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Angular acceleration of the head is a known cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI), but contemporary bicycle helmets lack dedicated mechanisms to mitigate angular acceleration. A novel Angular Impact Mitigation (AIM) system for bicycle helmets has been developed that employs an elastically suspended aluminum honeycomb liner to absorb linear acceleration in normal impacts as well as angular acceleration in oblique impacts. This study tested bicycle helmets with and without AIM technology to comparatively assess impact mitigation. Normal impact tests were performed to measure linear head acceleration. Oblique impact tests were performed to measure angular head acceleration and neck loading. Furthermore, acceleration histories of oblique impacts were analyzed in a computational head model to predict the resulting risk of TBI in the form of concussion and diffuse axonal injury (DAI). Compared to standard helmets, AIM helmets resulted in a 14% reduction in peak linear acceleration (p < 0.001), a 34% reduction in peak angular acceleration (p < 0.001), and a 22–32% reduction in neck loading (p < 0.001). Computational results predicted that AIM helmets reduced the risk of concussion and DAI by 27% and 44%, respectively. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that AIM technology could effectively improve impact mitigation compared to a contemporary expanded polystyrene-based bicycle helmet, and may enhance prevention of bicycle-related TBI. Further research is required.  相似文献   

In spite of anatomic proximity of the facial skeleton and cranium, there is lack of information in the literature regarding the relationship between facial and brain injuries. This study aims to correlate brain injuries with facial injuries using finite element method (FEM). Nine common impact scenarios of facial injuries are simulated with their individual stress wave propagation paths in the facial skeleton and the intracranial brain. Fractures of cranio-facial bones and intracranial injuries are evaluated based on the tolerance limits of the biomechanical parameters. General trend of maximum intracranial biomechanical parameters found in nasal bone and zygomaticomaxillary impacts indicates that severity of brain injury is highly associated with the proximity of location of impact to the brain. It is hypothesized that the midface is capable of absorbing considerable energy and protecting the brain from impact. The nasal cartilages dissipate the impact energy in the form of large scale deformation and fracture, with the vomer–ethmoid diverging stress to the “crumpling zone” of air-filled sphenoid and ethmoidal sinuses; in its most natural manner, the face protects the brain. This numerical study hopes to provide surgeons some insight in what possible brain injuries to be expected in various scenarios of facial trauma and to help in better diagnosis of unsuspected brain injury, thereby resulting in decreasing the morbidity and mortality associated with facial trauma.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) continues to be a leading cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. Research has been undertaken in order to better understand the characteristics of the injury event and measure the risk of injury to develop more effective environmental, technological, and clinical management strategies. This research used methods that have limited applications to predicting human responses. This limits the current understanding of the mechanisms of TBI in humans. As a result, the purpose of this research was to examine the characteristics of impact and dynamic response that leads to a high risk of sustaining a TBI in a human population. Twenty TBI events collected from hospital reports and eyewitness accounts were reconstructed in the laboratory using a combination of computational mechanics models and Hybrid III anthropometric dummy systems. All cases were falls, with an average impact velocity of approximately 4.0 m/s onto hard impact surfaces. The results of the methodology were consistent with current TBI research, describing TBI to occur in the range of 335–445 g linear accelerations and 23.7–51.2 krad/s2 angular accelerations. More significantly, this research demonstrated that lower responses in the antero-posterior direction can cause TBI, with lateral impact responses requiring larger magnitudes for the same types of brain lesions. This suggests an increased likelihood of sustaining TBI for impacts to the front or back of the head, a result that has implications affecting current understanding of the mechanisms of TBI and associated threshold parameters.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether the bicycle safety helmet legislation in California, enacted in 1994, was associated with statistically significant reductions in head injuries among bicyclists aged 17 years and under who were subjected to the law. The study used 44,069 patient discharge cases from all public hospitals in California, from 1991 through 2000, and a case-control design to make direct comparisons between those subjected to the law (Youth) and those who were not (Adult) across the pre- and post-legislation periods. An aggregate data analysis approach and a pooled disaggregate data fitting technique using multinomial logit models were applied. The legislation was found to be associated with a reduction of 18.2% (99% confidence interval: 11.5-24.3%) in the proportion of traumatic brain injuries (Head-TBI) among Youth bicyclists. The proportions of other head, face, and neck injuries were not significantly changed across the pre- and post-legislation periods in this age group but there was a corresponding increase of 9% (5-13%) in the proportion of all other injuries. On the other hand, there was no statistically significant change in the proportions of injury outcomes for Adult bicyclists. The youngest riders, aged 0-9 years, had the greatest decrease in the proportion of Head-TBI. The reduction was the same for motor vehicle and non-motor-vehicle-related incidents. The bicycle safety helmet legislation was associated with a decrease in the likelihood of Head-TBI for non-urban residents but not for urbanites, for males but not for females, and for Whites, Asians, and Hispanics, but not Blacks and others.  相似文献   

