm (FSA). Also, regularity of an algorithm is very important in order to have a hardware implementation of that algorithm even if it leads to more complexity burden. The goal of this paper is to develop an efficient and regular algorithm which mimics FSA by searching a small area exhaustively. Our proposed algorithm is designed based on two observations. The first observation is that the motion vector of a block falls within a specific rectangular area designated by the prediction vectors. The second observation is that in most cases, this rectangular area is smaller than one fourth of the FSA’s search area. Therefore, the search area of the proposed method is adaptively found for each block of a frame. To find the search area, the temporal and spatial correlations among motion vectors of blocks are exploited. Based on these correlations, a rectangular search area is determined and the best matching block in this area is selected. The proposed algorithm is similar to FSA in terms of regularity but requires less computational complexity due to its smaller search area. Also, the suggested algorithm is as simple as FSA in terms of implementation and is comparable with many of the existing fast search algorithms. Simulation results show the claimed performance and efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - A new block-matching algorithm for fast motion estimation is proposed. The so-called Star Diamond Search with Adaptive Threshold (SDth) is two steps algorithm....  相似文献   

H.264视频编解码标准中由于运动搜索部分占整个编码时间的权重很大,所以运动搜索算法的优劣直接影响整个编码的效率。对编码运动估计理论进行了研究,采用六边形和小菱形相结合的方法,提出了一种新的自适应快速搜索算法来改善搜索效率。自适应快速搜索算法模式由当前块运动强度来决定,当当前块处于剧烈运动时,该算法选择六边形图形搜索算法;当当前块处于缓慢运动时,该算法选择小菱形图形搜索算法。实验结果表明该算法相比其他自适应算法以及单纯使用一种搜索图形节约了搜索时间,同时率失真性能影响甚微。  相似文献   

Multi-direction search algorithm for block motion estimation in H.264/AVC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many efficient search algorithms such as three-step search, new three-step search, four-step search, block-based gradient descent search, diamond search and hexagon-based search are developed for block motion estimation (ME) to search for the optimal objective function. The block ME technique involves an optimisation problem. Although these algorithms can converge to a minimal point rapidly, they suffer from becoming trapped in local minimum if the objective function has multiple minima. To solve this problem, the hybrid multi-hexagongrid search (UMHexagonS) algorithm has been proposed in H.264/AVC, in which an unsymmetrical-cross search and an uneven UMHexagonS are employed over a wide search range to find a nearly global minimum. The experiment shows that the hybrid UMHexagonS algorithm is computation expensive and is occasionally trapped in local minimum. The authors propose a novel and fast search algorithm, called multi-direction search (MDS) algorithm, which uses an MDS first to find all possible locally optimal points and then uses the extended hexagon search to refine these points for the final optimal motion vector. The experimental results indicate that a significant improvement in computation reduction (~30 and 50% reduction in average search points, corresponding to 19 and 37% reduction in total encoding time, for MDS and fast MDS, respectively) can be achieved while maintaining better coding performance, compared with the hybrid UMHexagonS algorithm.  相似文献   

为了平衡运动估计中搜索算法的复杂度与搜索精度,基于双模式算法的思想,提出一种结合基于改进的粒子群算法(PSO)和十字搜索算法(ARPS)的双模式运动搜索算法.该算法对不同运动程度的图像采用不同的运动搜索算法(运动剧烈时采用PSO算法,运动平缓时采用ARPS算法),有效地结合了PSO的全局性特点以及ARPS的局部性特点,同时保持了ARPS的快速性.实验表明,该算法的整体性能高于传统的单模式运动估计算法以及已有的多模式运动估计算法.  相似文献   

Motion estimation is one of the kernel issues in MPEG series. In this correspondence, a novel two-phase Hilbert-scan-based search algorithm for block motion estimation is presented. First in the intra-phase, a segmentation of the Hilbert curve is applied to the current block, then a novel coarse-to-fine data structure is developed to eliminate the impossible reference blocks in the search window of the reference frame. In the inter-phase, a new prediction scheme for estimating the initial motion vector of the current block is presented. Experimental results reveal that when compared to the GAPD algorithm, our proposed algorithm has better execution time and estimation accuracy performance. Under the same estimation accuracy, our proposed algorithm has better execution time performance when compared to the FS algorithm. In addition, when comparing with the TSS algorithm, our proposed algorithm has better estimation accuracy performance, but has worse execution time performance.  相似文献   

