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Data obtained using passive air samplers (PAS) are compared to active high-volume air sampling data in order to assess the feasibility of the PAS as a method, complementary to active high-volume air sampling (AAS), for monitoring levels of organochlorine (OC) pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the Laurentian Great Lakes. PAS were deployed at 15 of the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) sites on a quarterly basis between July 2002 and June 2003, and PAS and AAS results are compared. Levels for the OC pesticides are typically highest in agricultural areas, with endosulfan I dominating air concentrations with values ranging between 40 and 1090 pg x m(-3), dieldrin values between 15 and 165 pg x m(-3), and gamma-HCH values between 13 and 100 pg x m(-3). alpha-HCH was seen to be relatively uniform across the Great Lakes Basin with values ranging between 15 and 73 pg x m(-3). Large urban centers, such as Chicago and Toronto, have the highest levels of PCBs and PBDEs that range between 400 and 1200 pg x m(-3) and 10 and 70 pg x m(-3), respectively. Comparison of the AAS and the PAS data collected during this study shows good agreement, within a factor of 2 or 3, suggesting that the two sample methods produce comparable results. It is suggested that PAS networks, while providing data that are different in nature from AAS, can provide a cost-effective and complementary approach for monitoring the spatial and temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations were measured in the atmosphere at six regionally representative sites near the five Great Lakes from 1990 to 2003 as part of the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN). Concentration data for several individual PCB congeners and for total PCBs were analyzed for temporal and spatial trends after correcting for the temperature dependency of the partial pressures. Atmospheric PCB concentrations are decreasing relatively slowly for tetra- and pentachlorinated congeners, an observation that is in agreement with primary emissions modeling. Relatively rapid decreases in PCB concentrations at the sites near Lakes Michigan and Ontario may reflect successful reduction efforts in Chicago and Toronto, respectively. Atmospheric PCB concentrations near Lakes Superior and Huron are now so low that the air and water concentrations may be close to equilibrium. Atmospheric PCB concentrations at sites near Lakes Michigan, Erie, and Ontario are relatively higher than those measured at sites near Lakes Superior and Huron. The highest PCB level was observed at the site near Lake Erie, most likely due to nearby urban activity. However, this relatively higher concentration is still 6-10 times lower than that previously reported at the Chicago site. A correlation between average gas-phase PCB concentration with local population indicates a strong urban source of PCBs. The temperature dependence of gas-phase PCB concentrations is similar at most sites except at Burnt Island on Lake Huron, where very low concentrations, approaching virtual elimination, prevent reliable temperature correlation calculations.  相似文献   

Data through 2001 from the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) were used to investigate the causes of variability in gas-phase polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and pesticide concentrations measured near Lakes Michigan, Erie, and Superior. A multiple linear regression model that incorporates temperature and time was used explain the variability in the concentrations. Our approach used autocorrelation analyses of the residuals to help us determine the effectiveness of the regression. Autocorrelation plots forthe in-use pesticide lindane indicated that an agricultural application cycle was also present in the regression residual data at all sites. The addition of parameters for this effect to the regression equation accounted for, on average, 16% more of the variability in the data. Similar analyses forthe in-use pesticide endosulfan did not show an agricultural application effect. The banned compounds DDT and chlordane showed that temperature and time correctly accounted for the variability in the atmospheric concentrations of these compounds at all sites. In contrast to the other compounds, PCBs and hexachlorobenzene showed strong residual autocorrelation patterns near Lake Michigan of an unknown origin.  相似文献   

Passive air samplers consisting of polyurethane foam (PUF) disks, were deployed in six locations in Chile along a north-south transect to investigate gas-phase concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). The study provides new information on air concentrations of these persistent organic pollutants (POPs) which is lacking in this region. It also provides insight into potential sources and long-range transport (LRT). The samplers were deployed for a 2-month period in five remote sites and one site in the city of Concepción. Mean concentrations (pg m(-3)) for sigmaPCB were 4.7 +/- 2.7 at remote sites and 53 +/- 13 in Concepción. PCB levels at remote sites were related to proximity to urban source regions and/or air back trajectories. With the exception of endosulfan I, mean concentrations (pg m(-3)) of OCPs at background sites were consistently low: 5.4 +/- 1.4 for alpha-HCH, 7.0 +/- 1.1 for gamma-HCH, 2.5 +/- 0.5 for TC, 2.5 +/- 0.6 for CC, 1.9 +/- 1.2 for dieldrin, and less than 3.5 for toxaphene. Endosulfan I showed a decreasing concentration gradient from 99 to 3.5 pg m(-3) from the north to south of Chile. Concentrations of OCPs in the Concepción City were generally 10-20 times higher than at the background sites suggesting continued usage and/or re-emission from past use. For instance, at remote sites, the alpha/gamma ratio (0.76) was typical of background air, while the ratio in Concepción (0.12) was consistent with fresh use of gamma-HCH. Levels of sigmaPBDEs were below the detection limit of 6 pg m(-3) at all sites.  相似文献   

