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毛立辉 《服装设计师》2013,(11):I0016-I0017
如何让观众在观赏几十套.近百套时装作品时.情绪能伴随时装内容的不同展现而起伏跌荡.并在感染.感动、联想.激情等变化中.逐步达到一种情绪进发的高潮?科学设计时装发布会音乐形式要素.通过诠释发布会主题的音乐旋律.展演时装情感的音乐节奏和相关能诉说品牌个性风格魅力的器乐形式.营造听觉的时尚魅力.来洋溢发布会的流行元素,传播设计师创新的情感世界.帮助观众理解时装表演的文化内涵.激荡表演者,观赏者的情绪.是对时装发布细节设计创新的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

意大利针织服装品牌米索尼(Missoni)的无机形图案及多彩线条设计一直是该品牌元素的典型代表,基于此,结合无机形的视觉张力特点,对无机形图案针织服装的视觉张力进行解析。指出无机形中的不规则形和变化了的规则形更具有视觉张力,运用恰当可以设计出具有强烈视觉冲击力和艺术感染力的针织服装作品,如非绝对对称的均衡设计给人一种视觉和心理上的平衡、跳跃有序的节奏与韵律设计产生具有流动感的视觉张力、渐变延伸、大块面黄金分割设计产生最为舒适的视觉张力等。  相似文献   

欧普风格通过彩色变化几何形体的复杂排列对比与交错或重叠等手法使人产生运动、视错、重叠、空间等视觉感受。为了丰富欧普风格织物品种的多样性,选取点、线、面典型几何元素,探索单元素、多元素组合图案,通过基础组织与色纱的共同配合设计,形成欧普风格图案织物。通过实践得出:利用组织与色纱排列的合理配合,可以获得效果新颖的欧普风格图案织物,不仅丰富欧普风格织物的品种,为纺织面料设计提供素材,也为欧普风格织物的创新设计提供了新的作品。  相似文献   

李莉 《食品与机械》2017,33(6):105-109,152
针对传统食品包装设计中存在的问题,从民间美术情感的角度寻求解决之道。通过对民间美术视觉、触觉、听觉等情感元素的分类分析,探索将民间美术情感元素应用到传统食品包装视觉(图形、色彩、文字)、触觉(材质)、听觉、嗅觉、味觉设计中的途径和方法。对传统食品包装设计创新,传承民间美术精神有着积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

作为造型艺术、视觉艺术的室内设计和作为时间艺术、听觉艺术的音乐,表面上很难说有什么联系,然而由于两者在形式美法则的运用上有着广泛的联系。特别是两者在节奏与韵律方面都有相通之处,而且可以相互得到启发。因此,本文就音乐与室内设计在节奏和韵律中的通感进行了分析,并对节奏韵律在室内设计中运用的作用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

文章以简述版式设计的含义与功能、类别和发展特点为主,分析版式设计的视觉元素以及探讨版式设计的创意表现。通过分析和探讨,提出了版式设计的基本应用方法,并根据特定内容的需要,将各种平面形式的图形、文字、色彩和符号等视觉元素有机地排列并组合在一定的版面上,并运用设计思维创造性地表达版式的布局风格,进而设计出富有创意的版式作品。  相似文献   

创意性的印花艺术在服装设计里运用的过程中,“视觉、触觉、听觉”是这种创意性印花艺术面料在服装设计中表现的三大重要元素。这三种元素的效果相互作用、相互联系、又相互矛盾,共同阐释了创意性的印花艺术在服装设计里的独特风格魅力和自由随性的设计创作活力。  相似文献   

勺子,作为历史最为悠久的用餐工具,除了能喝汤盛饭以外,也体现了一个国家的民族历史文化和工艺技术水平。勺子设计需要创造出视觉、触觉、味觉、听觉和嗅觉的五感设计,让人们体味餐桌上的文化意韵。时代发展至今,单元知觉早已不能满足现代人们的知觉需求,所以对于设计者来说,将五觉元素和谐统一地运用,设计出具有五觉元素的作品是目前我们要探索的问题。  相似文献   

色彩作为招贴设计中的重要元素,有着不可或缺的作用。一个合适的色彩搭配可以让招贴作品传达出更准确的含义,色彩在招贴设计中的作用是其他元素不可替代的。色彩可以更加准确的表达出作品的内涵,它是一幅招贴作品的灵魂所在。而且,色彩是招贴设计中最有视觉冲击力的元素,作品通过色彩元素传达出最原始的情感和温度。  相似文献   