提出了一种改进的十字—菱形搜索(ICDS)算法,给出了在搜索的初始阶段使用小十字搜索模型对小的运动矢量搜索并在相继的搜索过程中使用具有方向性的菱形搜索模型对大运动矢量进行搜索的步聚。介绍了该算法的实现结构,并分析了该算法搜索性能。  相似文献   

石敏  易清明 《计算机应用》2008,28(6):1504-1506
提出了一种新的基于运动矢量场、方向自适应和半像素搜索的快速搜索算法(M-DAHS)。该算法根据图像序列运动矢量场的中心偏置性和时空相关性进行预判,对静止块设定阈值直接终止搜索;非静止块根据运动类型自适应选择搜索起始点和搜索策略。搜索模板具有很强的方向自适应性,对于小运动块采用菱形-线性搜索,其他块使用六边形-菱形搜索算法。整像素搜索完毕后,再以十字优先原则进行半像素搜索。实验结果表明,该算法性能优越,搜索速度快,搜索精度高,且搜索精度可以非常接近全搜索算法。  相似文献   

We propose two cross-diamond-hexagonal search (CDHS) algorithms, which differ from each other by their sizes of hexagonal search patterns. These algorithms basically employ two cross-shaped search patterns consecutively in the very beginning steps and switch using diamond-shaped patterns. To further reduce the checking points, two pairs of hexagonal search patterns are proposed in conjunction with candidates found located at diamond corners. Experimental results show that the proposed CDHSs perform faster than the diamond search (DS) by about 144% and the cross-diamond search (CDS) by about 73%, whereas similar prediction quality is still maintained.  相似文献   

新的多八边形快速运动估计算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
由于对编码的高精度和低复杂度的要求,H.264视频编码标准已经采用了UMHexagonS算法作为其可行的块运动估计实施方案。提出了一种新的UMHexagonS改进算法,改进主要在三个方面:第一,增加了一个新的初始预测矢量,以避免过早陷入局部最优;第二,一个小八边形搜索和两个后续的小菱形搜索取代了UMHexagonS算法中的5×5全搜索,这在一定程度上减少了计算量;第三,多八边形格点搜索取代了多六边形格点搜索,这不仅减轻了运算量负担,也在方向上能更好更快地搜索到最佳运动矢量。实验结果表明,所提出的方法不仅能保证UMHexagonS算法的编码效果,同时还能减少5%~10%的运算量,从而节省编码时间。  相似文献   

通过研究块匹配算法当中菱形算法中的冗余性,提出了一种基于差分的块匹配快速搜索算法(DBS),利用搜索点的匹配误差之间的大小关系,预测最优点的搜索方向,减少了搜索点数,通过实验表明了该算法在保证了匹配精度的同时获得了更高的搜索速度。  相似文献   

This article proposes a high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard hardware using block matching motion estimation algorithm. A hybrid parallel spiral and adaptive threshold star diamond search algorithm (Hyb PS-ATSDSA) proposes for fast motion estimation in HEVC. Parallel spiral search approach utilizes spiral pattern for searching from center to the surroundings and adaptive threshold SDA consists of two phases, they are adaptive threshold and star diamond algorithm. To lower computational complexities in HEVC architecture, parallel spiral search algorithm uses several blocks matching schemes. Adaptive threshold and star diamond algorithm are used to reduce the matching errors and remove the invalid blocks early from the procedure of motion estimation and finally predicts the final motion of the image. Speed is increased while using this hybrid algorithm. Proposed structure is carried out in Xilinx; ISE 14.5 design suit, then the experimental outcomes are analyzed to existing motion estimation strategies in field-programmable gate array devices. Experimental performance of the proposed Hyb-PS-ATSDSA-ME-HEVC method attains lower delay 33.97%, 32.97%, 62.97, and 26.97%, and lower area 34.867%, 45.97%, 27.97%, and 43.967% compared with the existing methods, such as FSA-ME-HEVC, TZSA-ME-HEVC, hyb TZSA-IME-HEVC, and IBMSA-ME-HEVC, respectively.  相似文献   

