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According to literature, few experiments are performed in organic solvents which are mostly used in commercial gas-liquid reactors. However, it is commonly accepted that data obtained in aqueous solution allow to predict the surface tension effects, and to model the behaviour of organic solvents. In this work, we examine the validity of this approximation.In this objective, the flows observed in two pure media having similar viscosity but different surface tension—respectively, water (reference) and cyclohexane (solvent)—are successively compared at two scales: in a bubble column and in bubble plumes.In bubble plumes, as expected, the mean bubble size is smaller in the medium having the smallest surface tension (cyclohexane), but for this medium the destabilisation of flow is observed to occur at smaller gas velocity, due to break-up and coalescence phenomena. In bubble column, these phenomena induce the bubbling transition regime at lower gas velocity, whatever the operating conditions for liquid phase: batch or continuous. Consequently, when the two media are used at similar gas superficial velocity, but in different hydrodynamic regimes, greater gas hold-up and smaller bubble diameter can be observed in water; the interfacial area is then not always higher in cyclohexane.This result differs from the behaviour observed in the literature for aqueous solutions. The analysis of bubble plumes in aqueous solutions of butanol shows that this difference is due to a fundamental difference in coalescent behaviour between pure solvents and aqueous mixtures: the surface tension effect is less important in pure liquid than in aqueous solutions, because of the specific behaviour of surfactants.It is then still difficult to predict a priori the bubbling regime or the flow characteristics for a given medium, and all the more to choose an appropriate liquid as a model for industrial solvents.  相似文献   

The dimension of bubble column reactors is often based on empirical correlations. Very popular is the axial dispersion model. However, the applicability of these models is limited to the experimental conditions for which the dispersion coefficients are measured, because backmixing depends strongly on the columns dimension and the flow regime. This paper presents a numerical method for the calculation of the three-dimensional flow fields in bubble columns based on a multi-fluid model. Therefore, the local bubble size distribution is considered by a transport equation for the mean bubble volume, which is obtained from the population balance equation. For comparison with experimental results, the axial dispersion coefficients in the liquid and gas phase are calculated from the instationary, three-dimensional concentration fields of a tracer. The model is then extended to include mass transfer between the gas and liquid phase. Increasing mass transfer rates significantly influence the flow pattern. For several applications, a dispersed solid phase is added. For the calculation of three-phase gas-liquid-solid flow, the solid phase is considered numerically by an additional Eulerian phase.  相似文献   

An original procedure has been established for estimating the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient using the oxygen concentration curves resulting from the usual gassing-in and gassing-out method. This procedure was applied to experimental data obtained in a small scale bubble column using both tap water and a coalescence-inhibiting liquid mixture that represents the coalescence behavior of biological media. It is based on the analysis of the characteristics times of the system, including those of the hydrodynamics of the two phases, the sensor dynamics and the system inertia when the gas composition is modified. A numerical procedure was developed to estimate the characteristic time of the system inertia ti, using the assumption that this inertia is nearly independent of superficial gas velocity UG. The calculations confirmed that the optimized ti value was nearly independent of UG and of the coalescence behavior of the liquid phase. Additionally, the resulting KLaL values for tap water were closer to the correlation of Shah et al. [1982. Design parameters estimations for bubble column reactors. A.I.Ch.E. Journal 28, 353-379] than those of other conventional models. Finally, the original procedure was also reported to reduce significantly the square sum deviation between the predicted and the measured oxygen response curves.  相似文献   

In this work, the effects of surface-active contaminants on mass transfer coefficients kLa and kL were studied in two different bubble contactors. The oxygen transfer coefficient, kL, was obtained from the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient, kLa, since the specific interfacial area, a, could be determined from the fractional gas holdup, ε, and the average bubble diameter, d32. Water at different heights and antifoam solutions of 0.5- were used as working media, under varying gas sparging conditions, in small-scale bubble column and rectangular airlift contactors of 6.7 and capacity, respectively. Both the antifoam concentration and the bubble residence time were shown to control kLa and kL values over a span of almost 400%. A theoretical interpretation is proposed based on modelling the kinetics of single bubble contamination, followed by sudden surface transition from mobile to rigid condition, in accordance with the stagnant cap model. Model results match experimental kL data within ±30%.  相似文献   

