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本文从维多利亚时代的社会特点、封建的传统道德及虚伪的资产阶级道德、伪善的宗教信仰和不公正的资产阶级法律制度几个方面浅谈了造成苔丝悲剧的社会原因,造成悲剧的因素都与当时的资本主义社会有着直接的联系,是资本主义社会的种种反映.  相似文献   

语文课程必须根据学生身心发展和语文学习的特点,关注学生的个体差异和不同的学习需求,爱护学生的好奇心、求知欲,充分激发学生的主动意识和进取精神,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式.在小学阶段,学生的主体意识、道德情感已经基本形成,学生学习的依赖性较强.因此,怎样使小学语文教学适应"人的发展",怎样让语文课堂充满生活情趣呢?  相似文献   

自学方法的进一步完善、形成在实验后期,学生已初步掌握一些自学方法,形成了一定的自学习惯后,有必要作一次系统的概括、归纳、小结.怎样读书?怎样做读书笔记?怎样做练习?怎样进行独立思考?怎样进行自我检查?  相似文献   

在社会化大生产和市场经济不断完善、发展的过程中,市场环境愈来愈复杂多变,竞争日趋激烈。企业怎样赢得自身的生存和发展?怎样在竞争中适应新的挑战?怎样适应WTO的要求?怎样实现股权多元化和经营管理模式的国际化?等等,都是企业面临的重大战略决策新问题。在决策过程中,既要分析决策环境,更要研究决策主体,特别是在企业群体决策中必须通过对决策群体结构的合理安排来提高群体决策的科学性、民主性和创造性。因此,笔就企业决策群体结构问题作一些探讨。  相似文献   

阅读教学在语文教学中占有重要地位,发挥着重要作用,那么什么是阅读教学?阅读教学究竟具有怎样的地位、起着怎样的作用呢?  相似文献   

二十多年前,中国观众在电视上看到了一部极为奇特的舞台剧:在典型的中国封建地主庄园里,金发碧眼的觉新、觉慧、梅表姐、瑞珏等身穿长衫旗袍,说着最流利最动听的中文,讲述着五四运动之后一个封建家庭衰败崩溃的故事……中国观众对剧情太熟悉了,这不是巴金原著、曹禺改编的话剧<家>吗?可为什么会是清一色的外国演员来表演?这中间其实有一段颇为有趣的故事.  相似文献   

中国传统的德治理论是中国封建国家治国思想的核心.通过把握传统道德的特定内涵,分析德与治在政治体制、治国手段等方面的结合,以史为鉴,为当代德治理论准备更充分的历史思考.在制度伦理及其安排的问题上,反思传统文化在制度伦理、制度安排上的利弊得失,对于我们建构制度伦理、实践传统文化的现代转换具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济时代。什么是知识经济?知识经济对企业教育将会产生哪些影响?企业教育应该怎样迎接知识经济提出的挑战与机遇?  相似文献   

河南坠子是一种比较独特的曲艺形式,俗称"坠子书"、"简板书"或"响板书",因使用坠胡伴奏而得名.又流行于河南一带,故名"河南坠子".形成时间约在1900年左右.然而,河南坠子是怎样形成的?发展了一百多年后的今天又是怎样的呢?  相似文献   

当下,中国传统音乐的传承与发展遭遇到了社会诸多因素的冲击,传统传承方式愈显脆弱,以致整个传统音乐教育领域出现诸多危机化现象.高师这一传承链条如何发挥传统音乐教育应有的引擎作用?高师传统音乐教育策略如何酝酿?本文通过对近年来高师传统音乐教育研究和教学实践等问题的思考,认为高师传统音乐教育策略亟待各个层次、角度的再观照,希望能从中吸取精神营养,继而作用于高师传统音乐教育之实践.  相似文献   

During the past fifteen years, the relationship between literature and medical ethics has evolved from the occasional use of stories as a substitute for the traditional case study in medical ethics to the emergence of a narrative approach to ethical analysis and decision making. Thus far, literary theory has been more important to narrative medical ethics than have works of literature themselves. Perri Klass's novel Other Women's Children deserves special scrutiny, however, because an analysis of it demonstrates ways that a narrative approach could enhance traditional philosophical and legal approaches to resolving ethical dilemmas in medicine.  相似文献   

The provision of ethical and responsive treatment to clients of diverse cultural backgrounds is expected of all practicing psychologists. While this is mandated by the American Psychological Association’s ethics code and is widely agreed upon as a laudable goal, achieving this mandate is often more challenging than it may seem. Integrating culturally responsive practices with more traditional models of psychotherapy into every practitioner’s repertoire is of paramount importance when considering the rapidly diversifying population we serve. Psychologists are challenged to reconsider their conceptualizations of culture and of culturally responsive practice, to grapple with inherent conflicts in traditional training models that may promote treatments that are not culturally responsive, and to consider the ethical implications of their current practices. Invited expert commentaries address how conflicts may arise between efforts to meet ethical standards and being culturally responsive, how the application of outdated theoretical constructs may result in harm to diverse clients, and how we must develop more culturally responsive views of client needs, of boundaries and multiple relationships, and of treatment interventions. This article provides additional considerations for practicing psychologists as they attempt to navigate dimensions of culture and culturally responsive practice in psychology, while negotiating the ethical challenges presented in practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

