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Institutional authority is a factor that impacts adoption of IT. Institutional theory incorporates three different but complimentary perspectives and we used these to develop a layered analysis of IT adoption in organizations. We used a case study of State Government agencies in Australia to show how layers of authority influenced the adoption or rejection of technology and that such forces varied in their influence over time. Based on this, we proposed the notion of patterns of conformity and non-conformity which recognise the changes in levels of compliance over time as organizational forces arise. In particular, the alignment of layers of authority acts to ensure conformity with or rejection of IT adoption decisions.  相似文献   

Sociology and modernist theories have long emphasized the central role of lifestyle in processes of self-identity and attitude formation. Furthermore, lifestyle has been used to great effect in marketing and health research to predict attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors, but has largely been ignored in the IS field. In this study, we demonstrate the potential usefulness of incorporating lifestyle into IS research by using lifestyle cluster segmentation in the context of technology adoption. Based on a U.S. national random sample of 402 non-cloud service users, we propose, analyze, and validate a multi-faceted model of cloud technology adoption that integrates technology attributes—the dominant predictors in IS adoption and acceptance models—with a range of demographic, domestic, leisurely and professional variables for providing a holistic theoretical understanding of and practical insights into the technology adoption process.  相似文献   

We analysed the role of industry in determining the diffusion and business value created by IT. Data was collected for this purpose by surveying 192 large enterprises in Italy. Our research revealed three findings. First, in the material services and non-hi-tech manufacturing industries, firms had a relatively limited adoption of IT, resulting in little business impact. Second, firms’ IT spending behaviour depended on their industry type and not on their IT capabilities. However their capabilities were more important than industry in explaining why firms achieved benefits from IT adoption that depended on the previous accumulation of IT resources and other capabilities. Third, industry type determined the degree to which IT affected profitability and its effectiveness in helping firms to defend their competitive advantage. Specifically, the slower the adoption of IT in an industry, the greater its impact on the firm's profitability.The implications of these findings for managers and policy-makers are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports on an action research project to investigate the barriers to adoption and assimilation of electronic health records (EHRs) in small physician practices. The project draws on theories of technology-use mediation and communities of practice to develop interventions to promote adoption and integration of EHRs into chronic care management processes in these practice settings. The field results suggest that developing community-based knowledge and resources to assist physician organizations one-on-one may be essential for their effective utilization of EHRs.  相似文献   

Person–organization fit (P–O fit) research and practice have been hindered on account of the difficulty of operationalizing the richness, complexity and subjectivity of the P–O fit phenomenon. P–O fit for technology professionals is further complicated by the rapidly changing demands the IT profession places on its constituents to continually engage in training and development. A human capital perspective is adopted as a lens through which to view the IT professional's P–O fit, and Social Cognitive Theory is proposed as a framework within which to incorporate the principles of Concourse Theory, which is the guiding philosophy of Q‐Methodology and Q‐sorts. The Q‐methodology was used as a means to operationalize the IT professional's P–O fit with respect to IT training and development. Analysis revealed five distinct P–O fit types of perspectives that explained 35% of the population variance. Post‐hoc analysis of the five types revealed that they are interpretable through the lens of the human capital perspective. The results show promise for continued research on the subject, as well as implications for both researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impacts of essential elements of management on IT application maturity (ITAM). A game theoretical model is established to show that a firm's IT application maturity should match with its essential elements of management. In order to further validate the analytical result, a data set with 137 firms was collected via a survey instrument. Using reliability and factor analysis on the dataset, a four-dimension measurement construct of IT application maturity is proposed together with a three-dimension measurement construct of essential elements of management. Empirical analysis is then conducted to address research questions on the impacts of essential elements of management on IT application maturity. It is found that while a firm's strategic cooperation capability has no significant effect on IT application maturity, its internal coordination capability positively influences all four dimensions of IT application maturity. For the firm's execution capability, although it shows no significant effect on the overall IT application maturity, it does positively affect the technology and man-machine synergy dimensions of IT application maturity. The findings of this study offer practical guidance for organizations to better align their IT application maturity with essential elements of management.  相似文献   

Abstract. The objectives of the research were to identify factors enabling or inhibiting the adoption and use of information systems and technology (IS/IT) in Portuguese manufacturing small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) and understand how these factors interrelate in determining relative success in the adoption and use of IS/IT. This research elicited factors from previous quantitative and qualitative research, which had been shown to influence IS/IT adoption in SMEs in other contexts. A strategic change framework was used to structure the factors and ensure that comprehensive evidence about their nature and effects could be obtained in the empirical research. Further factors were identified by initial fieldwork, before carrying out 12 in‐depth case studies, across a range of situations – different industries, different levels of adoption and a range of degrees of success in IS/IT use. The pattern that emerged from the analysis of the data shows that certain factor combinations and relationships appear to determine the relative degrees of IS/IT success across the firms. This pattern can also be explained by interpreting the roles and relationships of the key actors involved in the process of IS/IT adoption and use. Top management perspectives and attitudes towards IS/IT adoption and use play an important role in the development of internal IS/IT competencies and provide an important contribution to the development of a context that enables IS/IT success.  相似文献   

