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针对智能科学与技术专业存在综合性和创新性实践教学环节相对薄弱的问题,在分析智能科学与技术专业特点的基础上,提出以"智能康复装置与检测技术"教育部工程研究中心为平台,以各种竞赛为契机,建立以培养人才工程能力和创新能力为主线的实践教学体系的观点。  相似文献   

软件工程是一个实践性极强的学科,尽管国内高校通过校企联合等方式针对软件工程实践教学取得了不少进展,但依然和工业界需要有一定差距,尤其是如何提高校内课程实践教学水平需要关注。本文首先阐述了软件工程教育与工程实践之间存在的鸿沟,然后探讨了如何将国际工程教育领域多年来行之有效的学习工厂、基于问题的学习等方法与软件工程实践教学相结合,希望为提高软件工程校内实践性教学环节的效果提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在组网工程课程教学过程中,出现专业人才培养目标定位太低,教学内容与社会需要相脱节,理论和实践教学分离等突出问题,该文针对应用型本科院校组网工程课程的教学改革提出基本思路,教学计划的修订、课程内容的增删、实践环节教学改革以及师资队伍建设等具体措施,大大提高了学生工程实践能力和创新素质。  相似文献   

人才培养模式是教育质量的首要问题,为提高教育质量,培养符合社会需要的工程应用型人才,需要对培养模式进行改革。结合我校对软件工程专业进行改革与实践的情况,从教育思想观念、人才培养目标、专业课程体系、实践教学体系、校企合作教育模式、工程教育师资队伍、实践教学平台、教学质量评价体系等方面对专业人才培养模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文章以《机械设计基础》课程中“轮系”教学为例,探讨了采用参与互动式教学培养学生探索新问题和解决问题的思想方法和能力。认为学生在具备一定感性认识的基础上,结合工程实际,不但能够学到理论知识,而且可以学会理论与实践结合的思维,进而培养学生理论来源于实践又服务于实践的思想。将理论教学与工程实践融为一体。  相似文献   

物联网工程专业是国家新批准设立的专业,物联网专业课程教学尤其是实践教学尚处于摸索阶段。在分析当前物联网发展的基础上,探讨了物联网专业培养目标与定位、实践环节的内容设置与教学方法,指出物联网实践环节课程建设需要贴近产业实际,切实提高学生实践能力。  相似文献   

将CDIO工程教育模式,应用于我校电子信息类专业的C语言实验教学中。通过“多层次、全过程”的教学设计,将课程教学与对学生工程实践能力的培养相结合。对问卷调查结果的数据分析表明,这种教学设计更有助于学生主动学习能力、团队协作能力和创新实践能力的培养。  相似文献   

根据《网络综合布线技术与工程》课程的实践教学特点,按照工程和企业的实际需要,将理论教学与实践教学有机地整合在一起。阐述了在当今企业对网络综合布线人才的招聘要求越来越高的情况下,提出了该课程的实践教学实施思路,通过参观、方案设计、实验操作、模拟楼实际操作、校企合作等多种手段,对提高该课程教学质量,培养高素质和高质量的人才,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

本文针对大学概率论与数理统计课程内容抽象、不易理解的问题,以最常用的正态分布为例设计了实验装置。经过大批实验者的实践,说明本实验装置简单易操作,结果具有有效性,具有一定的教学价值。  相似文献   

针对软件需求工程课程教学模式需要不断适应未来新技术、新革命、新经济快速变革的问题,分析软件需求工程与思政教学元素融合方法,提出一种在课程思政框架下融合新工科的软件需求工程教学模式,介绍具体教学实践,给出教学过程评估方案,探讨如何利用大数据技术将传统的主观教学评估与客观教学评估相结合,以有效提升软件需求工程教学模式面向未来的适应性。  相似文献   

