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王翔 《江苏纺织》2006,(6A):16-17
找准市场定位,以产品的先进性、独创性谋求企业的发展”——本着这样的理念,无锡蓝堡机械有限公司在激烈的纺机业竞争中脱颖而出,以市场的成功证明了其独特创新工作的准确。无锡蓝堡机械有限公司(原无锡第八纺织机械厂)有着30多年丰富的纺机生产经验,主要产品有毛纺全程系列设备、棉纺细纱机,尤其是以各种LB毛纺系列细纱机著称于全国。其中,LB1528(FB528)系列细纱机被评为江苏省高新技术产品,并荣获江苏省首届科技创新奖,已申请专利保护。LB1229、LB1239新型棉纺细纱机是具有突破创新的产品,最近又推出了LB1538缆型纺细纱机和LB1558碳纤维纺纱细纱机,填补了国内空白,处国内领先地位。公司被评为“江苏省高新技术企业”、“江苏省民营科技企业”。笔者近日采访了公司董事长兼总经理任宏伟先生,请他介绍蓝堡公司成功的秘诀。[编者按]  相似文献   

作为沈阳地区最早的宠物批发商之一,顶尖派特公司不断创新,为厂商及零售商提供各种增值服务,包括产品分销、品牌推广、市场咨询、供补货、开店咨询、资讯分享等。迄今为止,公司已经把十余个国际品牌的宠物食品和用品成功引入沈阳,并树立了这些品牌在沈阳地区的金字招牌。  相似文献   

“热闹闹.你方唱罢我登场”,用这句话来形容近年来电磁炉行业,可谓再准确不过了.无论是大企业,还是中小企业,无不对电磁炉产品看好.纷纷介入,几年后的今天,大浪淘沙,今天的电磁炉企业怎样才能保持领先的步伐.不被大浪淘沙.良好的生存下去?银港科技有限公司营销中心总经理杨浩畅谈了他的看法——  相似文献   

胜达集团江苏双灯纸业有限公司的前身为滨海县造纸厂,始建于1959年。1999年改制为江苏双灯纸业有限公司。2004年10月由胜达集团收购江苏双灯纸业有限公司股权实行资产重组并更名。重组后的胜达集团江苏双灯纸业有限公司发展很快,生产能力逐年提高,在中国造纸协会生活用纸专业委员会最新发布的《2008生活用纸行业年度报告》中,双灯已进入“2008年综合排序前15位的生活用纸制造商”行列。  相似文献   

云南云成印务有限公司历经十五年的创业经营发展,现已成为云南省一家社会、经济效益十分明显的包装印刷企业。日前,记者走访了座落在昆明高新开发区内的云成印务公司,就公司的发展、企业文化建设、企业的核心价值观等采访了公司年青有为的领航人——张漫辉总经理。  相似文献   

伴随着印刷行业的快速发展,市场竞争的激流冲击着每个身处其中的印刷企业。在工价日渐下滑的今天,企业利润成为大家关注的焦点。如何创造利润成为每位经营者日夜思考的问题。为此,各个企业都使出浑身解数,在开发新产品、提高质量、降低成本、争取扩大市场份额上下足功夫。身处国际化大都市的上海中华印刷有限公司是其中的一个典型案例。时至今日,上海中华已经被视为国内国企改革中鲜有的成功案例.在业内传为佳话。企业在竞争中发展,经理人也在风雨中成长。带着些许敬佩,《今日印刷》走近了潘晓东,让我们共同品读这位经理人和他的企业在成功背后的酸涩和艰辛。  相似文献   

如果不是海关数字摆在面前,谁能想象毫不起眼的宠物窝垫,每年能够达到几千万美元的出口额。正是凭借多年来的勤奋和坚持,张玉辉执掌的愉辉公司硬是做到了。他们的产品几乎覆盖了全美市场,而对于宠物产品来说,拿下了美国市场就等于占据了全球市场的半壁江山。  相似文献   

作为印刷业"十二五"时期的发展重点,当前,绿色印刷正得到大力推广。但是面对绿色印刷,业界有的企业质疑:政府究竟有多大的决心推动?其所带来的成本上升有多少印刷企业能够承受?有的企业观望:绿色印刷不过是噱头,根本推行不下去;而有的企业则早已行动,高教社(天  相似文献   