Bicycle injuries, particularly those resulting from single bicycle crashes, are underreported in both police and hospital records. Data on cyclist characteristics and crash circumstances are also often lacking. As a result, the ability to develop comprehensive injury prevention policies is hampered. The aim of this study was to examine the incidence, severity, cyclist characteristics, and crash circumstances associated with cycling injuries in a sample of cyclists in Queensland, Australia. A cross-sectional study of Queensland cyclists was conducted in 2009. Respondents (n = 2056) completed an online survey about their cycling experiences, including cycling injuries. Logistic regression modelling was used to examine the associations between demographic and cycling behaviour variables with experiencing cycling injuries in the past year, and, separately, with serious cycling injuries requiring a trip to a hospital. Twenty-seven percent of respondents (n = 545) reported injuries, and 6% (n = 114) reported serious injuries. In multivariable modelling, reporting an injury was more likely for respondents who had cycled <5 years, compared to ≥10 years (p < 0.005); cycled for competition (p = 0.01); or experienced harassment from motor vehicle occupants (p < 0.001). There were no gender differences in injury incidence, and respondents who cycled for transport did not have an increased risk of injury. Reporting a serious injury was more likely for those whose injury involved other road users (p < 0.03). Along with environmental and behavioural approaches for reducing collisions and near-collisions with motor vehicles, interventions that improve the design and maintenance of cycling infrastructure, increase cyclists’ skills, and encourage safe cycling behaviours and bicycle maintenance will also be important for reducing the overall incidence of cycling injuries.  相似文献   



Some crashes result in drivers experiencing (or sustaining) a traumatic brain injury (TBI) while other crashes involve drivers that have already experienced a TBI. The objective of this study is to examine the factors that influence these two TBI crash groups.


Data from the Iowa Department of Public Health's Brain Injury Registry and Department of Transportation's crash records were linked together and used in logistic regression models to predict the likelihood of a driver sustaining a TBI in a crash and those who drive after a TBI.


Between 2001 and 2006, there were 2382 crashes in which an individual sustained a TBI. As expected, a higher likelihood of sustaining a TBI was observed for motorcycle drivers who did not wear a helmet and in crashes that resulted in total or disabling vehicle damage. Focusing specifically on the post-TBI drivers (and not occupants), 1583 were involved in crashes. These post-TBI drivers were less likely to wear seatbelts or have passengers in the vehicle at the time of the crash, and were more likely to crash at night. Post-TBI drivers were also involved in significantly more multiple crashes (about 14%) when compared to drivers who have not experienced a TBI (about 10%) during the study period. When controlling for gender, date of injury, and severity of TBI (using Glasgow Coma Scale), individuals that sustained a TBI when they were younger were more likely to be involved in multiple crashes.


Different factors influence the crash likelihood for those that sustain a TBI in a crash and those that crash following a TBI. In general, post-TBI drivers have a higher occurrence of multiple crashes and this should be further explored to guide driver rehabilitation, evaluation, and training.  相似文献   

A population-based study was carried out in 1996-2001 to provide the incidence and to identify the risk factors of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulting from a road accident. The severe TBI was defined as an injury to the brain or the skull, excluding scalp injuries, with an abbreviated injury scale (AIS) severity score greater than 2. The severe TBI of 1238 patients were described. The annual incidence and mortality of severe TBI were, respectively, 13.7 per 100,000 and 5.3 per 100,000. The fatality rate increased from 20% in childhood to 71% over 75-year-old. Compared to restrained car occupants, the odds ratio for having a severe TBI was 18.1 (95% confidence interval, CI=12.8-25.5) for un-helmeted motorcyclists, 9.2 (95% CI=7.5-11.3) for pedestrians, 6.4 (95% CI=4.7-8.8) for un-helmeted cyclists, 3.9 (95% CI=3.1-4.8) for unrestrained car occupants and 2.8 (95% CI=2.2-3.5) for helmeted motorcyclists. Even after adjustment for several severity factors, male gender and age above 55 were both risk factors. Prevention programs aiming at improving the head protection should be promoted. The circumstances of the accident should be taken into account to predict a severe TBI.  相似文献   