All 159 principal investigators whose projects had been assessed by the biomedical research ethics committee in Health Region 4 (Central Norway) during 1986-92 were asked to complete a questionnaire about medical research ethics and the work of the ethics committee. Their answers about scientific fraud and misconduct have been published previously. This paper reports how the 119 respondents (70% of those addressed) regard the role and work of the ethics committees and how they perceived the committee's assessment of their own project. A majority agreed that medical ethics committees are an important part of the scientific community (90%), that scientific quality is an important ethical element of any project (85%), and that researchers put more effort into their study protocol as they knew it would be assessed by an ethics committee (85%). More than 70% agreed that the committee's comments were useful and relevant, but a majority of these agreed only partly. The results are discussed in relation to the characteristics of the investigators.  相似文献   

Evaluated the extent and nature of ethics training in 27 Canadian graduate schools of psychology by means of a questionnaire sent to the schools that asked questions on the nature of graduate programs, the nature of graduate programs and of graduate employment, the content areas, and views on whether and how ethics should be taught. It was found that many graduates from nonclinical programs obtain clinical employment, and that clinical students are more likely to receive some ethics training than are nonclinical. In view of the variable and often minimal approaches to ethics in some institutions, it is unsafe to assume that graduates generally have knowledge and practice in dealing with ethical issues. In order to avoid potential harm to the public and to the profession of psychology, it is recommended that professional associations promote continuing education programs and that graduate schools increase their commitment to teaching ethics and developing effective teaching models. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previously, nurse's adherence to ethical standards meant obedience to the physician and loyalty to the hospital; now, however, it means following ethical standards and rules set forth by professional codes of ethics. The International Council of Nurses' Code for Nurses (1973) has been the model for professional codes of ethics in countries throughout the world. Using ICN's Code as a framework, a study was conducted in 1993 to find out how nurses in Turkey respond to ethical dilemmas. Below, a summary of the findings.  相似文献   

Orthopaedic surgery residents will be faced with a variety of ethical issues when they enter clinical practice. A previous survey suggested that they lack knowledge about how to approach several types of medical ethics dilemmas. We developed a medical ethics curriculum for orthopaedic surgery residents and presented it over a one-year period to the residents in one training program. The effect of the educational intervention on the residents' knowledge of medical ethics and their ability to handle hypothetical situations was measured by comparing their responses to a questionnaire, administered before and after the intervention, with those of residents in a training program in which the intervention was not provided. The twenty-five residents at the site of the educational intervention had a mean improvement of 0.10 in the overall score, from a mean score of 0.71 on the baseline survey to a mean score of 0.81 on the follow-up survey. This improvement was significantly greater than the mean improvement of 0.02 for the thirty residents at the control site, who had a mean score of 0.72 on the baseline survey and a mean score of 0.74 on the follow-up survey (p = 0.002). Six residents who participated in the medical ethics curriculum rated it as very useful; seventeen, as somewhat useful; one, as slightly useful; and one, as not at all useful. A medical ethics curriculum can increase orthopaedic residents' knowledge of medical ethics. Whether this curriculum also will lead to behavioral changes requires additional evaluation.  相似文献   

At the University of Newcastle, health law and ethics is taught and assessed in each year of the five-year curriculum. However, the critical question for assessment remains: 'Does teaching ethics have a measurable effect on the clinical activity of medical students who have had such courses?' Those responsible for teaching confront this question each year they sit down to construct their assessment tools. Should they assess what the student knows? Should they assess the student's moral reasoning, that is, what decisions the student makes, and, how these decisions are justified, or should they assess what the student actually does when dealing with patients in the clinical setting, and how he or she does it? From 1982 to 1991, assessment at Newcastle was primarily aimed at determining the quality of the students' ethics knowledge base. This paper describes the strengths and limitations of a purely knowledge-based method of evaluation and why in 1992, we are now attempting to redefine and assess, what we call 'clinical ethical competence' in terms of how students actually apply this knowledge base in a controlled clinical context.  相似文献   

陆莹  雷波荣 《武钢技术》2009,47(2):49-52
从武钢国际贸易成本管理的现状出发,提出传统成本管理现阶段存在的主要问题,进而探讨分析如何通过一个电子商务系统进行武钢国际贸易的成本管理,为其成本管理的成功实现提供具体内容和实施方法。最后,确定构建这样一个武钢国际贸易成本管理电子商务系统的具体步骤。  相似文献   

As increasing attention is paid to the ethical concerns raised by human subject research, more needs to be focused on issues usually not discussed in the research ethics literature. No longer is it sufficient to talk only about the conflicting goals of clinical care and clinical research. We need to delve more deeply into how human subjects studies are performed and examine the feminist ethics issues of power differentials, context, relationships, and emotions. The source of much of our moral discomfort with clinical trials frequently is in these components of the clinical research settings that are discussed less often.  相似文献   

李芳春  徐政 《鞍钢技术》1997,(11):46-50
用传统的纵剪切发板带钢无法消除毛刺,为了提高板带钢的外观质量,实行板带钢无毛刺剪切势在必行。分析了板带钢无毛刺精密剪切的特点、原理及影响剪切质量的几个因素,并与传统的纵剪切方法进行了分析对比。  相似文献   

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