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4月3日,惠普(HP)携手AMD在中国正式推出革命性刀片PC解决方案(CCI)。该方案融合了惠普在瘦客户机、刀片PC、存储领域以及AMD在处理器领域的领先创新技术,它的革命性创新在于将传统桌面PC计算及传输与存储集为一体的架构,变成访问终端(访问层)—刀片PC(计算层)—数据中心(资源层)三层构架,让计算和存储后置于企业数据中心,成为一个“池”,池中闲置或者弹性的资源将随时应对计算高峰或者各种突发事件。  相似文献   

正思科近期推出了专为中国有线市场量身定制的端到端解决方案——Software Dei ned Box(SDB)。该方案通过云端的软件配置即可定义瘦终端的应用能力,例如可将瘦终端定义为DVB、OTT、PC或游戏机。SDB是一个由云驱动的整体端到端方案,它利用云的能力将所有应用转变为视频流,利用传统机顶盒解码器这一标准器件,将视频流显示在电视机上。SDB具备由请求、应用、云端编码、网络传输、本机解码到显示的整体能力和低时延性能,确保用户操控体验与本机响应一致,使有线运营商可以便捷、无差别地将所有应用经流  相似文献   

提出一种基于SPICE协议的云终端视频加速方法,通过云终端专有的硬件解码芯片,对传输到SPICE客户端的图像采用硬件解码,大幅度提高其解码效率,使在ARM架构的瘦客户机上播放高清视频成为可能。测试表明,终端视频应用性能提升60%以上,视频播放流畅。  相似文献   

为提高办公效率,保证信息安全和降低管理成本.提出了基于瘦客户机架构的Lotus办公自动化系统的设计方法.系统以Lotus Domino/Notes 7为平台.前台采用Notes Client和Web浏览器,后台采用Lotus Domino Server和Terminal Server,通过终端服务组件管理作为终端的瘦客户机,瘦客户机则通过远程显示协议运行多用户系统.系统通过基于群件的工作流模式,完成各种公文和事务流程的电子化运作,解决了C/S模式的办公自动化系统在瘦客户机/服务器体系架构下的应用问题,从而实现办公信息的传递、共享、交流和管理.运行结果表明:系统稳定可靠,界面友好,维护方便,提高管理和办公效率40%,节约纸张70%.  相似文献   

云游戏是通过云计算技术,将游戏的运行、渲染等所需的计算能力从终端转移至云端运算的结果通过视频流的方式经过网络传输到玩家的终端认为在云游戏平台的研技术、运营和产业链是云出的关键所在。。发游本文方面戏胜  相似文献   

为提高融合终端本地处理效率,降低数据处理时间和处理延迟,节省建设成本,设计了采用边缘计算技术运行于融合终端的APP处理系统.该系统部署于靠近设备或数据源头的网络边缘侧,实现融合网络、计算、存储、应用核心能力的边缘计算功能,利用SDN和轻量级虚拟化技术来管理海量IoT网络设备;软件采用容器隔离安全技术,提升系统可靠性,通...  相似文献   

随着光接入逐步进入家庭以及云计算的快速发展,光接入环境下的家庭网络云存储应用呈现新的应用模式,本文介绍了城市光网环境下基于家庭网络为用户提供高性能、方便易用的云存储应用方案,通过云存储服务将家庭应用终端与互联网内容有机结合,有效拓展云存储的终端覆盖范围和家庭环境下应用终端的信息共享能力。  相似文献   

陈平辉  郑健 《移动通信》2012,36(19):80-81
文章简要分析了传统移动终端通过硬件和本地软件实现能力扩展的方式,结合HTML5发展趋势及用户新需求,指出移动云服务扩展了移动终端存储和计算能力,成为移动终端能力扩展的重要手段,并分析了移动云服务面临的挑战.  相似文献   

流化云平台是基于云计算技术的理念,采用视频作为“云端”向“终端”呈现处理结果的一种云计算方案.应用在云端服务器上运行,将运行的显示输出、声音输出编码后经过网络实时传输给终端,终端进行实时解码后显示输出.终端同时可以进行操作,经过网络将操作控制信息实时传送给云端应用运行平台进行应用控制,终端“精简”为仅提供网络能力、视频解码能力和人机交互能力.  相似文献   

基于跨平台下的嵌入式GUI人机界面系统研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过以移动终端为例提出一种新的嵌入式GUI在各类系统平台中的人机界面功能架构、窗口管理、消息流程、图形绘制操作、GUI目录结构的层次关系以及示例程序的编写方法,编译连接等。通过分析GUI的特点,设计了一个面向对象的跨平台GUI框架,对于后继移动终端软件应用开发建立了良好的开发基础。  相似文献   

Cloud computing gives clients the convenience of outsourcing data calculations. However, it also brings the risk of privacy leakage, and datasets that process industrial IoT information have a high computational cost for clients. To address these problems, this paper proposes a secure grid-based density peaks clustering algorithm for a hybrid cloud environment. First, the client utilizes the homomorphic encryption algorithm to construct encrypted objects with client dataset. Second, the client uploads the encrypted data to the cloud servers to implement our security protocol. Finally, the cloud servers return the clustering results with the disturbance to the client. The experimental results on the UCI datasets and the smart power grid dataset reveal that the secure algorithm presented in this paper can improve upon the precision and efficiency of other clustering algorithms while also preserving user privacy. Moreover, it only performs encryption and removes the disturbance operation on the client, so that the client has lower computational complexity. Therefore, the secure clustering scheme proposed in this paper is applicable to industrial IoT big data and has high security and scalability.  相似文献   

