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The Great Lakes Chapter of the Intravenous Nurses Society developed a scholarship program to reward members for participation in INS activities and to promote the INS goals of education and knowledge sharing. Scholarships were awarded for holding office or committee work, educational activities or authorship, meeting attendance and recruitment efforts, and certification/recognition by INS. This article describes the point system used for awarding scholarships, program funding, and pitfalls in the program.  相似文献   

G. Frank's (1996) argument that instinct theory is "an untenable model from which to generate ideas about personality, psychopathology or treatment" (p. 421) and is best replaced by the construct of belief rests on a caricatured representation of Freud's instinct theory. Frank's rendering of instinct theory is bereft of complexity and is based on a selected and tilted reading of Freud. A more balanced reading of Freud, contemporary Freudians, and current views of the interface of psychoanalysis, neuroscience, and evolutionary theory yields different conclusions regarding instinct theory, the dynamic unconscious, unconscious fantasy, and their relations to treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Gene transfer vectors based on the replication-defective adeno-associated virus (AAV) are emerging as promising vehicles for gene therapeutic approaches for the neurologic disease, cystic fibrosis and cancers. AAV vectors have been used to efficiently transduce genes into cells in vitro and in vivo. However, transduced recombinant AAV vectors are integrated into human chromosomes. Thus we have discussed that the review about the AAV vectors and transduction, and reported the results used AAV vectors for expression of ribozyme.  相似文献   

Developmental changes and individual differences in children's conceptions of transgressions were studied in 46 children in their kindergarten and 1st-grade years; the children had previously been studied with their mothers and siblings as 2- and 3-year-olds. Differences in responses to moral transgressions in kindergarten were related to mothers' control management and to siblings' friendly behavior in the preschool period, early understanding of emotions, and verbal ability. Family variables and emotion understanding were also correlated with responses to moral transgressions in 1st grade. The incidence of children's attribution of happiness or mixed feelings to victimizers did not change between 6 and 7 years. The findings suggest experiences with both mothers and siblings, and differences in how children assess the feelings of others show consistent and comparatively long-term associations with children's responses to moral issues. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The article discusses a holistic approach to clinical scholarship by examining dimensions of scholarship and patterns of knowing. Innovative clinical teaching strategies in relation to these dimensions of scholarship and patterns of knowing are identified. Experiential learning, content mapping, and portable patient problem packs are explored. Knowledge building and creativity in the process of educating students are imperative. Nurse educators are challenged to develop new paradigms for nursing education that create a dynamic learning environment and result in enhanced clinical scholarship.  相似文献   

This is the second of two articles looking at the administration of different kinds of radiotherapy. It examines what nurses should consider when delivering teletherapy, brachytherapy and unsealed sources of radiation. The issues involved in radiological protection are considered.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of methyl methacrylate casts and light microscopy (LM) of tissue are well-established methods for studying the microcirculation. The two are complimentary, but methacrylate is transparent and thus its presence is often not appreciated by LM. Applying histologic stains to sections of tissue embedded in methyl methacrylate would allow the relationships of light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic views of cast vasculature to be better appreciated. We sought to test different stains on cast tissue to find one that would accent the cast. Surgically removed and autopsied human lungs were cast with methacrylate and processed by routine light microscopic methods. They were stained with the hematoxylin and eosin, Masson trichome, elastic--van Gieson, Grocott methenamine silver, Brown-Brennan, and Ziehl-Neelsen methods. The Ziehl-Neelsen procedure stained the methacrylate best, giving it a red color. This procedure also worked well without heating. We conclude that (1) cast methacrylate lung can be processed for routine LM with excellent results; (2) methacrylate stains well with the Ziehl-Neelsen technique; (3) the acid--fast stained cast lung shows capillaries and cells in both normal and diseased lung better than the routine hematoxylin and eosin stain; (4) this technique can be used to assess filling and correlate findings on the same tissue with the two different microscopic methods.  相似文献   

