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An overview of technologies for fossil fuel‐fired power plants with drastically reduced CO2 emissions is given. Post‐combustion capture, pre‐combustion capture, and oxyfuel technology are introduced and compared. Current research results indicate that post‐combustion capture may lead to slightly higher losses in power plant efficiency than the two other technologies. However, retrofitting of existing plants with oxyfuel technology is complex and costly, and retrofitting of pre‐combustion capture is not possible. On the other hand, post‐combustion capture can be retrofitted to existing power plants with only minimal effort. Based on the mature technology of reactive absorption, it can be implemented on a large scale in the near future. Therefore, post‐combustion capture using reactive absorption is discussed here in some detail.  相似文献   

An engineered process for scalable manufacture of a calcium aluminum carbonate CO2 sorbent with production amounts of about 1000 g per hour has been developed. The process includes mixing and heating, solid‐liquid separation, drying and extrusion, crushing and conveying, and calcined molding steps. The sorbent preparation involves the coprecipitation of Ca2+, Al3+, and CO32– under alkaline conditions. By adjusting the Ca:Al molar ratio, a series of Ca‐rich materials could be synthesized for use as CO2 sorbents at 750 °C. A calcium acetate‐derived sorbent exhibited better cyclic stability than sorbents originating from CaCl2 and Ca(NO3)2. The initial sorption capacity increased with CaO concentration. High stability of more than 90 % was maintained by the Ca:Al sorbents after 40 looping tests.  相似文献   

Post‐combustion CO2 capture was studied in the favorable context where the captured CO2 can be reused in a neighboring industrial process. Three technologies for CO2 capture, absorption by amines, adsorption on activated carbon, and separation using polymer membranes, were considered, modeled and compared. The three capture processes were designed for achieving the same performances. The models were integrated in a commercial flowsheeting software. The results show that, for a targeted CO2 purity of 95 %, the membrane process appears to be the least energy consuming. A next step will be to quantify the environmental benefits using life cycle assessment.  相似文献   

An innovative, technical approach for the reduction of CO2 emissions is presented that utilizes alkaline wastes to capture CO2 from flue gases in stable mineral form. Comprehensive pilot‐scale experiments were conducted with the developed flue gas scrubbing system at a power plant site. By optimizing the process parameters gas flux, CO2 partial pressure, circulation flux and suspension liquid‐to‐solid ratio, a CO2 binding of 40 – 90 g kg–1 waste could be reached and up to 25 % of the CO2 could be captured. The new technique is economically advantageous especially when both alkaline waste and CO2 are produced on site and when the carbonated products can be used as secondary resources.  相似文献   

The chemical capture of CO2 by either aqueous Na2CO3 and K2CO3 or nonaqueous solutions of the amines 2‐amino‐2‐methyl‐1‐propanol (AMP) or piperazine (PZ) is described. The captured CO2 is stored as solid NaHCO3, KHCO3, and AMP or PZ carbamates. Solid NaHCO3 and KHCO3 are decomposed at 200 °C and 250 °C, respectively, to regenerate the carbonates for their reuse. In the experiments with AMP or PZ, the solid carbamates are decomposed at 80 °C–110 °C to regenerate the free amines. The absence of water in the desorption‐regeneration step is intriguing and could have the potential of reducing one of the major disadvantages of aqueous absorbents, namely the energy cost of the regeneration step and amine degradation, yet preserving the efficiency of the absorption in the liquid phase.  相似文献   

针对化石能源利用过程中排放CO_2引起的温室效应问题,同时为满足油藏高效开发的要求,介绍一种CO_2驱油提高采收率技术,分析其驱油机理,并总结目前国内外EOR技术的应用与开发现状,指出目前我国EOR应用的前景。  相似文献   

二氧化碳捕集技术及应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了CO2捕集技术及现状。CO2捕集是CCS的关键技术单元之一,针对不同的CO2气源,国内外研究开发了多种技术。许多CO2捕集技术已经工业化,其中燃烧后烟气中CO2的捕集技术主要是以一乙醇胺(MEA)为基础的胺法;燃烧前的CO2捕集技术主要应用于IGCC电厂,一般需要对煤气中CO进行部分变换,变换后脱碳可采用成熟技术,如Selexol(NHD)等。富氧燃烧则是在中试成功的基础上,进行更大规模的工业示范。国内外大型煤制油化工项目主要采用低温甲醇洗脱除CO2,如果设置CO2产品塔,则可以获得体积分数98%以上的CO2。天然气脱碳主要采用MDEA技术。另外还有低温法、PSA、膜分离等CO2捕集技术及化学链燃烧等一些正在研发的技术。  相似文献   

