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Aerobic granulation in a sequencing batch airlift reactor   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
Aerobic granular sludge was cultivated in an intensely mixed sequencing batch airlift reactor (SBAR). A COD loading of 2.5 kg Acetate-COD/(m3 d) was applied. Granules developed in the reactor within one week after inoculation with suspended activated sludge from a conventional wastewater treatment plant. Selection of the dense granules from the biomass mixture occurs because of the differences in settling velocities between granules (fast settling biomass), and filaments and flocs (slow settling biomass). At 'steady state' the granules had an average diameter of 2.5 mm, a biomass density of 60g VSS/I of granules, and a settling rate of > 10 m/h. The biomass consisted of both heterotrophic and nitrifying bacteria. The reactor was operated over a long period during which the granular sludge proved to remain stable. The performance of the intermittently fed SBAR was compared to that of the continuously fed biofilm airlift suspension reactor (BASR). The most importance difference was that the density of the granules in the SBAR was much higher than the density of the biofilms in the BASR. It is discussed that this could be due to the fact that the SBAR is intermittently fed, while the BASR is continuously fed.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate storage in anaerobic sequencing batch reactors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study demonstrates the accumulation and degradation of trehalose as a storage compound in a glucose-fed anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR). One hour after substrate addition, only 40% of the added organic matter (as chemical oxygen demand, COD) was accounted for by the cumulative methane production and soluble COD remaining in the reactor. All influent COD was accounted for by methane and biomass production by the end of the 24-h ASBR cycle. These dynamics can be explained by the production of an intracellular storage product. Total carbohydrate analysis showed that 26% of the glucose added to the reactor transiently accumulated within the biomass. Based on 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis, trehalose (-d-glucopyranosyl-(d-glucopyranoside)) was identified as the main carbohydrate produced. Mathematical modeling was performed and the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) was modified to include microbial storage. The modified model adequately described the ASBR dynamics during a 24-h cycle.  相似文献   

The physical and biochemical characteristics of the biomass in three lab-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBR) treating a synthetic wastewater at a 20-day target solids retention time (SRT) were investigated. The synthetic wastewater feed contained biogenic compounds and 22 organic priming compounds, chosen to represent a wide variety of chemical structures with different N, P and S functional groups. At a two-day hydraulic retention time (HRT), the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) cycled between -100 (anoxic) and 100 mV (aerobic) in the anoxic/aerobic SBR, while it remained in a range of 126+/-18 and 249+/-18 mV in the aerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) and the aerobic SBR reactor, respectively. A granular activated sludge with excellent settleability (SVI=98+/-31 L mg(-1)) developed only in the anoxic/aerobic SBR, compared to a bulky sludge with poor settling characteristics in the aerobic SBR and SBBR. While all reactors had very good COD removal (>90%) and displayed nitrification, substantial nitrogen removal (74%) was only achieved in the anoxic/aerobic SBR. During the entire operational period, benzoate, theophylline and 4-chlorophenol were completely removed in all reactors. In contrast, effluent 3-nitrobenzoate was recorded when its influent concentration was increased to 5 mg L(-1) and dropped only to below 1 mg L(-1) after 300 days of operation. The competent (active) biomass fractions for these compounds were between 0.04% and 5.52% of the total biomass inferred from substrate-specific microbial enumerations. The measured competent biomass fractions for 4-chlorophenol and 3-nitrobenzoate degradation were significantly lower than the influent COD fractions of these compounds. Correspondent to the highest competent biomass fraction for benzoate degradation among the test SOCs, benzoate oxidation could be quantified with an extant respirometric technique, with the highest specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR(benzoate), 0.026 g O2 h(-1) g(-1) XCOD) in the anoxic/aerobic SBR. These combined results suggest that operating SBRs with alternative anoxic/aerobic cycles might facilitate the formation of granular sludge with good settleability, and retain comparable removal of nitrogen and synthetic organic compounds. Hence, the practice of anoxic/aerobic cycling should be considered in wastewater treatment systems whenever possible.  相似文献   

Kim JH  Chen M  Kishida N  Sudo R 《Water research》2004,38(14-15):3340-3348
A new integrated real-time control system was designed and operated with fluctuating influent loads for swine wastewater treatment. The system was operated with automatic addition control of an external carbon source, using real-time control technology, which utilized the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and the pH as parameters to control the anoxic phase and oxic phase, respectively. The fluctuations in swine wastewater concentration are extreme; an influent with a low C/N ratio is deficient in organic carbon, and a low carbon source level can limit the overall biological denitrification process. Consequently, a sufficient organic source must be provided for proper denitrification. The feasibility of using swine waste as an external carbon source for enhanced biological nitrogen removal was investigated. The real-time control made it possible to optimize the quantity of swine waste added as the load fluctuated from cycle to cycle. The average removal efficiencies achieved for TOC and nitrogen were over 94% and 96%, respectively, using the integrated real-time control strategy.  相似文献   

Sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) are variable‐volume, non‐steady‐state, suspended‐growth biological wastewater treatment reactors. The treatment process is characterised by a repeated treatment cycle consisting of a series of sequential process phases: fill, react, settle, decant and idle. The design and operation of an SBR must take into account (1) the biological process requirement for treating influent wastewater and (2) the hydraulic requirement to enable throughput of the water through the reactor without compromising on the quality of biological treatment. During routine operation, the priority between the process and hydraulic consideration can change depending on the influent flow rate and its rate of change. The importance of the interaction between these considerations will vary depending on the fill strategy and the cycle time control strategy. Where flow‐proportional cycle times are utilised to optimise the treatment process, the operating strategy must be capable of accurately adjusting the intercycle phase times to prevent loss of biological treatment or volumetric capacity. This paper considers various operating strategies and describes the specific strategy used at the SBR at Avonmouth wastewater treatment works.  相似文献   

Aerobic granular sludge in a sequencing batch reactor   总被引:88,自引:0,他引:88  
In a laboratory scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) granules were cultured under aerobic conditions. To enhance the growth of granular sludge the SBR was operated with very short sedimentation and draw phases resulting in the washout of slow settling biomass. Fast settling granules were retained in the reactor and thus had an advantage over flocs with a slower settling velocity. After 40 days of operation granules were the dominant form of microbial aggregates in the reactor, even though some pin-point flocs remained in the system. Granules taken from the reactor were stored for weeks without disintegrating. After about 130 days of operation the granule quality and COD-removal worsened. The reasons for that are yet to be investigated.  相似文献   

Early use of sequencing batch (fill and draw) biological reactors was abandoned in favor of conventional continuous flow constant volume treatment systems because of operational difficulties. Recent advances in process control and the need to provide more reliable and consistent treatment have called for the re-evaluation of present biological treatment practices. Fill and draw reactors provide for equalization of flow and concentration, treatment of organics and quiescent sedimentation in the same system. This system also benefits from the theoretical advantages of the volume reductions expected from a plug flow system. Laboratory studies were conducted on fill and draw reactors. A mathematical model was developed to describe, as a function of time, the waste and organism concentration and the oxygen uptake rate. Close agreement between the measured and predicted values was obtained. These results plus the obvious potential benefits of batch treatment suggest that sequencing batch systems may serve as a process alternative to conventional treatment schemes.  相似文献   

《Water research》1996,30(2):277-284
Two bench-scale sequencing batch reactors were fed with domestic wastewater and operated in an anaerobic-aerobic sequence for 139 d. Denitrification during the aerated react period was observed and the factors influencing the extent of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification were examined. It was found that the influence of DO on the nitrification rate during the aerated react period could be described by a Monod kinetic with a high oxygen half-saturation coefficient for autotrophic nitrifiers (KO.A) of 4.5 mg/l. The dependency of the denitrification rate on DO could be described by a mathematical switching function with a higher switching function constant than expected, meaning that the extent of aerobic denitrification was higher than usual. It was also observed that aerobic denitrification decreased with time over the aerated react period. For most of the time of reactor operation nitrite was the main NOx species in the effluent, instead of the commonly expected nitrate. This led to the conclusion that the activity of Nitrobacter species was probably inhibited in the SBRs studied. It also demonstrated the importance of measuring nitrite in the effluent to ensure that the reactor performance and the extent of aerobic denitrification was not over-estimated.  相似文献   

Wang S  Gunsch CK 《Water research》2011,45(11):3398-3406
The impact of four pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) introduced both individually and in mixtures was ascertained on the performance of laboratory-scale wastewater treatment sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). When introduced individually at concentrations of 0.1, 1 and 10 μM, no significant differences were observed with respect to chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia removal. Microbial community analyses reveal that although similarity index values generally decreased over time with an increase in PhAC concentrations as compared to the controls, no major microbial community shifts were observed for total bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) communities. However, when some PhACs were introduced in mixtures, they were found to both inhibit nitrification and alter AOB community structure. Ammonia removal decreased by up to 45% in the presence of 0.25 μM gemfibrozil and 0.75 μM naproxen. PhAC mixtures did not however affect COD removal performance suggesting that heterotrophic bacteria are more robust to PhACs than AOB. These results highlight that the joint action of PhACs in mixtures may have significantly different effects on nitrification than the individual PhACs. This phenomenon should be further investigated with a wider range of PhACs so that toxicity effects can more accurately be predicted.  相似文献   

