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大型空间柔性桁架结构具有周期性、大柔度、构型复杂等特点,其等效建模是进行振动控制器设计的关键性技术之一.基于能量等效原理和经典Timoshenko梁理论,对刚性连接的大型空间柔性正三棱柱桁架结构进行了等效建模与动力学分析,采用Taylor展开方法推导了等效梁模型的刚度和质量表达式,对比分析桁架结构与等效梁模型的固有振动...  相似文献   

新型振动破碎机非线性动力学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文在分析了物料层滞回特性的基础上,给出了有间隙滞回力模型,建立了新型振动破碎机振动系统的力学模型和考虑物料作用的非线性振动方程,对其非线性动力学特性进行了分析,根据理论和仿真结果得到一些有用的结论。  相似文献   

空间桁架结构动力刚化有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作高速大范围运动的弹性体,由于运动和变形的耦合将产生动力刚化现象,传统的动力学理论难以计及这种影响。本文在有限元方法中首次引入了单元耦合形函数(阵),以此将单元弹性位移表示成为单元结点位移的二阶小量形式。利用几何非线性的应变—位移关系式,在小变形假设条件下确定了单元耦合形函数。在此基础上,根据Kane方程,运用模态坐标压缩,并通过适当的线性化处理,得到了一致线性化的动力学方程。编制了空间桁架结构动力刚化有限元分析程序,仿真算例证明了理论和算法的正确性。  相似文献   

航天器空间桁架结构在太空特殊物理环境下的振动控制问题是航天技术中的一大难题,为探讨阻尼被动控制技术的有效程度。首先从理论上分析黏弹性材料(VEM)的阻尼作用机理,由此设计一种双夹层圆柱式黏弹性阻尼器(VED),研究VED阻尼杆在桁架中的最佳位置配置问题,并推导阻尼桁架结构的动力学方程,结合VEM的阻尼特性分析结构的动态品质。最后以一字型桁架为例,对VED阻尼被动控制效果进行仿真分析,结果显示在共振区内桁架的振幅衰减达35 %,可取得良好的控制效果。  相似文献   

现代空间光学遥感器向着大口径、长焦距的方向发展.焦距变长意味着主次镜间隔变长,也就意味着次镜的系统公差更难保证.针对次镜严格的公差要求,本文提出了一种空问桁架结构的设计理念.根据静定空间桁架原理,设计了两种结构方案,采用有限元分析软件,对两种方案进行了分析,求得前三阶固有频率、绕X轴的倾角和y方向刚体位移.分析结果表明,设计方案1的一阶模态为78 Hz,绕X轴的倾角为2,沿Y轴的最大刚体位移是0.04 mm;设计方案2的一阶模态为113.7 Hz,绕X轴的倾角为1.5,沿Y轴的最大刚体位移是0.022 mm.两种方案都能满足设计要求,而方案2比方案1有明显优势.静定空间桁架原理为空间相机结构设计提供了可靠的理论依据.  相似文献   

刘艮  陈贡发 《工程力学》2020,37(9):63-73
该文利用等效方法将由众多杆件构成的、离散的空间直线式桁架等效为连续梁,对等效梁附加NES(非线性能量阱)的桁架结构进行瞬态减振研究.通过等效方法将梁式桁架结构建模为等效线性连续系统(有限长度梁),并用有限元模型对其进行了验证.建立了含NES附件的等效悬臂梁的振动控制方程,并采用伽辽金法进行离散,分别分析了附加和不附加N...  相似文献   

空间钢管桁架结构的整体稳定分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从结构线性分支稳定的概念出发,将结构的稳定问题转化为求解数学特征值和特征向量的问题,分析了结构的屈曲模态。并针对规范未涉及的空间钢管桁架的整体稳定问题作了多方面的比较,提出了切实有效的方法。  相似文献   

消能减震技术通常需要在多个楼层布置减震装置才能有效降低结构的地震响应,占用了较多的结构空间.针对此种问题提出在底部楼层布置负刚度阻尼装置的减震方案,形成力学上的隔震层,用减震实现类似隔震的效果,以减少阻尼器的布置数量.为实现该减震方案,研发了一种基于氮气弹簧的负刚度摩擦阻尼装置,该装置具有行程大,力学性能稳定等优点.性...  相似文献   

从物理机理出发,用双线性滞后模型描述了隔振器中密封件与活塞缸壁之间的干摩擦作用,利用谐波平衡法对系统频域特性进行了分析,解释了实验中隔振性能受激励幅值影响的现象。同时还对影响隔振平台性能的参数进行了分析,为流体作动器隔振平台设计和使用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

作大范围运动的空间桁架结构动力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作高速大范围运动的弹性体,由于运动和变形的耦合将产生动力刚化现象,传统的动力学理论难以计及这种影响。本文在有限元方法中首次引入了单元耦合形函数(阵),以此将单元弹性位移表示为单元结点位移的二阶小量形式。利用几何非线性的应变-位移关系式,在小变形假设条件下确定了单元耦合形函数。在此基础上,根据Kane方程,运用模态坐标压缩,并通过适当的线性化处理,得到了一致线性化的动力学方程。编制了计及动力刚化的空间桁架结构有限元分析程序。仿真算例的计算结果验证了理论和算法的正确性  相似文献   