赵雅捷  刘莉 《纺织学报》2022,43(1):218-218
本系列作品是为我国花样滑冰运动员设计的双人舞参赛服。设计风格轻松、活泼、充满朝气活力,因参赛选用音乐为《太阳马戏团》,总体将马戏团的视觉元素融入服装中,粉色和黑色为主色调呼应彼此。女选手的服装风格俏皮活泼,用蕾丝表达女性的妩媚,粉色诠释活泼的效果,同时采用三角形的马戏团元素与男选手的黑色服装呼应,如领口的三角形领型设计及腰部的三角形贴钻图案。在2020中国杯花样滑冰大奖赛冰舞自由舞的赛场上,王诗玥/柳鑫宇穿着实物作品参加了比赛。在2019年世界花样滑冰锦标赛双人短节目的比赛中,选手彭程/金杨穿着本作品。  相似文献   

姚桂珍  胡燕 《毛纺科技》2012,40(1):61-64
特色化的面料风格设计是现代面料及服装设计的重点问题之一。采取文献归纳总结与案例分析的研究方法,提出现代面料风格设计特征主要体现在绿色、健康、自然与个性化特色等方面,如环保、健康的纤维原材料、环境友好型的加工技术、自然的面料质感表现与再造设计艺术的多元化体现等。探讨了多元化艺术再造手段与表现效果,再造手段主要借助于面料视觉再造和面料触觉再造的物理化学方法来实现。研究认为当前面料设计艺术呈现出绿色化、质感化、差异化、多元化的发展特征。  相似文献   

在制作手段越来越简便的今天,制作动画短片成为学生、动漫爱好者尝试动画创作的必由之路。对动画短片叙事节奏的把握通常是感性的,没有标准化模式的,使动画的叙事节奏不容易被控制。通过分析音乐节奏的规律,将音乐节奏的调式、节拍等概念引入动画短片中,可以借助音乐创作的思维,为动画创作者提供一种新的思考方式。  相似文献   

自从工业革命发生以后,现代主义设计以崭新的面貌展现在世人面前,并且给工业革命以前的设计以毁灭性的打击。在人类社会出现了近100年的现代主义也开始被更多的各具特色的风格和流派所覆盖。动态建筑的出现,以破竹之势冲击着正统的现代主义设计原则和形式,为建筑创作带来了新的气象,使城市景观视觉形象呈现多元之维。  相似文献   

为建立图像颜色差别评价和计算的基础数据,设计了目视评价实验。用5幅典型图像分别改变明度、彩度以及同时改变明度和彩度制作了100对测试图像,通过心理物理实验对测试图像对进行了目视评价实验,对实验数据进行了统计处理,并对实验结果与图像之间的关系进行了初步分析。结果表明:相同条件下主观色差等级随图像色差改变的规律基本一致,各图像的色差感觉都与色差改变量呈对应关系;相同的图像平均色差对于不同内容的图像所引起的主观色差感觉不同,视觉对低彩度图像内容的色差感觉比较敏感;改变图像彩度时,较小和较大平均计算色差与相应的图像视觉色差变化趋势相反;单独改变明度或彩度所产生的视觉色差感觉规律不同,应对明度色差计算的公式进行修正。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(9):7432-7445
Dairy cows have a daily pattern of feed intake which influences ruminal fermentation and nutrient absorption. Milk synthesis also exhibits a daily rhythm and is altered by the timing of feed availability. Nutrients can regulate physiological rhythms, but it is unclear which specific nutrients affect the rhythms of milk synthesis in the cow. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the timing of acetate infusion on the daily rhythms of feed intake, milk synthesis, milk fatty acids, plasma insulin and metabolites, and core body temperature. Ten lactating ruminally cannulated Holstein cows (127 ± 24.6 d in milk; mean ± standard deviation) were arranged in a 3 × 3 Latin square design. Treatments were ruminal infusions of 600 g/d of acetate either continuously throughout the day (CON) or over 8 h/d during the day (day treatment, DT; 0900 to 1700 h) or the night (night treatment, NT; 2100 to 0500 h). Experimental periods were 14 d with a 7-d washout between periods. Cows were milked every 6 h during the final 7 d of each experimental period to determine the daily pattern of milk synthesis. Blood samples were taken to represent every 4 h across the day and plasma glucose, insulin, β-hydroxybutyrate, urea nitrogen, and acetate concentration were measured. An intravaginal temperature logger was used to measure core body temperature. Data were analyzed with cosinor-based rhythmometry to test the fit of a cosine function with a period of 24 h and to determine the acrophase (time at peak) and amplitude (peak to mean) of each rhythm. Milk yield fit a daily rhythm for all treatments and DT and NT phase-delayed the rhythm and DT increased the robustness of the rhythm. Milk protein concentration fit a daily rhythm for all treatments and DT increased robustness, whereas NT phase-delayed the rhythm. Plasma acetate concentration also fit a daily rhythm in all treatments. Plasma acetate peaked at ~1600 h in CON and DT and at 0053 h in NT, reflecting the timing of treatment infusions. There was a daily rhythm in plasma β-hydroxybutyrate that reflected the plasma acetate rhythm. Core body temperature fit a rhythm for all treatments, but the amplitude of the rhythm was smaller than previously observed. In conclusion, the timing of acetate infusion influences peripheral rhythms of milk synthesis and plasma metabolites.  相似文献   

