This paper focuses on encoding polystyrene microbeads, 10-100 microm in diameter, with a luminescent spectral bar code composed of mixtures of quantum dots (QDs) emitting at different wavelengths (colors). The QDs are encapsulated in the bead interior during the bead synthesis using a suspension polymerization, and the bar code is constructed by varying both the number of colors included in the bead and, for each color, the number of QDs of that color. Confocal laser scanning microscopy images of the beads demonstrate that the multicolored QDs are pushed together into inclusions within the bead interior. The encoded bead emission spectrum indicates that the peak position of the included colors does not shift relative to the corresponding peaks of the spectra recorded for the nonaggregated QDs at identical loading concentrations. Due to the spatial proximity of the QDs in the inclusions, electronic energy transfer from the lower wavelength emitting QDs to the higher emitting QDs changes the relative intensities of the colors compared to the values in the nonaggregated spectra. We show that this energy transfer does not obscure the spectral uniqueness of the different codes. Ratiometric encoding, in which the bar code is read as relative color intensity, is shown to remove the dependence of the code on the bead size. 相似文献
Abstract We report preparation of highly photoluminescent CdSe@ZnS quantum dot-polystyrene composite beads, by employing stepwisely:
(1) a simultaneous ZnS shell formation and ligand exchange with 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxy silane (MPS); (2) coupling MPS
with polymerizable 3-(trimethoxysily)propylmethacrylate (MPM); and (3) polymerization of the resulting MPM–MPS capped CdSe@ZnS
quantum dots with styrene molecules. The functionalized quantum dots exhibited robust chemical stability against the harsh
radical polymerization condition and the resulting polymer microbeads were strong against photobleaching under an intense
and continuous laser.
The optical anisotropy of InAs quantum dots (QDs) synthesized in the regime of either continuous or submonolayer deposition on a singular GaAs(100) surface have been studied using polarized photoluminescence measurements. It is established that an isolated array of QDs formed in a continuous deposition regime possesses a weak (<1–2%) optical anisotropy, whereas the vertical matching (coupling) of such QDs via less than 15-nm-thick spacer layers leads to an 8% linear polarization of PL along the [0$
bar 1
bar 1
1] crystallographic direction. QDs formed in the regime of submonolayer deposition exhibit a strong (17–20%) anisotropy of emission from the ground and excited states of QDs in the same crystallographic direction. 相似文献
The green emission semiconductor CdSe quantum dots are successfully encapsulated with lecithoid molecules and transferred into aqueous solution. The liposome-encapsulated CdSe maintain similar emission spectrum properties to free CdSe quantum dots. Fluorescence thermal antiquenching is investigated for the liposome-encapsulated CdSe when the temperature is increased from 20 degrees C to 80 degrees C. The reason of the fluorescence enhancement with increasing the temperature is that the vesicle structure of liposome-encapsulated CdSe becomes the CdSe micell structure over the phase transition temperature of the liposome vesicles, and the corresponding structure variation inducing surface reconstruction of CdSe quantum dots. 相似文献
Room temperature photodetection with HgTe colloidal quantum films is reported between 2 and 5 μm for particles of sizes between ~5 and ~12 nm diameter, and photodetection extends to 7 μm at 80 K. The size-tuning of the absorption of HgTe colloidal quantum dots, their optical cross section and the infrared absorption depth of films are measured. The tuning with radius is empirically given by [see formula in text] where R is in nm. The optical cross section of the colloidal dots at 415 nm is approximately proportional to their volume and given by σ(Hg)(415) = 2.6 ± 0.4 10(-17) cm(2)/mercury atom. The size-dependent optical cross section at the band edge ~1.5 10(-15) cm(2) is consistent with the expected oscillator strength of the quantum dots. The absorption depth of HgTe colloidal dot films is short, about 1-2 μm, which is an advantage for thin film devices. These properties agree rather well with the expectation from the k · p model. HgTe colloidal quantum dot thin films show a strong tuning with temperature with a large positive thermal shift between 0.4 and 0.2 meV K(-1), decreasing with decreasing size within the size range studied and this is attributed primarily to electron-phonon effects. 相似文献
Nanotechnologies known as a developing applied science have significant global socioeconomic values and many advantages obtained from nanoscale materials. Its applications can have significant effects on the performance of organizations. The advance of two-dimensional (2D) MXene-derived QDs (MQDs) is currently in the initial stages. Scholars have shown distinguished optical, electronic, thermal and mechanical attributes by surface chemistry and versatile transition metal. In this field of study, many applications are introduced like energy electromagnetic interference shielding, storage, sensors, transparent electrodes, photothermal therapy, catalysis and so on. The vast range of optical absorption attributes of MQDs along with high electronic conductivity has been detected to be key attributes because of their achievement in the mentioned usages. Currently, relatively little materials are highly known because of their basic electronic and optical properties, which can limit their full potentials. From a theoretical and experimental point of view, in this work, electronic and optical properties of MQDs along with applications corresponding to those properties were evaluated.