The thin‐client computing model has the potential to significantly increase the performance of mobile computing environments. By delivering any application through a single, small‐footprint client (called a thin client) implemented on a mobile device, it is possible to optimize application performance without the need for building wireless application gateways. We thus present two significant contributions in the area of wireless thin‐client computing. Firstly, a mathematical performance model is derived for wireless thin‐client system. This model identifies factors that affect the performance of the system and supports derivation and analysis of adaptation strategies to maintain a user‐specified quality of service (QoS). Secondly, a proxy‐based adaptation framework is developed for wireless thin‐client systems, which dynamically optimizes performance of a wireless thin client via dynamically discovered context. This is implemented with rule‐based fuzzy logic that responds to variations in wireless link bandwidth and client processing power. Our fuzzy inference engine uses contextual data to dynamically optimize tradeoffs among different quality of service parameters offered to the end users. Additionally, our adaptation framework uses highly scalable wavelet‐based image coding to provide scalable QoS that can degrade gracefully. Our thin‐client adaptation framework shields the user from ill effects of highly variable wireless network quality and mobile device resources. This improves performance of active applications, in which the display changes frequently. Further, active application behaviour may produce high transmission latency for screen updates, which can adversely affect user perception of QoS, resulting in poor interactivity. We report measured adaptive performance under realistic mobile device and network conditions for several different clients and servers. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

云计算中的数据机密性风险极大地阻碍了云计算的应用,而在用户端加密的模式对于数据共享来说非常不便,用户频繁的获取和释放授权将使得用户端数据加解密工作繁重。代理重加密技术在云端进行数据的密文转换,减轻了用户端的负担,同时加强了云端数据的保密性。文中研究了云计算中代理重加密的应用模式,并简要描述了在云计算中使用代理重加密实现数据共享、授权管理、访问控制等安全机制的方法,能够提高云计算的安全性。  相似文献   

简述云计算的关键技术,分析广播电视媒体资产管理、BOSS系统、瘦终端对云技术的需求,介绍省级互动电视节目云媒体管理方案,提出国家电网加入通信网建设后广电云建设的思路。  相似文献   

For security and efficiency problems in threshold based deduplication for cloud data,a novel method based on threshold re-encryption was proposed to deal with side channel attacks.A lightweight threshold re-encryption mechanism was presented to transfer the secondary encryption to the cloud for execution and allow clients to generate ciphertext based on key segmentation instead of ciphertext segmentation,both of which largely reduce computational overhead of clients.Also,the proposed mechanism enables clients to decrypt from both one-time encrypted and re-encrypted ciphertext,thus avoiding the overhead of redundant encryption of the same file.Mutual integrity verification between cloud service provider and clients was also supported by the proposed method,which directly ensured the correctness of the correspondence between ciphertext and plaintext on client side.Experiments show that the proposed method not only largely reduces the computational overhead on client side,but also achieves superior storage performance on cloud side simultaneously.  相似文献   

云计算技术迅猛发展,云计算辅助教学平台应运而生,具有网络化的海量教学数据资源存储与计算功能和瘦客户端等显著优点,云辅助教学平台数据量和用户量巨大的特点决定了其作业类型的多样性和数据密集性,云辅助教学平台的设计重点在高效率的资源管理和调度。文中设计云计算辅助教学平台的体系结构,并对云平台作业调度的原有自适应遗传算法做出改进,以传统遗传算法做基础,综合数据公平和本地性选择遗传基因,相比较传统算法,在响应用户需求上更高效。仿真实验结果显示改进后算法更能体现公平性、并提高了效率,更适于云计算机环境。  相似文献   

冷永刚 《数字通信》2012,39(2):22-24
结合最新的云计算发展趋势,提出建设以SaaS模式为核心、智能手机客户端应用为载体的企业云培训平台的设计思路,并给出了平台的架构模型和典型的应用场景。该平台能解决一线移动办公人员面临的课件普及、有效利用碎片时间强化专业技能的学习、电子化培训测试、云端关键字信息检索课件内容等困难,也提出了基于云端的企业培训系统尚待解决的问题.  相似文献   

桌面云系统是一种基于云计算技术的集中式的客户终端解决方案。在用户侧部署功能简单的瘦客户机,具体的计算以及存储依靠云端的服务器系统。在客户终端大量部署的应用场景当中,桌面云系统能够降低运维成本,提供更好的保密性以及安全性,还能提供移动办公的能力。在节能减排方面,桌面云系统的平均能耗也低于传统终端。多节点部建设云端桌面云系统能够提高系统的高可用性,在某个节点服务器发生故障时,在网络可达的情况下,用户可将虚拟终端迅速迁移至其它节点,从而保证上层业务的连续性。  相似文献   

云计算技术的引入对网络安全技术的发展具有革命性的促进作用,其在网络安全领域的具体应用和拓展被称为安全云。安全云的方向包括网络安全设备自身的云化以及将网络安全作为一种应用向客户提供服务,文中主要讨论后者,在探讨安全云特征和部署方式的基础上,分析了电信行业对于安全云应用的需求,期望能对安全云服务的具体部署、应用有所借鉴。  相似文献   

Cloud computing and storage services allow clients to move their data center and applications to centralized large data centers and thus avoid the burden of local data storage and maintenance.However,this poses new challenges related to creating secure and reliable data storage over unreliable service providers.In this study,we address the problem of ensuring the integrity of data storage in cloud computing.In particular,we consider methods for reducing the burden of generating a constant amount of metadata at the client side.By exploiting some good attributes of the bilinear group,we can devise a simple and efficient audit service for public verification of untrusted and outsourced storage,which can be important for achieving widespread deployment of cloud computing.Whereas many prior studies on ensuring remote data integrity did not consider the burden of generating verification metadata at the client side,the objective of this study is to resolve this issue.Moreover,our scheme also supports data dynamics and public verifiability.Extensive security and performance analysis shows that the proposed scheme is highly efficient and provably secure.  相似文献   

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