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赵巍  汪琦  邹宗树 《钢铁》2003,38(Z1):120-121
介绍了一种城市生活垃圾直接气化熔融焚烧方法--垃圾自热焚烧新方法的工艺及特点.  相似文献   

近几年来,由于国外先进技术、先进设备的引进极大地推动了中国热处理技术的发展,使中国热处理技术向前迈进了一大步,缩短了与先进国家的差距。但中国的热处理行业目前的状况还远远落后于发达国家。目前,国外的热处理设备大部分已采用燃气辐射管、全自动控制的热处理生产线。而国内仍处于一种设备陈旧、工艺保守、设备管理落后、装备笨重、能源利用率低等情况。  相似文献   

左强  贾亮 《山西冶金》2014,(6):8-10
介绍了一种先进的城市生活垃圾处理技术——高温裂解技术,阐述了该技术的主要特点,分析了该技术在中国的应用前景。  相似文献   

经过十多年的探索,我国在城市生活垃圾焚烧技术和设备的研制开发和设备制造方面已具备了一定的技术基础,在我国再选用城市生活垃圾焚烧技术时,应根据我国城市生活垃圾结构特点和国情,立足依靠自己的力量走国产化道路,在已有的焚烧技术基础上开拓创新,形成我国自己的垃圾焚烧处理和综合利用技术系统。这对降低由于采用引进焚烧技术而带来的昂贵造价十分有利,对开发我国垃圾焚烧技术和设备也是完全必要的。  相似文献   

包向军  蔡九菊  刘汉桥  雷勇 《钢铁》2003,38(Z1):126-129
现有的垃圾焚烧、热解技术,存在投资大,二次污染严重的问题.在分析垃圾构成和垃圾热解技术的基础上,提出采用焦炉工艺处理垃圾,实现垃圾与煤共焦化.针对城市垃圾的特点,提出切实可行的工艺路线.  相似文献   

彭好义  周孑民  彭庚 《工业炉》2009,31(2):28-30,37
针对我国城市生活垃圾的特性及垃圾焚烧过程中产生的二次污染,结合高温富氧空气的熔融燃烧机理,提出了以高温富氧空气为氧化剂的城市生活垃圾熔融焚烧技术,给出了该技术的工艺流程,剖析了其关键技术,并着重分析了其低污染特性.  相似文献   

以200t/d垃圾热解发电项目为例,分析了1~20年内的经济指标,计算了动态投资回收期及投资收益率,为以后类似项目的启动提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

赵帅朋 《冶金与材料》2021,41(5):105-106
随着我国经济社会的不断发展,我国的工业也实现了进一步的发展.在实际的工业制造的过程中,金属材料是非常重要的内容,对其进行相应的热处理技术可以更好的保障金属材料的功能.在现在的制造业中,热处理技术所涉及到的内容比较广泛,而且消耗的能源也是比较大,热处理技术主要是通过加热的形式来使金属材料发生一定变化以此来达到有关的技术要求.但是在应用过程中不免对环境会产生一定的影响,文章将主要对金属材料热处理技术节能新技术进行重点的论述,以供有关人员进行参考.  相似文献   

本文系统地分析与论述了城市生活垃圾的热工特生及焚烧过程,通过对垃圾的元素和民分分析,估算垃圾失氏位发热值,来确定垃圾能否采用焚烧技术进行处理。同时对焚烧炉体体必须重视预热干燥段结构的设计,也进行了论述 。  相似文献   

根据我国地少人多和城市垃圾产量增多的实际情况,借鉴了国内外城市垃圾的处理方法和焚烧发电的经验,提出了对我国建立垃圾发电厂及管理的建议。建议主要有加强垃圾的分类和管理、综合谨慎地进行垃圾发电厂的选址、提高垃圾发电设备的国产化水平、加强宣传,科学认识二恶英类污染、采取有效措施.控制二恶英类污染。  相似文献   

Environmental Impact of Solid Waste Treatment Methods in Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The environmental impact of various solid waste treatment methods being used in Korea was assessed to provide useful information for decision making in solid waste management strategy. Among the treatment methods considered, the incineration method and the anaerobic digestion method are the most environmentally friendly, while the landfill method has the highest environmental impact. Regarding the life cycle of the treatment methods, the environmental impact of the main treatment stage is the largest, contributing 46–94% of the total impact, depending on the treatment method. The environmental impact due to wastewater treatment was 6.2, 0.2, 4.1, and 9.0% for landfilling, incineration, composting, and anaerobic digestion, respectively. Among the environmental impact categories considered, global warming, eutrophication, and acidification are the key contributors to environmental impact, with a range of 53 to 91% of the total environmental impact depending on the selected treatment method. Of these key contributors, global warming has the largest contribution. Other contributors to environmental impact, such as photochemical oxidant creation, abiotic resource depletion, and ozone depletion, contribute little to the total environmental impact. These results make it possible to construct an environmental data set and examine the environmental impact of the life cycle of various waste treatment methods to support decision making in solid waste management strategy.  相似文献   

