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Martin Richards 《Software》1979,9(7):527-534
This paper describes a simple compiler and interpreter for a finite state machine recognizer of patterns represented by regular expressions. The algorithm is designed to be compact and to require little work space.  相似文献   

针对目前硬件正则表达式匹配算法在存储空间以及吞吐量等方面面临的挑战,结合扩展有限自动机(XFA)正则表达式匹配算法,提出了一种预定义类的压缩自动机匹配算法(Pre-Class CFA)。通过预定义类,算法既可以实现正则表达式中类字符匹配,又能够通过优先级的设定匹配特殊字符集,并在XFA消除确定性有限状态机(DFA)状态爆炸问题的基础上进一步压缩了迁移边数目;同时算法根据现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)和迁移边的特征,设计了一种基于并联只读存储器(ROM)结构的迁移边存取方法,可以实现同一状态多条迁移边的并行读取和匹配。在中低性能FPGA平台ALTERA DE2-70上对算法进行测试,实验中系统吞吐量为1.3 Gb/s,可实现千兆网络下的入侵检测和垃圾过滤。  相似文献   

Given a sequenceA of lengthM and a regular expressionR of lengthP, an approximate regular expression pattern-matching algorithm computes the score of the optimal alignment betweenA and one of the sequencesB exactly matched byR. An alignment between sequencesA=a1a2 ... aM andB=b1b2... bN is a list of ordered pairs, (i1,j1), (i2j2), ..., (it,jtt) such that ik < ik+1 and jk < jk+1. In this case the alignmentaligns symbols aik and bjk, and leaves blocks of unaligned symbols, orgaps, between them. A scoring schemeS associates costs for each aligned symbol pair and each gap. The alignment's score is the sum of the associated costs, and an optimal alignment is one of minimal score. There are a variety of schemes for scoring alignments. In a concave gap penalty scoring schemeS={, w}, a function (a, b) gives the score of each aligned pair of symbolsa andb, and aconcave function w(k) gives the score of a gap of lengthk. A function w is concave if and only if it has the property that, for allk > 1, w(k + 1) –w(k) w(k) –w(k –1). In this paper we present an O(MP(logM + log2 P)) algorithm for approximate regular expression matching for an arbitrary and any concavew. This work was supported in part by the National Institute of Health under Grant RO1 LM04960.  相似文献   

A subquadratic algorithm for approximate limited expression matching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we present an efficient subquadratic-time algorithm for matching strings and limited expressions in large texts. Limited expressions are a subset of regular expressions that appear often in practice. The generalization from simple strings to limited expressions has a negligible affect on the speed of our algorithm, yet allows much more flexibility. Our algorithm is similar in spirit to that of Masek and Paterson [MP], but it is much faster in practice. Our experiments show a factor of four to five speedup against the algorithms of Sellers [Se] and Ukkonen [Uk1] independent of the sizes of the input strings. Experiments also reveal our algorithm to be faster, in most cases, than a recent improvement by Chang and Lampe [CL2], especially for small alphabet sizes for which it is two to three times faster.The research of U. Manber was supported in part by a Presidential Young Investigator Award DCR-8451397, with matching funds from AT&T, and by NSF Grant CCR-9001619. G. Myers research was supported in part by NIH Grant LM04960, NSF Grant CCR-9001619, and the Aspen Center for Physics.  相似文献   

深度检测在维护网络安全、保证服务质量等方面扮演着重要的角色。正则表达式匹配算法作为高性能深度检测的核心技术,具有重要的研究价值和实践意义。随着网络流量不断增长、规则数目持续增多以及网络结构日趋灵活和动态,现有的正则表达式匹配算法面临着匹配速度、内存占用和更新能力等多方面的挑战。介绍了正则表达式匹配算法的研究背景,从空间压缩、匹配加速、新型自动机设计以及规则拆分和分组四个角度入手,分类总结了学术界具有影响力的研究成果。通过基于真实网络流量的评测,比较了几种经典匹配算法在不同规则集上的匹配速度、内存占用和预处理时间等性能指标,并给出了不同需求场景下高效正则表达式匹配算法的选择建议,归纳了高性能正则表达式匹配算法的下一步发展方向。  相似文献   

提出了基于猜测-分组-检验的面向网络流正则表达式匹配算法。首先对出现概率高的部分特征子块进行搜索并把特征子块进行分组后DFA转换,然后对输出进行猜测匹配。若匹配成功,则使用NFA进行完整验证。实验表明,该方法能够在减少内存使用和资源占用率的同时,具有极高的匹配效率。  相似文献   

针对确定有限自动机(DFA)的正则表达式匹配技术存在状态膨胀和一次状态转移只能处理单个字符的问题,提出了一种基于布鲁姆过滤器的正则表达式匹配算法。该算法将正则表达式中的每个确定字符串组成DFA的一个状态,添加比特向量完成匹配过程,并且在一次状态转移中根据确定字符串的匹配结果达到处理多个字符的目的。实验分析表明该算法有效降低了DFA状态的膨胀,提高了匹配速率。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new approach to measuring the similarity between 3D-curves. Our approach allows the possibility of using strings, where each element is a vector rather than just a symbol. We present two different approaches for representing 3D-curves. One possibility is to represent a 3D-curve as two 2D-curves, one being the projection of the 3D-curve in the XY-plane, and the other one in the YZ-plane. For the case that we need geometric rotation invariance, we have used a second approach to the symbolic representation of the 3D-curve using the curvature and the tension as their symbolic representation. We validate this approach through experiments using synthetic and digitalized data.  相似文献   

