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The new emphasis on Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection (AT/FP), for both shore and sea platform protection, has resulted in a need for infrared imager design and evaluation tools that demonstrate field performance against U.S. Navy AT/FP requirements. In the design of infrared imaging systems for target acquisition, a discrimination criterion is required for successful sensor realization. It characterizes the difficulty of the task being performed by the observer and varies for different target sets. This criterion is used in both assessment of existing infrared sensor and in the design of new conceptual sensors. We collected 12 small craft signatures (military and civilian) in the visible band during the day and the long-wave and midwave infrared spectra in both the day and the night environments. These signatures were processed to determine the targets' characteristic dimension and contrast. They were also processed to band limit the signature's spatial information content (simulating longer range), and a perception experiment was performed to determine the task difficulty (N50 and V50). The results are presented and can be used for Navy and Coast Guard imaging infrared sensor design and evaluation. 相似文献
A new, to our knowledge, design method for diffractive optical elements (DOE's) is described and compared with existing methods. The technique applies a nonlinear least-squares algorithm to design two-dimensional pure phase DOE's that reconstruct a desired diffraction pattern with high uniformity, efficiency, and signal-to-noise ratio. The technique also uses a phase-shifting quantization procedure that greatly reduces the quantization error for DOE's to a minimum level. In this paper, we compare simulated reconstruction results of DOE's designed by use of these methods with results obtained by the commonly used two-stage iterative Fourier transform design algorithm of Wyrowski. [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 7, 961, (1990)]. 相似文献
The recently developed generalized functional method provides a means of designing nonimaging concentrators and luminaires for use with extended sources and receivers. We explore the mathematical relationships between optical designs produced using the generalized functional method and edge-ray, aplanatic, and simultaneous multiple surface (SMS) designs. Edge-ray and dual-surface aplanatic designs are shown to be special cases of generalized functional designs. In addition, it is shown that dual-surface SMS designs are closely related to generalized functional designs and that certain computational advantages accrue when the two design methods are combined. A number of examples are provided. 相似文献
Ordered bundles of silver-halide fibers, which are highly transparent in the middle infrared, are fabricated by multiple extrusions from single crystals. We fabricate and characterize the optical properties of thin and flexible bundles of diameters of 0.7-2.0 mm that incorporate 100 individual fibers. The measurements include attenuation, resolution, cross talk, near-field scanning of single fibers in the bundle, and bending losses. Bundles of lengths of several meters transmit thermal images of bodies whose temperature is near room temperature. These bundles would be useful for medical, industrial, and military applications, and in particular for endoscopic thermal imaging. 相似文献
J M Bendickson E N Glytsis T K Gaylord 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2001,18(7):1487-1494
The performance characteristics of focusing diffractive mirrors designed with various methods are evaluated by using the rigorous boundary element method. Quantitative results are presented for (1) conventional-zero-thickness mirror designs, (2) alternative-zero-thickness designs that incorporate an off-axis correction factor and (3) finite-thickness designs. For TM polarization, the mirrors designed by using the alternative-zero-thickness method perform considerably worse than those designed by using the conventional-zero-thickness method, which contradicts predictions made in an earlier paper. 相似文献
Brückner C Pradarutti B Müller R Riehemann S Notni G Tünnermann A 《Applied optics》2008,47(27):4994-5006
A terahertz (THz) time domain imaging system is analyzed and optimized with standard optical design software (ZEMAX). Special requirements to the illumination optics and imaging optics are presented. In the optimized system, off-axis parabolic mirrors and lenses are combined. The system has a numerical aperture of 0.4 and is diffraction limited for field points up to 4 mm and wavelengths down to 750 microm. ZEONEX is used as the lens material. Higher aspherical coefficients are used for correction of spherical aberration and reduction of lens thickness. The lenses were manufactured by ultraprecision machining. For optimization of the system, ray tracing and wave-optical methods were combined. We show how the ZEMAX Gaussian beam analysis tool can be used to evaluate illumination optics. The