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To assess the efficacy of an in vivo adenoviral-mediated cytotoxic gene therapy, human melanomas were established in nude mice and transduced with herpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase (tk) followed by treatment with ganciclovir (GCV). In initial experiments, adenovirus (adv) containing the beta-galactosidase reporter gene was employed to determine melanoma cell infectivity in vitro. In comparison to murine melanoma cell lines B16 and K1735-M2, human A375-SM cells exhibited up to a 10-fold greater susceptibility to adenoviral transduction, similar to the degree of infectivity found for human epidermal HaCaT cells. In addition, human A375-SM melanoma cells exhibited a greater sensitivity in vitro to the cytotoxic effects of transduction with tk-adv and treatment with GCV, which was mediated by a strong bystander effect. In vivo, intratumoral injection of relatively large human melanomas (160 mm3) with 1.2 X 109 pfu of tk-adv, followed by intraperitoneal GCV treatment (60 mg/kg twice daily) over 4 days, typically resulted in a 50% reduction in melanoma growth rate compared to mock or untreated controls. Moreover, histometrical analysis employing a rigorous computerized imaging system revealed that the residual viable tumor area in the tk-adv/GCV-treated group was only one-fifth that of solvent controls. These data show that adv is a highly efficient in vivo gene delivery system to treat experimental human melanomas. In comparison to a previous murine melanoma study, human melanomas appeared to exhibit a greater sensitivity to this cytotoxic treatment in vivo, which may hold significant promise for development of effective gene therapy modalities to treat melanoma in humans.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan that causes Chagas' disease, was transfected with a fusion gene of hygromycin phosphotransferase and herpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase, HyTK. Transfectants selected in hygromycin had thymidine kinase activity, whereas controls did not. In vitro growth of the mammalian life-stage forms, amastigotes and trypomastigotes, was inhibited 98% by the nucleoside analogue ganciclovir (5 micrograms/ml). Growth of the insect-stage form, epimastigotes, was not inhibited by ganciclovir (up to 250 micrograms/ml) or other nucleoside analogues. Intracellular uptake of ganciclovir by epimastigotes was found to be 10-fold less than that by amastigotes. Mice infected with the HyTK-expressing parasites and treated with ganciclovir had a statistically significant reduction of parasitemia by 57%; however, complete eradication of parasites was not achieved. The parasites recovered from the treated mice continued to be susceptible to ganciclovir in vitro. Parasite clones with higher expression of thymidine kinase were more sensitive to ganciclovir, suggesting that greater expression of the thymidine kinase gene may lead to parasites that can be fully eradicated from infected experimental animals.  相似文献   

Gene therapy via the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (tk) gene and ganciclovir (GCV) treatment eliminates experimental tumors. In this approach, cells expressing the tk gene (tk+) and neighboring tumor cells which do not express the gene are killed. We have demonstrated this bystander effect is enhanced in vitro by gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC). In order to extend our in vitro results into in vivo situations, we injected into nude mice different ratios of tk+/tk- HeLa cells, either lacking or transfected with connexin43 (Cx43), a gene coding for a gap junction protein. When GCV was administered before tumors were palpable, fewer animals developed tumors, even after a longer period, if the injected cells were mixtures of Cx43(+)-tk+ and Cx43(+)-tk- while tumor growth was not prevented with mixtures of HeLa cells not expressing Cx43, i.e. Cx43(+)-tk+/Cx43(-)-tk-. When GCV was given after the appearance of tumors, the size of the tumors from Cx43- cells was 30% reduced for 3 weeks if 50% of the injected cells were tk+. However, for cells expressing Cx43, the tumor size was 66% reduced if 10% of the cells were tk+. Such a reduction demonstrates a long-term bystander effect which is dependent on Cx43 expression.  相似文献   