We consider the liquid-side mass transfer coefficient kL in a dense bubble swarm for a wide range of gas volume fraction (0.45%≤αG≤16.5%). The study is performed for an air–water system in a square column. Bubble size, shape and velocity have been measured for different gas flow rates by means of a high speed camera. Gas volume fraction and bubble velocity have also been measured by a dual-tip optical probe. Both of these measurements show that the bubble vertical velocity decreases when increasing αG in agreement with previous investigations. The mass transfer is measured from the time evolution of the dissolved oxygen concentration, which is obtained by the gassing-out method. The mass transfer coefficient is found to be very close to that of a single bubble provided the bubble Reynolds number is based on the average equivalent diameter 〈deq〉 and the vertical slip velocity 〈Vz〉.  相似文献   

Gas-liquid interphase mass transfer was investigated in a slurry bubble column under CO2 hydrate forming operating conditions. Modeling gas hydrate formation requires knowledge of mass transfer and the hydrodynamics of the system. The pressure was varied from 0.1 to 4 MPa and the temperature from ambient to 277 K while the superficial gas velocity reached 0.20 m/s. Wettable ion-exchange resin particles were used to simulate the CO2 hydrate physical properties affecting the system hydrodynamics. The slurry concentration was varied up to 10%vol. The volumetric mass transfer coefficient (klal) followed the trend in gas holdup which rises with increasing superficial gas velocity and pressure. However, klal and gas holdup both decreased with decreasing temperature, with the former being more sensitive. The effect of solid concentration on klal and gas holdup was insignificant in the experimental range studied. Both hydrodynamic and transport data were compared to best available correlations.  相似文献   

The metrology and the impact of various parameters and operating conditions on the bulk‐to‐tube heat transfer coefficients in two‐phase bubble columns are investigated on a small‐scale mock‐up. It is shown that (1) quasi‐adiabatic conditions can be reached in the column; (2) the bulk‐to‐tube heat transfer coefficients for each U‐tube downward and upward sections may or may not differ significantly, depending on the way uncertainty of the measurements is estimated; (3) using the different measurements and uncertainty estimates for given conditions, a mean heat transfer coefficient over all tubes is estimated within ±5%. The consequences for bulk‐to‐tube heat transfer coefficient prediction in a larger column are discussed.  相似文献   

A bubble column, subjected to low-frequency vibrations, displays maxima in the gas holdup when operated at certain frequencies. These maxima represent various harmonics created by standing waves. The axial distribution of gas holdup was measured for these harmonics to demonstrate that the gas holdup at the anti-nodes is higher than at the nodes; this phenomena is a manifestation of the primary Bjerknes force acting on the bubbles. The Bjerknes force can be exploited to obtain the optimum increase in the gas holdup for a given set of operating conditions.  相似文献   

Bubble columns are among the most used equipments for gas-liquid mass transfer processes. This equipment's aim is to generate gas dispersions into a liquid phase in order to improve the contact between phases. Bubble coalescence has always been one of their greatest problems, since it reduces the superficial gas-liquid contact area. However, bigger bubbles can oscillate, and these oscillations increase the mass transfer rate by means of modifying the contact time as well as the concentration profiles surrounding the bubble. In the present work, the coupled effect has been studied by means of two-holed sieve plates with diameters of 1.5, 2 and 2.5 mm each, close enough to allow the coalescence and separated enough to avoid it. The results show that although coalescence decreases mass transfer rate from bubbles the deformable bubble generated can, in certain cases, balance the decrease in mass transfer rate due to the reduction in superficial area. This fact can then be used to avoid the harmful effect of coalescence on the mass transfer rate. Empirical and theoretical equations have also been used to explain the phenomena.  相似文献   