正山西秋林机械有限公司(下称秋林公司)作为老牌木工机械装备制造企业,一直以稳健成熟的生产团队和精益求精的务实态度,在液压机、热压机、预压机几大门类中不断探索,生产拥有卓越性能、适合我国国情的装备,其产品受到市场欢迎,在自主研发的品牌中占有一席之地。  相似文献   

BENEO亚太私人有限公司(简称BENEO)成立于2007年,由Orafti、Palatinit及Remy这3家公司合并而成,隶属于欧洲领先的食品生产商之一——Südzucker集团.Südzucker集团拥有逾100年的配料研发及生产经验,是欧洲最大的糖业生产企业BENEO的生产基地分布在比利时、德国、智利和意大利,通过约900位员工将广受认可的配料产品积极地销售至世界各地.虽然在中国并没有进行太多的推广宣传,但在中国食品行业中有着广泛的应用.接下来,就让我们随BENEO亚太私人有限公司董事总经理万坤先生一起揭开BENEO神秘"面纱".  相似文献   

清心 《中国食品工业》2000,(8):048E-048E
<正> 对空白的容器进行适当的贴标,能有效地减少资源物料的成本,免除订购大量彩印容器的耗费。B&H贴标系统公司最近开发的创新辊式进给收缩贴标技术,为加工商带来更高的生产灵活性,能够使用现时各种各样的标签材料来装饰不同种类和大小的容器。 辊式进给收缩贴标可替代传统套式贴标,符合成本经济效益。辊式进给贴标实际上在起始设备投  相似文献   

<正> 在食品工业中,食品和饮料产品向多元化、多品种方向发展是勿庸置疑的,为了配合产品的推广,生产商便要从包装方面着手。随着产品不断的推陈出新,包装装璜亦需要作出同步的变化,而能够充分配合这种需求的,莫过于使用标签作为产品的第一重包装。这样,生产商便可对品种不同的产品随时作出包装上的更改而毋须重新生产外观特别的容器,在相当程度上有助于降低包装成本。 随着市场对贴标的需求日益增长,贴标技术因此取得很大的发展,从以往需要在整个标签涂上粘合剂进行贴标,发展到现在只须将粘合剂涂在标签的边缘位置,  相似文献   

International cigarette labelling practices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. PARTICIPANTS: Members of GLOBALink (), an Internet listserve for tobacco activists with members in 56 countries, who were asked to provide specific information on cigarette warning requirements in their countries. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Presence of specific warning labels, overall content score (based on a 0-10 scale with a point for each specific warning mentioned), size of warning label, location of warning label. RESULTS: Forty-five countries (80%) responded; 40 had mandatory labelling requirements, three had voluntary agreements with the industry and two had no requirements. In general, American companies did no more in foreign countries than required by local law. The average developing country content score was 1.6, compared with 5.0 in developed countries (p = 0.0003). Forty-two per cent of countries either had no warning requirement or had only a very general health warning. The most common warning was for heart disease (49% of countries) and the least common was for addiction (14%). All warnings were more common in developed than developing countries. Warnings in developed country were on average 27% larger than those in developing countries (p = 0.325). Seventy-three per cent of labels in developing countries appeared only on the side of the pack, whereas 78% of labels in developed countries appeared on the front and back (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: In almost every respect measured, residents in developing countries are receiving inferior information about the hazards of smoking than residents of developed countries. Laws should be promulgated in importing and exporting countries to ensure that, where their labelling laws differ, companies would be required to provide the more comprehensive labelling.  相似文献   

以D-核糖和L-赖氨酸为反应底物,采用紫外-可见分光光度法研究pH值、温度、Fe~(3+)浓度对核糖-赖氨酸反应体系的影响,目的是使含有D-核糖和L-赖氨酸的模拟食品在65~70℃下较快显色,进而为微波复热食品的研究提供基础。结果表明,在D-核糖和L-赖氨酸溶液中,当pH值在7~12时,美拉德反应速率随着pH的升高而增加;随着温度的升高,pH值对该反应的促进效果得到放大,说明二者具有协同作用;此外,Fe~(3+)也可以影响D-核糖和L-赖氨酸的反应速率,随着Fe~(3+)浓度的提高,其反应速率出现先增加后降低的趋势,最适浓度为0.004 mmol/L。当溶液(pH=12)含有2%(质量分数)D-核糖、2%(质量分数)L-赖氨酸、0.004 mmol/L Fe~(3+)时,制成的结冷胶颜色变化速度最快,在微波加热处理时可在较低温度下显色,能用于微波低温复热食品的研究中。  相似文献   

