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运维的概念其实比较广泛。IT系统运行的各个方面的都可以归入运维的范畴。本文将IT运维规划笼统的界定为:保证IT系统高效、持久、稳定运行的各种设计。显然这不是一个严格的定义。  相似文献   

<正>一体化智能运维平台能促进IT运维服务管理标准落地,实现数据中心运维管理模式的数字化转型,形成以数字化、自动化、智能化为特点的高效运维模式。多年前曾有这么一句话—业务就是IT,IT就是业务,当时我还不是很理解,  相似文献   

本文以ITIL理论为指导思想,从IT运维服务管理对IT基础架构和应用的实时监控、服务台、事故管理、问题管理、配置管理、发布管理、知识库等维护管理进行了探讨和研究,结合制造业IT运维服务管理的现状。提出更合适制造业的IT运维服务管理的设计和实现,保障IT基础架构和应用高效、安全、正常的运行,为生产平稳运行提供支撑。  相似文献   

为提高学院IT运维管理的效率,保障校园网各项系统和应用高效、稳定、安全的运行,在对现有运维监控系统进行比较分析后,通过研究与实践给出了一种构建于PHP的IT运维管理平台的过程与方法。  相似文献   

随着互联网和计算机技术的发展,企业的业务系统越来越复杂。网络的使用者不仅在数量上增长迅速,同时对网络应用的需求也更加多样化,网络的运维和管理尤为重要。高效的运维和管理网络,是一个难题。介绍了企业中IT运维管理及建立IT运维管理平台的必要性,有效实现对IT信息系统的统一管理。  相似文献   

根据国内外先进IT技术规范和运维服务经验,从专业角度剖析了企业提供完善的IT运维服务所需要的必要资源,主要包括服务能力、人员、资源、技术、过程、IT运维支撑平台6个方面的运维框架体系,该IT运维框架体系使IT运维服务得到了有效的保证,可以有效地提高IT运维服务行业的服务质量并提升IT运维服务水平。  相似文献   

彭谦  孙岩 《软件》2012,33(12)
随着”十一五“建设不断深入,我国加大了对信息化建设力度.政府和事业单位也在改革各自的运维管理体系,而资源管理作为IT运维工作的基本任务也面临着巨大的考验.特别是近年来,各类应用系统的推广规模、建设速度迅猛发展,维护能力和知识水平日显不足.如何更有效地管理现有资源,建立高效、规范的运维体系,确保IT系统的稳定运行是运维部门面临的普遍问题和考验.本文以公安行业信息化改革为背景,设计并实现了一个智能,高效和稳定的资源管理子系统.  相似文献   

IT运维服务现在已经成为电信企业生产运行的一个重要环节,IT运维服务外包的服务模式也越来越成为国际电信企业IT运维服务的趋势之一。在国内,IT企业运维领域运维服务外包刚刚兴起。然而目前我国尚无统一的、规范的、体系化的IT运维服务质量标准。IT运维服务质量还主要依靠服务提供商的内部管控水平以及IT服务人员的个人素质。在这种情况下,浙大快威集团公司运营副总裁廖昕认为,尽快建立适应我国IT运维服务市场需求的IT运维服务标准体系成为迫在眉睫的需求。廖昕表示,在IT运维服务标准化过程中要考虑人员、工具、流程的标准化,其核心…  相似文献   

据IDC统计,目前全球企业面临的首要难题是需要将IT预算的70%以上用于低附加值的IT运维,对于这些企业的lT部门而言,业务需求将直接促成其对于工作负载优化、快速完成数据加载、集成管理、单点支持和高效自动化运维等激增需求。  相似文献   

目前,中小型企业在IT运维方面,面临着多种尴尬的情况,例如技术人员少、运维经验不足、运维中重复性劳动过多、效率低下、资金紧张等诸多问题。对此.构建适合中小企业的IT运维系统来帮助企业实现低成本且高效率的运维就显得十分重要。针对中小型企业IT运维工作中的问题.并结合其运维特点来说明如何设计适合中小型企业的IT运维系统架构。  相似文献   

随着企业信息化建设的不断应用及推广,如何做好IT服务管理,实现IT资源的合理调配及使用,更好地管理维护现有信息系统,保证系统稳定高效运行,为企业提供更好地服务开始成为关注的重点。本文介绍了IT服务管理的重要性,ITIL的概念以及使用情况,并对基于ITIL的企业IT服务管理模型进行了探讨。  相似文献   

