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传统民俗文化的展示一直是中国电影里的一大亮点,使中国电影具有了浓厚的民俗化意味.中国电影里的民俗承载着民族文化血脉和文化理想,是民族文化的一种结晶.<日出日落>就是一部以民间音乐为载体,具有深刻文化内涵的民俗化彩片,本文主要从民俗学角度对其进行解读.  相似文献   

陈凯歌在《赵氏孤儿》中开启了一条新颖的历史复述之路。他把自己对英雄与草根,传统与现代,生命与理想的思考融入电影,并以内省般的书写方式对身处历史事件中的人物进行符合现代语境的情感挖掘,使其在人性和人文价值观上大放异彩。本文从英雄与草根的现代置换、复仇及终极意义的消解两方面展开论述,以其对影片进行现代意义上的解读。  相似文献   

1994年,导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的电影《低俗小说》在戛纳电影节上力压群雄荣获金棕榈大奖并获得全球影评人一致的赞誉。《低俗小说》最引人称道的莫过于极富后现代气息的非线性叙事方式,回环往复的叙事结构使影片更具表现张力。这部电影的问世也宣告了一个崭新的电影时代的到来,昆汀·塔伦蒂诺因其颠覆性的叙事方式赢得了电影评论界和大量影迷的大力追捧。  相似文献   

2010年中国电影业如火如荼,作品数量之多,质量之高,令人赞叹。其中,电影《让子弹飞》以环环相扣的故事情节、美轮美奂的影视镜头、引人入胜的叙事技巧,最终以7.6亿的票房把姜文推上了中国第一导演的宝座。下面从镜头和叙事两个方面谈谈《让子弹飞》的艺术特色。  相似文献   

影片<赵氏孤儿>是陈凯歌导演根据历史题材改编的电影作品.通过讲述程婴为报仇雪恨.而将赵氏孤儿养大成人,并最终杀死仇人屠岸贾的故事.通过对历史人物的人性的深层发掘与演绎,通过影片主题的层层深入,揭示出在亲情与复仇的碰撞下,人物的人性、尊严与信仰的复杂纠葛.  相似文献   

自古就生活在青藏高原的藏族民众,已经形成了特有的生态观念。他们尊重生命、众生平等、尊重世间万物的观念,对构建青藏高原以及人类生态文化产生了深远作用。而影片《可可西里》中所寓意的不仅仅是保护野生动物,也体现了藏族特有的生态观念。  相似文献   

分析电影《子熊故事》的叙事特点。  相似文献   

《七天爱上你》给观众积极的展现了现代社会当中都市男女的爱情故事,画面唯美,场景真实,故事简单却不乏审美意味。相较于同类影片不能说出类拔萃,但对爱情主题的开掘却独具一格,特别是对在当今消费社会当中生活的人们来说,纯情离我们并不遥远。人是情感动物,人的社会充满温情,我们在时代的大潮中与时俱进,但我们应该静下心来用心的去欣赏一下艺术,体验一下艺术的原生态。  相似文献   

2010年陈凯歌导演的贺岁大片<赵氏孤儿>自上映以来,就引发了关于电影主题和情节设计的诸多争议,很多影评抨击电影不忠实于<赵氏孤儿>原作.本文采用德里达"解构主义"的视角,旨在从历史感、意识形态和性别三个方面进行剖析,说明电影版<赵氏孤儿>是陈凯歌导演在后现代主义的文化语境下对于<赵氏孤儿>原版故事"去文化化"的解构式解读,表现了陈凯歌导演对于当今时代人性的反思.  相似文献   

现代设计的发展趋势之一:吸收传统的优秀设计思想,使之融入现代的设计理念之中。研究古典文献是吸收传统的优秀设计思想的最佳途径之一,通过对《园冶》的解读,可以看到很多超越时空的现代设计理念。  相似文献   

本文介绍了用射频等离子体化学气相沉积的方法,在硅基底上制备得到具有优异性能的非晶态碳膜。该膜对硅基底有很好的耐磨损和抗反射作用。  相似文献   

Water Film in Liquefied Sand and Its Effect on Lateral Spread   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 1D saturated sand layer of 2 m in thickness, in which a silt seam is sandwiched, is liquefied by an instant shock. It is found that a water film is easily formed beneath the silt seam with a thickness as thin as a few millimeters just after liquefaction in loose sand and that the film lasts longer than the post-liquefaction settlement. The effect of the water film on pore-pressure distribution and sand settlement is intensively studied. 1g shake table tests are then carried out for 2D models with or without seams of silt within a saturated sand layer. In the former case, water films formed beneath silt seams just after liquefaction enable the soil mass above them to glide due to an unbalanced force along the water films, not only during but also after shaking. In the latter case, the soil deforms continuously, mostly during shaking, and stops afterward. Thus, a significant effect of water films formed beneath thin, low-permeability sublayers in a liquefied loose sand, on the failure mode and timing in lateral spread, is clearly demonstrated by these simple model tests.  相似文献   