This study investigated the consumer attitude to food irradiation in São Paulo, Brazil, through a qualitative research perspective. Three focus groups were conducted with 30 consumers, responsible for food choices and purchases. Both irradiated and nonirradiated food samples were served in the sessions to motivate the discussion and elicit the participants´ knowledge, opinions, feelings and concerns towards the irradiation process. Reactions were similar among the groups and differences between the irradiated and the nonirradiated samples were hardly perceived. When provided with positive information about irradiation and its benefits to foods and human health, many people still remained suspicious about the safety of the technology. Risk perception seemed to be related to unease and lack of knowledge about nuclear power and its non-defense use. Participants claimed for more transparency in communication about risks and benefits of irradiated foods to the human health, especially with respect to the continued consumption.Industrial relevanceIrradiation is an emerging food processing technology, which has been gaining interest by food technologists, producers and manufacturers all over the world in the last decades. Irradiation is suitable for disinfestation, microorganism load reduction or sterilization, assuring the safety, as well as having benefits in the shelf-life of foodstuffs.Food irradiation is approved in many countries and its use in food processing is endorsed by several reputed authorities, such as FAO and USDA. Despite the approval and recommendation, this technology still remains underutilized not only in Brazil, but also in other countries. The main reason appears to be the consumer concerns and doubts about the use of radiations in food processing. To develop communication strategies in promotion of irradiated foods it is necessary to investigate consumer attitudes, knowledge, opinions, as well as fears, with respect to the use of radiation in food processing.It is well-known that consumer views on technology may vary from a culture to another. So, findings from consumer research in a country may certainly not reflect the consumer views in other countries. In this sense, Brazilian studies focused on consumer views on food irradiation are necessary to gain understanding on how the local market accepts the technology. Brazil is one of the most important food producers in the world and an emerging consumer market with a population of about 184 million people. Food irradiation is regulated in Brazil since 1973, but to date only a few food ingredients are subjected to irradiation. The wide use of irradiation in food processing would favor Brazilian producers in the quality and safety assurance of food products, both for the local market and for exports.  相似文献   

<正> 诱人的包装,能给顾客良好的第一印象,刺激其购买欲。不同的产品要求不同的外观,作为产品包装的重要部分一商标,对产品销量的影响尤大,故厂商在选择贴标工艺及材料时,要特别谨慎,才能包装出理想的产品外观。本文将就贴标设备、粘贴用胶和商标用纸作一简介。 贴标系统 冷胶贴标系统 依据粘贴位置的不同,冷胶粘贴系统可分为三种: 1.拉伸粘贴—只在商标的纵向边缘进行粘贴,商标中间有相当于其1/4长  相似文献   

问:您所在企业的创立背景(时间、地点、主要创始团队、当时的行业情况)、主要创始人的背景、创立公司的目的是什么?答:众诚软件公司成立于2006年,位于阜阳市经济技术开发区,公司成立之初的三位创始人都曾就读于北京某高校计算机专业,毕业后在北京某大型软件公司从事企业ERP的研发及管理咨询工作8年,有着丰富的软件开发及企业管理咨询经验。当初,通过大量的市场调研,我们了解到国内面粉企业的管理软件基本上是一片空白,企业信息化滞后,还都没有采用软件进行管理,于是我们成立了软件公司,专业研发面粉企业的ERP,帮助面粉企业解决管理方面的难题。  相似文献   

在酒脚上陈酿葡萄酒从前是在橡木桶中进行,目前越来越多地成功应用于大罐中. 酒泥有时被看做是宝,这就是为什么白葡萄酒在酒泥上陈酿的原因.这些浓稠得有时令人呕吐的沉淀物,却是酵母的基本成分,它有利于改善和提高葡萄酒的质量.  相似文献   

The intrinsic isotopic labelling of plants with 13CO2 is an effective method to generate highly labelled compounds using photosynthesis and avoiding labour-intensive complex organic syntheses. In this study, the intrinsic isotopic labelling of polyphenols in parsley, spinach and peppermint is shown for the first time. The plants were grown in an atmosphere where 12CO2 was replaced by 13CO2, in order to generate highly labelled compounds. The total content of 13C as well as the individual polyphenols were analysed by Isotopic Ratio-MS and HPLC–Iontrap-MSn.  相似文献   

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