We report the first large-scale screening of mitochondrial (mt) DNA in 77 Caucasian patients with relapsing-remitting or secondary progressive form of multiple sclerosis (MS) and in 84 Caucasian controls by using the method of restriction site polymorphism and haplotype analysis. No pathogenic mtDNA mutation was found in association with MS. However, mtDNA haplotypes K* and J* defined by the simultaneous presence of Ddel restriction sites at nucleotides 10,394 and 14,798 of the mtDNA in haplogroups K and J showed association with MS at a P-value of 0.001. A relative increase of MS patients compared to controls either with the J* or with the K* haplotype (+10,394Ddel/+14,798Ddel in haplogroup J or K) also was detected (each with a P<0.05). No distinct phenotypic characteristics of MS were observed when clinical data of patients with haplotypes K* or J* were analyzed. In addition to previous complete sequencing in several MS patients, the population screening of mtDNA presented here suggests that mtDNA point mutations are not likely to be involved in the pathogenesis of typical forms of MS. However, the mitochondrial genetic background (haplotype K* and J*) may moderately contribute to MS susceptibility. The reported association between MS and Leber's hereditary optic nerve atrophy, a disease caused by mtDNA point mutations preferentially occurring in haplogroup J, may be at least in part related to the overlapping mitochondrial genetic background of the two diseases.  相似文献   

The uptake as well as the export of citric acid by Aspergillus niger occur by active, deltapH-driven, H(+)-symport dependent systems. They are inhibited by nonmetabolizable tricarboxylic acid analogues and phthalic acid, and by several other mono-, di- and tribasic organic acids. However, citrate export could only be demonstrated in a mycelium cultivated under manganese-deficient growth conditions, whereas the uptake of citrate from the medium was only detectable upon precultivation of A. niger in a medium supplemented with Mn2+ ions. In addition, the uptake of citrate was dependent on the presence of Mn2+ ions in the assay, and inhibited by EDTA. This requirement for Mn2+ could also be partially fulfilled by Mg2+, Fe2+ or Zn2+, whereas Cu2+ ions inhibited citrate transport. The observed divergent effects of manganese ions on citrate uptake and citrate export may be a major reason for the well documented requirement for manganese deficiency of citric acid accumulation.  相似文献   

Metabolic cooperation via gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) is an important mechanism of the bystander effect in gene therapy using the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase/ganciclovir (HSVtk/GCV) 'prodrug' system. Since retinoids have been reported to increase GJIC by induction of connexin expression, we hypothesized that these compounds could be used to augment the HSVtk/GCV bystander effect. Addition of all-trans retinoic acid increased GJIC in tumor cell lines, augmented expression of connexin 43, and was associated with more efficient GCV-induced in vitro bystander killing in cells transduced with HSVtk via either retrovirus or adenovirus vectors. This augmentation of bystander effect could also be seen in vivo. HSVtk-transduced tumors in mice treated with the combination of GCV and retinoids were significantly smaller than those treated with GCV or retinoids alone. These results provide evidence that retinoids can augment the efficiency of cell killing with the HSVtk/GCV system by enhancing bystander effects and may thus be a promising new approach to improve responses in gene therapy utilizing the HSVtk/GCV system to treat tumors or vascular restenosis.  相似文献   