回传矩阵法自提出以来已被成功应用于平面桁架结构和层状介质的瞬态响应分析中.从编制统一的空间框架结构回传矩阵法动力计算程序的角度出发,给出回传矩阵法列式的统一推导过程,考虑材料阻尼、节点集中质量和弹簧阻尼支撑等因素,将原回传矩阵法推广应用到复杂空间框架结构的自振特性分析中.数值算例表明该方法在求解自振特性时具有计算精度高、求解代价小等优点.  相似文献   

针对柔性周边桁架可展开天线的展开过程提出了一种基于运动解耦的组合控制方法.首先基于多刚体拉格朗日方法并考虑柔性体的弹性势能建立了周边桁架可展开天线展开过程的多柔体动力学模型,然后根据运动学和动力学分析,将天线运动反馈分解为刚体运动和由柔性因素引起的振动两部分,分别设计了刚性控制器和柔性控制器.刚性控制器的目标是使天线做...  相似文献   

International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design - This paper presents a methodology to study the dynamic response of a parallel robot with multiple lubricated joints. Based on...  相似文献   

Pin-loaded joints are frequently used to assemble tempered glass plates. To prevent such structures from fracture, a holed glass plate is reinforced by a steel ring and glued to it through a soft resin layer. The present work first models and identifies the mechanical behaviour of the constituent materials and then analyzes the failure process of tempered glass structures with pin-loaded joints, in which unilateral contact, friction, damage and residual stresses are involved. The numerical results obtained by the finite element method are in good agreement with the experimental ones issuing from the real size test.  相似文献   

The paper presents the inelastic post-buckling analysis of truss structures by the Dynamic Relaxation (DR) method. A simplified inelastic finite element formulation for truss element and new algorithms are proposed for Elastic Post-Buckling (EPB) analysis and Inelastic Post-Buckling (IEPB) analysis using the DR method. The post-buckling paths for elastic, EPB and IEPB analyses are completely traced using the variable-arc-length method. Four numerical examples are presented to illustrate the application of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

A dual load method of truss analysis is presented that allows highly nonlinear member behaviour to be followed. In particular, a brittle type of strut behaviour is considered. The method assumes that the inelastic strut response is known and that piecewise linearization of the behaviour is acceptable. An example is given to illustrate the type of problem that can be handled. The example involves negative stiffness of the members and consequently attention must be given to the equation solving procedure for the structure. A comparison is made with some observed test results.  相似文献   

提出了一种求解随机桁架结构在随机荷载作用下动力响应概率密度函数的方法.通过对随机参数桁架结构的有限元分析,获得了结构的质量阵与刚度阵,利用振型迭加法导出了结构的物理参数、几何参数、外荷载幅值及频率同时具有随机性时,结构动力响应随机变量的表达式,应用随机向量函数的概率分布函数表达式,通过逐步求解的策略,获得结构动力响应的概率密度函数.算例结果与Monte-Carlo模拟法结果比较表明,该方法具有较高的精度及效率.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to develop a tool for the numerical analysis of full-scale ECC structures. For this purpose, a macroscopic cyclic constitutive model for engineered cementitious composite (ECC) materials is developed based on the response of the material at the stress–strain level under different loading regimes. Various features specific to ECC material such as the unloading and reloading characteristics, different backbone curves in tension and compression, and residual strains are taken into account in the model development. The input parameters are limited to those that can be obtained from conventional monotonic compression and tension tests, thus facilitating its use with minimum information. The model is first validated at the stress–strain level and then implemented into fiber-based finite element analysis software for structural level simulation. The results from simulation of ECC members under cyclic and static time history loading are compared to experimental data for model validation at the structural level. Finally, a parametric study is conducted at the member level to investigate the effect of ECC tensile strength and ductility on the structural level response metrics: stiffness, strength, ductility, and energy dissipation capacity. It is observed that the structural level response metrics change considerably depending on the material properties. With its sensitivity to the main behavioral features of ECC, its simplicity, and its sufficient accuracy, the model is suited for use in predicting the behavior of ECC structures under monotonic, cyclic, and dynamic loading scenarios.  相似文献   

The forced harmonic vibration analysis of portal frames consisting of viscously damped beams with spatial stochastic variation of mass and stiffness properties is considered. The analysis is based on the assembly of element stochastic dynamic stiffness matrices. The solution involves inversion of the global dynamic stiffness matrix, which, in this case, turns out to be a complex‐valued symmetric random matrix. Three alternative approximate procedures, namely, random eigenfunction expansion method, complex Neumann expansion method and combined analytical and simulation method are used to invert the matrix. The performance of these approximate procedures is evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation results. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

况成玉  张志谊  华宏星 《振动与冲击》2012,31(2):115-118,135
研究了周期结构对桁架浮筏隔振系统振动传递的衰减特性,首先利用有限元方法计算周期桁架浮筏的频响特性,并将其与传统浮筏进行比较。然后,为在隔振系统中评价周期结构浮筏的性能,运用频响函数综合法建立整个系统的振动传递模型,计算频响函数。仿真分析表明:周期桁架浮筏较传统浮筏更有效地抑制振动的传递,当与设备组成一个隔振系统之后,在与浮筏上下层隔振器的共同作用下,整个隔振系统能在一个宽频段内对振动传递产生更好的抑制作用  相似文献   

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