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We present algorithmic lower bounds on the size sdsd of the largest independent sets of vertices in random dd-regular graphs, for each fixed d≥3d3. For instance, for d=3d=3 we prove that, for graphs on nn vertices, sd≥0.43475nsd0.43475n with probability approaching one as nn tends to infinity.  相似文献   

Given a graph GG, an integer kk, and a demand set D={(s1,t1),…,(sl,tl)}D={(s1,t1),,(sl,tl)}, the kk-Steiner Forest problem finds a forest in graph GG to connect at least kk demands in DD such that the cost of the forest is minimized. This problem was proposed by Hajiaghayi and Jain in SODA’06. Thereafter, using a Lagrangian relaxation technique, Segev et al. gave the first approximation algorithm to this problem in ESA’06, with performance ratio O(n2/3logl)O(n2/3logl). We give a simpler and faster approximation algorithm to this problem with performance ratio O(n2/3logk)O(n2/3logk) via greedy approach, improving the previously best known ratio in the literature.  相似文献   

We define a self-map Pal:F2F2Pal:F2F2 of the free group on two generators a,ba,b, using automorphisms of F2F2 that form a group isomorphic to the braid group B3B3. The map PalPal restricts to de Luca’s right iterated palindromic closure on the submonoid generated by a,ba,b. We show that PalPal is continuous for the profinite topology on F2F2; it is the unique continuous extension of de Luca’s right iterated palindromic closure to F2F2. The values of PalPal are palindromes and coincide with the elements g∈F2gF2 such that abgabg and bagbag are conjugate.  相似文献   

A real xx is called hh-bounded computable  , for some function h:N→Nh:NN, if there is a computable sequence (xs)(xs) of rational numbers which converges to xx such that, for any n∈NnN, at most h(n)h(n) non-overlapping pairs of its members are separated by a distance larger than 2-n2-n. In this paper we discuss properties of hh-bounded computable reals for various functions hh. We will show a simple sufficient condition for a class of functions hh such that the corresponding hh-bounded computable reals form an algebraic field. A hierarchy theorem for hh-bounded computable reals is also shown. Besides we compare semi-computability and weak computability with the hh-bounded computability for special functions hh.  相似文献   

We investigate a periodic version of the Benjamin-Ono (BO) equation associated with a discrete Laplacian. We find some special solutions to this equation, and calculate the values of the first two integrals of motion I1I1 and I2I2 corresponding to these solutions. It is found that there exists a strong resemblance between them and the spectra for the Macdonald qq-difference operators. To better understand the connection between these classical and quantum integrable systems, we consider the special degenerate case corresponding to q=0q=0 in more detail. Namely, we give general solutions to this degenerate periodic BO, obtain explicit formulas representing all the integrals of motions InIn (n=1,2,…n=1,2,), and successfully identify it with the eigenvalues of Macdonald operators in the limit q→0q0, i.e. the limit where Macdonald polynomials tend to the Hall–Littlewood polynomials.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the existence and search for properly edge-colored paths/trails between two, not necessarily distinct, vertices ss and tt in an edge-colored graph from an algorithmic perspective. First we show that several versions of the s−tst path/trail problem have polynomial solutions including the shortest path/trail case. We give polynomial algorithms for finding a longest properly edge-colored path/trail between ss and tt for a particular class of graphs and characterize edge-colored graphs without properly edge-colored closed trails. Next, we prove that deciding whether there exist kk pairwise vertex/edge disjoint properly edge-colored s−tst paths/trails in a cc-edge-colored graph GcGc is NP-complete even for k=2k=2 and c=Ω(n2)c=Ω(n2), where nn denotes the number of vertices in GcGc. Moreover, we prove that these problems remain NP-complete for cc-edge-colored graphs containing no properly edge-colored cycles and c=Ω(n)c=Ω(n). We obtain some approximation results for those maximization problems together with polynomial results for some particular classes of edge-colored graphs.  相似文献   

The ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus is a stronger variant of the traditional consensus and it satisfies the following additional property: every correct process terminates its execution within a constant time ΔΔΔ-timeliness), and no two processes decide differently (uniformity). In this paper, we consider the ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus problem in presence of fcfc crash processes and ftft timing-faulty processes, and propose a ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus algorithm. The proposed algorithm is adaptive in the following sense: it solves the ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus when at least ft+1ft+1 correct processes exist in the system. If the system has less than ft+1ft+1 correct processes, the algorithm cannot solve the ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus. However, as long as ft+1ft+1 processes are non-crashed, the algorithm solves (non-timed) uniform consensus. We also investigate the maximum number of faulty processes that can be tolerated. We show that any ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus algorithm tolerating up to ftft timing-faulty processes requires that the system has at least ft+1ft+1 correct processes. This impossibility result implies that the proposed algorithm attains the maximum resilience about the number of faulty processes. We also show that any ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus algorithm tolerating up to ftft timing-faulty processes cannot solve the (non-timed) uniform consensus when the system has less than ft+1ft+1 non-crashed processes. This impossibility result implies that our algorithm attains the maximum adaptiveness.  相似文献   