Gas-liquid mass transfer in a bubble column in both the homogeneous and heterogeneous flow regimes was studied by numerical simulations with a CFD-PBM (computation fluid dynamics-population balance model) coupled model and a gas-liquid mass transfer model. In the CFD-PBM coupled model, the gas-liquid interfacial area a is calculated from the gas holdup and bubble size distribution. In this work, multiple mechanisms for bubble coalescence, including coalescence due to turbulent eddies, different bubble rise velocities and bubble wake entrainment, and for bubble breakup due to eddy collision and instability of large bubbles were considered. Previous studies show that these considerations are crucial for proper predictions of both the homogenous and the heterogeneous flow regimes. Many parameters may affect the mass transfer coefficient, including the bubble size distribution, bubble slip velocity, turbulent energy dissipation rate and bubble coalescence and breakup. These complex factors were quantitatively counted in the CFD-PBM coupled model. For the mass transfer coefficient kl, two typical models were compared, namely the eddy cell model in which kl depends on the turbulent energy dissipation rate, and the slip penetration model in which kl depends on the bubble size and bubble slip velocity. Reasonable predictions of kla were obtained with both models in a wide range of superficial gas velocity, with only a slight modification of the model constants. The simulation results show that CFD-PBM coupled model is an efficient method for predicting the hydrodynamics, bubble size distribution, interfacial area and gas-liquid mass transfer rate in a bubble column.  相似文献   

The effect of gas sparging on the rate of mass transfer at horizontal single screen and stacks of closely packed horizontal screens was studied by an electrochemical technique which involved measuring the limiting current of the cathodic reduction of potassium ferricyanide. Variables studied were: distance between the sparger and the screen, screen characteristics, e.g., mesh number and wire diameter, physical properties of the solution and superficial gas velocity. Screen characteristics were found to have little effect on the rate of mass transfer. The mass transfer measurement at beds of closely packed screens revealed that the mass transfer coefficient decreased below the single screen value with increasing the number of screens per bed. Comparison of the present data with previous results showed that screens produce higher rates of mass transfer than other geometries under otherwise the same conditions. The importance of the present work to the design and operation of catalytic and electrochemical reactors was highlighted.  相似文献   

Four numerical frameworks were derived to investigate the impact of underlying assumptions and numerical complexity on the predicted mass transfer between a Taylor bubble and liquid slug in circular capillaries. The separate influences of bubble velocity and film length, slug length, and bubble film thickness on kLa were compared to empirical and CFD-based predictions from existing literature. Reasonable agreement was obtained using a Slug Film model, which accounted for diffusion-limited mass transfer between the slug film and circulating bulk without the need for an iterative numerical solution. Subsequent investigation of the relative contributions of film and cap mass transport for industrially relevant conditions suggests that both mechanisms need to be accounted for during the prediction of kLa.  相似文献   

As the scale of residual oil treatment increases and cleaner production improves in China, slurry bubble column reactors face many challenges and opportunities for residual oil hydrogenation technology. The internals development is critical to adapt the long-term stable operation. In this paper, the volumetric mass transfer coefficient, gas holdup and bubble size in a gas–liquid up-flow column are studied with two kinds of internals. The gas holdup and volumetric mass transfer coefficient increase by 120% and 42% when the fractal dimension of bubbles increases from 0.56 to 2.56, respectively. The enhanced mass transfer processing may improve the coke suppression ability in the slurry reactor for residual oil treatment. The results can be useful for the exploration of reacting conditions, scale-up strategies, and oil adaptability. This work is valuable for the design of reactor systems and technological processes.  相似文献   

Bubble breakage and coalescence phenomena and multicomponent gas-liquid mass transfer were studied in a Rushton turbine agitated vessel. Local bubble size distributions (BSD) were measured from air-tap water system at several agitation conditions with capillary suction probe (CSP) technique. The CSP was compared to the digital imaging (DI) and phase Doppler anemometry (PDA) techniques in a stirred vessel. The volumetric BSDs between the CSP and DI were in agreement, but number BSDs showed notable deviation. The limitations of measurement techniques seem to be the main reason.A multiblock stirred tank model with discretized population balances for bubbles and two-film Maxwell-Stefan multicomponent mass transfer between gas and liquid was created for the agitated vessel. The model considers local mass transfer conditions in the vessel and is simple enough for the mathematical optimization of unknown model parameters. Unknown parameters in the mechanistic bubble breakage and coalescence models were fitted against measured local BSDs. After this, a parameter in the liquid film mass transfer correlation was adjusted against absorption and desorption experiments of oxygen. Local gas-liquid mass transfer areas were calculated from the population balance model. The simulations with the validated models show good agreement against experiments. On the other hand, the fitted parameters deviate from the theoretical values, which emphasizes the need of model validation against accurate experiments. Due to their fundamental character and the validation process, the fitted models seem to be useful tools for the design and scale-up of agitated gas-liquid reactors.  相似文献   