We report a series of studies that assess the feasibility and sensitivity of imaging of herpes virus type one thymidine kinase (HSV1-tk) gene transfer and expression with [124I]-5-iodo-2'-fluoro-1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyluracil ([124I]-FIAU) and positron emission tomography (PET) and the ability of [124I]-FIAU-PET imaging to discriminate different levels of HSV1-tk gene expression. Studies were performed in rats bearing multiple s.c. tumors derived from W256 rat carcinoma and RG2 rat glioma cells. In the first set, we tested the sensitivity of [124I]-FIAU-PET imaging to detect low levels of HSV1-tk gene expression after retroviral-mediated gene transfer. HSV1-tk gene transduction of one of preestablished wild-type W256 tumor in each animal was accomplished by direct intratumoral injection of retroviral vector-producer cells (W256-->W256TK* tumors). Tumors produced from W256 and W256TK+ cells served as the negative and positive control in each animal. Highly specific images of [124I]-FIAU-derived radioactivity were obtained in W256TK* tumors (that were transduced in vivo) and in W256TK+ tumors but not in nontransduced wild-type W256 tumors. The level of "specific" incorporated radioactivity in transduced portions of both W256TK* and W256TK+ tumors was relatively constant between 4 and 50 h. In the second set, we tested whether [124I]-FIAU and PET imaging can measure and discriminate between different levels of HSV1-tk gene expression. Multiple s.c. tumors were produced from wild-type RG2 cells and stably transduced RG2TK cell lines that express different levels of HSV1-tk. A highly significant relationship between the level of [124I]-FIAU accumulation [% injected dose/g and incorporation constant (Ki)] and an independent measure of HSV1-tk expression (sensitivity of the transduced tumor cells to ganciclovir, IC50) was demonstrated, and the slope of this relationship was defined as a sensitivity index. We have demonstrated for the first time that highly specific noninvasive images of HSV1-tk expression in experimental animal tumors can be obtained using radiolabeled 2'-fluoro-nucleoside [124I]-FIAU and a clinical PET system. The ability to image the location (distribution) of gene expression and the level of expression over time provides new and useful information for monitoring clinical gene therapy protocols in the future.  相似文献   

One strategy used for gene therapy of cancer is molecular chemotherapy. This approach is based on selective expression of an encoded toxin in cancer cells to achieve their eradication. One potential advantage of this strategy derives from a phenomenon, termed the bystander effect, whereby only a fraction of cells needs to be transduced to eradicate a tumor population. Despite the theoretical advantages of this phenomenon, it has only been described in a few cellular targets. Therefore, we undertook strategies to develop a molecular chemotherapy approach for ovarian carcinoma utilizing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) gene. Initially, we established that human ovarian carcinoma cell lines could be transduced at high efficiency with adenoviral vectors encoding reporter genes. We next determined that the human ovarian cell line SKOV3 could exhibit bystander killing by stably transducing it to express HSV-TK and performing cell mixing experiments with varying percentages of HSV-TK-expressing and HSV-TK-nonexpressing cells. Based on these findings, we constructed a recombinant adenovirus encoding HSV-TK and utilized it to induce human ovarian carcinoma cell lines to the sensitizing effects of ganciclovir. In addition, primary cultures of ovarian carcinoma cells were found to be highly transducible with recombinant adenoviral vectors and could be induced to the sensitizing effects of ganciclovir after induction of HSV-TK expression by the adenoviral vector. These studies indicate that molecular chemotherapy using a recombinant adenoviral vector expressing HSV-TK may provide a rational strategy for human ovarian carcinoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pharmacokinetics and tissue concentrations of amiodarone may vary considerably in end-stage heart failure, but may be crucial for treatment efficiency and antiarrhythmic drug therapy. OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to determine plasma amiodarone and desethylamiodarone concentrations and to determine whether they correlate with myocardial concentrations in explanted hearts from patients with end-stage heart failure. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eight patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and normal coronary arteries were included in the present study. Myocardial tissue samples (seven sites) and epicardial fat were taken from each explanted heart, and drug concentrations of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone were determined. In addition, plasma drug levels were measured and compared with the myocardial amiodarone/desethylamiodarone concentrations. RESULTS: The mean cumulative amiodarone dose was 91 g and the mean plasma concentrations of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone were 0.68 and 0.84 microg.ml(-1), respectively. The tissue concentrations of amiodarone amounted to 13.2 and 28.3 microg.g(-1), respectively, in the atria and to 13.0 and 40.8 microg.g(-1), respectively, in the ventricles. The distribution of the drug and its metabolite were similar in the right and left ventricles. There was a good correlation between myocardial concentration of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone and the cumulative ingested dose of amiodarone. Tissue drug concentrations correlated only poorly with plasma amiodarone or desethylamiodarone levels. The highest drug levels were measured in the epicardial fat tissue, where the ratio of amiodarone 105 microg.g(-1) to desethylamiodarone 32 microg.g(-1) was reversed (3.3 compared with 0.29 in the ventricles). Thus, amiodarone concentrations in epicardial fat were approximately 10 times higher than myocardial and 150 times higher than plasma levels. CONCLUSIONS: Our data confirm the slow equilibrium of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone concentrations between plasma and myocardium. Myocardial tissue concentrations of desethylamiodarone and, to a lesser degree, amiodarone correlate with the cumulative ingested dose of amiodarone. Monitoring of the total cumulative dose may be more relevant clinically than monitoring plasma levels. These results support the clinical practice of reducing the maintenance dose of amiodarone in patients who are on long-term treatment.  相似文献   