As a part of the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network, atmospheric organochlorine pesticide concentrations were measured in both the gas and particle phases at seven sites near the Great Lakes. Much higher organochlorine pesticide concentrations were found in the gas phase compared to that in the particle phase. Long-term decreasing trends were observed for most pesticides in both phases. Two different seasonal trends were observed in the particle phase: (a) in-use pesticides, such as endosulfan, showed higher concentrations in the summer, a time corresponding to their agriculture use, and (b) restricted organochlorine pesticides, such as lindane, showed higher particle-phase concentrations in the winter, presumably due to their enhanced partitioning from the gas phase to particles. Generally, Chicago had the highest concentrations of chlordanes, dieldrin, and sigmaDDT, suggesting that urban areas could be sources of these compounds to atmosphere. Point Petre had the highest concentrations of endosulfan, likely due to its agricultural application in Southern Ontario.  相似文献   

The Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) has been measuring gas-phase, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations at sites near Lakes Michigan and Superior for over a decade. Data through 2000 were used in this study to investigate PCB temporal trends in the Great Lakes atmosphere. Decreasing trends were found at both sites, and half-lives of approximately 20 yr were calculated using IADN data. However, when these data were supplemented by historical data for Lakes Michigan and Superior dating back to 1977, half-lives dropped to 10 and 6 yr, respectively. These latter half-lives agreed well with half-lives in other environmental compartments. Exponential curves fitted to the historical and IADN data indicated little decline in PCB concentrations in the basin since the mid-1990s. A similar historical analysis of alpha-and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) data indicated that IADN data were the best predictor of trends, resulting in half-lives of around 4 yr for both compounds. Gamma-HCH concentrations, however, have shown little decline in recent years, most likely because of its continuing use. PCB and alpha-HCH temporal trends indicated that bans on these substances have helped to remove them from the atmosphere. This work also showed that decades of data may be necessary to properly interpret long-term temporal trends in gas-phase organochlorine concentrations.  相似文献   

The accumulation of persistent organic pollutants by three passive sampling media--semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs), polyurethane foam (PUF) disks, and an organic-rich soil--was investigated. The media were exposed to contaminated indoor air over a period of 450 days, and concentrations in the air and in the media were monitored for individual polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and polychlorinated naphthalene homologue groups. Uptake was initially linear and governed by the surface area of the sampler and the boundary layer airside mass transfer coefficient (MTC). Mean values of the MTC were 0.13, 0.11, and 0.26 cm s-1 for SPMD, PUF, and soil, respectively. As the study progressed, equilibrium was established between ambient air and the passive sampling media for the lower molecular weight PCB congeners. This information was used to calculate passive sampler-air partition coefficients, KPSM-A. These were correlated to the octanol-air partition coefficient, and the resulting regressions were used to predict KPSM-A for the full suite of PCBs. Information on MTC, KPSM-A, surface area, and effective thickness of each sampler was used to estimate times to equilibrium for each medium. These ranged from tens of days for the lower molecular weight congeners to tens of years for the higher molecular weight PCBs. Expressions were also developed to relate the amount of chemical accumulated by the passive sampling media to average ambient air concentrations over the integration period of the sample.  相似文献   