resolution of the THz system was tested with a wire and a slit target, line gratings of different period, and a Siemens star. The behavior of the temporal line spread function can be modeled with the polychromatic coherent line spread function feature in ZEMAX. The spectral and temporal resolutions of the line gratings are compared with the respective modulation transfer function of ZEMAX. For maximum resolution, the system has to be diffraction limited down to the smallest wavelength of the spectrum of the THz pulse. Then, the resolution on time domain analysis of the pulse maximum can be estimated with the spectral resolution of the center of gravity wavelength. The system resolution near the optical axis on time domain analysis of the pulse maximum is 1 line pair/mm with an intensity contrast of 0.22. The Siemens star is used for estimation of the resolution of the whole system. An eight channel electro-optic sampling system was used for detection. The resolution on time domain analysis of the pulse maximum of all eight channels could be determined with the Siemens star to be 0.7 line pairs/mm. 相似文献
The absorptive and scattering optical properties of heat-treated, vapor-grown, graphite microtubes consisting of nanotubes in a "stacked cone" configuration were investigated through the visible and infrared wavelengths using photoacoustic and other spectrometric techniques. However, computations of these properties involved uncertainties that were not easily resolved; the appropriate dielectric coefficients were presumed to be a combination of the published values for the distinct orientations of graphite, but the correct proportions are not evident and none of the reasonable choices produced satisfactory agreement (within the measurement limits of error). Since both of the primary components of the extinction were measured, the appropriate computational codes were employed in reverse to compute the dielectric coefficients for the graphite microtubes. Differences, primarily for the imaginary index, are most distinct for visible and near infrared wavelengths; in this wavelength region, the imaginary index falls progressively to less than half that for the computed mixture. 相似文献
为了对冲击发电机的轴套温度进行监测,设计并研制了一种新型的红外光纤辐射温度计.温度计主要由红外空芯玻璃光纤、红外探测器、放大电路及80C552单片机组成.在分析各部分实现功能的基础上,重点研究了环境温度变化对探测器的影响,并实现了数学建模.温度计的工作波长是8~14μm,测量温度范围是60~400℃,测试环境温度范围是25~60℃.利用可精确控温的实物标定炉和环境模拟箱对温度计进行了标定,测量误差小于2%.经过几个月的在线监测,取得了较好的测量结果. 相似文献
Jan Paca Eva Klapkova Martin Halecky Kim Jones Carlos Riccardo Soccol 《Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy》2007,9(1):69-74
The removal of a mixture of painting solvents from waste air using a biofiltration process was evaluated in this project.
The pollutants removed included hydrophobic (aromatic hydrocarbons) and hydrophilic (water soluble ketones and esters) compounds.
A trickle bed reactor with a defined immobilized mixed culture on polyethylene Pall rings was utilized in this biodegradation
study. The removal efficiencies (RE) of the individual groups of pollutants during loading experiments were determined. An
increase of the aromatic hydrocarbons loading resulted in a drop of their REAROM with no effect on the RE value of ketones. The overloading of ketones caused a rapid drop in REAROM and a small drop in REKET. To achieve a restoration of the biocatalyst degradation properties after the increase in loading, an addition of phosphate
to the aqueous medium was implemented which successfully restored the removal efficiency. 相似文献
It is shown that the propagation and transformation of a simply astigmatic Gaussian beam by an optical system with a characteristic ABCD matrix can be modeled by relatively simple equations whose terms consist solely of the heights and slopes of two paraxial rays. These equations are derived from the ABCD law of Gaussian beam transformation. They can be used in conjunction with a conventional automatic optical design program to design and optimize Gaussian beam optical systems. Several design examples are given using the CODE-V optical design package. 相似文献
Connectors, splices, and couplers are widely used in silica optical fiber systems. Until now they have not been developed for mid-infrared fibers, in spite of the recognized need for such elements in many applications such as spectroscopy, radiometry, and heterodyne detection. We describe the construction and the optical and mechanical properties of such optical components for infrared transmitting silver halide optical fibers. 相似文献
R. Becker 《Materials and Structures》2001,34(8):467-474
The paper analyses the main features of a Performance Test Method (PTM), and demonstrates that, despite the wide range of attributes for which PTMs are required, the Performance Concept sets a unified common approach for their development. The basic relations between the four factors: a human requirement, the relevant behavioral aspects of the building and its parts, the evolving performance criteria, and the associated PTMs for evaluating compliance, establish the integrated approach presented here. It is demonstrated that PTMs should yield Response Curves as a basic tool for evaluations, assessments and decisions, while prevalent test methods, which are assigned to yield only Pass/Fail results, may be misleading. A procedure for relating compliance to the form of the Response Curve is suggested, with a differentiation between “brittle”, concave and convex curves. 相似文献
