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The effects of high-energy radiation on pre- and neonatal development, the adult nervous system, learning and performance, and sensory functions are described. Though the number of available studies are few, there is evidence to suggest that: (1) the adult nervous system is relatively radioresistant; (2) learning functions are relatively unaffected by lethal or sublethal dosages of radiation; (3) hearing acuity and thresholds to dark adaptation increase as a result of radiation; and (4) the fetal nervous system is relatively radiosensitive. There is a need for more studies assessing the behavioral effects of radiation. 70-item bibliography. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Numerous structures are included in the irradiated volume of patients presenting with head and neck cancer: skin, mucosa, bone, teeth, cartilage, muscles, salivary glands, etc. Curative intent treatment of such tumours requires aggressive approach which can lead to severe sequellae. These sequellae are in most cases dose-dependent and volume-dependent. However, an appropriate technique might decrease the severity of such sequellae. Details of these late changes are presented, including their pathophysiology, clinical syndromes, potential treatment, and prevention.  相似文献   

A review of the rapidly increasing literature. The conclusions included: (a) Mammals irradiated pre- or neonatally show relatively permanent deficits in several behavioral domains, such as learning, motor functions, mating, etc. (b) Some investigators report that even small doses affect neural functions and consequently CR acquisition while other find no effects even with large doses. (c) Radiation, however, may be an UCS in avoidance conditioning. Also, several motivational variables are affected. (d) Except for vision where the results are equivocal the data on sensory functions are scant. (e) There is little evidence for long-term human changes. (f) It is emphasized that radiation may be a potentially useful tool in several areas. (195 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Of various vital dyes used to assess schistosomula viability, toluidine blue enabled differential counting of the schistosomula on microscope slides but not in culture wells, whereas methylene blue could be added directly to the schistosomula suspension in culture wells of microtiter plates. Toluidine blue uptake by dead parasites was very fast. It mostly also partially stained damaged but not dead organisms. Its main disadvantage was rapid, nonspecific staining of live schistosomula, requiring prompt counting of a preparation and additional reliance on motility for assessment of viability. Methylene blue staining of dead worms was slower, but it did not stain the live worms until about 1 h after dye application, enabling its addition to a series of preparations for consecutive counting. It did not always stain flattened, dead schistosomula or it stained them an uncontrasting pale blue. This dye remarkably induced movement in seemingly inert and probably damaged worms, thus enabling determination of viability even following poor staining or a lack of staining.  相似文献   

Extremely low doses of ionizing radiation operate as complex stimuli with both cue and aversive properties. Recent studies have demonstrated that effects can be obtained with total doses of less than 1 roentgen. This fact may explain some of the controversies concerning radiosensitivity of mammals and the conflicting results obtained in behavioral and electroencephalographic tests for effects of radiation exposure recently reviewed in this journal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Radiation tolerance of normal tissues remains the limiting factor for delivering tumoricidal dose. The late toxicity of normal tissues is the most critical element of an irradiation: somatic, functional and structural alterations occur during the actual treatment itself, but late effects manifest months to years after acute effects heal, and may progress with time. The optimal therapeutic ratio ultimately requires not only complete tumor clearance, but also minimal residual injury to surrounding vital normal tissues. The disparity between the intensity of acute and late effects and the inability to predict the eventual manifestations of late normal tissue injury has made radiation oncologists recognize the importance of careful patient follow-up. There is so far no uniform toxicity scoring system to compare several clinical studies in the absence of a "common toxicity language". This justifies the need to establish a precise evaluation system for the analysis of late effects of radiation on normal tissues. The SOMA/LENT scoring system results from an international collaboration. European Organization Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) have created subcommittees with the aim of addressing the question of standardized toxic effects criteria. This effort appeared as a necessity to standardize and improve the data recording, to then describe and evaluate uniform toxicity at regular time intervals. The current proposed scale is not yet validated, and should be used cautiously.  相似文献   

Systemic polychemotherapy and local radiation are two well-established treatments for Hodgkin's disease. With the use of modern techniques, the great majority of patients with pathologic stage I-II Hodgkin's disease can be cured with irradiation alone. Since the invention of the MOPP and ABVD schemes, polychemotherapy has become indispensable for the treatment of advanced-stage Hodgkin's disease. The role of radiotherapy in combination with chemotherapy is limited to specific indications. ABVD therapy is as effective as MOPP alternating with ABVD, and both are superior to MOPP alone in the treatment of advanced Hodgkin's disease. MOPP/ABVD hybrid chemotherapy was significantly more effective than sequential MOPP-ABVD in 8-year failure-free survival and overall survival. The patients with advanced-stage Hodgkin's disease who did not achieve a complete remission from their initial treatment with combination chemotherapy have a dismal prognosis. Those whose initial remissions had lasted longer than 12 months had a very high probability of obtaining a second complete remission when re-treated with MOPP or ABVD, but those whose remission lasted less than 12 months fared less well with any conventional-dose chemotherapy. High-dose chemotherapy and radiotherapy with autologous hemopoietic stem cell transfusion are superior in the treatment of those whose disease is refractory or resistant to the initial therapy.  相似文献   