Using a multiple linear regression model of the concentrations of several persistent organic pollutants in the atmospheric vapor and particle phases and in precipitation, we have analyzed a data set of about 700,000 values to determine the rate at which these concentrations are decreasing. These concentrations were measured as part of the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN), which has operated several sites near the North American Great Lakes since 1991. The pollutants measured include 83 polychlorinated biphenyl congeners, 17 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and 24 organochlorine pesticides. In the approach used here, for each of the three phases, the concentrations of a specific chemical at all the sites were combined and fitted with a regression incorporating the sine and cosine of the Julian Day (relative to 1 January 1990 and with a periodicity of one year) and the population living and working within a 25-km radius of the sampling site. Partial residuals were then calculated for each datum, all of the residuals for the three phases were combined, and an overall halving time was calculated from them. This relatively simple approach indicated that the concentrations of PCBs in air around the Great Lakes are decreasing with an overall halving time of 17 ± 2 years, which is slow for a substance that was banned about 35 years ago. Phenanthrene, chrysene, and endosulfan showed halving times on the order of 10 years. The concentrations of several organochlorine pesticides were decreasing more rapidly; for example α- and γ-HCH (lindane) have halving times of about 3.5 years.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations were measured in precipitation samples collected from 1997 to 2003 at seven sites near the Great Lakes as a part of the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network. The 28-day integrated concentrations of most PAHs showed significant seasonal trends with higher concentrations in the winter and lower concentrations in the summer. Long-term decreasing trends were observed for all PAHs measured in precipitation at Chicago. At the sites on Lakes Superior, Michigan,,and Erie, most PAHs did not show significant long-term trends. At the two Canadian sites on Lakes Huron and Ontario, lower molecular weight PAHs (e.g., fluorene to pyrene) showed long-term decreasing trends; however, no long-term trends were observed for higher molecular weight PAHs at these sites. Interestingly, retene, a marker for wood burning, showed increasing trends at the sites on Lakes Superior and Michigan. For all the other PAHs, precipitation collected at Chicago had by far the highest PAH concentrations followed by the site on Lake Erie. Generally, the Lake Superior sites had the lowest PAH concentrations. However, retene concentrations in precipitation collected at the Lake Superior site were higher compared to Lakes Michigan and Erie, which indicate more residential wood burning in the far north of the Great Lakes basin.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the first field deployment of rapidly equilibrating thin-film passive air samplers under ambient conditions. The POlymer-coated Glass (POG) samplers have a coating of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) less than 1 microm thick applied to a glass surface. This can be dissolved off after exposure and prepared for the quantification of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that have partitioned into the film during field exposure. In this study, POGs were deployed at various heights on the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, to investigate the vertical distribution of selected compounds (PCBs, PAHs, organochlorine pesticides) in the atmospheric boundary layer of an urban area. The feasibility of the method to detect POPs from a few cubic meters of air was demonstrated, indicating the potential for rapid, low-volume sampling of air for ambient levels of POPs. PAH levels declined sharply with height, confirming ground-level emissions in urban areas as sources of these compounds; PCBs did the same, although less strongly. Different sampling events detected different vertical distributions of OC pesticides which could be related to local or distantsources, and variations in POPs on the samplers in these different events/heights demonstrate the dynamic nature of sources and atmospheric mixing of POPs.  相似文献   

The aim was to analyze the effects of body mass index (BMI), low-dose exposure, mixtures of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and lipid adjustment on the relationship between POP concentrations and diabetes and prediabetes in the general adult population of Catalonia (Spain). Serum concentrations of POPs were measured by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection in 886 participants in a health interview survey. The highest concentrations of all POPs analyzed were found in subjects who had diabetes. Levels were also higher in individuals with prediabetes than in subjects without the disorder. In models adjusted by age, sex and BMI, the prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes increased in a dose-dependent manner across quartiles of PCBs 118, 138, 153, and 180, and HCB. When models were further adjusted for lipids, the associations were slightly lower and statistically significant, the ORs for the upper quartile ranging from 2.0 to 2.8 (all p-values for linear trend <0.05). Concentrations of p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDE and β-HCH were not associated with diabetes or prediabetes. Increasing concentrations of PCBs and HCB were positively associated with diabetes and prediabetes. Only part of the association was due to age and BMI. Findings support the hypothesis that exposure to POPs may be a diabetogenic factor in both obese and nonobese individuals.  相似文献   

A coupled atmospheric transport, soil-air, water-air exchange model was developed to investigate the impacts of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH or lindane) usage in the Canadian prairies over the Great Lakes region. The fate of gamma-HCH in air and soil is governed by atmospheric dynamics and physical and chemical processes that are described by the coupled model. These processes include transport and turbulent diffusion in the atmosphere, dry and wet deposition, exchange at the interfacial boundaries of air-water and soil-air, and removal processes from the soil such as diffusion, leaching, and degradation. Numerical experiments were conducted for the period of May 1, 1998-April 30, 1999, starting with application of lindane in the spring. The coupled model was executed with two lindane emission (usage) inventories in the model domain. The first scenario contained all known fresh emission sources in Canada-98% was usage in the prairies; the second excluded emission sources from Ontario and Quebec. The model showed that, in the absence of the reemission from past application of lindane, usage of lindane in Ontario and Quebec has a negligible impact on air concentrations in these regions and that the lindane budget in the Great Lakes ecosystem is mostly attributed to applications of lindane in the canola fields in Canadian prairie provinces. Model-predicted air concentrations and seasonal trends agreed well with measured data over the same time period for several background sites operated under the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network. Air temperature was shown to play a key role on surface-air exchange dynamics of gamma-HCH. A future paper will assess loadings to the Great Lakes based on these validated model results.  相似文献   