A case study was performed examining the electronic data interchange (EDI) implementation projects of four divisions of an aerospace company. By interviewing both partners in the relationship, a business-to-business (B2B) electronic commerce (e-commerce) implementation framework was developed. The framework provides guidelines for the type of e-business partnership to be pursued based on the volume of transactions (low vs. high) and complexity of transactions (simple vs. complex). Machine-to-machine B2B solutions should be pursued when the there is a high transaction volume of simple transactions. In other situations, potential B2B solutions include: e-business pull, partner access-extranet/push, or manual e-transmission.  相似文献   


A case study was performed examining the electronic data interchange (EDI) implementation projects of four divisions of an aerospace company. By interviewing both partners in the relationship, a business-to-business (B2B) electronic commerce (e-commerce) implementation framework was developed. The framework provides guidelines for the type of e-business partnership to be pursued based on the volume of transactions (low vs. high) and complexity of transactions (simple vs. complex). Machine-to-machine B2B solutions should be pursued when the there is a high transaction volume of simple transactions. In other situations, potential B2B solutions include: e-business pull, partner access-extranet/push, or manual e-transmission.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine determinants of e-commerce adoption among Malaysian small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This study tested eight hypotheses on determinants affecting e-commerce adoption with empirical data from several survey instruments: an online questionnaire-based survey, mailed survey and questionnaire collected in-person from a sample of 307 SMEs in Malaysia. The findings show that e-commerce adoption within Malaysian SMEs is affected by perceived relative advantage, perceived compatibility, managers/owner's knowledge and expertise, management characteristics and external change agents. This study contributes to enhancing the understanding of the determinants of adopting e-commerce in SMEs and provides some interesting perspective from Malaysia. Those parties interested in promoting their business online may find these results helpful in guiding their efforts.  相似文献   

Past research focusing on large firms has argued that information technology (IT) capability enhances firm performance. However, these studies have seldom explored why firms develop IT capability, and have also left a void the understanding of the role of IT capability in Small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). This study attempts to fill that void by examining the effect of relevant environmental and firm‐level factors on IT capability, and the effect of IT capability on the export performance of Chinese and US born‐global firms, a special breed of export‐focused SMEs. Results indicate that environmental factors such as information intensity, and firm‐level factors such as international entrepreneurial orientation, prompt born‐global firms to develop IT capability. Further, our results also strongly emphasise the positive role that IT capability plays on the performance of born‐global firms. Finally, a comparative analysis of the Chinese and US born‐global firms revealed a lack of a cross‐cultural difference in the factors leading these firms to develop IT capability, therefore supporting the ‘convergence’ perspective in cross‐cultural research.  相似文献   

The information technology artifact (ITA) has been suggested as the core of information systems (IS) research, and the research community has been encouraged to deeply engage with the ITA. Various studies highlight, however, that the ITA continues to receive only limited attention and thus, little foundation exists for IS researchers to delineate and theorize about the ITAs studied. In this paper, we develop a framework that can be utilized as a language for articulating and theorizing the ITA in IS research. Our framework builds on the multi‐faceted theoretical paradigm of systems thinking from which we derive several concepts and appropriate them to the context at hand, resulting in a seven‐dimensional framework of characteristics for ITAs. In a literature survey of research on enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning systems in top IS journals, we show how ITA characteristics are currently included to present details of the relevant ITA instance and identify theoretical relationships between ITA characteristics and outcomes. We conclude the study by demonstrating the use of the ITA framework for delineating and theorizing the ITA in IS research.  相似文献   

Enterprises often assign little strategic value to IT and resist additional investment. CIOs find that profitable IT deployment is blocked. The business/IT misalignment may stem from the lack of IT use maturity within the enterprise. In this article, the authors concentrate on what has to be done on the enterprise side to enable this maturation with an approach that isolates and describes useful factors that enable a business to become more mature with respect to IT.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the use of emerging Internet technologies to support indirect (non‐production oriented) procurement processes. We provide an overview of objectives and available technologies and outline some of the critical success factors and key decision points. Two case studies from the Petroleum Industry help demonstrate the concepts. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An increasing proportion of information technology (IT)/information system adoption research collects data using online surveys. However, a paucity of research assesses the equivalence of paper-based versus Internet-based surveys in collectivistic cultures. Furthermore, no theoretical or empirical research investigates how cultural differences between collectivistic and individualistic cultures influence the measurement equivalence (ME) of these survey modes. To explore these issues, online and paper-based surveys with comparable samples were carried out in both an individualistic (the USA) and a collectivistic culture (China). Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to examine the ME across both survey modes in these different cultures. Results indicate that the relatively larger satisficing discrepancy between paper and online surveys causes respondents in collectivistic cultures to have an increased likelihood of providing responses that vary as compared to respondents in individualistic cultures. The disparate responses, in turn, result in increased measurement variance between the two survey modes. The findings of this study bridge a gap in the literature and address the question of how culture influences online satisficing behaviour and how that behaviour causes measurement invariance across survey modes. This study also explains the possible underlying mechanisms by which different national cultures exert their influence on survey results. The findings provide important implications for IT researchers, especially those in collectivistic cultures or those who need to collect data in collectivistic cultures using online surveys or mixed-mode surveys that include an online survey mode.  相似文献   