The static granular bed reactor (SGBR) is a unique high-rate anaerobic reactor designed to operate in a simple downflow manner, offering high chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies (greater than 90%) resulting from high biomass retention in the system. A study was performed to evaluate the SGBR versus a control system, the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor, and to evaluate performance idiosyncrasies of the SGBR and the control. The two reactors were operated at three different hydraulic retention times (HRTs): 8, 16, and 24 h. The reactors treated synthetic wastewater, intended to simulate food industry waste, composed of sucrose and nonfat dry milk. Overall, COD removal was higher for the SGBR than for the UASB reactor. In particular, at a HRT of 8 h, the SGBR achieved a COD removal of 90.7% and the UASB reactor reduced the COD concentration by 77.5%. The UASB reactor’s specific COD loading factor proved rate limiting with values ranging from 0.19 to 0.94?gCOD/(gVS?d) versus 0.11 to 0.34?gCOD/(gVS?d) for the SGBR. A tracer study idealized hydraulics within the two systems, and the results showed minimal dead volume and 4–6% short circuiting for both reactors.  相似文献   

综述我国垃圾渗沥液的特性、处理技术的发展和应用情况,并对存在的问题、发展对策进行了分析。  相似文献   

综述我国垃圾渗沥液的特性、处理技术的发展和应用情况,并对存在的问题、发展对策进行了分析。  相似文献   

Cover temperature variations were determined at four municipal solid waste landfills located in different climatic regions in North America: Michigan, New Mexico, Alaska, and British Columbia. Cover temperatures varied seasonally similarly to air temperatures and demonstrated amplitude decrement and phase lag with depth. Elevated temperatures in the underlying wastes resulted in warmer temperatures and low frost penetration in the covers compared to surrounding subgrade soils. The ranges of measured temperatures decreased and average temperatures generally increased (approximately 2°C/m) with depth. The ranges of measured temperatures (Tmax?Tmin) were 18–30°C and 13–21°C and the average temperatures were 13–18°C and 14–23°C at 1 and 2?m depths, respectively. For soil and geosynthetic barrier materials around 1?m depth, the maximum and minimum temperatures were 22–25°C and 3–4°C, respectively. Frost depths were determined to be approximately 50% of those for soils at ambient conditions. The main direction of heat flow in the covers was upward (negative gradients). The cover gradients varied between ?18 and 14°C/m, with averages of ?7?to?1°C/m. The gradients for soil and geosynthetic barrier materials around 1?m depth varied between ?11 and 9°C/m with an average of ?2°C/m. Cover thawing n-factors ranged between 1.0 and 1.4 and the cover freezing n-factor was 0.6. Design charts and guidelines are provided for cover thermal analyses for variable climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Constitutive Model for Municipal Solid Waste   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a refuse composed of various materials with different properties. Some of the components are stable while others degrade as a result of biological and chemical processes. These aspects impart to MSW a complex behavior that has been modeled, with many limitations, within the concepts of soil mechanics. In this paper, a framework to model the MSW mechanical behavior is proposed based on results from laboratory tests, such as triaxial compression and confined compression of large samples. It is suggested that two different effects command MSW mechanical behavior: (a) the reinforcement of MSW by synthetic fibers (composed by many types of polymers) and (b) the behavior of the MSW paste, without fibers. Accordingly, two distinct frameworks were used to represent the main MSW characteristics: (a) a critical state framework for MSW paste and (b) an elastic perfectly plastic framework for waste fibers, with a time lag for fiber loading (function fm). The proposed model is capable of reproducing quite well the results obtained from triaxial and confined compression tests performed in the laboratory as well as the settlement recorded in a sanitary landfill.  相似文献   

赵殿顺  张维林  程永强  武江 《有色矿冶》2007,23(4):80-81,84
进行了CMF+RO双膜法处理城市污水中水回用锅炉补水的实验研究,分析了中水处理后回用于锅炉补充水的可行性及经济效益。  相似文献   

余磊  余翔 《江西冶金》2003,23(3):40-44
分步硫化法是用硫化剂分步沉淀废硫酸中的铜、砷等离子,本文对其可行性进行了理论论证,探讨了控制反应进行的条件,阐述了分步硫化的工艺流程。  相似文献   

In this work we investigated the use of a short time, low superheat boiling process to treat biological sludge. The treated sludge would exhibit a deteriorated filterability, and a marked increase in soluble organics content. A large portion of extracellular polymers was released from the solid phase by boiling. The microbial density levels of the total coliform bacteria and the heterotrophic bacteria were reduced after treatment. Dilution in sludge concentration could allow more organic compounds to be hydrolyzed and a greater fraction of microbes to be disinfected when compared with the undiluted samples.  相似文献   

我国钽铌工业迅猛发展,随之产生的"三废"污染不容小觑,研发针对钽铌冶炼"三废"的新型治理技术具有重要的实际和经济意义。从废水、废气及废渣方面分析了钽铌冶炼污染物的来源与性质。汇总并剖析了钽铌冶炼"三废"治理技术现状,对其未来的研究重点进行了展望。  相似文献   

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