Steven M. Kearns 《Software》1991,21(8):787-804
Regular expressions are used in many applications to specify patterns because any regular expression can be compiled into a very efficient one-pass pattern matcher called a finite automaton. Finding matches is useful, but even more useful is parse extraction, which describes in detail how a pattern matches some input. After matching an address, for example, parse extraction makes it easy to find out the Zip code part of the address. We present an elegant, efficient algorithm for extracting a parse after matching with a finite automaton. In addition, we extend the regular expression language to include new operators for matching arbitrary left context and single character right context. The extended language can be matched as efficiently as the usual regular expression language, but is more expressive. Finally, we suggest how to apply the matching algorithms to match regular expressions containing arbitrary right context and single character left context. In effect, this allows one to specify patterns that seem to require an unlimited amount of look-ahead to match.  相似文献   

基于确定性有限自动机(DFA)的传统正则表达式匹配方法存在单周期处理单字符的速度瓶颈。为提升处理速率,提出一种单周期处理多字符的匹配算法MC-DFA,该算法基于DFA实现,支持匹配位置的精确定位。MC-DFA将传统DFA中的单字符跳转合并为多字符跳转,实现了单周期处理多个输入字符。通过状态转移矩阵二阶压缩算法,MC-DFA分别对矩阵行内以及行间冗余进行消除,减少了内存使用。300条规则下,单周期处理8字符时,MC-DFA吞吐率能够达到7.88Gb/s,内存占用小于6MB,预处理时间为19.24s。实验结果表明,MC-DFA能够有效提升系统吞吐率,并且保证内存占用在可接受范围之内,性能优于现有正则表达式匹配算法。  相似文献   

Hierarchical data are often modelled as trees. An interesting query identifies pairs of similar trees. The standard approach to tree similarity is the tree edit distance, which has successfully been applied in a wide range of applications. In terms of runtime, the state-of-the-art algorithm for the tree edit distance is RTED, which is guaranteed to be fast independent of the tree shape. Unfortunately, this algorithm requires up to twice the memory of its competitors. The memory is quadratic in the tree size and is a bottleneck for the tree edit distance computation.In this paper we present a new, memory efficient algorithm for the tree edit distance, AP-TED (All Path Tree Edit Distance). Our algorithm runs at least as fast as RTED without trading in memory efficiency. This is achieved by releasing memory early during the first step of the algorithm, which computes a decomposition strategy for the actual distance computation. We show the correctness of our approach and prove an upper bound for the memory usage. The strategy computed by AP-TED is optimal in the class of all-path strategies, which subsumes the class of LRH strategies used in RTED. We further present the AP-TED+ algorithm, which requires less computational effort for very small subtrees and improves the runtime of the distance computation. Our experimental evaluation confirms the low memory requirements and the runtime efficiency of our approach.  相似文献   

唐球  姜磊  谭建龙  刘金刚 《计算机应用》2011,31(11):2943-2946
分析了基于硬件正则表达式匹配的优势,介绍了基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的正则表达式匹配算法的基本思想和设计方法,从匹配速度和资源利用率两个技术指标的角度对现有算法进行分类,综述了当前的主流算法并分析了其优缺点,最后论述了目前基于FPGA正则表达式匹配算法设计的难点并展望了未来研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of graph data in various domains has lead to a renewed interest in developing efficient graph matching techniques, especially for processing large graphs. In this paper, we study the problem of approximate graph matching in a large attributed graph. Given a large attributed graph and a query graph, we compute a subgraph of the large graph that best matches the query graph. We propose a novel structure-aware and attribute-aware index to process approximate graph matching in a large attributed graph. We first construct an index on the similarity of the attributed graph, by partitioning the large search space into smaller subgraphs based on structure similarity and attribute similarity. Then, we construct a connectivity-based index to give a concise representation of inter-partition connections. We use the index to find a set of best matching paths. From these best matching paths, we compute the best matching answer graph using a greedy algorithm. Experimental results on real datasets demonstrate the efficiency of both index construction and query processing. We also show that our approach attains high-quality query answers.  相似文献   

On the Weighted Mean of a Pair of Strings   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
String matching and string edit distance are fundamental concepts in structural pattern recognition. In this paper, the weighted mean of a pair of strings is introduced. Given two strings, x and y, where d(x, y) is the edit distance of x and y, the weighted mean of x and y is a string z that has edit distances d(x, z) and d(z, y)to x and y, respectively, such that d(x, z) _ d(z, y) = d(x, y). We’ll show formal properties of the weighted mean, describe a procedure for its computation, and give practical examples. Received: 26 October 2000, Received in revised form: 27 April 2001, Accepted: 20 July 2001  相似文献   