We describe a method for labeling enveloped viral particles with a radiotracer, indium-111, allowing labeled viruses to be traced in vivo by nuclear imaging. After initial optimization experiments, a labeling efficiency of 83% (incorporation yield) was achieved for herpes simplex virus (HSV), resulting in a specific activity of 30 microCi/10(9) PFU. The labeling procedure did not significantly reduce the infectivity of the labeled virus and the virus did not release any significant amounts of the radionuclide within 12 hr after labeling. Sequential imaging of animals after intravenous administration of the labeled virus showed fast accumulation in the liver and redistribution from the blood pool (immediately after injection) to liver and spleen (12-24 hr after injection). At 12 hr after injection 7% of the virus-associated (111)In had been eliminated from the body and the remaining organ distribution of the virus was as follows: spleen 2.87 +/- 0.54% ID/g; liver, 2.60 +/- 0.51% ID/g; kidney, 0.98 +/- 0.31% ID/g; lung, 0.57 +/- 0.10% ID/g; [corrected] and lower amounts in other organs. Our results indicate that the described method allows qualitative and quantitative assessment of viral biodistribution in vivo by nuclear imaging.  相似文献   

The protoplast fusion technique of Schaffner (W. Schaffner, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77:2163-2167, 1980) has been adapted to introduce cloned herpes simplex virus genes into cultured mammalian cells. The technique involves digesting bacterial cell walls with lysozyme to produce protoplasts and then fusing the protoplasts to mammalian cells by treatment with polyethylene glycol. For monitoring transfer, protoplasts were labeled with the fluorescent dye fluorescein isothiocyanate before fusion. After fusion, greater than 50% of the mammalian cells were fluorescent, demonstrating that bacterial material was transferred with high frequency. Transfer of plasmid pBR325 occurred at frequencies of 1 to 2%, as measured by in situ hybridization. Fusion transfer of a chimeric plasmid consisting of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (strain KOS) EcoRI fragment F in pBR325 resulted in expression of some viral genomic sequences in about 5% of the mammalian cells, as detected by indirect immunofluorescence. One Ltk- cell in 300 to 500 was transformed to the TK+ phenotype after fusion with protoplasts carrying the chimeric plasmid pX1, which consists of pBR322 and the BamHI fragment coding for the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase gene.  相似文献   

We determined the diagnostic value of the EEG in young children with Angelman syndrome (AS) and Rett syndrome (RS). EEGs, recorded before 5 years of age, of 10 patients with AS, 10 with RS and 10 with mental retardation of other origin were studied blindly by two examiners for the presence of the following items: (A) 4-6 Hz rhythmic activity of over 200 microV; (B) 2-3 Hz frontal activity of 200-500 microV; (C) posterior spikes; (D) triphasic frontal waves; (E) central and/or centro-temporal spike-wave complexes; and (F) other epileptic discharges. Based on these items the EEGs were scored as AS (A-D); RS (E-F); or other. Examiners never made a mistake between AS and RS. One examiner labeled 6 of 10 AS cases correctly, the other 5; 4 (5) were characterized as 'other.' In RS cases 5 were labeled as 'other' by the first examiner and 3 by the second one. We conclude that EEG patterns of AS and RS are sufficiently different to help differentiate between AS and RS at a young age, which has a bearing on genetic counseling.  相似文献   