The use of thin-film polymer-coated glass surfaces or POGs as passive air samplers was investigated during an uptake experiment in an indoor environment with high levels of gas-phase polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). POGs consisted of a micron thick layer of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) coated onto glass cylinders. The uptake was initially linear with time and governed by the air-side mass transfer coefficient and surface area of the sampler. This was followed by a curvilinear region and finally a constant phase when equilibrium was established between air and EVA. The high surface area-to-volume ratio of the POGs allowed rapid equilibrium with gas-phase PCBs; equilibration times were on the order of hours for the low molecular weight congeners. The equilibrium concentration was dependent on the EVA-air partition coefficient, K(EVA-A), which was shown to be very well correlated to the octanol-air partition coefficient, K(OA). When POGs of varying thickness were equilibrated with air, the amount of PCB accumulated increased with increasing thickness of the EVA, indicating that uptake was by absorption into the entire polymer matrix. A wind field of 4 m s(-1) resulted in an increased uptake rate by a factor of approximately six compared to uptake in relatively still air. This wind speed effect was diminished, however, when POGs were housed in deployment chambers consisting of inverted stainless steel bowls. Relationships based on the air-side mass transfer coefficient and K(EVA-A) were developed for PCBs that describe the entire uptake profile and allow air concentrations to be determined from the amount of chemical accumulated in the POG. It is believed that these relationships are also valid when POGs are used to detect other classes of persistent organic pollutants.  相似文献   

Dechlorane plus in the atmosphere and precipitation near the Great Lakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Air (vapor and particle) and precipitation samples were collected at five sites (two urban, one rural, and two remote) on the shores of the Great Lakes from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2009 as a part of the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN). The concentrations of the syn and anti isomers of Dechlorane Plus (DP), a highly chlorinated flame retardant, were measured in these samples. The highest concentrations of these compounds were generally observed at the rural site at Sturgeon Point, New York, which is located near DP's manufacturing facility in Niagara Falls, New York, and at the urban site at Cleveland, Ohio. A multiple linear regression model was applied to the concentrations of these compounds in the vapor phase, particle phase, precipitation, and for the three phases combined. This regression resulted in an overall (three phases combined) doubling time for the anti-DP isomer of 9.5 ± 3.6 years, but for the syn- and total DP (syn + anti) concentrations, the overall regression was not statistically significant. These results suggest that there has been no significant change in the atmospheric concentrations of these compounds over the 2005-2009 time period. The effect of distance from the source in Niagara Falls was highly significant; for example, doubling the distance from Niagara Falls decreased the DP concentrations by about 30%. The effect of the number of people living and working within a 25-km radius of the sampling site (population density) was also highly significant but small; for example if this population doubled or halved, then the atmospheric DP concentrations would increase or decrease by only a few percent.  相似文献   

The Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling (GAPS) study aims to demonstrate the feasibility of using passive samplers to assess the spatial distribution of persistent organic pollutants on a worldwide basis. The GAPS network includes more than 40 sites on 7 continents, mainly in background locations, with some representation of urban and agricultural areas. Here we present concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in polyurethane foam disk samplers, deployed from December 2004 to March 2005. Legacy OCPs such as alpha-HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane), Chlordanes (trans- and cis-Chlordane and trans-Nonachlor), Dieldrin, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane isomers were detected at most sites with some high values that may be related to possible continued use and/or re-emissions related to historic use. Geometric mean (GM) air concentrations (pg/m3) were: 8.5 for sigmaHCH (sum of alpha- and gamma-isomers), 2.6 for sigmaChlordanes, 0.8 for Dieldrin, and 0.8 for p,p'-DDE. Current-use pesticides such as gamma-HCH (lindane) and especially Endosulfan I exhibited more variable and higher concentrations with GMs of 5 and 58, respectively. PCBs and PBDEs were elevated at urban/suburban sites consistent with their historical use pattern. GM concentrations (pg/m3) were 17 for PCBs and 4 for PBDEs. Sampling under GAPS will continue and will eventually allow seasonality effects and longer-term temporal and spatial trends to be evaluated.  相似文献   