IT providers have heralded software-as-a-service (SaaS) as an excellent complement to on-premises software addressing the shortcomings of previous on-demand software solutions such as application service provision (ASP). However, although some practitioners and academics emphasize the opportunities that SaaS offers companies, others already predict its decline due to the considerable risk involved in its deployment. Ours is the first study to analyze the opportunities and risks associated with adopting SaaS as perceived by IT executives at adopter and non-adopter firms. We first developed a research model grounded in an opportunity-risk framework, which is theoretically embedded in the theory of reasoned action. Subsequently, we analyzed the data collected through a survey of 349 IT executives at German companies. Our findings suggest that in respect to both SaaS adopters and non-adopters, security threats are the dominant factor influencing IT executives' overall risk perceptions. On the other hand, cost advantages are the strongest driver affecting IT executives' perceptions of SaaS opportunities. Furthermore, we find significant differences between adopters' and non-adopters' perceptions of specific SaaS risks and opportunities, such as performance and economic risks as well as quality improvements, and access to specialized resources. Our study provides relevant findings to improve companies' assessment of SaaS offerings. It also offers SaaS providers insights into the factors that should be prioritized or avoided when offering SaaS services to companies at different stages of their technology adoption lifecycle.  相似文献   

The case study in this research involves a nongovernmental organization (NGO) in Jordan in the Middle East, which attempted to utilize electronic commerce (EC) to streamline its business processes and information flow to businesses in Jordan and to other international businesses interested in the Jordanian market. The NGO managed to achieve these tasks expeditiously, and its EC initiative assisted in adding an effective digital parallel to existing systems and processes in this NGO. The NGO is directly involved in the e-government initiative empowered by H.M. King Abdullah II. At this end, with this royal support, the NGO successfully adopted EC. During the adoption and implementation process, the organization encountered numerous difficulties, as detailed in this research. However, the full success of EC was hampered by other factors. Initially, other governmental entities related indirectly to this NGO were not EC-ready. Second, although Web site utilization was growing in this NGO, most member merchants were reluctant to switch to the online arena and to abandon traditional practices in obtaining information and resources from this NGO. However, the NGO is aware of these concerns and envisages resolving such hurdles in its medium- to long-term projections. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), a model of the user acceptance of IT, synthesizes elements from several prevailing user acceptance models. It has been credited with explaining a larger proportion of the variance of ‘intention to use’ and ‘usage behavior’ than do preceding models. However, it has not been validated in non-Western cultures. Using a survey sample collected from 722 knowledge workers using desktop computer applications on a voluntary basis in Saudi Arabia, we examined the relative power of a modified version of UTAUT in determining ‘intention to use’ and ‘usage behavior’. We found that the model explained 39.1% of intention to use variance, and 42.1% of usage variance. In addition, drawing on the theory of cultural dimensions, we hypothesized and tested the similarities and differences between the North American and Saudi validations of UTAUT in terms of cultural differences that affected the organizational acceptance of IT in the two societies.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Export-focused small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China face a number of barriers to success, two primary ones being the liability of foreignness and resource scarcity. In order to transcend these challenges and be able to survive/prosper in the hypercompetitive international market, where players include large resourceful multinational organizations with experience in varied national contexts, these firms need to develop different organizational capabilities. In this paper, we specifically examine the role of a key organizational capability – information technology (IT) capability – and its different dimensions, in determining performance of export-focused SMEs in China. Our study reveals that IT capability has a positive impact on such firms' performance. This finding indicates the need for their owners/managers to invest in IT capability. Further, the study also highlights specific sub-dimensions of IT capability that export-focused Chinese SMEs should (or should not) develop, so as to derive maximum performance-related gains for the minimum amount spent on IT.  相似文献   

The drive for information technology‐led organizational and operational change in public administration has lagged behind that in the private sector. For good reasons, central public administrations are conservative by nature. Most public administrations are bureaucracies and bureaucracies tend to resist change. Nevertheless the pressure to obtain better value from public administration information technology investments is growing and the debate as to how to achieve this is increasingly important. Part of this debate is concerned with how best to confront the formidable and specific challenges faced by the sector. These include cultural, structural, resource and technical problems as well as a legacy of isolated developments which do not interrelate. The difficulties are compounded by the problems of evaluation generally in public administration – problems which are reflected in the evaluation of public sector information systems. This drive for change is reviewed and discussed in the context of the Irish civil service, in which there is a growing awareness of the strategic importance of breaking down specialized vertical systems and providing an integrated service to the citizen. A new approach to the problem, based on adapting the concept of business objects, is suggested.  相似文献   

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