从语音隐喻的角度,对汉文化中存在的一些民间风俗习惯进行分析,以给读者一个新的视角去看待这些风俗习惯,并加深读者对汉文化的了解.  相似文献   

通过溶胶一凝胶法在普通钠钙玻璃表面制备均匀透明的纳米TiO2自清洁薄膜。探讨了薄膜制备的工艺条件,并利用X射线衍射(XRD)、紫外分光光度计对薄膜的晶型、晶粒大小和透光率进行了表征,研究了在紫外光照射下薄膜的光催化性能及亲水性能。结果表明,制得的TiO2薄膜具有较强的自清洁性能。  相似文献   

周丽红  张国勇  张鹏翔 《云南冶金》2005,34(2):52-54,71
以钙钛矿结构的La0.8Sr0.2MnO3(LSMO)为靶材,利用脉冲激光沉积(PLD)法,在LaAlO3(LAO)平衬底上生长LSMO薄膜。经XRD测试分析,薄膜无杂相,曲线,得到该薄膜M—I转变点312.8K,电阻温度系数基本为外延生长。通过四线法测量电阻-温度(R—T)(TCR)为3%~4%时所对应的温度范围为250K~282K,性能优于V2O5红外探测器。自行设计电路对该薄膜进行温度控制,在恒温条件下测量其R—T曲线,测量结果表明,LSMO薄膜可以设计成在室温下工作的、探测灵敏度高的测辐射热仪。  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that physical exercise improves contextual fear memory, as evidenced by increased freezing behavior when rats are returned to a training environment that was initially paired with footshock. However, freezing behavior could also be affected by fatigue, especially because rats were tested shortly after the end of the dark cycle, which is when most wheel running was likely to occur. In addition, exercise has been shown to have anxiolytic effects, further confounding interpretation of the effects of exercise on cognition when using aversive conditioning tasks. These factors were examined in the present study by comparing freezing behavior in exercising and nonexercising rats that were tested at different times in the light cycle. In addition, all rats were tested on an elevated plus maze to assess anxiety-like behavior and in an open-field apparatus to measure locomotor activity in order to directly examine interactions between freezing, anxiety-like behavior, and locomotion. Consistent with prior studies, exercising rats exhibited more context freezing than did sedentary rats when tested early in the light cycle. However, the opposite pattern of results was obtained when testing occurred late in the light cycle, an effect driven by a difference in the amount of freezing exhibited by the sedentary control groups. Indeed, the levels of context freezing exhibited by exercising rats were comparable regardless of when the rats were tested during the light cycle. These data have implications for interpreting the effects of exercise on aversive conditioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

段国建  李学金  朱进锋 《炼铁》2011,30(2):13-15
通过建立高炉出铁场主铁沟温度场计算数学模型,计算了自然对流和强制对流条件下主铁沟温度场.认为主铁沟内衬结构设计应该与冷却方式选择相匹配,采用"梯度布砖法"主铁沟内衬设计,有利于降低主铁沟后期出现"烧穿"的几率,延长主沟寿命.  相似文献   

The author examines the countertransference theory and technique of Thomas Ogden, beginning with the necessary background theory of intersubjectivity and projective identification. From Ogden's early characterization of transference as the externalization of an internal object relation via projective identification, the article traces countertransference to his more recent discussion of the analyst's reverie as a conscious derivative of the analytic third. In the 2nd half of the article, the author examines the technical aspects of Ogden's approach to countertransference. Allusions to the unconscious with metaphors that create a sense of self are emphasized. The author argues that Ogden's approach should be extended to cover the mutual creation of such metaphors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Heat Flux Through Slag Film and Its Crystallization Behavior   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An experimental apparatus for simulating copper mold is used to quantify the heat flux through the slag film and to obtain a solid slag for further determining its crystallization behavior. The result indicates that both the chemical composition of the mold powder and the cooling rate have an important influence on the heat flux through the slag film. With increasing the binary basicity, the heat flux of slag film decreases at first, reaches the minimum at the basicity of 1.4, and then increases, indicating that the maximum binary basicity is about 1.4 for selecting "mild cooling" mold powder. The heat transfer through the slag film can be specified in terms of the crystalline ratio and the thickness of the slag film. Recrystallization of the solid slag occurs and must be considered as an important factor that may influence the heat transfer through the solid slag layer.  相似文献   

综合英语和口译同为英语专业技能课程,开设时间却大不相同.综合英语开设在一、二年级,口译安排在四年级.众所周知,两门课程教学内容截然不同,但两者却存在着紧密联系,诸多口译能力可以在综合英语课堂习得,综合英语课是口译能力培养的基石.在此主要论述了三种可在综合英语课堂上培养的口译能力.  相似文献   

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