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《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2020,40(6):2287-2294
A tungsten carbide ceramic containing 5 vol% silicon carbide was hot pressed to full density at 1820 °C. A small amount of transient liquid phase based on W-C-Si-O facilitated oxide removal in the reducing environment and favoured the development of a bimodal microstructure containing sub-micrometric grains with square or rod-like morphologies. These microstructural features led to outstanding mechanical properties from room to elevated temperatures. For the first time, WC-materials were characterized up to 1500 °C exhibiting flexural strength over 1 GPa in the whole temperature range and fracture toughness from 7 to 15 MPa⋅√m. 相似文献
L. Silvestroni A. BellosiC. Melandri D. ScitiJ.X. Liu G.J. Zhang 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2011,31(4):619-627
HfC and TaC-based ceramics were hot pressed at 1900 °C for 5-20 min starting from synthesized ultrafine powders. The addition of 5 vol.% of MoSi2 improved the densification, which increased from around 85-90% for the pure matrices to 95% for the composites. The flexural strength was measured at room temperature and at 1500 °C under protective atmosphere. The added value of this work consists in the utilization of cheap synthesized powders for the realization of the composites with properties comparable to those obtained using more expensive commercial powders. The effect of the nanometric size of the starting powder showed to have the potential to improve the densification behavior and the mechanical properties, however it is necessary a further optimization of the synthesis condition in order to avoid the formation of agglomerates of unreacted powder. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2023,49(13):21839-21847
This article presents a study on the manufacturing of three-phase TaSi2–TaC–SiC ceramics through self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) and their subsequent chemical conversion to TaC–SiC carbide composites during transient liquid-phase hot pressing (HP). The effect of carbon black doping, ranging from 0% to 7%, on the degree of chemical conversion, structure, mechanical, and thermophysical properties of the ceramics was investigated. Our results showed that the proportionate increase of carbide content and decrease of TaSi2 content in hot-pressed samples was achieved through carbon black doping. The increase of TaSi2 content during hot pressing led to an increase in porosity from 4.3% to 23.8%, while the density decreased from 6.3 to 4.6 g/cm3. Superior mechanical properties were obtained when SHS-powder was doped with 1.5% carbon black (HV = 15.2 GPa, KIC = 4.8 MPa × m1/2, and σbend = 331 MPa). The structure of the ceramics was characterized by a TaSi2–SiC matrix and highly dispersed TaC grains predominantly residing inside TaSi2, with the TaC–TaSi2 and TaSi2–SiC interface being incoherent, as demonstrated through TEM studies. Complete conversion of TaSi2 to TaC and SiC was achieved through 7% carbon black doping, resulting in the hot-pressed sample consisting solely of carbide grains. Two-stage hot pressing was employed to enhance the relative density of the two-phase TaC–SiC sample, resulting in ceramics characterized by HV up to 22.3 GPa, KIC up to 6.1 MPa × m1/2, σbend up to 256 MPa, and λ up to 36 W/(m × K). 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2022,48(13):18811-18820
Boron carbide (B4C) matrix composites had the advantages of high hardness, high melting point and low density. However, due to the low relative density and poor fracture toughness of B4C, its comprehensive properties were limited in engineering applications. In this work, in order to improve the comprehensive properties of B4C composites, B4C–SiC–SiB6–CeB6 composites were designed and fabricated via reactive hot pressing at 2050 °C and 20 MPa with B4C matrix and novel additives (Double doping of Si and CeO2) as raw materials. The effects of additive CeO2 content on the microstructures and mechanical properties of composite were investigated, and reaction mechanisms of B4C, Si and CeO2 at different temperatures were studied in detail. The work showed that liquid phase Si and SiB6 greatly improved the densification of composites. CeB6 played an indispensable role in the formation of SiC–SiB6 agglomerate structure, increasing strength and supplementing toughness. When the content of CeO2 was 6 wt%, the relative density, hardness, flexural strength and fracture toughness reached to 99.7%, 34.9 GPa, 461.46 MPa and 5.57 MPa m1/2, respectively. Our strategy benefited from the formation of two liquid phases and SiC–SiB6 agglomerate structure, showing great potential in promoting sintering and improving fracture toughness. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2020,46(11):19092-19102
