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一、家庭人口组成的变化: 通过住宅调查,广州的家庭人口组成以三口户和四口户为主,继续向小型化方向发展,以三口户为主。伴随着人口老龄化的来临以及大量适龄青年的增多,出现青年公寓以及“老少居”等新的住宅类型。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来.柏林的内城住宅发生了变化.大致可以归结为四类问题。这些变化对中国应对内城住宅问题时有一定的启示作用。庭院空间”回归城市“的社会需求是主要动因。近十年来.德国社会出生率低.家庭小型化.单身人口增加等社会结构变化使得多数家庭不再追求过去郊区田园式的生活.而是更倾向于中心城市生活的便利。  相似文献   

日本长寿社会住宅发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张菁  刘颖曦 《建筑学报》2006,(10):13-15
日本建筑师从社会学、人类学、环境行为学、心理学等观点出发,为了消除现代社会生活方式的改变、家庭观念的变化和家庭结构小型化的趋势对家庭养老环境的冲击和对家庭养老功能的削弱,逐步将日本高龄者公寓从混住型的老年公寓,发展到能够适应人在一生中各阶段变化的“通用住宅”。致力于在普通住宅中搞好对应老龄化的“潜伏设计”。  相似文献   

一、设计方案竞赛的目的青年住宅是一种能适应城镇青年生活需要的新型住宅,这种新型住宅从七十年代末开始在我国城市中出现,受到青年的热烈欢迎。预计在本世纪末,对这种新型住宅的需求仍会持续高涨,为适应现代家庭发展小型化的趋势,满足广大青年的住宅需求,促使建筑  相似文献   

青年住宅是城市住宅的主要组成部分,是一种适应城市青年生活需要的新型住宅。当前我国进入婚龄期的青年占着很大比例,而青年住宅又严重缺乏,甚至成为导致社会不安宁的因素。武汉市风华青年住宅开发公司从一九八四年成立以来曾对青年住宅进行了开发,给青年夫妇带来了福音,这是一种意义深远的社会实践。为了满足社会的需求,适应现代家庭小型化趋势,解决广大青年住宅愿望,提高青年住宅的功能与环境质  相似文献   

随着住房制度的改革,商品化住宅对福利型分配模式的公有住房产生了强烈的冲击。建造适应社会不同需要的商品化住宅,使之多样化、工业化、标准化已成为社会发展的必然趋势。目前,我国家庭户均人口已降到3.5人左右,家庭人口结构趋向小型化,商品住宅将以中套型为主。为此,我们经过多方案比较,设计了一个两室两厅的商品住宅方案(见图1),其特点如下:  相似文献   

论人口老龄化与建设人本住宅和亲情社区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1人口老龄化呼唤人本住宅和亲情社区 21世纪是全球老龄化的世纪,同时又是人类的长寿时代.在人口老龄化与家庭小型化、核心化过程中,一方面老年人的生活照料需求增多,另一方面家庭照料资源减少,如何解决这一对矛盾,已引起全社会的关注.  相似文献   

本文论述住宅室内设计是建筑设计的延续,其手段是装修、陈设、设备。随着经济体制的改革、住宅商品化、家庭小型化、以及住宅家具新技术、新设备、新材料的开发利用,产品的更新换代已是大势所趋。笔者主要选择了1988年“华东地区城镇住宅室内设计竞赛”获最高奖方案之一的户型平面中的起居室、主卧室、卧室、厨房、浴厕、阳台等的室内设计,供探讨、研究。  相似文献   

家政社会化是我国城市家庭生活变化的必然趋势,这一变化改变了城市家庭的生活方式,直接影响到城市住宅的设计与建设,以及未来住宅的发展。该文以家政社会化的发展趋势为出发点,着重从现代家政及其社会化对城市家庭生活的影响,研究由此引发的城市住宅的变化。并在此基础上研究住宅设计与建设的对策,为未来城市住宅设计、建设的可持续发展提供新的思路!  相似文献   

世纪之交的老龄居住问题   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
作者从面向21世纪的角度,对人口老龄化的发展趋势、抚养比的变化、家庭小型化、老龄化行为以及养老模式分别加以分析论述,并介绍了一些国内外可借鉴的实践和作者的建议。  相似文献   

目前我国住房的核心矛盾已经从供需不足转为供需不匹配,相应的制度亟待改革。本文参考经历过类似转变时期的日本,从完善法律体系、供给体系及规划实施体系三方面入手进行考察,探讨做什么、谁去做以及怎样做三个问题。首先,相对于管理,日本住房体制更关注保障居住权利,并通过法律法规明确各方责任,形成权力制约。其次,政府并不直接提供住房,而是鼓励多方合作,从刚性"管制"转为弹性"引导"。最后,通过完善的统计系统和监督体制、相对独立的住房规划体系、切实可行的居住质量和居住面积等指标体系来确保有效提供住房。日本所有的住房政策都明确地指向一个目标:解决不同人群的多元居住需求,并通过细致严谨的规划管理体系保障实施,这对于我国从居住需求角度出发改革住房制度具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