遗传规划算法在化合物设计、筛选研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用计算机科学中新兴的遗传规划算法思想,结合化学物质的本质特点,运用进化操作来实现化合物的合成设计和筛选。文中针对算法运用讨论了函数集、终止集问题,通过计算元素组成的字符串的化合价的结果来确定适应度函数,既符合化学学科的本质规律,又满足了算法的要求。通过复制、交换和突变操作,经过多代次的进化终止,取得了满意的结果。文章还针对其实用性,从化学本质出发,提出了建议和研究方向。可以说本文是遗传规划在化学化合物合成筛选中运用的成功探索,同时也为进一步研究打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Abstract This study aimed to examine gender and status effects in the kind of e-mails used to manage course administrative issues in an educational setting. Students were asked to respond to an e-mail presented as being from a member of staff, informing them of failure to submit coursework and asking for an explanation to be provided. The sex and status of the sender were varied. The data showed both gender and status effects. The men more frequently adopted an assertive stance, while the women more frequently referred to work-related issues in a conciliatory way. A number of features of the e-mails varied according to the sex of the participant, and the status and sex of the sender. There was evidence of a greater influence of status in features of the replies from the men, although the effect of this varied according to the sex of the sender. In addition, accommodation to the gender-stereotypes of the senders was evident in features of the data from both men and women.  相似文献   

This research compared grasps to real surfaces with grasps to virtual surfaces, and used virtual surfaces to examine the role of cues to surface shape in grasp. The first experiment investigated the kinematics of overhand grasps to real and virtual objects. The results showed that, compared with grasps to real surfaces, grasps to virtual objects were different in the deceleration phase of the grasp movement and were more variable in their endpoint position. The second experiment used several measures to examine the relationship between the visual perception of a surface and the decision to grasp the surface with either an over-or underhand grasp. It was found that visual perception of the surface was consistent with the grasping decision. The third experiment used virtual surfaces to examine how the removal of visual cues to shape affected the decision to switch from over- to underhand grasp. Results showed that the orientation at which the decision switched was dependent on the visual information content. Overall, the results showed that subtle differences existed between the reach to grasp movements towards real and virtual surfaces and that the decision to choose between grasp types was dependent on the visual information used to depict the virtual surface. These results are discussed in relation to the design and use of input devices to enable manipulation of three-dimensional objects in virtual worlds.  相似文献   

The present paper introduces and reviews existing technology and research works in the field of e-Procurement. More specifically this survey aims to collect those relevant approaches that have tackled the challenge of delivering more advanced and intelligent e-Procurement management systems due to its relevance in the industry to afford more timely, adaptable and flexible decisions in purchasing processes. Although existing tools and techniques have demonstrated their ability to manage e-Procurement processes as a part of a supply management system there is a lack of interoperability among tools, tangled dependencies between processes or difficulties to exploit existing data and information to name a few that are preventing a proper use of the new dynamic and data-based environment. On the other hand semantic-based technologies emerge to provide the adequate building blocks to represent domain-knowledge and elevate the meaning of information resources through a common and shared data model (RDF) with a formal query language (SPARQL) and accessible via the Internet Protocols. In this sense the Linked Data effort has gained momentum to apply the principles of the aforementioned initiative to boost the re-use of information and data across different tools and processes. That is why authors review both existing open issues in the context e-Procurement with special focus on public procurement and semantic-based approaches to address them. To do so a preliminary research study is conducted to assess the state of the art in the context of e-Procurement and semantic-based systems. Afterwards main drawbacks of existing e-Procurement systems are presented to narrow down in semantic-based approaches applied to this field. Once the current status in both areas is reviewed, authors purpose the use and creation of an e-Procurement index to evaluate the quality of service of procurement systems. In this light the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to set up an initial weight for each indicator in the index and to perform a first comparison between traditional and semantic-based approaches. Finally some discussion, conclusions and future challenges are also outlined.  相似文献   

The alignment of information systems with the business goals of an organisation, although a topic of great importance, is not always properly valued or taken into consideration. In general, managers have different opinions to chief information officers (CIOs) in relation to IS, especially with regard to their importance and value to the business and also in terms of investment needs. Here, we discuss and study new approaches to methods and tools for assessing the relative importance of each information system to business, focusing on the financial sector including banks and insurance companies. We suggest the introduction of new key indicators for better decision support and to identify investment priorities, and present results regarding the relative importance of each process to support the business strategy. The primary goal for the inherent research project is to analyse the main problems and difficulties encountered by IS and IT managers, featuring different players and how they relate. The main contributions of this work are the CRUDi framework as a tool to improve alignment between business and IS strategies and the CRUDi survey and its results qualifying the financial sector's opinion regarding the relative importance of processes and investments.  相似文献   