An experiment collected proximity data of motor traffic overtaking cycle traffic on roads with and without cycle lanes using an instrumented bicycle. The work enhances previous research which has considered the riding position of the cyclist and whether or not the cyclist was helmeted, while controlling for vehicle type.The analysis shows that significantly wider passing distances are adopted by motorists in the condition without a 1.45 m cycle lane, with posted speed limits of 40 mph and 50 mph with a 9.5 m wide carriageway. These findings were not replicated for a similar width road with a posted speed limit of 30 mph and a 1.3 m cycle lane.The results suggest that in the presence of a cycle lane, drivers may be driving within the confines of their own marked lane with less recognition being given to the need to provide a comfortable passing distance to cycle traffic in the adjacent cycle lane.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study examines the associations between lifetime traumatic brain injury (TBI), driver aggression, and motor vehicle collisions among a population sample of adults who reside in the province of Ontario, Canada.MethodA cross-sectional sample of 3993 Ontario adults, aged 18–97 were surveyed by telephone in 2011 and 2012 as part of Center for Addiction and Mental Health’s ongoing representative survey of adult mental health and substance use in Canada. TBI was defined as trauma to the head that resulted in loss of consciousness for at least five minutes or overnight hospitalization.ResultsAn estimated 91% (95% CI: 90.0, 91.9) of individuals in this sample held a valid Ontario driver’s license at the time of testing. Among those, 16.7% reported a history of lifetime TBI and 83.3% reported no TBI. The prevalence of TBI was higher among men than women. Relative to licensed adults without TBI, adults with a history of TBI had significantly higher odds of engaging in serious driver aggression in the past 12 months, such as making threats to hurt another driver, passenger or their vehicle (AOR = 4.39). These individuals also reported significantly higher odds (AOR = 1.74) of being involved in a motor vehicle collision that resulted in hurting themselves, their passenger(s) or their vehicle.ConclusionThis is the first population-based study to demonstrate a relationship between a history of TBI and higher rates of serious driver aggression and collision involvement. Given the large proportion of adult drivers with a history of TBI, these individuals may account for a disproportion burden of all traffic safety problems. Whether the increased road safety risk of adults with a history of TBI is reflective of neurocognitive deficits or is merely evidence of a cluster of unsafe activities produced by a higher risk lifestyles requires further research attention.  相似文献   

This paper challenges the conclusion of a recent paper by Walter et al. (Accident Analysis and Prevention 2011, doi:10.1016/j.aap.2011.05.029) reporting that despite numerous data limitations repealing the helmet legislation in Australia could not be justified. This conclusion is not warranted because of the limited time period used in their analysis and the lack of data beyond a few years before the introduction of legislation, the failure to adequately account for the effect of the phasing in of the legislation, the effect of the marked reduction in child cyclists, and the non-comparability of the pedestrian and cycling injuries and related lack of consideration of the severity of head injuries. The extent to which helmet legislation deters people from cycling is discussed.  相似文献   



Little is known about the trajectory of recovery in fitness-to-drive after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). This means that health-care professionals have limited evidence on which to base recommendations to this cohort about driving.


To determine fitness-to-drive status of patients with a mTBI at 24 h and two weeks post injury, and to summarise issues reported by this cohort about return to driving.


Quasi-experimental case-control design. Two groups of participants were recruited: patients with a mTBI (n = 60) and a control group with orthopaedic injuries (n = 60). Both groups were assessed at 24 h post injury on assessments of fitness-to-drive. Follow-up occurred at two weeks post injury to establish driver status.

Main Measures

Mini mental state examination, occupational therapy-drive home maze test (OT–DHMT), Road Law Road Craft Test, University of Queensland-Hazard Perception Test, and demographic/interview form collected at 24 h and at two weeks.


At the 24 h assessment, only the OT–DHMT showed a difference in scores between the two groups, with mTBI participants being significantly slower to complete the test (p = 0.01). At the two week follow-up, only 26 of the 60 mTBI participants had returned to driving. Injury severity combined with scores from the 24 h assessment predicted 31% of the variance in time taken to return to driving. Delayed return to driving was reported due to: “not feeling 100% right” (n = 14, 23%), headaches and pain (n = 12, 20%), and dizziness (n = 5, 8%).


