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BACKGROUND: It is common that patients with head and neck cancers have secondary malignant neoplasm of esophageal cancer. METHODS: To know the genetic background of the development of these secondary cancers, we performed microsatellite assay at six loci and immunohistochemical analysis on head and neck cancers of eight patients with esophageal cancer and on those of 19 patients without esophageal cancer. RESULTS: Replication error (RER) at more than two loci was observed in two (25%) of eight double cancer patients, whereas it was not observed in the patients without the secondary cancer. Immunohistochemically, overexpression of cyclin D1 was detected in two (25%) of eight double cancer cases and in two (11%) of 19 non-double cancer cases, respectively, the incidence showing a higher tendency in the former. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that microsatellite instability may be implicated in the development of head and neck double cancers and that RER (+) phenotype may serve as a biomarker to predict the development of secondary esophageal cancer in patients with head and neck cancer.  相似文献   

1. P-glycoprotein, a 170-180 kDa membrane glycoprotein that mediates multidrug resistance, hydrolyses ATP to efflux a broad spectrum of hydrophobic agents. In this study, we analysed the effects of three MDR reversing agents, verapamil, cyclosporin A and [3'-keto-Bmt1]-[Val2]-cyclosporin (PSC 833), on the adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity of human P-glycoprotein. 2. P-glycoprotein was immunoprecipitated with a monoclonal antibody (MRK-16) and the P-glycoprotein-MRK-16-Protein A-Sepharose complexes obtained were subjected to a coupled enzyme ATPase assay. 3. While verapamil activated the ATPase, the cyclosporin derivatives inhibited both the substrate-stimulated and the basal P-glycoprotein ATPase. No significant difference was observed between PSC 833 and cyclosporin A on the inhibition of basal P-glycoprotein ATPase activity. PSC 833 was more potent than cyclosporin A for the substrate-stimulated activity. 4. Kinetic analysis indicated a competitive inhibition of verapamil-stimulated ATPase by PSC 833. 5. The binding of 8-azido-[alpha-32P]-ATP to P-glycoprotein was not altered by the cyclosporin derivatives, verapamil, vinblastine and doxorubicin, suggesting that the modulation by these agents of P-glycoprotein ATPase cannot be attributed to an effect on ATP binding to P-glycoprotein. 6. The interaction of the cyclosporin derivatives with ATPase of P-glycoprotein might present an alternative and/or additional mechanism of action for the modulation of P-glycoprotein function.  相似文献   

Two divers spent over 50 hours at 610 msw in a helium-oxygen mixture (PO2:0.38-0.52 ATA). The dive duration was 27 days, including predive stages of confinement, compression, time at maximum pressure, and decompression. The divers were asked to answer 30 questions on their feelings of mental and physical fatigue and to indicate on a nine-point scale their estimation of a general feeling of fatigue. Subjective feelings of fatigue reported in this dive suggested that the divers were in good condition. Hyperbaric arthralgia and physical complaints were reported, especially during decompression, with some postdive persistence, but they should be considered as distinct signs of feelings of fatigue. The critical flicker frequency (CFF), measured throughout the dive for the two divers, showed systematic variations and a relationship between compression and pressure. These variations were grossly parallel to EEG modifications reported in other studies and probably reveal neurophysiological troubles that were not apparent from subjective reports.  相似文献   

Endogenous nitric oxide (NO) mediates certain aspects of synaptic plasticity and neurotoxicity associated with NMDA-type glutamate receptors. Neuronal NO synthase contains a modular protein-protein interaction motif, termed the PDZ domain, that links the synthase to a synaptic protein complex containing postsynaptic density protein PSD-95 and NMDA receptors. Characterization of this pathway has provided new insights into the role of NO in brain physiology and disease.  相似文献   