Anoxic treatment of phenolic wastewater in sequencing batch reactor   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Studies were conducted on the anoxic phenol removal using granular denitrifying sludge in sequencing batch reactor at different cycle lengths and influent phenol concentrations. Results showed that removal exceeded 80% up to an influent phenol concentration of 1050 mg/l at 6 h cycle length, which corresponded to 6.4 kg COD/m3/d. Beyond this, there was a steep decrease in phenol and COD removal efficiencies. This was accompanied by an increase in nitrite concentration in the effluent. On an average, 1 g nitrate-N was consumed per 3.4 g phenol COD removal. Fraction of COD available for sludge growth was calculated to be 11%.  相似文献   

This study investigated the biodegradability of the herbicides isoproturon and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). Two laboratory-scale (2L liquid volume) SBRs were employed: one reactor performing under aerobic and the other under anaerobic conditions. The aerobic SBR was operated at an ambient temperature (22+/-2 degrees C), while the anaerobic SBR was run in the lower mesophilic range (30+/-2 degrees C). Each bioreactor was seeded with a 3:1 mixture (by weight) of fresh sludge and biomass that had been previously exposed to both herbicides. The effect of herbicide concentration on either treatment process was explored at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 48 h, using glucose as a supplemental carbon substrate. Although no isoproturon degradation was observed in either system during the study, complete 2,4-D removal occurred after an acclimation period of approximately 30 d (aerobic SBR) and 70 d (anaerobic SBR). The aerobic reactor achieved complete 2,4-D utilization at feed concentrations up to 500 mg/L. A further increase to 700 mg/L, however, proved to be inhibitory since 2,4-D biodegradation was negligible. On the other hand, the anaerobic SBR was able to degrade 120 mg/L of 2,4-D, which corresponds to 40% of the maximum feed concentration applied. Moreover, glucose was consumed first throughout the experiment in a sequential utilization pattern relating to 2,4-D, with biodegradation of both substrates following closely first-order kinetics.  相似文献   

Yu Z  Mohn WW 《Water research》2001,35(4):883-890
Resin acids are the major toxicants in pulp and paper mill effluents (PPMEs), and they form pitch interfering with papermaking. Efficient and reliable resin acid removal is critically important to prevent toxicity discharge and ensure proper functioning of paper machines. Two resin-acid-degrading bacteria, Pseudomonas abietaniphila BKME-9 and Zoogloea resiniphila DhA-35, were tested in laboratory sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) for their ability to enhance resin acid removal by biomass from a full-scale biotreatment system treating PPMEs. Both bacteria enhanced resin acid removal but not removal of total organic carbon (TOC) by either pH-shocked or starved activated sludge. These two bacteria also increased resin acid removal when the sludge was given high concentration (200 microM) of resin acid. A most-probable-number polymerase chain reaction (MPN-PCR) assay showed that these two bacteria were initially not detectable (detection limit: 10(2) bacterial cells/ml) in the sludge community and were persistent after inoculation. Both bacteria did not substantially change the indigenous microbial community composition, as assayed by ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA). Our results suggest that it is feasible and potentially useful to enhance resin acid removal by bioaugmentation using resin-acid-degrading bacteria such as BKME-9 and DhA-35.  相似文献   

Conventional biological wastewater treatment plants do not easily degrade the dyes and polyvinyl alcohols (PVOH) in textile effluents. Results are reported on the possible advantages of anaerobic/aerobic cometabolism in sequenced redox reactors. A six phase anaerobic/aerobic sequencing laboratory scale batch reactor was developed to treat a synthetic textile effluent. The wastewater included PVOH from desizing and an azo dye (Remazol Black). The reactor removed 66% of the applied total organic carbon (load F: M 0.15) compared to 76% from a control reactor without dye. Colour removal was 94% but dye metabolites caused reactor instability. Aromatic amines from the anaerobic breakdown of the azo dyes were not completely mineralised by the aerobic phase. Breakdown of PVOH by the reactor (20-30%) was not as good as previous reports with entirely aerobic cultures. The anaerobic cultures were able to tolerate the oxygen and methane continued to be produced but there was a deterioration in settlement.  相似文献   

Due to the higher uncertainty of environmental risk for pollutants’ treatment by activated sludge, 10 mg/L influent 4‐chlorophenol (4‐CP) treated via a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was used as acclimated SBR. Another SBR was used as control SBR without 4‐CP. The effects of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and proteins on sludge toxicity for 4‐CP treatment were analysed, and compared to the control SBR. Results showed that the sludge toxicity in acclimated SBR was significantly higher than that of the control SBR. Shortening HRT from 12 to 8 hours was beneficial to degrade 4‐CP and lower sludge toxicity. The identified highly expressed protein of ABC transporter co‐existed in control and acclimated SBRs, while other proteins of TonB‐dependent receptor, heat shock 70 kDa protein and superoxide dismutase in acclimated sludge were overexpressed relative to the control sludge, which played an important function in degrading 4‐CP, resisting 4‐CP toxicity and eliminating sludge toxicity.  相似文献   