In previous works, it was found hard to synthesize “phase pure” ζ-Ta4C3-z at relatively low temperatures even by prolonged heating, though ζ-Ta4C3-z was believed stable till decomposition at ~2130°C. When the samples were subjected to TEM, vast richness of locally disordered structures in close relation with stacking of the close-pacted Ta-atom planes was observed. Although kinetic factors including diffusion of C atoms/vacancies and re-stacking of the Ta-atom planes explain the densely disordered structures, the richness of local disorders is a scenario that shows cohabitant of the cubic, rhombohedral, and hexagonal structures in a single grain, i.e. formation of a “hybrid grain” consisted of the three symmetries, indicating a transitional or intermediate stage before complete formation of the final phase of rhombohedral ζ-Ta4C3-z. This time tantalum carbide ceramics TaCx with C:Ta atomic ratios x = 0.66 and 0.7 were prepared by reaction hot pressing of TaC and Ta powder mixtures. 5–30 mol% Cu/Ag additives and heat treatments were used to reproduce “hybrid grains” to facilitate further TEM and HRTEM observations on the disordered hybrid grains to argue for the transitional/intermediate stage. The cohabitant cubic, rhombohedral, and hexagonal structures in single grains may also help explain the difficulty in identification of the various phases by XRD in the transitional/intermediate stage of ζ-Ta4C3-z reaction. Microstructural evolution and fracture toughness of the composites were also investigated. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2020,40(4):1067-1077
TaC ceramics with 0-0.237 wt% B addition were prepared by hot pressing. The effect of B addition on the phase constitution, interfacial chemistry/bonding and mechanical properties of the TaC ceramics were investigated. Upon B addition, the elimination of O impurity and segregation of B at grain boundaries were evidenced, accompanied by an increase in bonding strength of the TaC grains, to result in a fracture mode change from intergranular to transgranular and a reduced fracture toughness. Addition of excessive B resulted in the formation of TaB2 and C within TaC ceramics. Further, TaC-TaB2-SiC composites were prepared by Si addition. Coherent bonding between TaB2 and TaC was preserved in the TaC-TaB2-SiC composites, and residual stresses due to thermal expansion mismatch of the different phases increased flexural strength and fracture toughness of the composites. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2017,43(8):6345-6352
Effects of pressure, from ordinary (30 MPa) to high pressure (110 MPa), on densification behaviour, microstructures and mechanical properties of boron carbide ceramics sintered by hot pressing are investigated. With increasing pressure, the relative density sharply increases within 30–75 MPa, slowly increases within 75–100 MPa and finally stagnates. For samples within 75–100 MPa, densification begins at approximately 1000 °C, and the dominant densification process ends before the soaking stage. High relative densities of 98.49% and 99.76% are achieved. For samples within 30–50 MPa, densification begins at approximately 1500 °C, and the soaking stage (initial 20 min) is still important for the dominant densification process. The final relative densities are only 87.90% and 92.32%. The above-mentioned differences are derived from contributions of pressure, and the dominant densification mechanism under high pressure is plastic deformation. The average grain size of the samples slightly increases with increasing soaking time. The grain size under higher pressure is larger than that under lower pressure at corresponding periods because grains grow easily with reduced pores. Vickers hardness and fracture toughness increase as grain size decreases in fully dense samples. However, when the samples do not achieve full density, relative density becomes more influential than grain size in hardness and toughness. A soaking time of 30 min is enough for samples under 100 MPa. Prolonging the soaking time has deleterious effects on mechanical properties. The relative density, grain size, hardness and fracture toughness of the samples under 100 MPa for 30 min are 99.73%, 1.96 µm, 37.85 GPa and 3.94 MPa m1/2, respectively. 相似文献
Powders of Al4C3 and SiC were combined by high-energy milling to produce Al4SiC4, Al4SiC4 + 30 vol.% TiC, and Al4SiC4 + 30 vol.% WC. Five different temperatures were used to hot press the constituents. XRD, SEM, relative density, and hardness measurements showed that formation of single-phase Al4SiC4 occurred at 1450 °C and full densification (99%) was achieved at 1500 °C. Both of these temperatures are lower than previously reported. Adding TiC and WC increases hardness, while WC improves densification (99.5%). 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2022,48(11):15364-15370
