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首都机场被称为"中国第一国门",这里是各国政要首脑,各国奥运代表团和嘉宾抵京的首站,因此首都国际机场改扩建工程不仅是2008年北京奥运会的重点配套,也是国家的重点工程项目,意义非同小可.  相似文献   

<正>【短语小结】1.used to+v.过去常常;以前常常be/get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事2.be/become interested in sth./doing sth.对……感兴趣3.be on the swimming team是游泳队的队员4.be sure to do sth.一定做……be sure of sth.确信某事5.be terrified of sth.害怕……;恐惧……  相似文献   

杨建全  王珏 《建造师》2010,(4):8-10
本文运用文献资料、数理统计、逻辑推理等方法,对第30届伦敦奥运会中国奥运代表团所获奖牌数、名次问题进行相关分析与预测,得出结论:伦敦奥运会中国奥运代表团获得的金牌数、奖牌数将会下降11%左右,金牌数大约在45—48枚之间,奖牌数大约在88—92枚之间。中国奥运代表团有强大祖国和14亿人民的大力支持,携29届北京奥运会之余威,认真备战,稳中求胜,不出现大的失误,保住金牌、奖牌数第一的宝座完全是可能的。  相似文献   

深圳市台电实业有限公司为北京奥运会和残奥会的重要场馆提供了会议系统和同声传译系统,包括MPC(奥运主新闻中心)800人新闻发布厅、奥运村代表团大会会议厅,及“鸟巢”、“水立方”、国家体育馆、五棵松篮球馆等场馆的新闻发布厅。  相似文献   

伦敦2012年奥运会的安保消防工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步扩大北京2008年奥运会的影响,同时也是了解英国伦敦2012年奥运会的筹备情况,北京奥组委和市政府有关部门组成了代表团于今年4月份赴英国伦敦考察,北京市公安局消防局李进副局长  相似文献   

<正>Life can be a lonely thing without companionship.Acquaintances(相识的人;熟人)are easy to come by but true friends are a whole other story.The best way to develop meaningful connections with true friends we can trust is to become a true friend yourself.Apply these ten steps if you’d like to be a true friend that can be counted on.没有朋友,生活该多么孤单。泛泛之交遍地都是,但真正的朋友却少之又少了。要想结交到真正值得信任的  相似文献   

<正>1.used to do和be used to doing used to do意为"过去做某事",后面接动词原形。例如:He used to like junk food.他过去喜欢吃垃圾食品。be used to doing意为"习惯于做某事",后面接动词-ing形式。例如:He is used to getting up early.他习惯于早起。  相似文献   

<正>Have you ever dreamed of traveling in spacelLike most kids,when you look at the stars,you'll imagine that you will be an astronaut~1.It would be lots of fun to travel on a spaceship,just think about how wonderful it would be to stand on the moon or another planet!你梦想过去太空旅行吗?和大多数孩子一样,当你仰望星空时,会想象自己是一名宇航员。乘坐宇宙飞船去外太空旅行会十分有趣,想想看,站在月球上或者其它星球上的感觉是多么美妙啊!  相似文献   

When a relatively new building is not being fully utilized, there must have existed, at one time, a change in its initial conditions. The aim of this research is to study the changes in the initial conditions which cause buildings to be underutilized and analyze whether the demolition was justified. Causes can be found in problems due to the building's management, as the owners make the main decisions concerning the buildings. Additionally problems are due to the location where the building is constructed because site conditions changes a lot in one generation. The use of the building can also be a cause of abandonment as the original use can end before the lifespan of the building. Architectural style can be dated as fashions and styles change rapidly. Finally, causes can be in the physical condition of the buildings: structure, construction, installations and adherence to current regulations. In this article, the authors provide guidelines demonstrating how buildings of a past generation which were initially considered obsolete, can be properly reused.  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1.be the closest to home离家最近3.welcome to...欢迎来某地5.be new to...新来某地7.the freshest food最新鲜的食物9.the best performer最好的演员11.more and more popular越来越受欢迎13.the funniest actors最风趣的演员15.show their talent展示他们的才艺17.be up to是……的职责;由……决定19.make up编造(故事、流言等)21.take...seriously认真对待  相似文献   

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