上海市住房保障体系建设概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李东 《时代建筑》2011,(4):16-19
目前,上海已基本构建起廉租住房、经济适用住房、公共租赁住房、动迁安置住房"四位一体"的住房保障体系。廉租住房、经济适用住房分别解决城镇户籍低收入和中低收入家庭的住房困难;公共租赁住房主要解决城镇户籍青年职工、来沪务工人员和引进人才等常住人口的阶段性居住困难;动迁安置住房主要解决城市改造区域动迁居民的住房改善问题。各项基本制度和配套政策已在推行实施,并将不断优化完善。"十二五"规划期间,上海居民的住房困难将得到明显改善。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, social housing accounts for 37 per cent of the total stock, and as much as 75 per cent of the total rented stock. For observers from outside the Netherlands this seems an anachronism. The dominant institution within the Dutch social rented sector is the housing association: a private organisation, functioning within the public framework of the Housing Act. This paper puts forward an explanation of why the Netherlands' social housing sector is so large. An overview is provided of the social housing institutions at sector level, their effectiveness is evaluated, and questions on the efficiency of the housing associations are posed. Several variants for the future status of housing associations are assessed and the political choice made in 2000 by the Netherlands government is elucidated. Finally, there is a discussion about the recent proposals encouraging housing associations to opt out of the public system and some recommendations are formulated for the Dutch social housing sector. It is possible that these could provide a source of inspiration for housing politicians elsewhere in Europe.  相似文献   


Four positions concerning theorising housing-related phenomena are discussed. (1) Theory of housing (v1): It is possible and desirable to construct a theory of housing to which all housing-related research topics can be related. (2) Theory about housing: It is not possible, nor desirable to try to construct a theory of housing; one should rather apply theoretical resources developed in established disciplines and research fields in theorising housing-related topics. (3) Theory from housing: It is possible and desirable to theorise housing by scrutinising the nature of housing as a special activity and experience. (4) Theory of housing (v2): It is possible and desirable to construct a theory about the invariable relationships between features of the housing system and features of society. Theory of housing (v1) is shown to be questionable basically due to the fact that housing is not a research topic but a common denominator of various topics. Theory about housing is acceptable with the qualification that housing research can feed back to more general theorising. Theory from housing offers a limited perspective on theorising but it can serve as a necessary check to other theorising. Problems with Theory of housing (v2) have to do with the balance between abstract generalisation and concrete empirical/historical analysis.  相似文献   


Through narrative interviews with younger adults and their parents, this paper explores how the housing transitions of younger adults, both within the rental sector and into homeownership, are shaped through intergenerational intra-family support in Germany’s society of renters. Our findings highlight the profound qualitative differences between regular transfers for establishing and retaining residential independence in the rental sector and inter vivos gifts for house purchase. Where the former support type is given and taken unconditionally, transfers for house purchase follow a different logic and carry different meanings. Being a necessary condition for property acquisition at young age, they have the power to completely rebalance family relations and undermine younger adults’ autonomy accordingly. In an aggregate perspective, our study further suggests increasing socio-spatial inequalities within the younger generation which run along both class and spatial origin, sharply dividing the housing market opportunities of ‘original Berliners’ and those who have moved to the city from more affluent regions in Germany.  相似文献   

This paper critically discusses the concept of intergenerational family support in housing for young people. Recognizing increased difficulties faced by the younger generation in the housing market, this paper highlights that support from older family members is increasingly important. Nonetheless, it is critiqued that the role of the family home has been largely ignored in the current ‘generation rent’ discourse. By drawing on recent youth studies debates, this paper argues living in the family home could be an important form of support in housing, especially for marginalized youth. This paper presents insights from qualitative studies in Hong Kong and Scotland and analyses interview accounts of socially disengaged young people. It reflects how remaining at the family home could be interpreted as intergenerational support, and further elicits complexities in expectations, negotiations and emotions involved. This analysis offers new evidence and a more nuanced perspective of intergenerational family support in housing research.  相似文献   

This paper takes stock of the housing and environment debate and argues that much of the optimism of the early 1990s has declined. Our own work is reviewed as an example of the limits of previous approaches to analysing contemporary housing and environmental issues. There appears to be a paradox in that housing organisations are now much more environmentally aware; many are developing green housing projects, and yet the development of theory has lagged behind. It is argued that the analysis of environmental issues in housing studies needs to be strongly linked to wider debates and cross-cutting themes such as social and economic sustainability, social integration and fair competition in the context of globalisation.  相似文献   

This contribution gives some reflections on the Netherlands' New Housing Memorandum 2000-2010, which was published on 15 May 2000. This Housing Memorandum urges the housing corporations (the social housing organisations which own 37 per cent of the housing stock) to sell 500 000 dwellings in 10 years. This seems to confirm Harloe's assertion that social housing in Europe is only a transitional tenure. Even in the Netherlands-champion of social rented housing within the European Union-the owner occupied sector would seem destined to marginalise the social rented sector in the long run. This paper argues that the housing corporations, being private, independent social entrepreneurs, will be only partially inclined to take the political message of the Housing Memorandum to heart. It is expected that the Dutch social rented sector will remain a differentiated sector and continue to blossom alongside home ownership. Harloe's theory will, in short, not be confirmed by the housing developments in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

通过不同类型住宅形式、特点、技术经济指标等分析,提高人们对住宅设计的认识,改变住宅设计观念,实现住宅设计多样性的目的。  相似文献   

鉴于欧洲钢结构住宅发展较早、产业化水平较高,本文重点介绍了芬兰和英国的轻钢住宅产业化特点。芬兰传统的住宅 类型为别墅住宅,本文从住宅体系、轻钢住宅的制作安装、住宅的节能及造价等几个方面分析了芬兰的产业化轻钢住宅 现状。与芬兰的产业化轻钢住宅相比,英国的轻钢住宅在体系及住宅的施工方面也有一些自己的特色,特别是模块化住 宅体系的应用。  相似文献   

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