何铮 《煤化工》2013,(6):5-7
分析了煤化工和风电产业发展面临的问题,指出应转换角度来看待产业发展中的瓶颈制约,提出了把捕集CO2、风电制氢和CO2加氢反应研究相结合的绿色煤化工的发展思路,供业界参考、探讨。  相似文献   

Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies can lead to a net reduction of CO2 emissions but also to a transfer from emissions between different regulatory areas. This paper presents a tool to evaluate the impact of CCU technology within the European regulatory framework with respect to the accounting of carbon transferred between the CO2 source and its subsequent application. Additional emissions caused by energy requirements of the capture or any conversion steps are not considered. The tool is applied to a variety of possible combinations and their respective impact evaluated.  相似文献   

A mechanistic model is developed to investigate the influence of an activator on the corrosion rate of carbon steel in the absorption processes of carbon dioxide(CO_2). Piperazine(PZ) is used as the activator in diethanolamine(DEA) aqueous solutions. The developed model for corrosion takes into consideration the effect of fluid flow,transfer of charge and diffusion of oxidizing agents and operating parameters like temperature, activator concentration, CO_2 loading and pH. The study consists of two major models: Vapor–liquid Equilibrium(VLE) model and electrochemical corrosion model. The electrolyte-NRTL equilibrium model was used for determination of concentration of chemical species in the bulk solution. The results of speciation were subsequently used for producing polarization curves and predicting the rate of corrosion occurring at the surface of metal. An increase in concentration of activator, increases the rate of corrosion of carbon steel in mixtures of activated DEA.  相似文献   

温室气体CO2的大量排放是全球气候变暖的主要影响因素,对于CO2的捕集再利用研究已引起了学界和工业界的广泛关注.石灰石循环煅烧/碳酸化法捕集工业CO2气体已经被大量报道,但石灰石在循环捕集过程当中其表面容易被烧结而降低了其捕集性能,基于此,我们提出了利用耐高温氧化物(如MgO、Fe2O3、SiO2)微粒对石灰石颗粒表面进行修饰改性以便提高石灰石颗粒的抗烧结能力及其CO2捕集特性并利用TGA和SEM对改性实验进行了捕集性能测试和颗粒形貌表征.试验结果表明,金属氧化物微粒对石灰石改性有效果,其中添加1 wt% MgO微粒时可以使石灰石捕集CO2的性能提高7%~8%,且吸收剂颗粒孔隙结构得以改善.  相似文献   

Increasing greenhouse gas emissions contributing to the global climate change are a major concern of environmental protection. Developing adsorbents from low-cost and renewable resources is an attractive strategy. On the other hand, the high capacity of production rates of municipal solid waste, besides high methane emissions, is the origin of some eco-systemic challenges. The combination of the two environmental problems is considered by introducing the compost from a mechanical biological treatment of municipal solid wastes as a low-cost source of adsorbent for CO2 capture. The obtained compost was thermally and chemically activated and the CO2 adsorption capacities of prepared samples were evaluated. Samples prepared sequentially with sulfuric acid and heated at 800 °C and vice versa, respectively, had the highest uptake capacities and were comparable with commercial adsorbents.  相似文献   

CO2捕集技术是当前应对全球气候变化、缓解温室效应的重要途径。利用含钙固体废弃物制备高效CaO基CO2捕集材料有利于实现固废资源高值化利用、以废治废和清洁生产,具有重要的环境效益、经济效益和社会效益。基于固废源高效廉价CaO基CO2捕集材料的良好应用前景,本文介绍了工业废渣、生物质和其他含钙固体废弃物的产生与资源化利用现状,综述了CaO基吸附剂的捕集原理、碳酸化动力学过程和CO2捕集性能,对比了以不同含钙固体废弃物为前驱体制备CaO基吸附剂的吸附-脱附循环性能和不同改性方法对其吸附稳定性的影响,从经济角度分析了固废源CaO基吸附剂在钢铁厂、燃煤电厂和生物制氢中的应用潜力,展望了固废源CaO基CO2捕集材料的应用前景和发展方向。该文旨在为固废源CaO基吸附剂前驱体的选择、吸附性能的提高和固废吸附材料的工业应用提供帮助。  相似文献   