Security warning is a form of computer dialog communication used to inform the users on the risks of allowing random applications to run on a computer system. Accordingly, it is specifically designed to impersonate a legitimate security alerting function (e.g., notify, warn, and advice) to a user about the consequence effect of an action. However, most of the computer users tend to ignore those security warnings conveying the same message over and over again. This eventually leads to habituation. Considering the fact that there is a significant lack of focus paid to address this issue, the main objective of this article is to describe and summarize the related studies on users’ habituation to the security warnings. This article presents a systematic literature review to explore the current key issues, challenges, and the possible solutions related to habituation effects in security warnings. It is expected that this article could contribute to a more complete understanding of the habituation effects in security warnings and eventually bring benefits to the research communities or general publics.  相似文献   

The aim of the research described in this paper is to gain a qualitative understanding of how cohesiveness relates to personality type, performance and adherence to a particular software engineering methodology (XP). A variety of research methods were employed including ethnographic methods, questionnaires and interviews. An online personality test based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was used to ascertain the personality types, and questionnaires were used throughout the project to measure levels of cohesiveness. Examples of how the teams worked together throughout the project are described, and whether and how this relates to the personality types of the individual members. The results indicate that certain teams were found to work consistently well over the project due to homogeneity in personality type and others were found to be very cohesive due to a mixture of types.  相似文献   

Reverse logistics practices are gaining attention due to industrial ecology, enforced legislation and corporate citizenship but presence of barriers make reverse logistics (RL) implementation difficult and hence reduce the success rate. To increase RL adoption, robust and flexible strategies are required to overcome its barriers. This study focuses on identification and ranking the solutions of reverse logistics adoption in electronics industry to overcome its barriers. It aids firms to ponder on high rank solutions and develop strategies to implement them on priority. This paper proposes a methodology based on fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) to identify and rank the solutions of RL adoption to overcome its barriers. Fuzzy AHP is applied to get weights of the barriers as criteria by pairwise comparison and final ranking of the solutions of RL adoption is obtained through fuzzy TOPSIS. The empirical case of Indian electronics industry is shown to illustrate the use of the proposed method. This proposed method offers a more precise, efficient and effective decision support tool for stepwise implementation of the solutions due to consideration of fuzzy environment. Finally sensitivity analysis is performed to illustrate the robustness of the method.  相似文献   

Improving the network interface performance is needed by the demand of applications with high communication requirements (for example, some multimedia, real-time, and high-performance computing applications), and the availability of network links providing multiple gigabits per second bandwidths that could require many processor cycles for communication tasks. Multicore architectures, the current trend in the microprocessor development to cope with the difficulties to further increase clock frequencies and microarchitecture efficiencies, provide new opportunities to exploit the parallelism available in the nodes for designing efficient communication architectures. Nevertheless, although present OS network stacks include multiple threads that make it possible to execute network tasks concurrently in the kernel, the implementations of packet-based or connection-based parallelism are not trivial as they have to take into account issues related with the cost of synchronization in the access to shared resources and the efficient use of caches. Therefore, a common trend in many recent researches on this topic is to assign network interrupts and the corresponding protocol and network application processing to the same core, as with this affinity scheduling it would be possible to reduce the contention for shared resources and the cache misses. In this paper we propose and analyze several configurations to distribute the network interface among the different cores available in the server. These alternatives have been devised according to the affinity of the corresponding communication tasks with the location (proximity to the memories where the different data structures are stored) and characteristics of the processing core. As this approach uses several cores to accelerate the communication path of a given connection, it can be seen as complementary to those that consider several cores to simultaneously process packets belonging to either the same or different connections. Message passing interface (MPI) workloads and dynamic web servers have been considered as applications to evaluate and compare the communication performance of these alternatives. In our experiments, performed by full-system simulation, improvements of up to 35% in the throughput and up to 23% in the latency have been observed in MPI workloads, and up to 100% in the throughput, up to 500% in the response time, and up to 82% in the requests attended per second have been measured in dynamic web servers.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展,企业的信息化程度越来越高。企业对其内部的各种数据进行统计进而进行数据的分析活动也日趋频繁,因此使得用户对数据统计的要求具有不定性和多变性的特点。同时,由于企业自身的行业特点,又要求动态统计软件对于经常需要统计的内容具有学习能力,从而才能满足用户既灵活多变,又具有一些相对固定的统计要求。文中主要针对此类企业用户对动态统计灵活多变的要求,通过对进行统计的内容按其功能进行SQL语句的分类、定义,设计并实现了一种动态统计软件。通过对此软件的测试及用户使用,能够满足企业相对灵活多变的动态统计需求。  相似文献   

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