Cheng P.  Wang W.  Fang Y. 《丝绸》2023,(3):97-104
With the penetration of artificial intelligence technology into various fields the combination of artificial intelligence and art design provides a broader prospect for the intelligent design of clothing. As an active topic of deep learning of artificial intelligence style transfer starts to be used in the fields of clothing pattern design and art painting. At present there are many technical shortcomings in using style transfer technology for clothing pattern design. When style transfer based on the convolutional neural network is applied to clothing pattern design the problems of monotonous color simple texture and inability to remove redundant backgrounds arise. Therefore this study explores an integration of Gram matrix and Canny edge detector to solve the problem of multi-style fusion and background segmentation in style transfer. In this study in order to realize multi-style transfer we first input multiple style images into the VGG-19 model so that the layers designated as style output can extract the features of each style image and output them separately. We calculate the Gram matrix of each image separately and weight all the obtained Gram matrices to form a new matrix. Therefore the co-occurrence and correlation of each channel in the new matrix can represent the fusion style. In order to deal with the redundant backgrounds generated in the style transfer process and the non-rendered areas due to the features of swimsuit styles we adopt the Canny edge detector algorithm and the OpenCV image processing library to perform operations such as rendering segmentation of images using the HSV interval differences of different rendered areas of swimsuit and finally obtain the swimsuit pattern design drawings. Compared with other convolutional neural networks whose style transfer can only extract the style of one image we optimize the structure of the Gram matrix and can extract the style of multiple images to transfer at the same time. In the processing of the image generated by style transfer by analyzing the structure and design features of swimsuit a clothing image segmentation model applicable to swimsuits is established. In order to verify the effectiveness of this study in the field of clothing pattern design we compare the effect drawings generated in this study with those generated by the style transfer method of other convolutional neural networks using the three metrics of questionnaire score PSNR and SSIM and the results show that the method of this study obtains higher evaluation in all the three metrics. This study by combining the painting art style with swimsuit pattern design is able to design a large number of swimsuit patterns with multi-style fusion features at a very low cost and has great application prospects. There is still room for improvement in the accuracy of swimsuit image segmentation in this study and further research will be conducted in this area. © 2023 China Silk Association. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,对形象的追求和塑造已成为维系组织生存、发展的一种基本目标与手段,一个组织要想高效、和谐地发展就必须在公众心目中塑造良好的组织形象.作为组织沟通、联系的纽带和桥梁,应用文在多样、复杂的社会交往中也发挥着越来越重要的作用,它不仅能够指导工作、交流情况、解决问题,而且还能够传播组织的形象.如透过应用文的文本,可以感知组织的政策水平、管理水平、文化水平等,因此,应用写作主体应不断提高相关的能力和水平,以实现应用文多种功能的最大化.  相似文献   

甘美辰  李敏 《纺织学报》2020,41(10):122-131
为满足消费者对服装搭配推荐的巨大需求、弥补现有服务的不足,以女装品牌L为案例,参考感性工学量化基本程序,基于文献研究结合该品牌设计要素与风格特征建立服装风格感性意象评价量表与设计要素细分表,通过问卷调研与数据分析确定了设计要素与服装风格的对应关系,并建立服装风格量化模型。在理论研究与市场调研的基础上建立服装搭配关联规则,结合服装风格量化模型构建女装搭配推荐系统。对该系统推荐结果进行实例验证,结果显示其准确率、召回率和综合评价指标均在合理区间内,表明该系统能够有效推送用户喜欢的商品。对实验用户进行访谈,结果表明该系统已能基本满足消费者对于服装搭配推荐服务的需求。  相似文献   

将光的特性、人的视觉特性、专卖店的环境需求三者有机结合,借实例提 出板式民用家具专卖店光环境的设计方法,以期营造科学的光环境,而提升专卖氛 围。  相似文献   

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