Age and sex distribution of diabetics, seasonal incidence of diabetes, grade of hyperglycemia, frequency of vascular complications and daily living conditions were studied of 2771 diabetic patients experienced at five clinics. The cases consisted of 1587 male and 1184 female diabetics. The distribution of age of diabetes onset revealed that males predominate among diabetics but females predominate among child diabetics, and that the precentage of child was extremely low. This pattern was emphasized as characteristic of Japanese diabetic population. Distribution of fasting blood sugar at the diagnosis of diabetes was compared among the age groups of diabetes-onset and the results showed that percentage of the value exceeding 300 mg/100 ml was highest in the under 10 year-onset cases and decreased with age. The frequency of diabetic retinopathy and of ischemic ECG changes was analysed from the view point of age of diabetes onset and also the duration of the disease. The frequency of the retinopathy at the diabetes-onset was zero in the under 10 year-onset cases, 4.2% in the 10s-onset cases and increased with age. The longer the duration of the disease the higher the frequency of the retinopathy was. This increase along with the duration was most remarkable in the 10s- and 20s-onset cases and less remarkable in the 30s-onset cases. The retinopathy was significantly more frequent in female diabetics. Daily of the patients were studied by a questionnaire and the analysis of 1022 cases with diabetes of more than three years revealed that cases of patients working uneventfully and/or feeling fit were most frequent among the 30s- or 40s-onset cases and that cases of bed-disability were frequent among the cases whose diabetes was found in their twenties or younger. This study showed that the prognosis of the patients is quite different according to whether their diabetes occurred before of after 30 years of age.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The intratumoral histological heterogeneity of cancer has been investigated by many pathologists. Although microsatellite alteration has been reported in gastric cancer, the significance of genomic instability in these histologically heterogeneous cases has not been elucidated. METHODS: Microsatellite alteration detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 13 primary advanced gastric cancers with varied structure was examined at 8 microsatellite loci. RESULTS: We were able to detect a greater prevalence of replication errors (RER) (6/13, 46.2%) at the primary site of gastric cancer than previously reported and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 17p (4/13, 30.8%) was demonstrated at the primary sites. All the same time, we also examined metastatic tumors in the regional lymph nodes in 12 of these cases. The frequency of RER (8/12, 66.7%) in metastatic lesions was higher than that in primary tumors. Detectability of RER was more frequent in the poorly differentiated portions than the well-differentiated portions of lymph node metastases. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that gastric cancer with varied structure acquired frequent microsatellite instability during progression and metastasis, and we reasoned that the mutator phenotype detected by microsatellite alterations may represent heterogeneous tumor clones in gastric cancer and lymph node metastases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Microsatellite instability in apparently sporadic, predominantly right-sided colon cancers seems to be the result of an acquired, rather than germline, genetic change that impairs mismatch repair. The timing of this change with respect to the adenomacarcinoma sequence has not been determined. The aim of this study was to evaluate colonic adenomatous polyps for microsatellite instability to determine whether instability reflects an early genetic change in colonic neoplasia. METHODS: Ninety-three sporadic colonic adenomas (44 right-sided and 49 left-sided) from 48 individuals were evaluated for microsatellite instability with a set of 10 polymerase chain reaction primer sets. RESULTS: Eighty percent of adenomatous polyps showed no instability. Ninety-eight percent showed instability with <30% of primer sets. Aside from one right-sided adenoma with 78% instability, there was no level of instability with a higher proportion of right-sided than left-sided adenomas. CONCLUSIONS: Colonic adenomas show far less microsatellite instability than carcinomas, and the marked right-sided predominance of instability observed in colon cancers was not observed. Instability is usually not an early event in the development of colonic neoplasia. A distinct pathway to sporadic colorectal cancer initiated by mismatch repair deficiency, although not excluded, is not suggested by these data.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay has been established to measure urinary aquaporin-2 excretion (u-AQP2). To elucidate how u-AQP2 changes when endogenous vasopressin is increased independently of plasma osmolality, we estimated u-AQP2 during general anesthesia for surgery. We collected urine and blood samples from 50 patients before and 90 and 180 min after anesthetic induction. Plasma (29.1+/-12.6 pg/mL) and urinary (565.1+/-207.0 ng/gCr) vasopressin levels were markedly increased after anesthetic induction. Although no significant alteration of plasma osmolality or serum sodium concentration was observed during 180 min, u-AQP2 was significantly increased (preinduction 224.5+/-24.2 fmol/ mgCr; 90 min 243.3+/-31.8; 180 min 331.4+/-45.9), paralleling an increase of plasma and urinary vasopressin. The plasma vasopressin concentration after anesthetic induction was far in excess of that expected based on plasma osmolality. Individual plasma and urinary vasopressin concentrations correlated significantly with u-AQP2. At 180 min after anesthesia, plasma osmolality did not change, but urine osmolality decreased despite increased u-AQP2, and a preanesthetic positive correlation between urine osmolality and u-AQP2 disappeared. Thus, although u-AQP2 correlates with increased intrinsic vasopressin levels, the increase in u-AQP2 did not directly contribute to urine concentration. Apparently, an escape from the physiologic effects of high vasopressin level occurs during anesthesia via a mechanism independent of aquaporin-2. We conclude that the anesthetic would interfere with the urinary concentrating capacity at the level of AQP2-action. IMPLICATIONS: The excessive increase of intrinsic vasopressin exactly augmented urinary aquaporin-2 excretion, resulting in urine concentration; however, anesthesia seemed to modify this process possibly by interfering with the aquaporin-2 action.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Microsatellite instability (MIN) has been identified in a wide variety of human tumors, both familial and sporadic. In this study the authors attempted to correlate MIN with other biologic parameters to assess the significance of MIN in cancer. METHODS: The current literature up to May 1997 was reviewed critically. Comparative assessment and analysis of published MIN data in human solid tumors was addressed. RESULTS: Based on review of the current medical literature, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) MIN associated with inherited mutations of the DNA mismatch repair genes (predominantly hMSH2/hMLH1) appears to characterize only the hereditary nonpolyposis colon carcinoma (HNPCC)/Muir-Torre family cancer syndrome category, and a subset of young colorectal carcinoma patients. Constitutional hMSH2/hMLH1 mutations rarely are reported in other than colon MIN+ tumor types; 2) MIN in non-HNPCC tumors generally is not associated with somatic mutations in the mismatch DNA repair genes most commonly involved in HNPCC; 3) loci of individual chromosomes containing microsatellite markers demonstrating high MIN frequency may be linked to particular tumor types (tumor specific MIN hot spots); 4) the gel banding patterns of MIN observed in noncolon tumors differ significantly from those reported previously in HNPCC; 5) although overall no association between MIN and histopathology is observed in the literature, a statistically higher MIN frequency has been noted in certain tumor subtypes; and 6) MIN in tumors can be associated with early or late stages of tumor progression, and also has been found in nontumor tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Molecular diagnosis using MIN analysis has been documented in at least two types of tumors (HNPCC and sporadic bladder carcinoma), suggesting a potential role of MIN in the diagnosis and/or prognosis of other solid human tumors as well.  相似文献   