A number of packaging materials are being used not only to contain food during distribution but also to serve as the cooking container. The higher temperatures that these materials reach led the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue an intent to publish new regulations in 1989. The food and packaging industries responded by conducting extensive research and submitting the results to FDA. The methods used and results obtained are discussed. Most of the data were focused on microwave susceptors and the volatile compounds generated. One project showed that for a specific product, popcorn, there was no transfer into the food. Work is continuing to validate methods to test for non-volatile compounds. In addition to susceptors, various paper and plastic materials are used in dual ovenable (microwave and conventional ovens) applications. Most of the research on these materials has investigated the food contact temperatures on testing for migrants. An update on the current regulatory status of packaging materials intended for high temperature use in the US is discussed.  相似文献   

Transfer of the herpes simplex thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) gene into tumor cells confers sensitivity to the cells to the viral drug ganciclovir (GCV). Although the efficacy of the HSV-TK/GCV approach is well studied, the mechanisms for the resistance of HSV-TK-transduced tumor cells to GCV are poorly understood. Here, we examined the mechanisms for GCV resistance in HSV-TK-transduced gastrointestinal (GI) cell lines. Our results show that GCV sensitivities vary in vitro and in vivo among the different HSV-TK-transduced GI tumor cell lines. GCV-resistant colonies were isolated from several different HSV-TK-transduced GI tumor cell lines after 14 days of GCV treatment. Characterization of GCV-resistant colonies demonstrated that the HSV-TK gene was either partially or completely deleted from the resistant HSV-TK-transduced cells. In the HT-29 RM and MIAPACA-2 RM cells, a 220-bp deletion of the gene was found, whereas in the HT-29 R1-R5-resistant cells, the whole TK gene was found to be absent. Immunocytochemical studies using a polyclonal antibody to the TK protein demonstrated that the HSV-TK protein was absent in the GCV-resistant, HSV-TK-transduced cells. Transfection of the resistant cells with an adenoviral vector containing a HSV-TK gene restored sensitivity to GCV. The presence of GCV-resistant cells was only demonstrable in GI tumor cell lines that also demonstrated a poor bystander effect. Our results suggest that GCV resistance found in tumor cells transduced with a retroviral HSV-TK gene is due to the lack of a functional TK protein in the tumor cells rather than any intrinsic resistance of the cells to GCV. In tumor cells with a good bystander effect, the small percentage of TK-transduced cells that do not express the TK protein are probably killed by the bystander effect because GCV-resistant tumor cells were not found in these cell lines. GCV-resistant tumor cells were found only in tumor cell lines with a poor bystander effect, by which, presumably, the transduced tumor cells lacking a functional TK gene were not killed by the bystander killing effect.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex viruses maintained in a latent state in sensory neurons in mice do not reactivate spontaneously, and therefore the factors or procedures which cause the virus to reactivate serve as a clue to the mechanisms by which the virus is maintained in a latent state. We report that cadmium sulfate induces latent virus to reactivate in 75 to 100% of mice tested. The following specific findings are reported. (i) The highest frequency of induction was observed after two to four daily administrations of 100 micrograms of cadmium sulfate. (ii) Zinc, copper, manganese, or nickel sulfate administered in equimolar amounts under the same regimen did not induce viral reactivation; however, zinc sulfate in molar ratios 25-fold greater than those of cadmium induced viral replication in 2 of 16 ganglia tested. (iii) Administration of zinc, nickel, or manganese prior to the cadmium sulfate reduced the incidence of ganglia containing infectious virus. (iv) Administration of cadmium daily during the first week after infection and at 2-day intervals to 13 days after infection resulted in the recovery from ganglia of infectious virus in titers 10- to 100-fold higher than those obtained from animals given saline. Moreover, infectious virus was recovered as late as 11 days after infection compared with 6 days in mice administered saline. (v) Administration of cadmium immediately after infection or repeatedly after establishment of latency did not exhaust the latent virus harbored by sensory neurons, inasmuch as the fraction of ganglia of mice administered cadmium and yielding infectious virus was similar to that observed in mice treated with saline. We conclude that induction of cadmium tolerance precludes reactivation of latent virus. If the induction of metallothionein genes was the sole factor required to cause reactivation of latent virus, it would have been expected that all metals which induce metallothioneins would also induce reactivation, which was not observed. The results therefore raise the possibility that in addition to inducing the metallothionein genes, cadmium inactivates the factors which maintain the virus in latent state.  相似文献   