虚拟化作为一种新兴的技术,在IT厂商大力推广下,近年来发展十分迅速,那么,虚拟化技术究竟是怎样一种技术?它的应用将为用户带来哪些实际价值和长远收益?本文将深入探讨服务器虚拟化到底有哪些优势;此外,虚拟化在提高用户IT信息技术应用效率的同时,也存在一定风险,本文也将就服务器虚拟化应用可能存在的安全风险进行探讨。  相似文献   

“互联网思维”产生的原因和特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,对互联网思维的诠释,多流于对现象的总结,缺乏对形成机理的剖析,甚至有炒作的嫌疑。什么是互联网思维,它与传统企业思维有何不同,互联网思维如何产生,又有何影响?本文试图从信息技术与商业环境的角度来解读互联网思维这一现象。  相似文献   

数据仓库元数据建设在业界已经有一段时间,就目前国内数据仓库的建设状况而言,经常会有关于元数据的许多问题困扰着大家.比如:元数据建设的目标究竟是什么?元数据管理提供的功能又有哪些?元数据实施过程中难度究竟在哪里?文章对这些问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着网络犯罪的日益猖獗,企业被攻击的次数也越来越多。只有这些网络安全问题得到解决,企业的效益才能得到最大的提升。企业的业务部门开始向专业的IT部门寻求解决方案。我们该如何构建安全系统?企业在利用网络提升生产效率的同时又该如何控制潜在的风险?本文针对这类问题,对供电企业网络安全领域的若干问题做出了重要探讨,并给出了相关解决方案。  相似文献   

Results from a survey of senior executives/officers in charge of IT suggest that while greater IT governance triggers more innovation, IT-business alignment does not moderate this relationship. Executive management IT competence has a direct and positive impact on innovation, and this relationship is stronger when moderated by IT-business alignment. However, regardless of IT-business alignment, innovation is not significantly affected by the board’s IT competence but is positively impacted by IT intensity. This study extends the IS literature on the role of IT in innovation and contributes to the IT governance literature.  相似文献   

Chui Young Yoon 《Knowledge》2011,24(1):113-118
The information technology (IT) capability of an enterprise is very important for the efficient execution of its management activities and to improve task performance in an IT environment. Appropriate measures are necessary for a firm to gauge, manage and improve enterprise IT capability. This research presents a 17-item scale that can efficiently measure enterprise IT capability, and verifies its validity and reliability. The theoretical and practical applications of the measure are discussed, including how it can be effectively utilized to improve enterprise IT capability.  相似文献   

Diversification may increase economic benefits through more efficient utilization of business resources across multiple markets. However, the benefits of these scope economies are often not realized due to costs of coordinating resources in multiple markets. Information technology (IT) is widely used to achieve more efficient coordination by reducing the costs of coordinating business resources across multiple markets. Because of the need for coordination of business resources across multiple markets, diversification can increase the demand for IT. But does increased use of IT improve the performance of diversified firms? This research tackles this question by undertaking an empirical study of the impact of IT on the financial performance resulting from diversification by focusing on the strategic direction chosen by different firms. The empirical aspects of this subject have received little attention from previous information systems (IS) and economics research. This research also sheds light on the business value of IT by showing the importance of complementarity between IT and strategy in firm performance, a subject which has also received limited attention in prior IS research.  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) programs are coordinated IT projects with a common business objective or underlying similar theme. Driving success in an IT program requires that the projects all work to achieve more global organizational goals than those of each individual project. These goals are better achieved in the presence of critical program team competences that include personnel development, dissemination of methodologies, and a key customer focus. These competences need to be developed to promote higher program performance where programs are dedicated to achieving business objectives of an organization. We propose a model based on the human resource model that considers the development of the critical competences when essential self and social competences are present in team members. Participation mechanisms of interpersonal cooperation and mutual support assist in the development of the critical competences. The model is supported by data collected from both quantitative survey and qualitative interviews with matched pairs of IT program managers and IT project managers. The results confirm the need to insure the presence of certain competences in team members and the construction of an environment that builds mutual support and cooperation. The human resource model is thus extended to include the inter-team environment of IT programs and further variables important to vendor competence.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore attitudes, coherence and health beliefs among young adults, related to their use and experience of information technology (IT). A qualitative approach was used and the data were collected through individual thematised interviews with 25 young IT users, aged 18–24. The interviews were analysed in line with the grounded theory method with a constructivist approach. The main findings were the young adults’ experience of the two sides of being social, efficient and independent here and now. They described almost unlimited opportunities in connection with IT, but they also had misgivings, and perceived risks regarding IT use. Feelings of freedom and being efficient were countered by feelings of restrictions on living space and of intangibility. Knowledge concerning these attitudes, coherence and health beliefs can be considered when designing epidemiological and ergonomic studies aimed at risk identification.  相似文献   

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