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在社区这个社会基层组织"大兴读书之风"对"构建学习型社会"有重要意义,而社区图书馆服务工作的性质和方式又使它在"大兴读书之风"中具有重要作用.所以,社区图书馆要充分发挥它的重要作用,采职有效措施,大力帮助社区"大兴读书之风".  相似文献   

对重庆地区大学生"村官"的现状进行了调查研究,在此基础上分析了大学生"村官"在工作中的优势与不足,并提出了完善大学生"村官"工程的相关意见.  相似文献   

考察"风"、"讽"的本意与联系,结合"风"字分析"讽"字的命名,探讨"讽"字词义的演变与发展.试就"风"、"讽"的词汇意义粗作讨论,不步及语法意义.  相似文献   

根据"华禹教育网"提供的四川高校名录,利用Google对四川31所本科高校图书馆主页进行了访问、调查,分析和研究了这些高校图书馆主页"书刊荐购"栏目设置的现状,指出其存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

调查研究是秘书工作的重要内容.调查研究是秘书收集、掌握、鉴别信息的重要手段,同时也是做好其他工作,如信息、协调、信访、文书撰写的基础.因此,教给学生正确的调查研究方法,培养学生踏实细致的工作作风和机智敏捷的工作能力,是本章上课的重点和难点.笔者根据多年的教学实践,谈谈自己的一些做法.  相似文献   

近年来,刮起了一股更改地名之风,并且有愈演愈烈之势,这种现象折射出文化认同缺失的问题."改地名热"仅仅是文化认同缺失问题的冰山一角,因此加强文化认同迫在眉睫.本文着重分析了文化认同缺失的原因,并就如何加强中华文化认同提出建议.  相似文献   

利用1961~2000年间历年月、季、年降水量资料,通过"Z指数"计算、等级划分等对抚顺地区旱涝情况进行分析.结果表明,抚顺地区旱多于涝,同一级别的旱涝类型各地差别较小,西部旱情略重于东部.  相似文献   

本作品通过对学习手语的作用、手语人才需求现状、高校开展手语学习现状分析,及对高校英语专业学生"学手语促就业实践能力"教育与培养的调查研究,结合社会实际需求,为高校英语专业学生如何做好学手语促进就业提出了可行性建议.  相似文献   

推拿手法中"得气"的基本要素和临床运用研究之体会.  相似文献   

始终保持同人民群众的血肉联系,是我们党战胜各种困难和风险,不断取得事业成功的根本保证.我们党自诞生以来,始终紧密依靠人民群众,诚心诚意为人民谋利益,从人民群众中汲取前进的不竭力量.在新的历史条件下,我们面临的形势和任务与以往相比有很大的不同,可大兴密切联系群众之风却是一项长期任务,只能加强,不能削弱.  相似文献   

The potential influence of racially or ethnically diverse cultural perspectives on patient compliance with post-transplant treatments is discussed. Domains of competency regarding culturally sensitive clinical practice are outlined to assist providers in better understanding the perspectives that may influence the views and behavior of culturally diverse patients.  相似文献   

称谓语是说话人用来称呼与其对话者的用语."小姐"一词是当代汉语语言生活中的一个极为常见的称谓语,因此在"权势"和"等同"语义对立模式基础上,分析"小姐"称谓语的历史演化、语用特点以及交际功能.  相似文献   

马克思主义是社会主义革命和建设的指导思想,更是全人类理论发展的瑰宝.从马克思等人创建基本理论伊始,各学者就对如何定义该理论进行了探索.将马克思主义定义为集体智慧的结晶,不仅突出了马克思的个人贡献,更肯定了马克思主义研究者对马克思主义理论做出的努力和成就,也能够消除个人崇拜和教条主义,坚持人民群众是历史的创造者,并且坚持与时俱进.  相似文献   

