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Fan  Z. Mars  P. 《Electronics letters》1996,32(16):1438-1439
The authors propose an effective bandwidth approach to connection admission control in ATM networks. The aggregate arrival traffic is accurately modelled by a two-state Markov modulated Poisson process (MMPP) via the matching of four important statistics. If the buffer is large, admission control can be achieved by computing the effective bandwidth of the two-state MMPP. Simulation tests show that approach is simple and results in higher utilisation compared with conventional methods  相似文献   

In this paper, the main schemes of connection admission control (CAC) in ATM networks are briefly discussed especially the principle of dynamic bandwidth allocation. Then the fair share of the bandwidth among different traffic sources is analyzed based on cooperative game model. A CAC scheme is proposed using the genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize the bandwidth-delay-product formed utilization function that ensures the fair share and accuracy of accepting/rejecting the incoming calls. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme ensures fairness of the shared bandwidth to different traffic sources.  相似文献   

Many designs for integrated services networks offer a bounded delay packet delivery service to support real-time applications. To provide a bounded delay service, networks must use admission control to regulate their load. Previous work on admission control mainly focused on algorithms that compute the worst case theoretical queueing delay to guarantee an absolute delay bound for all packets. In this paper, we describe a measurement-based admission control algorithm (ACA) for predictive service, which allows occasional delay violations. We have tested our algorithm through simulations on a wide variety of network topologies and driven with various source models, including some that exhibit long-range dependence, both in themselves and in their aggregation. Our simulation results suggest that measurement-based approach combined with the relaxed service commitment of predictive service enables us to achieve a high level of network utilization while still reliably meeting the delay bound  相似文献   

Dynamic call admission control in ATM networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The authors present dynamic call admission control using the distribution of the number of cells arriving during the fixed interval. This distribution is estimated from the measured number of cells arriving at the output buffer during the fixed interval and traffic parameters specified by users. Call acceptance is decided on the basis of online evaluation of the upper bound of cell loss probability, derived from the estimated distribution of the number of calls arriving. QOS (quality of service) standards can be guaranteed using this control when there is no estimation error. The control mechanism is effective when the number of call classes is large. It tolerates loose bandwidth enforcement and loose policing control, and dispenses with modeling of the arrival processes. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of this control, and implementation is also discussed  相似文献   

This paper proposes a connection admission control (CAC) method for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks based on the possibility distribution of cell loss ratio (CLR). The possibility distribution is estimated in a fuzzy inference scheme by using observed data of the CLR. This method makes possible secure CAC, thereby guaranteeing the allowed CLR. First, a fuzzy inference method is proposed, based on a weighted average of fuzzy sets, in order to estimate the possibility distribution of the CLR. In contrast to conventional methods, the proposed inference method can avoid estimating excessively large values of the CLR. Second, the learning algorithm is considered for tuning fuzzy rules for inference. In this, energy functions are derived so as to efficiently achieve higher multiplexing gain by applying them to CAC. Because the upper bound of the CLR can easily be obtained from the possibility distribution by using this algorithm, CAC can be performed guaranteeing the allowed CLR. The simulation studies show that the proposed method can well extract the upper bound of the CLR from the observed data. The proposed method also makes possible self-compensation in real time for the case where the estimated CLR is smaller than the observed CLR. It preserves the guarantee of the CLR as much as possible in operation of ATM switches. Third, a CAC method which uses the fuzzy inference mentioned above is proposed. In the area with no observed CLR data, fuzzy rules are automatically generated from the fuzzy rules already tuned by the learning algorithm with the existing observed CLR data. Such areas exist because of the absence of experience in connections. This method can guarantee the allowed CLR in the CAC and attains a high multiplex gain as is possible. The simulation studies show its feasibility. Finally, this paper concludes with some brief discussions  相似文献   

Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) offers an efficient means of carrying a wide spectrum of BISDN traffic provided that network congestion is prevented. Unfortunately, efficient congestion control is difficult to achieve in integrated broadband networks, owing to the wide range of traffic characteristics and quality of service (QOS) requirements. We have implemented a network simulator that allows us to evaluate many proposed admission control schemes using many different traffic models. We present the results of several simulation studies, including one study of the performance of the admission control schemes in the presence of traffic sources that exhibit long-term dependence.  相似文献   

An important parameter in asynchronous transfer model (ATM)-based network design and management is the cell loss ratio (CLR) in ATM multiplexers. It is a key parameter to many vital functions in the network such as call admission control (CAC), bandwidth allocation, etc. However, the CLR depends usually on many unknown and unpredictable traffic parameters such as input traffic correlations. In this paper, we propose a simple and robust fuzzy-based algorithm to predict the CLR in large-sized systems based on both a small amount of information from small-sized systems, and the asymptotic behavior for very large systems. Unlike the model-based approaches, our approximation avoids the problem of assuming any traffic parameters or arrival process. This algorithm is used with real-time traffic measurement to propose an effective measurement-based call admission control framework for ATM networks  相似文献   