The aetiopathology of atherosclerosis remains obscure. Although histologically the accumulation of lipids and the proliferation of the smooth muscle cells represents the main feature of the disease, little is known as regards the molecular alterations associated with the atherosclerotic lesions. In the present study we investigated whether an elevated mutational rate is detectable in human atheromatous plaques. Thirty specimens were assessed for microsatellite instability (MI) by 7 microsatellite markers and MI, in at least one marker, was apparent in 6 (20%) cases. Our data suggest that decreased fidelity in DNA replication and repair may be associated with the development of the disease.  相似文献   

The relationship between atherosclerosis and fat soluble vitamin, especially vitamin E is reviewed on the basis of oxidised modification of low density lipoprotein (LDL). Data now support the notion that the oxidised LDL is present in the blood and arterial wall and antioxidant drugs such as probucol and vitamin E, beta-carotene, may prevent the progression of atherosclerosis. LDL alpha-tocopherol levels are generally correlated to the plasma concentrations and supplementation with alpha-tocopherol increases its content in LDL. There is a significant correlation between the LDL alpha-tocopherol level and the resistance to oxidative modification. Epidemiological data also shows the relation between low levels of plasma vitamin E and the increased incidence of coronary heart disease. Clinical application of vitamin E should be clarified in detail to inhibit the progression of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to assay 12 microsatellite markers (APC x 2, DCC, P53 x 2, RB1, NM23, WT1, D6S260, D6S262, D6S281 and TNFa) to look for evidence of microsatellite instability in 40 cases of follicle centre cell lymphoma (FCC). Evidence of novel alleles seen in the tumour tissue but not the normal uninvolved tissue was seen in seven cases (17%). In only two of these cases (5%) was more than one locus involved but in these cases multiple affected loci were seen (4/12 and 7/12 respectively). The detection of microsatellite instability indicates a DNA repair defect such as that which would be predicted to occur in cells with mutated mismatch repair genes, a novel finding in FCC lymphoma.  相似文献   

Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer syndrome (HNPCC) is often considered to be the most common form of inherited colorectal cancer, although its precise incidence is unknown. The clinical diagnosis of HNPCC relies on a combination of family history and young age of onset of colorectal cancer, but as many familial aggregations of colorectal cancer do not fulfil the strict diagnostic criteria, HNPCC might be underdiagnosed. The majority of HNPCC families have germline mutations in mismatch repair (MMR) genes, such as MSH2 or MLH1, so that HNPCC cancers characteristically exhibit DNA replication errors (RERs) at microsatellite loci. Although an RER positive phenotype in tumours can also result from somatic mutations in an MMR gene, the prevalence of RER + tumours should provide a maximum estimate of the incidence of germline MMR gene mutations in patients with early onset and familial colorectal cancer. We investigated colorectal cancers for RERs from (1) a population based study of 33 patients with colorectal cancer aged 45 years or less, (2) 65 kindreds with familial colorectal cancer which only partially fulfilled the criteria for the diagnosis of HNPCC, and (3) 18 cancers from 12 HNPCC kindreds. Seven of 33 patients (21%) with colorectal cancer aged 45 years or less had an RER + cancer, with only two of these having a clear family history of HNPCC. A greater proportion of RER + tumours (5/7) occurred proximal to the splenic flexure than RER - tumours (4/26; chi2 = 6.14, p < 0.025). RERs were detected in all 18 cancers from HNPCC patients but in only six of 65 non-HNPCC familial colorectal cancer kindreds (9%; chi2 = 52.2, p < 0.0005). These findings suggest that most cancers in patients diagnosed at 45 years of age or less and familial aggregations of colorectal cancer which do not fulfil HNPCC diagnostic criteria do not have germline mutations in MSH2 and MLH1. Hence population screening for germline mutations in these genes is unlikely to be an efficient strategy for identifying people at high risk of developing colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

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