Comments on M. A. Fine and L. A. Kurdek's (see record 1994-11404-001) discussion of authorship credit in faculty–student collaborations. T. D. Crespi argues that students and faculty should take authorship credit only for professional contributions, and that minor contributions from either faculty or students do not warrant author credit. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the context of studying the medicalization of women, we sought insight into the reflexive and mutually influential relationships between the prevailing social agenda and the formal knowledge base by analyzing the content, purpose and funding source of the scholarly work published in the three major, English-language obstetrics and gynecology journals. Our analysis of the 6103 articles published in 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, and 1993 led us to the conclusion that, rather than responding to changing social needs and life-styles, the obstetrics and gynecology specialty has continued to emphasize the reproductive nature of women rather than the health and well-being requirements of non-pregnant and non-fertile women. The social values and attitudes toward women inferred from the priorities evident in these data are ideologically consistent with the view that women's primary role is that of reproduction. The implied importance of certain themes and the consequent allocation of resources may serve to perpetuate the politically oppressive view of women as biologically motivated and determined.  相似文献   

Violence scholarship has focused primarily on accumulating new empirical findings. Theoretical advances, however, are also essential for synthesizing and organizing empirical knowledge in ways that can advance research, prevention, intervention and policy. The articles in this special issue of Psychology of Violence represent the beginnings of a second wave of violence scholarship. There have been many calls for multi-factorial approaches to understanding violence, but most of these are fairly general injunctions to include individual, family, and social factors, which seldom include specific analyses about how these factors intersect. In contrast, the articles included here present detailed, nuanced analyses of how specific mechanisms inter-relate with each other. These mechanisms include neurobiological processes such as arousal, social cognitive processes such as automatic cognitions, relational processes such as attachment, and macrosystem processes that affect entire communities and societies. These analyses have been applied to peer victimization, sexual victimization, criminal offending, intimate partner violence, suicide, global warming, and to the commonalities among all forms of interpersonal violence. One important outcome of these authors' work is new insights for actionable steps to improve prevention, intervention, and policy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studies of polysemy are few in number and are contradictory. Some have found differences between polysemy and homonymy (L. Frazier & K. Rayner, 1990), and others have found similarities (D. K. Klein & G. Murphy, 2001). The authors investigated this issue using the methods of D. K. Klein and G. Murphy (2001), in whose study participants judged whether ambiguous words embedded in word pairs (e.g., tasty chicken) made sense as a function of a cooperating, conflicting, or neutral context. The ambiguous words were independently rated as having low, moderate, or highly overlapping senses to approximate a continuum from homonymy to metonymic polysemy. The effects of meaning dominance were examined. Words with highly overlapping meanings (e.g., metonymy) showed reduced effects of context and dominance compared with words with moderately or low overlapping meanings (e.g., metaphorical polysemy and homonymy). These results suggest that the comprehension of ambiguous words is mediated by the semantic overlap of alternative senses/meanings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Responds to a reply by B. P. Karon and A. J. Widener (see record 1998-12169-012) to the author's critique (see record 1998-12169-011) of their discussion of repressed and recovered memories of WWII veterans in relation to his experience of being falsely accused of sexual abuse by his daughters after they went to recovered memory therapists. The author suggests that Karon and Widener's critique of his reply is a personal attack on his research and writing, and cites instances of distortion in their work relating to recovery of repressed memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Analyzed current issues of 30 prominent journals in psychology, education, and literary criticism for characteristic rhythmic traits of research titles. Data indicate the published title is extensive, dysrhythmic, and colonic, divided by a colon in 72% of the cases inspected. The colon emerged as the primary correlate of scholarship, evidenced in 5 regards: publishability, productivity, complexity of thought, distinction of endeavor, and progress of the enterprise. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examines the nature of the relationship between psychology and common sense. It is postulated that common sense may be categorized in 3 ways: (a) as a set of shared fundamental assumptions, (b) as a set of maxims or shared beliefs, and (c) as a shared way of thinking. It is argued that psychology has and should have a different relationship with each area. The role that conceptual analysis and other research techniques can play in investigating commonsense cognitive schemata is discussed. It is concluded that common sense is a valuable but inherently dangerous resource available to psychologists. What makes common sense, viewed as a way of thinking, a dangerous resource for psychologists is its propensity to operate silently in the unconscious infrastructure of the mind. Accordingly, it tends to be recalcitrant to analysis while at the same time exerting a powerful hidden influence over psychologists' thinking that is often both unanalyzed and unevaluated. (62 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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