A node-by-node admission control and routing scheme for ATM networks is devised. The scheme is based on the subdivision of traffic into a number of classes, characterized by different performance requirements. At each network node, for all outgoing links, link capacity partitions are periodically assigned to the traffic classes, as the result of an optimization problem over a fixed time interval. Local access control rules compute the maximum number of connections of each class that a link can accept within the assigned capacity. Incoming call connection requests are forwarded in a hop-by-hop fashion. Each node traversed, first checks the presence of resources needed to accept a new connection and guarantee all quality of service (QoS) requirements. This is done by using the local access control rule. Then, it chooses the next node along the path on the basis of a distributed routing strategy. This minimizes a cost function accounting for local instantaneous information, as well as for aggregate information that is passed periodically among adjacent nodes. Two routing strategies are introduced. In the first scheme, a new call is rejected if, at a certain node along the path, there are not enough resources to guarantee QoS requirements, and no recovery mechanism is implemented. In the second scheme, an alternative path is looked for after the first failure. Simulation results are presented which show a comparison between the two proposed routing strategies. Comparison is also made between the proposed scheme and the other approaches. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The statistical multiplexing operation within an ATM network node is considered, with respect to different methods for the allocation of the bandwidth of an outgoing link. Service separation is assumed by dividing the overall traffic flows into classes, homogeneous in terms of performance requirements and statistical characteristics. Which share the bandwidth of a link according to some specified policy. This context allows one to clearly define, by means of several existing approaches, a region in the space of connections of the different classes (call space) where quality of service (QoS) requirements at the cell level are satisfied. Within this region, some criteria for allocating the bandwidth of the link to the service classes are proposed, and the resulting allocation and call admission control (CAC) strategies are defined and analyzed. The goal of these operations is to achieve some desired QoS at the call level. Several numerical simulation results are presented, in order to highlight the different performance characteristics of the various methods  相似文献   

Measurement-based admission control (MBAC) is an attractive mechanism to concurrently offer quality of service (QoS) to users, without requiring a priori traffic specification and on-line policing. However, several aspects of such a system need to be dearly understood in order to devise robust MBAC schemes, i.e., schemes that can match a given QoS target despite the inherent measurement uncertainty, and without the tuning of external system parameters. We study the impact of measurement uncertainty, flow arrival, departure dynamics, and of estimation memory on the performance of a generic MBAC system in a common analytical framework. We show that a certainty equivalence assumption, i.e., assuming that the measured parameters are the real ones, can grossly compromise the target performance of the system. We quantify the improvement in performance as a function of the length of the estimation window and an adjustment of the target QoS. We demonstrate the existence of a critical time scale over which the impact of admission decisions persists. Our results yield new insights into the performance of MBAC schemes, and represent quantitative and qualitative guidelines for the design of robust schemes  相似文献   

In this paper we present a method to establish real-time connections with guaranteed quality of service (QOS), based on a per-session probabilistic burstiness curve (PBC). Under two distinctive service disciplines, role proportional processor sharing and fixed rate processor sharing, we derive useful probabilistic bounds on per-session end-to-end loss which is caused by either buffer overflow in the path or excessive delay to the destination. One remarkable feature of the bounding solutions is that they are solely determined by the PBC of each session itself, independent of the network environment and other connections. To improve network resource utilization, our method is extended to allow statistical sharing of buffer resources. The admission control scheme presented in this paper has a great flexibility in connection management since bandwidth and buffer allocations can be adaptively adjusted among incoming and existing sessions according to present network resource availability. We also present a novel method to compute the PBC of multimedia traffic based on the measurement of two important statistics (rate histogram and power spectrum). Our study of MPEG/JPEG video sequences reveals the fundamental interrelationship among the PBC, the traffic statistics, and the QOS guarantee, and also provides many engineering aspects of the PBC approach to real-time multimedia services in ATM networks  相似文献   

In our earlier work, we have proposed some modifications for the bandwidth broker framework. With our modifications, it is possible to use measurement-based admission control in addition to the more traditional parameter-based admission control. Moreover, we have presented a new flexible admission control scheme that has proven to be very efficient in terms of bottleneck link utilization. Two problems, however, have arisen: the use of scheduling weights in admission control and bursty connection arrivals. In this paper, we present that the former one can be dealt with the use of adaptive scheduling weights, while the latter one can be fought with adaptive reservation limits. The proposed new algorithms are validated through simulations and their performance is compared against the nonadaptive basic scheme.  相似文献   

1 Introduction There are two ways of ATM network block control: preventive control and reactive control. The former decides on whether to establish a connection and distribute network bandwidth resource for the transferred service when a customer requires…  相似文献   