The structure dynamic of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) community and the distribution of AOB and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) in granular sludge from an anaerobic-aerobic sequencing batch reactor (SBR) were investigated. A combination of process studies, molecular biotechniques and microscale techniques were employed to identify and characterize these organisms. The AOB community structure in granules was substantially different from that of the initial pattern of the inoculants sludge. Along with granules formation, the AOB diversity declined due to the selection pressure imposed by process conditions. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequencing results demonstrated that most of Nitrosomonas in the inoculating sludge were remained because of their ability to rapidly adapt to the settling-washing out action. Furthermore, DGGE analysis revealed that larger granules benefit more AOB species surviving in the reactor. In the SBR were various size granules coexisted, granule diameter affected the distribution range of AOB and NOB. Small and medium granules (d < 0.6 mm) cannot restrict oxygen mass transfer in all spaces of the sludge. Larger granules (d > 0.9 mm) can result in smaller aerobic volume fraction and inhibition of NOB growth. All these observations provide support to future studies on the mechanisms responsible for the AOB in granules systems.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor when subjected to a progressive increase of influent glucose concentration and to estimate the kinetic parameters of glucose degradation. The reactor was initially operated in 8-h cycles, treating glucose in concentrations of 500, 1000 and 2000 mg l(-1). No glucose was detected in the effluent under these three conditions. The reactor showed operating stability when treating a glucose concentration of approximately 500 mg l(-1), with filtered chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies varying from 93% to 97%. Operational instability occurred in the operation with glucose concentrations of approximately 1000 and 2000 mg l(-1), caused mainly by a production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which led to hydrodynamic and mass transfer problems in the reactor. The mean volatile acid concentration values in the effluent were approximately 159+/-72 and 374+/-92 mg l(-1), respectively. A first-order model was adjusted to glucose concentration profiles and a modified model, including a residual concentration of substrate, was adjusted to COD temporal profiles. To check the formation of EPS, the reactor was operated in 3-h cycles with concentrations of 500 and 1000 mg l(-1). The purpose of this step was to discover if the production of EPS resulted from the biomass's exposure to a low concentration of substrate over a long period of time. Thus, it was hypothesized that a reduction of the time cycle would also reduce the exposure to low concentrations. However, this hypothesis could not be confirmed because large amounts of EPS were formed already under the first operational condition, using approximately 500 mg l(-1) of glucose in the influent, thus indicating the fallacy of the hypothesis. The production of EPS proved to depend on the organic volumetric load applied to the reactor.  相似文献   

采用悬浮填料序批式生物膜反应器,分析了填料填充率、曝气量、曝气时间等运行参数对污染物处理效果的影响,试验结果表明:悬浮填料的最优填充率为30%,最佳曝气量为0.75 m3/h,为保证出水CODCr达到排放标准,必须保证足够长的曝气时间。  相似文献   

Liao BQ  Droppo IG  Leppard GG  Liss SN 《Water research》2006,40(13):2583-2591
The effect of solids retention time (SRT) (4-20 d) on sludge floc structure, size distribution and morphology in laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors receiving a glucose-based synthetic wastewater was studied using image analysis in a long-term experiment over one year. Floc size distribution (>10 microm) could be characterized by a log-normal model for no bulking situations, but a bi-modal distribution of floc size was observed for modest bulking situations. In each operating cycle of the SBRs, the variation in food /microorganisms ratio (0.03-1.0) had no significant influence on floc size distribution and morphology. The results from a long-term study over one year showed that no clear relationship existed between SRT and median floc size based on frequency. However, sludge flocs at the lower SRTs (4-9 d) were much more irregular and more variable in size with time than those at higher SRTs (16 and 20 d). The level of effluent-suspended solids at lower SRTs was higher than that at higher SRTs.  相似文献   

Blackburne R  Yuan Z  Keller J 《Water research》2008,42(8-9):2166-2176
Nitrogen removal via nitrite, as opposed to the traditional nitrate, may be beneficial for carbon-limited biological wastewater treatment plants. However, reliable termination of nitrification at nitrite (nitritation) has proved difficult in the treatment of domestic wastewater. In this study, nitritation was attained in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with pre-denitrification treating domestic wastewater (total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) concentration of about 43 mg NL(-1)) by aerobic duration control. The aerobic duration control strategy terminates aeration upon completion of ammonium oxidation with accumulated nitrite still remaining. The SBR was purposefully operated such that the influence of other known selection factors for nitritation was absent. The process proved effective in achieving a steady state whereby over 80% nitritation was sustained. Investigation of the cause of nitritation by a calibrated ammonium and nitrite oxidation model showed aerobic duration control as the key factor leading to nitritation.  相似文献   

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