This research supports existing guidelines which suggest that patients with a mTBI should not to drive for 24 h; however, further research is required to map factors which facilitate timely return to driving.  相似文献   

Bicycle injuries and fatalities are reported by the police to Statistics Norway. Fatality records from the police are then corrected with Vital Statistics records. However, there is no complete hospital recording that could provide more correct data for bicycle injuries. Bicycle injuries are underreported in official data. There is a nearly complete omission of single bicycle accidents. This disguises societal accident costs and curtails the identification of black spots and effective infrastructure improvements.

This paper provides an estimate of total bicycle injuries in Norway and the total costs of these injuries. Application of case study hospital data from Norwegian towns enabled an estimation of the relationship between these data and the official data, including the distribution of injuries by severity. Costs were then assessed by applying official monetary values for given levels of injury severity.

Total annual bicycle injury costs are huge, but these costs must be balanced against the benefits of bicycling, related to health and environment. Accident reporting and data should be enhanced to enable a reduction of bicycle injuries.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between age and the different types of head injury received by pedestrians in traffic accidents with cars. The analysis is based on information collected by hospitals in England, and is supported by in-depth case examples. The principle result is that the risk of intracranial injury increases with age, whilst the risk of fracture to the head or facial bones remains relatively constant. This agrees with previous findings for other groups of casualties, which have reported that that the decrease in brain size leads to an increase in the relative motion of the skull and brain in an impact, with a corresponding increase in the risk of traumatic brain injury. Intracranial injuries have also been found to place the greatest burden on hospitals, which may have implications on automotive design if prevention of these injuries is to be prioritised over fractures of the skull.  相似文献   

Multiple brain injury criteria (BIC) are developed to quickly quantify brain injury risks after head impacts. These BIC originated from different head impact types (e.g. sports and car crashes) are widely used in risk evaluation. However, the accuracy of using the BIC on brain injury risk estimation across head impact types has not been evaluated. Physiologically, brain strain is often considered the key parameter of brain injury. To evaluate the BIC''s risk estimation accuracy across five datasets comprising different head impact types, linear regression was used to model 95% maximum principal strain, 95% maximum principal strain at the corpus callosum and cumulative strain damage (15%) on 18 BIC. The results show significantly different relationships between BIC and brain strain across datasets, indicating the same BIC value may suggest different brain strain across head impact types. The accuracy of brain strain regression is generally decreasing if the BIC regression models are fitted on a dataset with a different type of head impact rather than on the dataset with the same type. Given this finding, this study raises concerns for applying BIC to estimate the brain injury risks for head impacts different from the head impacts on which the BIC was developed.  相似文献   

BackgroundDetailed information on health care costs and productivity costs for the whole spectrum of injuries is lacking. We measured the total costs of injuries by external-cause, injury groupings, age and sex.MethodInjury patients visiting an Emergency Department in the Netherlands were included. Health service use and work absenteeism were estimated with national database data and a prospective follow-up study. Health care costs (direct costs) and productivity costs (indirect costs) were determined using the incidence-based Dutch Cost of Injury Model.ResultsTotal costs of injuries were €3.5 billion annually (€210/capita and €4300/patient); €2.0 billion healthcare costs and €1.5 billion productivity costs. Home and leisure injury subcategory falls caused 41% of total costs. Traffic injury was prominent in the 15–54 age group, mainly due to bicycle injuries. Sports injuries, in special football/soccer injuries, resulted in high costs in the 15–24 age group. Although costs per patient were comparable between males and females, health care costs were higher in females, whereas males have more than twice as high productivity costs. Health care costs were highest for hip fractures (€20,000/patient). Extremity fractures had high costs due to high incidences and high productivity costs per patient.ConclusionOur detailed cost model identified known risk groups, such as elderly females with hip fractures resulting from falls, as well as less obvious important high risk groups, such as young children falling from furniture, young males who sustained football/soccer injuries and bicycle injuries among all ages. This information is essential to assess additional priority areas for prevention.  相似文献   