The total exposure of gamma-irradiation, (1-2 Gy) or intraperitoneally injection of cyclophosphamide (10-50 mg/kg) resulted in the dose-dependent inhibition of humoral immune response. The immunosuppression was expressed to a greater degree in lymphatic nodules, than in spleen. The combined action of these factors showed the effect of synergism. The injection of cyclophosphamide in mice neutralized the effect of antibody genesis induced by low dose irradiation (0.1 Gy).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This was the first randomized study to investigate the efficacy of peripheral-blood progenitor cell (PBPC) mobilization using stem-cell factor (SCF) in combination with filgrastim (G-CSF) following chemotherapy compared with filgrastim alone following chemotherapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-eight patients with ovarian cancer were treated with cyclophosphamide and randomized to receive filgrastim 5 microg/kg alone or filgrastim 5 microg/kg plus SCF. The dose of SCF was cohort-dependent (5, 10, 15, and 20 microg/kg), with 12 patients in each cohort, nine of whom received SCF plus filgrastim and the remaining three patients who received filgrastim alone. On recovery from the WBC nadir, patients underwent a single apheresis. RESULTS: SCF in combination with filgrastim following chemotherapy enhanced the mobilization of progenitor cells compared with that produced by filgrastim alone following chemotherapy. This enhancement was dose-dependent for colony-forming unit-granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM), burst-forming unit-erythrocyte (BFU-E), and CD34+ cells in both the peripheral blood and apheresis product. In the apheresis product, threefold to fivefold increases in median CD34+ and progenitor cell yields were obtained in patients treated with SCF 20 microg/kg plus filgrastim compared with yields obtained in patients treated with filgrastim alone. Peripheral blood values of CFU-GM, BFU-E, and CD34+ cells per milliliter remained above defined threshold levels longer with higher doses of SCF. The higher doses of SCF offer a greater window of opportunity in which to perform the apheresis to achieve high yields. CONCLUSION: SCF (15 or 20 microg/kg) in combination with filgrastim following chemotherapy is an effective way of increasing progenitor cell yields compared with filgrastim alone following chemotherapy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate neutron irradiation alone and with chemotherapy to treat inoperable pancreatic cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1977 and 1994, 173 patients (60 men, 113 women, aged 43-77 years [mean, 59 years]) with unresectable adenocarcinoma of the exocrine pancreas were treated, 106 with neutron irradiation alone and 67 with concomitant chemotherapy (fluorouracil [5-FU]). At follow-up, which was performed at 2-month intervals until death (range, 4-64 months), clinical status was recorded, noting the presence of overt metastasis and the onset of any major complications. Actuarial (Kaplan-Meier) survival tables were computed for both groups. RESULTS: For neutron irradiation alone and neutron irradiation plus chemotherapy, median survival times were 6 months and 9 months, respectively; actuarial survival rates at 3 years were 0 and 7%, respectively; major reactions (grade 3 or higher [scale of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer]) occurred in 19 (18%) and 17 (25%) patients, respectively; and severe complications (grade 4) occurred in five (5%) and four (6%) patients, respectively. Most deaths were due to metastatic disease rather than to failure of local control. CONCLUSIONS: Neutron irradiation obliterated pancreatic adenocarcinoma at the primary site but has no effect on long-term survival. With more effective concomitant chemotherapy to prevent metastasis, local control of pancreatic cancer with neutron irradiation could lead to increased long-term survival.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: To determine whether active immunization against LHRH can serve as treatment for androgen-dependent prostatic carcinoma. METHOD: Male rats of Copenhagen X Fisher strain, implanted with Dunning R-3327 prostatic carcinoma cells were either immunized against LHRH, treated with LHRH-antagonist, or received a combined treatment of active immunization against LHRH and LHRH-antagonist. RESULTS: Testicular histology was consistent with infertility in all treatment groups. The rate of tumor growth was inhibited by all three treatment regimens. Tumor size increased by 3.8 +/- 1.4 cm2 in the LHRH-antagonist group, 3.2 +/- 1.1 cm2 in the immunized group, and 1.0 +/- 0.4 cm2 in the combined treatment group, as compared to 8.2 +/- 2.6 cm2 in non-treated control group. CONCLUSION: LHRH-antagonist administration combined with immunization against LHRH appeared to exert a synergistic effect. This may be due to the blockade of prostatic LHRH-like receptors by the antagonist, while androgen depletion was rapidly achieved by LHRH-antagonist, and maintained by continued gonadotropin suppression caused by active immunization against LHRH once antagonist treatment had been discontinued.  相似文献   