卓艳男  刘强  姜磊  戴琼 《计算机应用》2016,36(4):927-930
针对正则表达式匹配过程中吞吐率低及逻辑资源占用数多的问题,提出一种完全基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)逻辑电路的改进确定有限自动机(DFA)匹配算法。首先,该算法统计了DFA中每个状态的大多数转移边都会集中指向相同状态特征的结果,随后根据正则表达式的转移矩阵为DFA的每个状态设置一条默认的转移边,最后进行逻辑电路简化处理,并采用L7-filter规则集进行实测。实验结果表明,改进后的DFA方案与非确定有限自动机(NFA)方案相比,有10%~60%的规则获得了更高的吞吐率,62%~87%的规则占用了更少的逻辑资源。  相似文献   

深度报文检测中基于GPU的正则表达式匹配引擎*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
提出了一种基于GPU的正则表达式匹配引擎来加速深度报文检测中的模式匹配过程。该引擎基于DFA模型,在匹配时每一个GPU线程处理一个报文,通过大量的并行线程来提高引擎的吞吐量。基于NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT GPU的实验表明,该引擎处理实际网络报文时的吞吐量达到了7.91 Gbps。  相似文献   

Signature-based intrusion detection is required to inspect network traffic at wire-speed. Matching packet payloads against patterns specified with regular expression is a computation intensive task. Hence, the design of hardware accelerator to speed up regular expression matching has been an active research area. A systematic approach to detect regular expression is based on finite automaton. The space-time trade-off between deterministic finite automaton (DFA) and non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) is well-known. DFA can offer constant throughput but it may suffer from the state explosion problem. Hence, implementation of DFA for large pattern sets on embedded device with limited on-chip memory may not be viable. NFA requires linear space but the throughput can be very low. Implementations of NFA with hardwired circuits can overcome the speed deficiency by exploiting the massive parallelism offered by dedicated hardware circuitries, but this approach does not support efficient dynamic updates. In this paper, we shall present a memory-based architecture for the implementation of NFA to speed up regular expression matching for signature-based intrusion detection. The proposed method supports dynamic updates and offers constant throughput so that it can be used to supplement the existing DFA-based methods in handling large pattern sets.  相似文献   

We propose a new way of indexing a large database of small and medium-sized graphs and processing exact subgraph matching (or subgraph isomorphism) and approximate (full) graph matching queries. Rather than decomposing a graph into smaller units (e.g., paths, trees, graphs) for indexing purposes, we represent each graph in the database by its graph signature, which is essentially a multiset. We construct a disk-based index on all the signatures via bulk loading. During query processing, a query graph is also mapped into its signature, and this signature is searched using the index by performing multiset operations. To improve the precision of exact subgraph matching, we develop a new scheme using the concept of line graphs. Through extensive evaluation on real and synthetic graph datasets, we demonstrate that our approach provides a scalable and efficient disk-based solution for a large database of small and medium-sized graphs.  相似文献   

We propose a new variant of the bit-parallel NFA of Baeza-Yates and Navarro (BPD) for approximate string matching [R. Baeza-Yates, G. Navarro, Faster approximate string matching, Algorithmica 23 (1999) 127-158]. BPD is one of the most practical approximate string matching algorithms under moderate pattern lengths and error levels [G. Myers, A fast bit-vector algorithm for approximate string matching based on dynamic programming, J. ACM 46 (3) 1989 395-415; G. Navarro, M. Raffinot, Flexible Pattern Matching in Strings—Practical On-line Search Algorithms for Texts and Biological Sequences, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2002]. Given a length-m pattern and an error threshold k, the original BPD requires (mk)(k+2) bits of space to represent an NFA with (mk)(k+1) states. In this paper we remove redundancy from the original NFA representation. Our variant requires (mk)(k+1) bits of space, which is optimal in the sense that exactly one bit per state is used. The space efficiency is achieved by using an alternative, but equally or even more efficient, simulation algorithm for the bit-parallel NFA. We also present experimental results to compare our modified NFA against the original BPD and its main competitors. Our new variant is more efficient than the original BPD, and it hence takes over/extends the role of the original BPD as one of the most practical approximate string matching algorithms under moderate values of k and m.  相似文献   

针对近似模式匹配算法在处理带有灵活通配符和长度约束近似模式匹配(APMWL)问题时只能解决替换操作, 提出一种基于动态规划的编辑距离矩阵(EDM)构造方法,设计了基于EDM的近似模式匹配算法APM, 可以处理近似匹配中的三种编辑操作,即插入、替换和删除操作。此外,根据文本中字符是否允许被重复使用的约束条件,设计APM-OF算法。实验结果表明,APM和APM-OF与同类算法相比具备显著的优势:与Sail_Approx匹配算法实验对比, 获取解的平均增长率分别达到8.34%和12.37%; 将APM-OF算法应用至模式挖掘中, 挖掘出的频繁近似模式个数为OneoffMining算法的2.07倍。  相似文献   

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