碳捕集与封存技术(即CCS技术)通过对CO2进行捕集、压缩、运输与封存,可实现CO2大规模减排,近年来受到广泛关注。CCS技术的经济成本是其商业化的关键因素,但目前多数研究都集中在捕集过程,CCS全过程的经济成本分析鲜见报道。针对CO2捕集与咸水层封存系统,给出了捕集封存全过程投资运行总成本和捕集封存整体系统CO2减排成本的计算公式,建立了CO2捕集、压缩、管道运输与咸水层封存全过程的成本估算模型,并对典型的600 MW超临界燃煤电厂捕集封存CO2的投资运行成本和减排成本进行了案例研究。  相似文献   

The cyclic carbonation performances of shells as CO2 sorbents were investigated during multiple calcination/carbonation cycles. The carbonation kinetics of the shell and limestone are similar since they both exhibit a fast kinetically controlled reaction regime and a diffusion controlled reaction regime, but their carbonation rates differ between these two regions. Shell achieves the maximum carbonation conversion for carbonation at 680–700 °C. The mactra veneriformis shell and mussel shell exhibit higher carbonation conversions than limestone after several cycles at the same reaction conditions. The carbonation conversion of scallop shell is slightly higher than that of limestone after a series of cycles. The calcined shell appears more porous than calcined limestone, and possesses more pores > 230 nm, which allow large CO2 diffusion‐carbonation reaction rates and higher conversion due to the increased surface area of the shell. The pores of the shell that are greater than 230 nm do not sinter significantly. The shell has more sodium ions than limestone, which probably leads to an improvement in the cyclic carbonation performance during the multiple calcination/carbonation cycles.  相似文献   

赵思琪  马丽萍  杨杰  崔晓婧 《硅酸盐通报》2017,36(11):3683-3690
温室气体CO2是当今世界环境恶化的主要原因之一,近年来针对CO2的捕集技术也相继被研究.磷石膏是湿法冶炼磷酸的副产物,具有产量大、微辐射性等特点,严重危害自然环境和人类健康.本文阐述二氧化碳捕集与封存(CCS)以及燃烧后捕集的三大方法的具体技术原理与特点,着重分析利用钙基吸收剂捕集CO2的技术特点和优势,提出CO2捕集技术的探索方向并指出利用磷石膏分解渣作钙基吸收剂矿化捕集CO2的思路.当前对CO2捕集的研究多停留在吸收剂捕集方面,单纯吸收剂虽吸收效果较好,但其成本较高.磷石膏分解渣作钙基吸收剂不仅有着良好的捕集效果,且解决了成本问题,实现了"以废制废"的思路.  相似文献   

氨法捕集CO2工艺研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张莹莹  杜军驻  仇汝臣 《山东化工》2012,41(2):47-48,51
介绍了CO2捕集回收的工艺方法,简要分析了氨法捕集回收工艺存在的问题,以期利用化工模拟软件优化研究工艺参数,从而降低吸收成本。  相似文献   

结合工业装置流程及实际运行,采用连续吸收再生模试装置,研究了醇胺分子中氨基取代基以及空间位阻效应对烟道气中CO_2捕集效果的影响。从分子结构的角度,开发了新型高效低耗CO_2捕集配方溶剂,通过3~5 m~3/h CO_2捕集模试装置,考察了其捕集率与再生能耗的关系,并在胜利电厂和四川维尼纶厂进行工业应用。结果表明,与传统的一乙醇胺(MEA)法相比,该溶剂再生能耗降低30%。  相似文献   

Empty fruit bunch (EFB) is utilized to increase the CO2 capture capacity and cyclic stability of calcium oxide (CaO) prepared from cockle shells (CS). The cyclic reaction of calcination and carbonation reaction was performed in pure N2 environment and in the presence of CO2 in N2, respectively. The EFB in CS modified the pore structural properties, morphology, and composition of the pristine CaO. Higher EFB loading in CS reduced the CaO composition but improved the CO2 capture capacity and cyclic stability during cyclic CO2 capture.  相似文献   

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