碳量子点(CQDs,C-dots or CDs)是一种新型的碳纳米材料,尺寸在10nm以下,具有良好的水溶性、化学惰性、低毒性、易于功能化和抗光漂白性、光稳定性等优异性能,是碳纳米家族中的一颗闪亮的明星。自从2006年[1]报道了碳量子点(CQDs)明亮多彩的发光现象后,世界各地的研究小组开始对CQDs进行了深入的研究。最近几年的研究报道了各种方法制备的CQDs在生物医学、光催化、光电子、传感等领域中都有重要的应用价值。这篇综述主要总结了关于CQDs的最近的发展,介绍了CQDs的合成方法、表面修饰、掺杂、发光机理、光电性质以及在生物医学、光催化、光电子、传感等领域的应用。 相似文献
Currently, environmental pollution caused by organic compounds leads to severe negative consequences in the human society. Therefore, the removal of these pollutants from aqueous media has become one of the most important issues in environmental science. In the present study, CdS QDs were successfully prepared under aqueous conditions using l-arginine as the stabilizing agent. Optical property determination results reveal that the CdS QDs exhibited strong absorption and photoluminescence in a visible wavelength region. Moreover, the CdS QDs could effectively degrade two organic dyes under visible light irradiation. This suggested that the CdS QDs prepared in this work might be used as the potential photocatalyst to effectively treat the organic pollutants under visible light irradiation. 相似文献
Depending on the minimum size of their micro/nanostructure, thin films can exhibit very different behaviors and optical properties. From optical waveguides down to artificial anisotropy, through diffractive optics and photonic crystals, the application changes when decreasing the minimum feature size. Rigorous electromagnetic theory can be used to model most of the components, but, when the size is a few nanometers, quantum theory also has to be used. The materials, including quantum structures, are of particular interest for many applications, in particular for solar cells because of their luminescent and electronic properties. We show that the properties of electrons in periodic and nonperiodic multiple quantum well structures can be easily modeled with a formalism similar to that used for multilayer waveguides. The effects of different parameters, in particular the coupling between wells and well thickness dispersion, on possible discrete energy levels or the energy band of electrons and on electron wave functions are given. When such quantum confinement appears, the spectral absorption and extinction coefficient dispersion with wavelength are modified. The dispersion of the real part of the refractive index can be deduced from the Kramers-Kronig relations. Associated with homogenization theory, this approach gives a new model of the refractive index for thin films including quantum dots. The bandgap of ZnO quantum dots in solution obtained from the absorption spectrum is in good agreement with our calculation. 相似文献
Recent years have witnessed tremendous research in quantum dots as excellent models of quantum physics at the nanoscale and as excellent candidates for various applications based on their optoelectronic properties. This review intends to present theoretical and experimental investigations of the near-field optical properties of these structures, and their multimodal applications such as biosensors, biological labels, optical fibers, switches and sensors, visual displays, photovoltaic devices and related patents. 相似文献
A study of the influence of the local environment on the light-induced luminescence enhancement of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QD) embedded in silica colloids that are dispersed in various solvents is presented. The photoluminescence of the embedded QD is enhanced up to a factor of ten upon photoactivation by ultraviolet or visible light. This enhancement is strongly dependent on the local environment. The thickness-dependent permeability of the silica shell covering the QD controls the influence of the solvent on the QD. If foreign ions are present the activation state is stabilized after termination of the activation, whereas in their absence the process is partially reversible. A new qualitative model for the photoactivation of QD in various environments is developed. It comprises light-induced passivation and subsequent oxidation processes. The embedded QD also retain their fluorescence quantum yield inside living cells. Moreover, they can be activated for many hours in living cells by laser radiation in the visible regime. 相似文献