The suitability of non-replicating thymidine kinase deficient herpes simplex virus type 1 expressing bacterial beta-galactosidase (tk-lacZ HSV-1) as a transfer vehicle into sympathetic preganglionic neurons in vivo was assessed. Many sympathoadrenal preganglionic neurons (451 +/- 105) with normal morphology were identified using beta-galactosidase histochemistry two days after inoculation of tk-lacZ HSV-1 into the adrenal gland of hamsters. Beta-galactosidase activity co-localized with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase-positive sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the nucleus intermediolateralus, pars principalis. The maximal number of beta-galactosidase expressing neurons was found two days post-inoculation but this number dropped dramatically after this time. An inflammatory infiltrate was abundant around infected neurons and in the white matter at five days and infected neurons appeared morphologically abnormal. At 26 days, the infiltrate was still present but no infected sympathoadrenal preganglionic neurons were detected. Approximately 25% fewer nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase-positive neurons in the nucleus intermediolateralis, pars principalis were counted ipsilaterally than contralaterally in animals infected for 14, 21 or 26 days with tk-lacZ HSV-1, compared to the 3% difference in animals mock-infected for 26 days. Approximately 33% of the estimated number of sympathoadrenal preganglionic neurons infected with tk-lacZ HSV-1 at five days were apoptotic or necrotic. About 60% of neurons infected with tk-lacZ HSV-1 at two days no longer expressed nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase at 14-26 days. In conclusion, the non-replicating thymidine kinase deficient HSV-1 was efficiently retrogradely transported from the adrenal gland to infect sympathoadrenal preganglionic neurons. These gene transfer experiments using tk-lacZ HSV-1 suggest that foreign gene expression in sympathetic preganglionic neurons in vivo may be maximal two days after inoculation when beta-galactosidase was expressed in the greatest number of sympathetic preganglionic neurons. After two days, fewer neurons expressed beta-galactosidase and the presence of tk-lacZ HSV-1 appeared to be altering protein expression in sympathetic preganglionic neurons and/or leading to the demise of the infected neuron.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Herpes simplex virus keratitis (HSK) is the most common cause of corneal blindness in the Western world. Delay in the treatment of HSK can lead to a more significant corneal scar and topical steroid treatment in unsuspected active HSK can lead to corneal melting. Current culture techniques for herpes simplex virus (HSV) take several days and commercially available HSV laboratory based diagnostic techniques such as Herpchek vary in sensitivity. This study was conducted to assess the viability of a new, quicker, and simpler method to diagnose HSK. METHODS: Direct immunofluorescence was used in vivo in a masked study to diagnose HSK in mice using a standard slit lamp with cobalt blue illumination. Murine monoclonal fluorescently labelled antibody was applied to the cornea for 10 or 20 minutes and then washed off with phosphate buffered solution. Mice with HSK were stained with either fluorescently labelled monoclonal antibody against HSV or fluorescently labelled monoclonal antibody against cytomegalovirus. Mice with corneal abrasions of non-viral origin were given fluorescently labelled monoclonal antibody against HSV. RESULTS: Fluorescence was seen only in the mice with HSK given fluorescently labelled monoclonal antibody against HSV. This observation was confirmed upon microscopic immunofluorescent imaging of the corneal epithelial sheets. CONCLUSION: In vivo immunofluorescence may be useful in the clinical diagnosis of HSK.  相似文献   

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