We aim at finding the best possible seed values when computing a1/pa1/p using the Newton–Raphson iteration in a given interval. A natural choice of the seed value would be the one that best approximates the expected result. It turns out that in most cases, the best seed value can be quite far from this natural choice. When we evaluate a monotone function f(a)f(a) in the interval [amin,amax][amin,amax], by building the sequence xnxn defined by the Newton–Raphson iteration, the natural choice consists in choosing x0x0 equal to the arithmetic mean of the endpoint values. This minimizes the maximum possible distance between x0x0 and f(a)f(a). And yet, if we perform nn iterations, what matters is to minimize the maximum possible distance between xnxn and f(a)f(a). In several examples, the value of the best starting point varies rather significantly with the number of iterations.  相似文献   

This paper concerns construction of additive stretched spanners with few edges for nn-vertex graphs having a tree-decomposition into bags of diameter at most δδ, i.e., the tree-length δδ graphs. For such graphs we construct additive 2δ2δ-spanners with O(δn+nlogn)O(δn+nlogn) edges, and additive 4δ4δ-spanners with O(δn)O(δn) edges. This provides new upper bounds for chordal graphs for which δ=1δ=1. We also show a lower bound, and prove that there are graphs of tree-length δδ for which every multiplicative δδ-spanner (and thus every additive (δ−1)(δ1)-spanner) requires Ω(n1+1/Θ(δ))Ω(n1+1/Θ(δ)) edges.  相似文献   

We consider a two-edge connected, undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), with nn nodes and mm non-negatively real weighted edges, and a single source shortest paths tree (SPT) TT of GG rooted at an arbitrary node rr. If an edge in TT is temporarily removed, it makes sense to reconnect the nodes disconnected from the root by adding a single non-tree edge, called a swap edge  , instead of rebuilding a new optimal SPT from scratch. In the past, several optimality criteria have been considered to select a best possible swap edge. In this paper we focus on the most prominent one, that is the minimization of the average distance between the root and the disconnected nodes. To this respect, we present an O(mlog2n)O(mlog2n) time and O(m)O(m) space algorithm to find a best swap edge for every edge of TT, thus improving for m=o(n2/log2n)m=o(n2/log2n) the previously known O(n2)O(n2) time and space complexity algorithm.  相似文献   

Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a simple undirected graph with a set VV of vertices and a set EE of edges. Each vertex v∈VvV has a demand d(v)∈Z+d(v)Z+ and a cost c(v)∈R+c(v)R+, where Z+Z+ and R+R+ denote the set of nonnegative integers and the set of nonnegative reals, respectively. The source location problem with vertex-connectivity requirements in a given graph GG requires finding a set SS of vertices minimizing vSc(v)vSc(v) such that there are at least d(v)d(v) pairwise vertex-disjoint paths from SS to vv for each vertex v∈V−SvVS. It is known that if there exists a vertex v∈VvV with d(v)≥4d(v)4, then the problem is NP-hard even in the case where every vertex has a uniform cost. In this paper, we show that the problem can be solved in O(|V|4log2|V|)O(|V|4log2|V|) time if d(v)≤3d(v)3 holds for each vertex v∈VvV.  相似文献   

A collection of T1,T2,…,TkT1,T2,,Tk of unrooted, leaf labelled (phylogenetic) trees, all with different leaf sets, is said to be compatible   if there exists a tree TT such that each tree TiTi can be obtained from TT by deleting leaves and contracting edges. Determining compatibility is NP-hard, and the fastest algorithm to date has worst case complexity of around Ω(nk)Ω(nk) time, nn being the number of leaves. Here, we present an O(nf(k))O(nf(k)) algorithm, proving that compatibility of unrooted phylogenetic trees is fixed parameter tractable   (FPT) with respect to the number kk of trees.  相似文献   

We consider the Rosenfeld–Gröbner algorithm for computing a regular decomposition of a radical differential ideal generated by a set of ordinary differential polynomials in nn indeterminates. For a set of ordinary differential polynomials FF, let M(F)M(F) be the sum of maximal orders of differential indeterminates occurring in FF. We propose a modification of the Rosenfeld–Gröbner algorithm, in which for every intermediate polynomial system FF, the bound M(F)?(n−1)!M(F0)M(F)?(n1)!M(F0) holds, where F0F0 is the initial set of generators of the radical ideal. In particular, the resulting regular systems satisfy the bound. Since regular ideals can be decomposed into characterizable components algebraically, the bound also holds for the orders of derivatives occurring in a characteristic decomposition of a radical differential ideal.  相似文献   

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