The possible combined effects of the initiator diethylnitrosamine (DEN) with X rays on cancer induction in C57BL/Cnb mouse liver were evaluated. Four groups of infant mice were treated as follows: with DEN alone, with X rays alone, with DEN + X rays, and with X rays + DEN. Mice in each group were killed at 10-week intervals over 70 weeks. The following parameters were measured: body weight, liver weight, number and size of macroscopic liver lesions, and number and total surface of the different types of microscopic liver lesions. The number of induced liver foci and carcinomas was found to depend essentially on the dose of DEN. X irradiation did not produce any combined effect on the induction of foci and carcinomas when given 7 days before or after DEN administration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To present our experience with liver fine needle aspiration (FNA) diagnosis based on Riu's stain. STUDY DESIGN: We reviewed a total of 322 liver fine needle aspirates from 286 patients seen in a seven-year period from April 1990 to April 1997 at Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center, Taipei. Surgical and/or clinical follow-up was available for confirmation in 292 aspirates. RESULTS: The cytologic diagnosis was categorized into four groups: benign in 81 cases, suspicious in 13, malignant in 225, and inadequate specimen in 3 cases. There were 16 false negative and no false positive diagnoses. Two suspicious aspirates were negative. Our results showed a sensitivity of 93.3% and a specificity of 100% for the detection of malignancy. If suspicious cases were considered positive, the specificity decreased to 95.1%, while the sensitivity increased to 93.6%. Among 87 hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) in our series, correct FNA diagnosis was made in 84 cases with an accuracy of 96.6%. Out of 135 cases of non-HCCs, 1 was incorrectly diagnosed. The accuracy of identifying a liver malignancy as non-HCC was 99.3%. CONCLUSION: Cytologic features of HCC are well demonstrated by Riu's stain, with high accuracy in identifying them. Liver FNAs using Riu's stain combined with cell block study and clinicopathologic correlation can achieve very high sensitivity and specificity in the detection of hepatic malignancies.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe the clinical course of oculoglandular tularemia with acute glaucoma and corneal oedema. METHODS: Clinical course, results of laboratory assays and treatment of oculoglandular tularemia in a 58-year-old woman. RESULTS: The patient had acute glaucoma and corneal oedema in connection with acute tularemia. At the onset of the disease she had a fever (39 degrees C), pains in her muscles and in her right eye. The intraocular pressure, which was 68 mmHg at the beginning was lowered with intravenous and per oral acetatcolamide together with timolol and pilocarpine eyedrops, and because of a narrow anterior chamber, with subsequent laser iridotomies. The tularemia was treated with ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice daily for ten days. Vision was finger counting at the beginning of the disease. The corneal oedema gradually subsided and vision normalized during the two-month follow-up. CONCLUSION: Oculoglandular tularemia was connected with acute glaucoma and corneal oedema.  相似文献   

We summarize our recent progress on the formation process of radiation-induced defects, their stability, and cation- and anion-disordering in ionic crystals, such as magnesium aluminate spinel and alpha alumina, under simultaneous displacive and ionizing radiations or under electric field. In those crystals, suppression of dislocation loop formation is observed under simultaneous ionizing and displacive radiations. Cation and anion disordering are also detected through newly developed analytica electron microscopy. Furthermore, the electric field suppresses the formation of dislocation loops and enhances their growth in thinner specimens of ionic crystals. Those results are discussed in terms of the instability of defect clusters under electronic excitation and displacements of structure vacancies and of the interaction between charged defects and electric fields. This article is based on a presentation in the symposium “Terence E. Mitchell Symposium on the Magic of Materials: Structures and Properties” from the TMS Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA in March 2003.  相似文献   

One hundred thirty-five patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) were treated by intraarterial injection of adriamycin/mitomycin C oil suspension (ADMOS) alone (59 cases) and ADMOS plus cis-diaminodichloroplatinum (CDDP) (76 cases). Tumor size was reduced by over 25% in 13 of 38 patients (35%) in the ADMOS alone group and in 39 of 76 patients (50%) in the ADMOS plus CDDP group. Serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels decreased by more than 50% in 7/17 (59%) in the ADMOS alone group and in 23/32 (70%) in the ADMOS plus CDDP group. The overall 1- and 2-year survival rates were 68% and 41% by the Kaplan-Meier method. However, no significant difference in the survival rates was observed between the two groups.  相似文献   

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