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Several methods have been developed to construct λ-free automata that represent a regular expression. Among the most widely known are the position automaton (Glushkov), the partial derivatives automaton (Antimirov) and the follow automaton (Ilie and Yu). All these automata can be obtained with quadratic time complexity, thus, the comparison criterion is usually the size of the resulting automaton. The methods that obtain the smallest automata (although, for general expressions, they are not comparable), are the follow and the partial derivatives methods. In this paper, we propose another method to obtain a λ-free automaton from a regular expression. The number of states of the automata we obtain is bounded above by the size of both the partial derivatives automaton and of the follow automaton. Our algorithm also runs with the same time complexity of these methods.  相似文献   

Obtaining shorter regular expressions from finite-state automata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the use of state elimination to construct shorter regular expressions from finite-state automata (FAs). Although state elimination is an intuitive method for computing regular expressions from FAs, the resulting regular expressions are often very long and complicated. We examine the minimization of FAs to obtain shorter expressions first. Then, we introduce vertical chopping based on bridge states and horizontal chopping based on the structural properties of given FAs. We prove that we should not eliminate bridge states until we eliminate all non-bridge states to obtain shorter regular expressions. In addition, we suggest heuristics for state elimination that leads to shorter regular expressions based on vertical chopping and horizontal chopping.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the logic-automata-connection for Duration Calculus. It has been frequently observed that Duration Calculus with linear duration terms comes close to being a logic of linear hybrid automata. We attempt to make this relation precise by constructing Kleene-connection between duration-constrained regular expressions and a subclass of linear hybrid automata called loop-reset automata in which any variable tested in a loop is reset in the same loop. The formalism of duration-constrained regular expressions is an extension of regular expressions with duration constraints, which are essentially formulas of Duration Calculus without negation, yet extended by a Kleene-star operator. In this paper, we show that this formalism is equivalent in expressive power to loop-reset automata by providing a translation procedure from expressions to automata and vice verse.Received June 1999Accepted in revised form September 2003 by M. R. Hansen and C. B. Jones  相似文献   

Matrix expression and reachability analysis of finite automata   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper,we propose a matrix-based approach for finite automata and then study the reachability conditions.Both the deterministic and nordeterministic automata are expressed in matrix forms,and th...  相似文献   

利用有向图的邻接矩阵研究有限自动机的可识别语言的基数问题。通过建立有限自动机的可识别语言与其有向图中从初始结点(有限自动机的初始状态)到终止结点(有限自动机的终止状态)的路的一一对应关系,利用邻接矩阵给出了有限自动机的可识别语言的基数公式,研究了两个自动机不等价的充分条件。  相似文献   

In traditional automata theory, the closure with respect to certain operations is one of the most investigated properties, especially the methods of constructing automata for certain operations among the given sub-automata. However, up to now less effort has been addressed to this question for P automata. As an improvement on earlier results, we introduce P automata with communication and active membrane rules working in the initial mode (CAIP). We present methods for constructing automata that recognize the Union, the Concatenation, the Kleene Closure, or the ω Closure of the given languages which are represented by some P automata. We also show that for any language denoted by a regular expression, we can readily construct a CAIP automaton corresponding to it.  相似文献   

Inclusion dynamics hybrid automata   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hybrid systems are dynamical systems with the ability to describe mixed discrete-continuous evolution of a wide range of systems. Consequently, at first glance, hybrid systems appear powerful but recalcitrant, neither yielding to analysis and reasoning through a purely continuous-time modeling as with systems of differential equations, nor open to inferential processes commonly used for discrete state-transition systems such as finite state automata. A convenient and popular model, called hybrid automata, was introduced to model them and has spurred much interest on its tractability as a tool for inference and model checking in a general setting. Intuitively, a hybrid automaton is simply a “finite-state” automaton with each state augmented by continuous variables, which evolve according to a set of well-defined continuous laws, each specified separately for each state. This article investigates both the notion of hybrid automaton and the model checking problem over such a structure. In particular, it relates first-order theories and analysis results on multivalued maps and reduces the bounded reachability problem for hybrid automata whose continuous laws are expressed by inclusions (xf(x,t)) to a decidability problem for first-order formulæ over the reals. Furthermore, the paper introduces a class of hybrid automata for which the reachability problem can be decided and shows that the problem of deciding whether a hybrid automaton belongs to this class can be again decided using first-order formulæ over the reals. Despite the fact that the bisimulation quotient for this class of hybrid automata can be infinite, we show that our techniques permit effective model checking for a nontrivial fragment of CTL.  相似文献   

The language of regular expressions is a useful one for specifying certain sequential processes at a very high level. They allow easy modification of designs for circuits, like controllers, that are described by patterns of events they must recognize and the responses they must make to those patterns. This paper discusses the compilation of such expressions into specifications for programmable logic arrays (PLAs) that will implement the required function. A regular expression is converted into a nondeterministic finite automaton, and then the automaton states are encoded as values on wires that are inputs and outputs of a PLA. The translation of regular expressions into nondeterministic automata by two different methods is discussed, along with the advantages of each method. A major part of the compilation problem is selection of good state codes for the nondeterministic automata; one successful strategy and its application to microcode compaction is explained in the paper.Research supported by DARPA Contract N00039-83-C-0136 and NSF Grant MCS-82-03405.  相似文献   