We propose a time-scale decomposition approach to measurement-based admission control (MBAC). We identify a critical time scale, T/spl tilde//sub h/, such that: 1) aggregate traffic fluctuations slower than T/spl tilde//sub h/ can be tracked by the admission controller and compensated for by flow admissions and departures; 2) fluctuations faster than T/spl tilde//sub h/ have to be absorbed by reserving spare bandwidth on the link. The critical time scale is shown to scale as T/sub h///spl radic/n, where T/sub h/ is the average flow duration and n is the size of the link in terms of the number of flows it can carry. An MBAC design is presented which filters aggregate measurements into low- and high-frequency components separated at the cutoff frequency, 1/T/spl tilde//sub h/, using the low-frequency component to track slow time-scale traffic fluctuations and the high-frequency component to estimate the spare bandwidth needed. Our analysis shows that the scheme achieves high utilization and is robust to traffic heterogeneity, multiple time-scale fluctuations and measurement errors. The scheme uses only measurements of aggregate bandwidth and does not need to keep track of per-flow information.  相似文献   

We present a procedure for call admission control for ATM networks. The procedure can be applied to deciding if an additional Virtual Channel (user, source) can be assigned to an end-to-end Virtual Path, or if a link connecting two ATM switches can carry an additional VC. Each source is characterized by its peak rate, mean rate, and cycle length. The objective is to admit as many sources as possible, while meeting a desirable level of cell loss probability. We adapt an effective bandwidth technique to the case where sources do not have to belong to a small number of classes. We do this by suggesting an upper bound for the cell-loss-probability for the case of heterogeneous Markovian on-off sources, and by showing that its computation can be performed in real time by the sending switch, with a reasonable amount of computational and storage resources. We show by simulation that the proposed procedure is effective even for highly bursty source mixes, where it achieves more than 80% of the theoretically possible multiplexing gain.  相似文献   

An efficient call admission control scheme for handling heterogeneous services in wireless ATM networks is proposed. Quality-of-service provisioning of jitter bounds for constant bit rate traffic and delay bounds for variable bit rate traffic is used in the CAC scheme to guarantee predefined QoS levels for all traffic classes. To reduce the forced handoff call dropping rate, the CAC scheme gives handoff calls a higher priority than new calls by reserving an appropriate amount of resources for potential handoff calls. Resource reservation in the CAC scheme makes use of user mobility information to ensure efficient resource utilization. Simulation results show that the proposed CAC scheme can achieve both low handoff call dropping rate and high resource utilization  相似文献   

The authors propose a new method for the modeling and call admission control (CAC) of variable bit rate video source, which come to the front of ATM networks as hot issues nowadays. First, the modeling of video source is accomplished using the three-state Markov chains including the effects of scene change at which the bit rate of video source is abruptly increased. Also, using two AR models, they improve the defects which an AR model has in modeling a video source. In addition, they represent the analytical model of a video source so that a network manager can acquire the information which is very important in managing the entire networks. CAC is accomplished using the previously defined analytical model. A routing manager calculates the cell loss probability of a chosen VP where a new call is connected so that the routing manager decides whether this new call is accepted or not. This calculation is accomplished through the GB/D/1-S queuing system. Using BIA (bandwidth increasing algorithm), they check whether the calls rejected by the routing manager could be accepted if possible. Finally, the applicable procedures to suitable allocate bandwidth to each VP on a link are presented in detail  相似文献   

This letter presents: 1) a delay analysis model, which is specially for the admission control of real-time multicast connections in ATM networks; 2) a distributed multicast routing algorithm, which generates suboptimal routing trees under real-time constraints; and 3) a connection setup method that integrates multicast routing with admission control  相似文献   

The authors propose a call admission control scheme based on a method of estimating cell loss quality for individual bursty traffic sources. The estimate is expressed in terms of virtual cell loss probability, which may be defined by two traffic characteristic parameters alone: peak and mean rate. The approach is suitable for the estimation of real cell loss probability in heterogeneous and homogeneous traffic models when burst length is larger than buffer capacity. The concept of virtual cell loss probability is extended to the individual call level so as to be able to estimate the quality of service (QOS) provided to individual calls. A virtual bandwidth method is used to develop a practical call admission control system. Quality is ensured by combining a traffic clustering scheme, with a scheme for assigning individual clusters to subcapacities of a link. Priority levels are presented in terms of the class of QOS required, i.e., deterministic or statistical, and the allocation of virtual bandwidth is discussed in terms of both QOS class and traffic characteristics  相似文献   

This paper presents a connection admission control (CAC) method that uses a type-2 fuzzy logic system (FLS). Type-2 FLSs can handle linguistic uncertainties. The linguistic knowledge about CAC is obtained from 30 computer network experts. A methodology for representing the linguistic knowledge using type-2 membership functions and processing surveys using type-2 FLS is proposed. The type-2 FLS provides soft decision boundaries, whereas a type-1 FLS provides a hard decision boundary. The soft decision boundaries can coordinate the cell loss ratio (CLR) and bandwidth utilization, which is impossible for the hard decision boundary.  相似文献   

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