<诗经>是我国文学史的光辉起点,也是我国现实主义文学的开端.作品以抒情诗为主流,开拓性地运用了赋、比、兴等表现手法,具有很高的艺术成就,对后世文学创作产生了重大而深远的影响.<关雎>是<诗经>中具有代表性的作品,是汉文化文学宝库中的珍品,因此,翻译工作者都不遗余力地将它译介国外.许渊冲先生、韦利先生是<诗经>翻译的佼佼者,分析研究他们的译诗策略,对于总结汉语古典文学西译的经验,构建现代翻译理论,自然有着不可忽略的益处.  相似文献   

The ability of male rats to accumulate menaquinone-4 (MK-4) in tissues when fed a vitamin K-deficient diet supplemented with intraperitoneal phylloquinone (K) as the sole source of vitamin K for 14 d was assessed. In both conventionally housed controls and gnotobiotic rats, supplementation with the equivalent of 1500 microg vitamin K/kg diet increased (P < 0.001) tissue MK-4 concentrations above those of controls fed a vitamin K-deficient diet. MK-4 concentrations were approximately 5 ng/g (11 pmol/g) in liver, 14 ng/g in heart, 17 ng/g in kidney, 50 ng/g in brain and 250 ng/g in mandibular salivary glands of gnotobiotic rats. MK-4 concentrations in conventionally housed rats were higher than in gnotobiotic rats in heart (P < 0.01), brain (P < 0.01) and kidney (P < 0.05) but lower in salivary gland (P < 0.05). Cultures of a kidney-derived cell line (293) converted K to the expoxide of MK-4 in a manner that was dependent on both time of incubation and concentration of vitamin K in the media. A liver-derived cell line (H-35) was less active in carrying out this conversion. These data offer conclusive proof that the tissue-specific formation of MK-4 from K is a metabolic transformation that does not require bacterial transformation to menadione as an intermediate in the process.  相似文献   

Along with the rapid biomedical development of prenatal screening tests, target groups' attitudes and decision-making about, and the acceptance of, screening procedures have come into focus. To understand users' decision-making, it is essential to understand users' knowledge and perceptions of a procedure. The aim of this study was to examine Finnish women's knowledge and perceptions of, and stated reasons to participate in, two prenatal screening tests: serum screening and mid-trimester ultrasound screening. Subjects (n=1035) for the serum screening survey were catered for in the maternity care centres of two Finnish towns, where serum screening is available for all pregnant women. After one reminder, 88 per cent returned the questionnaire. Subjects (n=497) for the mid-trimester ultrasound screening survey were catered for in the obstetrical and gynaecological outpatient clinic of the city hospital of another town; the response rate was 85 per cent. Women's perceptions of the studied prenatal screening tests, serum screening and mid-trimester ultrasound screening, differed significantly, even though both are used to detect fetal malformations. Serum screening was far more often perceived to be connected with finding diseases or abnormalities than ultrasound screening. Another interesting finding was that the stated reasons for screening in general and the subjective reasons for participation were different. Reassurance was the personal reason most often mentioned in both the serum screening and the ultrasound group. Almost all women had the most superficial knowledge about serum screening; they knew whether it had been offered and that it is done to screen for Down syndrome. The greatest gaps in knowledge concerned the sensitivity of serum screening, its use in screening for congenital nephrosis, and diagnostic tests and their risks. Knowledge was poorer among women without a high school education. When counselling women about prenatal screening tests, more emphasis should be given to the sensitivity of serum screening, all of its screening uses, and the possible diagnostic tests and their risks. The fact that ultrasound screening can detect conditions which may lead to the possibility of a selective abortion should also be explained more fully.  相似文献   

"自我"与"他者"所标榜的二分逻辑结构在本质上是同一性恩雏使然的结果,由此决定了文明与蒙昧、正统与异端、男人与女人的差异被确立并延续了下来,它们作为同一性思维在种族、信仰、性别层面上的具体衍生物,经由视觉图像获得了不同程度地传播与表征.鉴于此,本文着力从上述三个方面,就图像与同一性观念的内在相关性分层加以评述,旨在强调图像作为由来已久的一种视觉符号,持续不断地与意识形态、政治权力、性别身体等范畴发生着关联,是我们解读"自我"与"他者"关系的重要凭据.  相似文献   

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