Incidence and patterns of spinal cord injury in Australia   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The objective of this paper is to report on the epidemiology of spinal cord injury (SCI) based on the Australian SCI register and to discuss the implications for prevention. All adult cases of SCI are reported to the registry. The case reports for 1998/1999 were aggregated and described. The age adjusted rate of persisting SCI was 14.5 per million of population. Rates were highest in young adults and in males. The vast majority of cases (93%) were due to unintentional injury. Forty-three percent were due to motor vehicle crashes, principally from motor vehicle rollover. Cases of SCI from falls, aquatic activities, and working for income are also described. Incomplete cervical cord injuries were most common (38%), particularly as a result of motor vehicle crashes and low falls. The study indicates that the surveillance of SCI needs to be improved internationally so that comparative studies can be undertaken. It is recommended that the Centers for Disease Control case definition be adopted. Australia is one of the few countries that have a register based on that case definition, and the only one that has a register covering a full national adult population. The results presented on the basis of this data source provide some hitherto unavailable information on the incidence rates and patterns of SCI. National population based surveillance is fundamental to an understanding of the epidemiology, and hence the prevention, of this severe and costly health and welfare problem.  相似文献   

Necrosis is a form of cell death that occurs only under pathological conditions such as ischemic diseases and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Non-invasive imaging of the affected tissue is a key component of novel therapeutic interventions and measurement of treatment responses in patients. Here, we report a bimodal approach for the detection and monitoring of TBI. PEGylated poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs), encapsulating both near infrared (NIR) fluorophores and perfluorocarbons (PFCs), were targeted to necrotic cells. We used cyanine dyes such as IRDye 800CW, for which we have previously demonstrated specific targeting to intracellular proteins of cells that have lost membrane integrity. Here, we show specific in vivo detection of necrosis by optical imaging and fluorine magnetic resonance imaging (19F MRI) using newly designed PLGA NP(NIR700 + PFC)-PEG-800CW. Quantitative ex vivo optical imaging and 19F MR spectroscopy of NIR-PFC content in injured brain regions and in major organs were well correlated. Both modalities allowed the in vivo identification of necrotic brain lesions in a mouse model of TBI, with optical imaging being more sensitive than 19F MRI. Our results confirm increased blood pool residence time of PLGA NPs coated with a PEG layer and the successful targeting of TBI-damaged tissue. A single PLGA NP containing NIR-PFC enables both rapid qualitative optical monitoring of the TBI state and quantitative 3D information from deeper tissues on the extent of the lesion by MRI. These necrosis-targeting PLGA NPs can potentially be used for clinical diagnosis of brain injuries.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a devastating injury with severe consequences. In this paper, we conduct a simulation study on the commonly implemented care delivery process for TBI rehabilitation in the US, which covers three care categories: inpatient acute, outpatient sub-acute and general residential care. Our investigation is focused on assessing how coverage duration of publicly funded rehabilitation impacts two key system outcomes: sub-acute rehabilitation readmission and total rehabilitation spending. We develop prediction models on the above two outcomes for patients of different conditions. We introduce the notions of forceful transition and medical necessity adjustment, and embed the notions in a state-transition simulation model. Our simulation results suggest that to minimise the care spending, the duration of publicly insured outpatient sub-acute rehab be set smaller than what is currently implemented but not to the point where coverage should be completely removed. Our sensitivity analysis justifies the robustness of our results under variations on model parameters.  相似文献   

Maryland (MD) recently became one of fourteen states in the United States to enact a traffic law requiring motor vehicles to pass bicyclists at a distance of greater than three feet. To our knowledge, motorist compliance with the law has never been assessed. This study measured the distance between overtaking motor vehicles and cyclists [e.g. vehicle passing distance (VPD)], to develop baseline metrics for tracking implementation of the three-foot passing law in Baltimore, MD and to assess risk factors for dangerous passes. During September and October 2011, cyclists (n = 5) measured VPD using a previously published video technique ( Parkin and Meyers, 2010). Cyclists logged a total of 10.8 h of video footage and 586 vehicle passes on 34 bicycle commuting trips. The average trip lasted 19.5 ± 4.9 min and cyclists were passed on average 17.2 ± 11.8 times per trip. VPDs of three feet or less were common when cycling in standard lanes (17%; 78 of 451 passes) and lanes with a shared lane marking (e.g. sharrows) (23%; 11 of 47 passes). No passes of three feet or less occurred in bicycle lanes (0 of 88 passes). A multiple linear regression model was created, which explained 26% of the variability in VPD. Significant model variables were lane width, bicycle infrastructure, cyclist identity, and street identity. Interventions, such as driver education, signage, enforcement, and bicycle infrastructure changes are needed to influence driving behavior in Baltimore to increase motorist compliance with the three-foot law.  相似文献   

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