Model checking LTL with regular valuations for pushdown systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent works have proposed pushdown systems as a tool for analyzing programs with (recursive) procedures, and the model-checking problem for LTL has received special attention. However, all these works impose a strong restriction on the possible valuations of atomic propositions: whether a configuration of the pushdown system satisfies an atomic proposition or not can only depend on the current control state of the pushdown automaton and on its topmost stack symbol. In this paper we consider LTL with regular valuations: the set of configurations satisfying an atomic proposition can be an arbitrary regular language. The model-checking problem is solved via two different techniques, with an eye on efficiency. The resulting algorithms are polynomial in certain measures of the problem which are usually small, but can be exponential in the size of the problem instance. However, we show that this exponential blowup is inevitable. The extension to regular valuations allows to model problems in different areas; for instance, we show an application to the analysis of systems with checkpoints. We claim that our model-checking algorithms provide a general, unifying and efficient framework for solving them.  相似文献   

Using a variant of Clariso-Cortadella’s parametric method for verifying asynchronous circuits, we analyse some crucial timing behaviors of the architecture of SPSMALL memory, a commercial product of STMicroelectronics. Using the model of parametric timed automata and model checker HYTECH, we formally derive a set of linear constraints that ensure the correctness of the response times of the memory. We are also able to infer the constraints characterizing the optimal setup timings of input signals. We have checked, for two different implementations of this architecture, that the values given by our model match remarkably with the values obtained by the designer through electrical simulation. Partially supported by project MEDEA+ Blueberries. A preliminary version appeared in the Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS’06), Sept. 2006.  相似文献   


Traditionally, finite state automata are untimed or asynchronous models of computation in which only the ordering of events, not the time at which events occur, would affect the result of a computation. For real-time systems, it is important to augment these models of computation with a notion of time. For this purpose timed automata have become a powerful canonical model for describing timed behaviors and an effective tool for modeling real-time computations. In this paper, we extend the notion of timed alternating finite automata (TAFA), a class of alternating finite automata (AFA) extended with a finite set of real-valued clocks, and we present an algebraic interpretation of TAFA which parallels that of timed regular expressions and language equations. We further extend the equational representation of AFA to describe timed alternating finite automata, and explore solutions for such equations over time languages.  相似文献   

随着计算机系统应用的深入和广泛,系统安全性越来越成为人们关注的焦点,形式化模型检验是解决系统特性验证问题的一种有效途径,用有限自动机表示系统的设计和实现,用计算树逻辑CTL(ComputationalTreeLogic)公式表示系统的安全特性,探讨了系统安全性形式化验证的方法。  相似文献   

Efficient verification of timed automata with BDD-like data structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the effect on efficiency of various design issues for BDD-like data structures of TA state space representation and manipulation. We find that the efficiency is highly sensitive to decision atom design and canonical form definition. We explore the two issues in detail and propose to use CRD (Clock-Restriction Diagram) for TA state space representation and present algorithms for manipulating CRD in the verification of TAs. We compare three canonical forms for zones, develop a procedure for quick zone-containment detection, and present algorithms for verification with backward reachability analysis. Three possible evaluation orderings are also considered and discussed. We implement our idea in our tool Red 4.2 and carry out experiments to compare with other tools and various strategies of Red in both forward and backward analysis. Finally, we discuss the possibility of future improvement.  相似文献   

本文借助图论的理论,通过识别回路和不包含回路的由起始状态到终止状态的路径的方法,提出一种构造给定有穷自动机对应的正则表达式的新算法,并给出具体实例。  相似文献   

We consider some natural variations on the following classic pattern-matching problem: given an NFA M over the alphabet Σ and a pattern p over some alphabet Δ, does there exist a word xL(M) such that x matches p? We consider the restricted problem where M only accepts a finite language. We also consider the variation where only some factor of x is required to match the pattern p. We show that both of these problems are NP-complete. We also consider the same problems for context-free grammars; in this case the problems become PSPACE-complete.  相似文献   

The construction of minimal acyclic deterministic partial finite automata to represent large natural language vocabularies is described. Applications of such automata include spelling checkers and advisers, multilanguage dictionaries, thesauri, minimal perfect hashing and text compression.  相似文献   

LTL公式到自动机的转换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在LTL公式和自动机理论的基础上,给出了一种从LTL公式到自动机的转换算法.该算法先简化LTL公式,然后再对简化的LTL公式转换,形成选择Buchi自动机.此算法与其他算法相比,具有可扩展性的优点,可以在此基础上形成属性描述语言PSL向自动机的转换.  相似文献   

唐球  姜磊  谭建龙  刘金刚 《计算机应用》2011,31(11):2943-2946
分析了基于硬件正则表达式匹配的优势,介绍了基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的正则表达式匹配算法的基本思想和设计方法,从匹配速度和资源利用率两个技术指标的角度对现有算法进行分类,综述了当前的主流算法并分析了其优缺点,最后论述了目前基于FPGA正则表达式匹配算法设计的难点并展望了未来研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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