de la Barrière F Druart G Guérineau N Lasfargues G Fendler M Lhermet N Taboury J 《Applied optics》2012,51(8):1049-1060
We present a compact infrared cryogenic multichannel camera with a wide field of view equal to 120°. By merging the optics with the detector, the concept is compatible with both cryogenic constraints and wafer-level fabrication. The design strategy of such a camera is described, as well as its fabrication and integration process. Its characterization has been carried out in terms of the modulation transfer function and the noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD). The optical system is limited by the diffraction. By cooling the optics, we achieve a very low NETD equal to 15 mK compared with traditional infrared cameras. A postprocessing algorithm that aims at reconstructing a well-sampled image from the set of undersampled raw subimages produced by the camera is proposed and validated on experimental images. 相似文献
José Rodríguez García Miguel García Granda Susana Fernández 《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(7):927-935
In this paper, the possibilities of designing refraction index optical sensors in planar waveguide photonic crystals are demonstrated for the first time. Photonic crystals obtained by connecting in cascade planar optical waveguides with high index contrast are analyzed. Photonic band gaps (PBGs) and photonic windows (PWs) were obtained. If a local defect is introduced in the PBG structure, the optical path length is modified and on states can be created in the gap. Besides, the on states wavelengths can be tuned if the optical path of the defect is modified: changing the physical length and/or the refraction index of the defect. In this way, planar waveguide photonic crystals could be used for sensing applications when a specimen modifies the refraction index lattice site. Sensing properties of planar waveguide photonic crystals, with one, two and three sensing channels, are demonstrated. 相似文献
Svetlana Rudnaya Fadil Santosa Alessandra Chiareli David Misemer 《Journal of Engineering Mathematics》2002,43(2-4):255-279
The problem of light diffraction by a micro-optical diffractive element is investigated. The method of stationary phase is applied to obtain approximate values of the integrals in the Kirchhoff approximation. The accuracy of the asymptotic approximation is studied in detail. As an application, the obtained approximate formulas are used to solve a design problem of constructing a diffractive optical element with a desired intensity distribution. 相似文献
This paper constructs a contextual space for plotting the positions of P and D (Planning and design) methods, thus offering a framework for analysing, comparing and contrasting P and D approaches. Three dimensions make up this space: strategy, people involvement and attitude toward change. The strategy continuum varies between the extreme ends: pure inquiry and pure will. The people involvement dimension describes the passage of design control from designer to client. The scale for change attitude spans the distance between aversion to change and exploitation of change. Several well-known P and D methods and approaches are discussed and plotted, to test the validity of the suggested framework. 相似文献
Immersion gratings, diffraction gratings where the incident radiation strikes the grooves while immersed in a dielectric medium, offer significant compactness and performance advantages over front-surface gratings. These advantages become particularly large for high-resolution spectroscopy in the near-IR. The production and evaluation of immersion gratings produced by fabricating grooves in silicon substrates using photolithographic patterning and anisotropic etching is described. The gratings produced under this program accommodate beams up to 25 mm in diameter (grating areas to 55 mm x 75 mm). Several devices are complete with appropriate reflective and antireflection coatings. All gratings were tested as front-surface devices as well as immersed gratings. The results of the testing show that the echelles behave according to the predictions of the scalar efficiency model and that tests done on front surfaces are in good agreement with tests done in immersion. The relative efficiencies range from 59% to 75% at 632.8 nm. Tests of fully completed devices in immersion show that the gratings have reached the level where they compete with and, in some cases, exceed the performance of commercially available conventional diffraction gratings (relative efficiencies up to 71%). Several diffraction gratings on silicon substrates up to 75 mm in diameter having been produced, the current state of the silicon grating technology is evaluated. 相似文献