A fast response probe is used to measure local heat transfer in a bubble column. It captured the variations in local heat transfer coefficients due to changes in local hydrodynamic conditions in radial and axial directions. These measurements have been used to identify flow regime transitions, variations in flow patterns and local hydrodynamic structure as obtained with different gas distributors and varying gas velocity. Standard deviations of pressure measurements obtained with a fast response probe have been compared with heat transfer coefficient fluctuations for the first time and the similarities and differences have been pointed out. Variations in average heat transfer coefficients and standard deviations in radial and axial directions point to different hydrodynamic conditions and are compared with literature studies. Relationships between local heat transfer measurements and hydrodynamic conditions are shown.  相似文献   

The effects of superficial gas velocity on heat transfer coefficient and its time-averaged radial profiles along the bed height have been investigated in a pilot-plant scale bubble column of 0.44 m diameter using air-water system. Notable differences were observed in heat transfer coefficients along the bed axial locations particularly between the sparger (Z/D = 0.28) and the fully developed flow (Z/D = 4.8) regions. In the fully developed flow region larger heat transfer coefficient values were obtained compared to those in the sparger region. About 14-22% increase in heat transfer coefficients measured in the fully developed flow region has been observed compared to those measured in the distributor region when the superficial gas velocity increases from 0.05 to 0.45 m/s. The heat transfer coefficients in the column center for all the conditions studied are about 9-13% larger than those near the wall region. It has been noted that in the fully developed flow region, the axial variation of the heat transfer coefficients was not significant.  相似文献   

Several impellers, perforated plates and geometrical configurations were tested in order to evaluate the effect of the particular hydrodynamics generated by each impeller on the mass transfer rates and to optimize the performance of the tank. Theoretical and empirical equations have been used or proposed, based on the experimental data, to study the oxygen transfer rates from air bubbles generated in a non-standard stirred tank. The empirical equations obtained depend on the impeller type, its position and the design of the perforated plate because of their effect on the bubbles. The optimal position of the impeller depends on the physical effect of the impeller on the bubbles. Higher mass transfer coefficients were obtained close to the perforated plates. Not only the dispersion but also the break up of the bubbles favors the mass transfer rates. In short, although the Rushton turbine is efficient and stable with its relative position, other impellers show very interesting results for lower power inputs.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the mass transfer process of ozone dissolution in a bubble plume inside a rectangular water tank, as a model problem for a water purification system. The effect of bubble diameter and plume structure on mass transfer efficiency of ozone in bubble plumes is investigated numerically. In order to capture the detailed plume structure, the interaction between liquid and bubbles is treated by a two-way coupling Euler-Lagrange method. The motion of the continuous phase (a mixture of liquid and gas bubbles) is solved using a finite difference method in an Eulerian framework. The motion of the dispersed phase (bubbles) is tracked individually in a Lagrangian approach. The ozone transfer process from bubbles to liquid is computed by modelling the mass transfer rate of individual bubbles. Our numerical results show a nonlinear dependence of the ozone dissolution efficiency on the initial bubble size. The dissolution efficiency varies rapidly when the initial bubble size reaches certain value while the change of efficiency is much slower at other bubble sizes. Therefore, for a given tank size it is not necessary to generate bubbles much smaller than the optimal size. This result is of importance for engineering since it is difficult to generate small bubbles in practice. Our results also show that the instantaneous dissolution rate of ozone could be increased by increasing the initial volumetric fraction of ozone inside bubbles even up to 20% while maintaining the dissolution efficiency.  相似文献   

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