This study reports on the preparation and mechanical properties of a novel SiCnf/SiC composite. The single crystal SiC nanofiber(SiCnf) reinforced SiC ceramic matrix composites (CMC) were successfully fabricated by hot pressing the mixture of β-SiC powders, SiCnf and Al–B–C powder. The effects of SiCnf mass fraction as well as the hot-pressing temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCnf/SiC CMC were systematically investigated. The results demonstrated that the 15 wt% SiCnf/SiC CMC obtained by hot pressing (HP) at 1850 °C with 30 MPa for 60 min possessed the maximum flexural strength and fracture toughness of 678.2 MPa and 8.33 MPa m1/2, respectively. The nanofibers pull out, nanofibers bridging and cracks deflection were found by scanning electron microscopy, which are believed can strengthen and toughen the SiCnf/SiC CMC via consuming plenty of the fracture energy. Besides, although the relative density of the prepared SiCnf/SiC CMC further increased with the sintering temperature rose to 1900 °C, the further coarsend composites grains results in the deterioration of the mechanical properties for the obtained composites compared to 1850 °C. 相似文献
In this study, the effect of sintering parameters on densification and fracture toughness of spark plasma sintering ZrB2-SiC nanocomposites was evaluated. For this purpose, ZrB2-??30?vol% SiC nanocomposites in the conditions of ?1600?°C-4?min, 1700?°C-4?min, 1800?°C-4?min, 1800?°C-8?min, 1800?°C-12?min? were sintered.? Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used in order to investigate the ?microstructural variations. The bulk density was measured accoring to ASTM C 373–88. Single edge notch beam (SENB) method was used to ?determine the fracture toughness of samples. Microstructural observations showed that ?an increase in sintering temperature led to slight ?increase in SiC grains size but no sensitive variation in ZrB2. However, increasing the sintering time resulted to increase both ZrB2 and SiC grain size. Also, it was found, temperature and time ascent always increases the relative density. In addition, it was concluded that optimal temperature and time to reach the highest fracture toughness are 1800?°C and 8?min, respectively. Investigation of SEM images of the Vickers indent and their path propagation showed that the deviation and branching of crack are the most important toughening ?mechanisms in ZrB2-SiC nanocomposites.? 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2016,42(3):3965-3971
We introduce a new and effective method for improving the fracture toughness of Al2O3-based composites through the addition of a nonstoichiometric material. Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites were sintered by spark plasma sintering with different TiN0.3 content at temperatures between 1300 and 1600 °C for 10 min and a micro-region diffusion phenomenon was observed at the Al2O3–TiN0.3 interface. Ti atoms from TiN0.3 diffused into Al2O3 to occupy Al sites, which led to the formation of Al vacancies that enabled the transport of aluminum by a vacancy mechanism. The optimal densification temperature of the Al2O3–30vol% TiN0.3 composite was approximately 1400 °C. The maximum fracture toughness measured was 6.91 MPa m1/2, from the composite with 30 vol% TiN0.3 sintered at 1500 °C. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2020,46(5):5856-5862
AlB12-AlB12C2-TiB2-based hard and tough composites were fabricated using ball milled B, Al, and Ti powders as the starting materials, and sintered by reactive plasma activated sintering (PAS). The mechanical properties and microstructures were investigated, and the effects of the composition and microstructures on the reinforcing and toughening of the composites were determined. The results showed that the composite with 10 vol% TiB2 showed excellent mechanical properties, a lightweight of 2.76 g cm−3, Vickers hardness of 37 GPa, and fracture toughness of 7.1 MPa m1/2. In addition, the main strengthening and toughening mechanisms were due to the twin structures, dislocation defects, and stacking faults in the specimen in addition to grain pull-out, crack deflection, crack bridging, and crack branching caused by elongated TiB2 particles. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2021,41(15):7469-7477