Motion estimation is one of the major problems in developing video coding applications. Among all motion estimation approaches, Block-matching (BM) algorithms are the most popular methods due to their effectiveness and simplicity for both software and hardware implementations. A BM approach assumes that the movement of pixels within a defined region of the current frame can be modeled as a translation of pixels contained in the previous frame. In this procedure, the motion vector is obtained by minimizing a certain matching metric that is produced for the current frame over a determined search window from the previous frame. Unfortunately, the evaluation of such matching measurement is computationally expensive and represents the most consuming operation in the BM process. Therefore, BM motion estimation can be viewed as an optimization problem whose goal is to find the best-matching block within a search space. The simplest available BM method is the Full Search Algorithm (FSA) which finds the most accurate motion vector through an exhaustive computation of all the elements of the search space. Recently, several fast BM algorithms have been proposed to reduce the search positions by calculating only a fixed subset of motion vectors despite lowering its accuracy. On the other hand, the Harmony Search (HS) algorithm is a population-based optimization method that is inspired by the music improvisation process in which a musician searches for harmony and continues to polish the pitches to obtain a better harmony. In this paper, a new BM algorithm that combines HS with a fitness approximation model is proposed. The approach uses motion vectors belonging to the search window as potential solutions. A fitness function evaluates the matching quality of each motion vector candidate. In order to save computational time, the approach incorporates a fitness calculation strategy to decide which motion vectors can be only estimated or actually evaluated. Guided by the values of such fitness calculation strategy, the set of motion vectors is evolved through HS operators until the best possible motion vector is identified. The proposed method has been compared to other BM algorithms in terms of velocity and coding quality. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm exhibits the best balance between coding efficiency and computational complexity.  相似文献   

刘海华  雷奕  谢长生 《计算机应用》2006,26(6):1354-1356
为了满足运动矢量概率分布特性,提出了非对称双十字形搜索(UDCS)算法,给出了在搜索的初始阶段使用小十字搜索模型对小的运动矢量搜索并在相继的搜索过程中使用具有方向性的十字形搜索模型对大运动矢量进行搜索的步骤。介绍了该算法的实现结构,并分析了该算法搜索性能。  相似文献   

详细论述了基于块匹配的鲁棒运动估计算法。跟已有的基于块匹配的运动估计算法比较,首先,我们引入颜色信息来提高运动估计的准确性;其次,在更广泛的意义上运用自适应策略来减少计算量并同时保证算法的鲁棒性;最后,提出的基于预测修正的复合查找方法充分利用了物体运动的全局信息,克服了三步查找算法以及全查找算法的缺点并充分发挥它们二者的优点从而提高查找的效率和匹配精度。实验结果表明基于块匹配的鲁棒运动估计算法具有抗干扰能力强、运动估计准确、计算效率高等优点。  相似文献   

一种综合搜索策略的快速运动估计算法*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种综合搜索策略的运动估计算法。该算法首先采用中值预测提前终止判断策略,然后基于块运动类型确定搜索起点,最后采用小十字模板与基于块的梯度下降搜索法(BBGDS)相结合的方法进行局部搜索。搜索过程中多处引入提前终止策略,进一步提高搜索速度。通过与综合性能代表当前国际先进水平的运动矢量场自适应搜索法(MVFAST)进行对比实验发现,该算法在基本保持搜索精度的情况下,有效提高了搜索速度,对于运动较大序列速度提高尤为明显,可以达到20%48%。  相似文献   

运动估计是剔除视频压缩中的时间冗余的关键,现有算法大都是基于全搜索策略的SAD匹配算法,这些算法虽然压缩性能很好,但计算复杂,实时性差。提出一种快速运动估计新算法,将块分割成多个子块,计算每个子块的灰度值之和与灰度值的平方和,将其整体作为一个参数再结合提出的三个匹配准则,求出当前帧和候选帧之间的最优运动估计。通过实验表明,采用该算法后计算的复杂度明显减小,实时性得到较大提高,其压缩性能却非常接近基于全搜索策略的SAD算法。  相似文献   

改进的十字-菱形运动估计搜索算法研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种改进的十字-菱形搜索(ICDS)算法,给出了在搜索的初始阶段使用小十字搜索模型对小的运动矢量搜索并在相继的搜索过程中使用具有方向性的菱形搜索模型对大运动矢量进行搜索的步聚.介绍了该算法的实现结构,并分析了该算法搜索性能.  相似文献   

基于方向自适应的运动估计混合模板搜索算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种基于方向自适应的运动估计混合模板搜索算法。该算法利用了运动矢量的时空相关性,对搜索起点进行预测,与仅利用空间相关性预测起点相比,提高了搜索的 准确性;然后通过自适应阀值静止块判定技术,对静止块直接中止搜索,解决了常量阀值静止块判定技术仅适应于某种特定序列类型的缺点;最后根据运动类型自适应选择采用小 菱形、六边形-小菱形或方向十字-小菱形搜索策略,解决了单一搜索策略模式下,不能兼顾视频压缩图像质量和速度的局限。实验表明,提出算法与H.264标准提供的UMHexagonS算 法相比,在保证编码质量的前提下,大大降低了运动估计时间,提高了编码效率。  相似文献   

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