An arctic snow model was developed to predict the exchange of vapor-phase persistent organic pollutants between the atmosphere and the snowpack over a winter season. Using modeled meteorological data simulating conditions in the Canadian High Arctic, a single-layer snowpack was created on the basis of the precipitation rate, with the snow depth, snow specific surface area, density, and total surface area (TSA) evolving throughout the annual time series. TSA, an important parameter affecting the vapor-sorbed quantity of chemicals in snow, was within a factor of 5 of measured values. Net fluxes for fluorene, phenanthrene, PCB-28 and -52, and alpha- and gamma-HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane) were predicted on the basis of their wet deposition (snowfall) and vapor exchange between the snow and atmosphere. Chemical fluxes were found to be highly dynamic, whereby deposition was rapidly offset by evaporative loss due to snow settling (i.e., changes in TSA). Differences in chemical behavior over the course of the season (i.e., fluxes, snow concentrations) were largely dependent on the snow/air partition coefficients (K(sa)). Chemicals with relatively higher K(sa) values such as alpha- and gamma-HCH were efficiently retained within the snowpack until later in the season compared to fluorene, phenathrene, and PCB-28 and -52. Average snow and air concentrations predicted by the model were within a factor of 5-10 of values measured from arctic field studies, but tended to be overpredicted for those chemicals with higher K(sa) values (i.e., HCHs). Sensitivity analysis revealed that snow concentrations were more strongly influenced by K(sa) than either inclusion of wind ventilation of the snowpack or other changes in physical parameters. Importantly, the model highlighted the relevance of the arctic snowpack in influencing atmospheric concentrations. For the HCHs, evaporative fluxes from snow were more pronounced in April and May, toward the end of the winter, providing evidence that the snowpack plays an important role in influencing the seasonal increase in air concentrations for these compounds at this time of year.  相似文献   

Understanding and quantifying the global dynamics and sinks of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is important to assess their environmental impact and fate. Air-surface exchange processes, where temperature plays a central role in controlling volatilization and deposition, are of key importance in controlling global POP dynamics. The present study is an assessment of the role of oceanic biogeochemical processes, notably phytoplankton uptake and vertical fluxes of particles, on the global dynamics of POPs. Field measurements of atmospheric polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), and furans (PCDFs) are combined with remote sensing estimations of oceanic temperature, wind speed, and chlorophyll, to model the interactions between air-water exchange, phytoplankton uptake, and export of organic matter and POPs out of the mixed surface ocean layer. Deposition is enhanced in the mid-high latitudes and is driven by sinking marine particulate matter, rather than by a cold condensation effect. However, the relative contribution of the biological pump is a function of the physical-chemical properties of POPs. It is concluded that oceanic biogeochemical processes play a critical role in controlling the global dynamics and the ultimate sink of POPs.  相似文献   

Data are presented for PBDEs, PCBs, and selected organochlorine compounds, measured at background locations by passive air samplers (semipermeable membrane devices, SPMDs) along a latitudinal transect from the south of the U.K. to the north of Norway during 2000-2002. This work is part of an ongoing air sampling campaign in which PCB data were previously obtained in 1994-1996 and 1998-2000. Comparisons of the masses of chemicals sequestered by the SPMDs during these different time intervals are used to investigate spatial and temporal trends. The study yielded examples of compounds that increase, decrease, or remain uniform with latitude, suggestive of differences in the relative importance of deposition versus atmospheric reaction in controlling their long-range atmospheric transport potential. The main constituents of the penta-BDE product were detected at amounts equivalent to 2.0 (range 1.1-2.5) and 1.1 (0.8-1.6) pg m(-3) for the U.K. and Norway background sites, respectively. Fractionation of PBDEs was observed, because the amounts of lighter BDEs decreased with latitude, while the heavier molecular weight congeners were quite uniformly distributed. In contrast, the sequestered amounts of the lighter PCBs were uniformly distributed with latitude, with heavier PCBs decreasing. Sequestered amounts of hexachlorobenzene increased with latitude. Preliminary PCB atmospheric clearance rates were derived using the 1994-1996, 1998-2000, and 2000-2002 data. They averaged ca. 3.5 years for all congeners/locations. No systematic differences in congeners or locations were noted, supporting the hypothesis that the underlying trends in European background air are still controlled by primary, rather than secondary, sources.  相似文献   

Peer reviewed: tracking the distribution of persistent organic pollutants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Control strategies for these contaminants will require a better understanding of how they move around the globe.  相似文献   

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