Dense tantalum carbide (TaC) ceramics were prepared using TaC nanopowder via spark plasma sintering (SPS). The effects of the sintering temperature and applied pressure on the densification and grain growth behaviour of TaC ceramics were investigated. The results showed that high temperature and pressure promoted sintering densification, while their increase caused an increase in the grain size of TaC ceramics. A highly dense TaC ceramic (∼97.19%) with a fine grain size of 2.67 μm was obtained by sintering at 1800 °C for 10 min under 80 MPa. The Vickers hardness, Young's modulus and fracture toughness were 15.60 GPa, 512.66 GPa and 3.59 MPa·m1/2, respectively. The densification kinetics were investigated using a creep deformation model. Diffusion and grain boundary sliding were proven to be the dominant densification mechanisms based on the stress and grain size exponents combined with the microstructural characteristics. The apparent activation energy of the mechanism controlling densification was 252.94 kJ/mol. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2017,43(6):5136-5144
Stoichiometric Tantalum carbide (TaC) ceramics were prepared by reaction spark plasma sintering using 0.333–2.50 mol% Si3N4 as sintering aid. Effects of the Si3N4 addition on densification, microstructure and mechanical properties of the TaC ceramics were investigated. Si3N4 reacted with TaC and tantalum oxides such as Ta2O5 to form a small concentration of tantalum silicides, SiC and SiO2, with significant decrease in oxygen content in the consolidated TaC ceramics. Dense TaC ceramics having relative densities >97% could be obtained at 0.667% Si3N4 addition and above. Average grain size in the consolidated TaC ceramics decreased from 11 µm at 0.333 mol% Si3N4 to 4 µm at 2.50 mol% Si3N4 addition. The Young's modulus, Vickers hardness and flexural strength at room temperature of the TaC ceramic with 2.50 mol% Si3N4 addition was 508 GPa, 15.5 GPa and 605 MPa, respectively. A slight decrease in bending strength was observed at 1200 °C due to oxidation of the samples. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2023,49(19):31439-31444
In this study, the mechanism of the effect of ZrB2 on phase transformation of Si3N4 at a low temperature and the influence of its content on Si3N4-based ceramics were investigated. Previous study has shown that oxide impurities, i.e., B2O3 and ZrO2 on ZrB2 particles, alone cannot contribute to phase transformation of Si3N4 at a low temperature. But, the introduction of 0.5 vol% ZrB2 into Si3N4 ceramics can promote the α-β phase transformation of Si3N4, which is confirmed to be the role of boron by comparison of the experimental results obtained from the addition of 0.5 vol% Zr and 0.5 vol% B. Increasing the ZrB2 content from 0 vol% to 2.5 vol% intensifies the α-β phase transformation while decreasing the α phase content of Si3N4-based ceramics, accompanied by a slight grain growth, leading to a decrease in hardness. At the same time, aspect ratio and the quantities of elongated grains per square micron increase, and thus the fracture toughness increases significantly. However, when the content of ZrB2 increases to 5 vol%, the Si3N4-based ceramics not only have a substantial decrease in hardness, but also the fracture toughness fails to be effectively improved due to high porosity and the decrease in aspect ratio and the quantity of elongated grains per square micron. The current study demonstrates that the dense Si3N4-based ceramics with high hardness and toughness (hardness ∼19.9 ± 0.2 GPa, toughness ∼6.27 ± 0.19 MPa m1/2) can be prepared successfully at 1600 °C by introducing 0.5 vol% ZrB2. 相似文献
P. Dahl I. Kaus Z. Zhao M. Johnsson M. Nygren K. Wiik T. Grande M.-A. Einarsrud 《Ceramics International》2007,33(8):1603-1610
Densification of nanocrystalline yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) powder with 8 mol% Y2O3, prepared by a glycine/nitrate smoldering combustion method, was investigated by spark plasma sintering, hot pressing and conventional sintering. The spark plasma sintering technique was shown to be superior to the other methods giving dense materials (≥96%) with uniform morphology at lower temperatures and shorter sintering time. The grain size of the materials was 0.21, 0.37 and 12 μm after spark plasma sintering, hot pressing and conventional sintering, respectively. Total electrical conductivity of the materials showed no clear correlation with the grain size, but the activation energy for spark plasma sintered materials was slightly higher than for materials prepared by the two other densification methods. The hardness, measured by the Vickers indentation method, was found to be independent on grain size while fracture toughness, derived by the indentation method, was slightly decreasing with increasing grain size. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2022,42(11):4503-4512