Mesoporous beads are promising materials for embedding functional nanoparticles because of their nanometer-sized pores and large surface areas. Here we report the development of silica microbeads embedded with both semiconductor quantum dots (QD) and iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanocrystals as a new class of dual-function carriers for optical encoding and magnetic separation. The embedding (doping) process is carried out by either simultaneous or sequential addition of quantum dots and iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanocrystals in solution. The doping process is fast and quantitative, but the incorporated iron oxide strongly attenuates the signal intensity of QD fluorescence. We find that this attenuation is not due to conventional fluorescence quenching but is caused by the broad optical absorption spectrum of mixed-valence Fe3O4. For improved biocompatibility and reduced nonspecific binding, the encoded beads are further coated with amphiphilic polymers such as octylamine poly(acrylic acid). The results indicate that the polymer-coated beads are well suited for target capturing and enrichment, yielding magnetic separation efficiencies higher than 99%. By combining the multiplexing capability of QDs with the superparamagnetic properties of iron oxide nanocrystals, this class of encoded beads is expected to find broad applications in high-throughput and multiplexed biomolecular assays. 相似文献
CdSeS/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) were synthesized through the chemical route. The optical limiting behavior of these QDs was observed. The quantum dots’ nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction were investigated by the Z-scan technique using a Nd:YAG laser second-harmonic radiation (λ = 532 nm, t = 35 ps). Based on the absorption and fluorescence spectra, it is reasonable for us to infer that the nonlinear absorption arises from free carrier absorption (FCA). These QDs have average absorption cross-section of 1.26 × 10?16cm2 and nonlinear refractive index in the order of 10?8esu. The large nonlinear absorption perhaps allows them to be candidate material for the optical limiting devices. 相似文献
Quantum dots (QDs) are considered a possible solution to overcome the Shockley–Queisser efficiency limit of 31% for single junction solar cells by efficiently absorbing above band gap energy photons through Multiple Exciton Generation (MEG) or sub band gap energy photons using an Intermediate Band Solar Cell structure (IBSC). For the latter absorption process, we consider tin sulphide (SnS) as a promising candidate, having several advantages compared to the other nanoparticles studied extensively so far, such as CdS, CdSe, PbS, and PbSe; namely it is non-toxic and environmentally benign and thus will be most suitable in consumer products such as solar panels.In this work we propose a new colloidal synthesis method for SnS QDs. We have obtained mono-dispersive SnS and SnS/In2S3 core–shell nanoparticles with a size of ~4 nm. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) elemental analysis revealed that the particles are indeed SnS and not SnS2. Furthermore, the conductive nature of the nanoparticles has been inferred by conductivity mapping using a relatively new contactless technique, Torsional Resonance Tunneling AFM (TR-TUNA). These results confirm that the SnS QDs possess all the requirements to be applied as photoactive layers in photovoltaic devices. 相似文献
We report in this paper our studies on the photoconductivity and photovoltaic effects of colloidal PbSe nanocrystal quantum dots (NQDs) which were embedded in conductive polymer matrices to form hybrid polymer/NQD infrared photodiodes. The generation of photocarriers in PbSe NQDs and their transport in NQD-polymer composites were described by a simplified band diagram picture of the device. Both photocurrent and photovoltage outputs were measured from the NQD-incorporated photodiode upon the illumination of near-infrared (NIR) light, whereas the net polymer-based devices do not exhibit any photoresponsivity. The intensity dependence of the photocurrent indicates the pseudomonomolecular recombination kinetics in the NQD-polymer composite. The measured photocurrent spectrum is consistent with the absorption characteristic of PbSe NQDs. Further enhancement of the photodiode efficiency can be achieved by engineering the nanocrystal surface to reduce the potential barriers due to the ligant capping molecules. 相似文献
AbstractPhotovoltaic energy conversion is one of the best alternatives to fossil fuel combustion. Petroleum resources are now close to depletion and their combustion is known to be responsible for the release of a considerable amount of greenhouse gases and carcinogenic airborne particles. Novel third-generation solar cells include a vast range of device designs and materials aiming to overcome the factors limiting the current technologies. Among them, quantum dot-based devices showed promising potential both as sensitizers and as colloidal nanoparticle films. A good example is the p-type PbS colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) forming a heterojunction with a n-type wide-band-gap semiconductor such as TiO2 or ZnO. The confinement in these nanostructures is also expected to result in marginal mechanisms, such as the collection of hot carriers and generation of multiple excitons, which would increase the theoretical conversion efficiency limit. Ultimately, this technology could also lead to the assembly of a tandem-type cell with CQD films absorbing in different regions of the solar spectrum. 相似文献