Tungsten carbide (WC) with different amounts of Cubic boron nitride (cBN) were synthesized by High Pressure-High Temperature (HPHT) method. The mapping correlation between thermodynamic condition, cBN addition, and microstructure, mechanical properties of WC–cBN composites was established and analyzed by response surface methodology. The main factors affecting the properties of composites were identified by ANOVA. The optimum thermodynamic condition was calculated. It was found that a minor phase transformation of cBN into the low-hardness hBN occurred at a temperature of 1300 °C and intensified at 1500 °C. The homogeneously dispersed cBN particles in the WC matrix promoted an improvement of hardness and fracture toughness, but the phase transition of cBN and its truss effect can dramatically reduce the mechanical properties. The Vickers hardness and fracture toughness of the well-sintered WC-cBN bulks reached a high value of 34 GPa and 13.6 MPa·m1/2, which are improved by 17% and 52% respectively compared with the pure WC samples sintered under similar high-pressure level. 相似文献
碳化硅晶须增韧氧化铝复合材料制备中的几个问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文就SiCw-Al2O3复合材料制备的主要环节,介绍了国内外的最新研究动态,讨论了该研究领域存在的主要问题,提出了今后努力的方向。 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2016,42(11):12946-12955
Because Al2O3 exhibits high strength and hardness, it is prevalently used as a ceramic material. ZrO2 is often added to increase the toughness of such a material. Therefore, this study mixed Al2O3 and ZrO2 to formulate functionally graded materials (FGMs). four-layer and eleven-layer Al2O3-ZrO2 FGMS were produced from Al2O3 and ZrO2 mixtures by sintering at 1500 °C. Moreover, testing sheets were created by mixing various ratios of Al2O3 and ZrO2 to analyze their fracture toughness and hardness. The results revealed the 90% Al2O3-10% ZrO2 sheet to exhibit a hardness of 15.12 GPa, and the 50% Al2O3-50% ZrO2 sheet to attain a fracture toughness as high as 4.7 MPa m0.5. The impact resistance test involved analyzing various types of testing sheets, including the four-layer Al2O3-(0%, 10%, 20%, 30%) ZrO2 FGM, eleven-layer Al2O3-(0–100%) ZrO2 FGM, 100% Al2O3 composite material, 90% Al2O3-10% ZrO2 composite material, 70% Al2O3-30% ZrO2 composite material, and 50% Al2O3-50% ZrO2 composite material. The ballistic tests showed that FGMs of the same areal density (4.64 g/cm2) or thickness (11 mm) attained the highest energy absorption. The experimental results confirmed that FGMs can delay the formation and propagation of ceramic cones. Specifically, toughened alumina materials prevent the growth of radial and circumferential cracks, delay the formation of ceramic cones, decrease cones hitting against the back plane, and increase the penetrating resistant capability of the ceramic materials experiencing bullet impact, features important for applications in fields such as aerospace, aviation, automobile, the military industry, and biomedicine 相似文献
Ziyou Zhao Degui Zhu Yu Gao Lan Lv Nan Liao Xiaosong Jiang Zhiping Luo 《Ceramics International》2019,45(9):11241-11250
WC-2wt.%ZrO2-1wt.%Ni composites were prepared by vacuum pressureless sintering (VPS) and post-hot isostatic pressing (post-HIP). The microstructure, phase composition, densification, hardness, fracture toughness, and flexural strength of composites with different Ni and ZrO2 contents were systematically investigated. The results show that WC-Ni and WC-ZrO2-Ni composites prepared by VPS can be densified by the addition of a small amount of Ni as the binder phase. Moreover, the densities of the composites can be further enhanced i.e. the composites are rendered nearly fully dense following HIP while the grains remain fine without obvious growth. The binder Ni and ZrO2 phases are uniformly distributed in the WC matrix and exhibit high bonding strength with it. The hardness, fracture toughness, and flexural strength of the WC-ZrO2-Ni composites following HIP could reach 22.4?GPa, 12.0?MPa?m1/2, and 1101.2?MPa, respectively. Based on the influence of the Ni and ZrO2 contents on the microstructures and mechanical properties of the WC-2wt.%ZrO2-1wt.%Ni composites, the fracture mechanism was determined to be governed by the phase transformation of ZrO2 that led to the development of some micro-cracks followed by deflection, bridging, and branching of the cracks to improve fracture toughness. The composites are mainly composed of elongated triangular prismatic WC grains and ZrO2 phases, and hence the fracture mode can change such that transgranular fracture becomes the main fracture mode accompanied by a small amount of intergranular fracture. Thus, the flexural strength of the composites can be improved. 相似文献