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[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 119(3) of Journal of Abnormal Psychology (see record 2010-15289-020). In the article, the last revision received date printed on the final page of the article was incorrect due to an error in the production process. The correct publication dates are as follows: Received April 14, 2009; Revision received November 6, 2009; Accepted November 9, 2009.] Although the role of emotion in social economic decision making has been increasingly recognized, the impact of mood disorders, such as depression, on such decisions has been surprisingly neglected. To address this gap, 15 depressed and 23 nondepressed individuals completed a well-known economic task, in which they had to accept or reject monetary offers from other players. Although depressed individuals reported a more negative emotional reaction to unfair offers, they accepted significantly more of these offers than did controls. A positive relationship was observed in the depressed group, but not in controls, between acceptance rates of unfair offers and resting cardiac vagal control, a physiological index of emotion regulation capacity. The discrepancy between depressed individuals' increased emotional reactions to unfair offers and their decisions to accept more of these offers contrasts with recent findings that negative mood in nondepressed individuals can lead to lower acceptance rates. This suggests distinct biasing processes in depression, which may be related to higher reliance on regulating negative emotion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Two studies investigated the impact of group norms for maintaining consensus versus norms for critical thought on group decisions in a modification of the biased sampling paradigm (G. Stasser & W. Titus, 1985). Both studies showed that critical norms improved the quality of decisions, whereas consensus norms did not. This effect appeared to be mediated by the perceived value of shared and unshared information: Consensus norm groups valued shared information more highly than critical groups did, and valence was a good predictor of decision outcome. In addition, the 2nd study showed that the group norm manipulation has no impact on individual decisions, consistent with the assumption that this is a group effect. Results suggest that the content of group norms is an important factor influencing the quality of group decision-making processes and that the content of group norms may be related to the group's proneness for groupthink. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Simon Dan; Pham Lien B.; Le Quang A.; Holyoak Keith J. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2001,27(5):1250
Previous research has indicated that decision making is accompanied by an increase in the coherence of assessments of the factors related to the decision alternatives. In the present study, the authors investigated whether this coherence shift is obtained before people commit to a decision, and whether it is obtained in the course of a number of other processing tasks. College students were presented with a complex legal case involving multiple conflicting arguments. Participants rated agreement with the individual arguments in isolation before seeing the case and after processing it under various initial sets, including playing the role of a judge assigned to decide the case. Coherence shifts were observed when participants were instructed to delay making the decision (Experiment 1), to memorize the case (Experiment 2), and to comprehend the case (Experiment 3). The findings support the hypothesis that a coherence-generating mechanism operates in a variety of processing tasks, including decision making. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
4 techniques of group decision-making—authoritarian, leader suggestion, census, and chairman—under risk and uncertainty were compared using a survival situation with 45 aircrews. "1. In a conflict situation, when a group discussion method… is involved, the members' reactions to the alternatives are relatively undifferentiated in contrast to the condition in which the leader alone makes the decision… . 2… . the groups appear to be least favorably disposed toward the authoritarian technique of decision-making… . 3. When the decision-making procedure is group centered the group reaches a decision involving greater personal risk to the members." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The determinants of decision making of executives are of special interest for companies. For a long time choices have been investigated based on theories that assume an equal impact of expected outcomes and expected probabilities (Von Neumann and Morgenstern 1953, Savage 1954, Kahneman and Tversky 1979). The influence of probabilities in decision processes is, however, questioned by a growing body of research (Rottenstreich and Kivetz 2006, Shapira 1995, March and Shapira 1987, 1992). To monitor the information acquisition process of board members and high-ranking executives in the German insurance industry we conducted 51 personal interviews, which included computer-aided simulations. These simulations clearly and objectively support former statements of executives (Shapira 1995) that they focus more on the amount of decision outcomes than on the corresponding probabilities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Neuroimaging techniques have recently been used to examine the neural mechanism of decision making. Nevertheless, most of the neuroimaging studies overlook the importance of emotion and autonomic response in modulating the process of decision making. In this article, the authors discuss how to integrating functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with psychophysiological measurements in studying decision making. They suggest that psychophysiological data would complement with fMRI findings in providing a more comprehensive understanding about the physiological and neural mechanisms of decision making. Also, this technique would yield valuable information in examining the interplay among emotions, autonomic response, and decision making. The discussion is presented in a tutorial format with concrete technical recommendations for researchers who may consider adopting the technique in their study of decision making. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Ruchinskas Robert A.; Macciocchi Stephen N.; Howe Gary L.; Newton Roberta A. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2001,46(3):262
Objective: Examine rehabilitation professionals' capacity to identify risk factors for patient falls. Design: Survey study. Setting: Three academic medical center rehabilitation departments. Participants: Fifty-six rehabilitation specialists representing disciplines typically involved in patient care, including physiatry and occupational, physical, recreation, and speech therapy. Measures: A 2-part, self-report questionnaire with spontaneous and cued rank-order listing of factors related to fall risk. Results: Clinicians did not consider advanced age and history of falling when spontaneously delineating risks for falls. The importance of fall history, but not of advanced age, was recognized through cueing. Conclusions: Clinicians appear aware of strong predictors of fall risk but require cueing to consistently use them. Cueing increased hypothetical predictive accuracy, although clinicians still downplayed some of the most salient predictive factors. Staff education regarding validated fall risk factors and potential errors in clinical decision making can improve patient care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Demarcating distribution area of goods is often guided by the rule of thumb by business proprietors.However,this method seems to be unsuitable when the demand points increase to a certain large extent.The present work attempted to convert the problem of distribution area demarcation into a localized problem of warehouseing and networking,and tried to establish district-based planning mode based on location based heuristic (LBH).Two methods were used in this study:1) the manual method to construct the mathematical model and conduct simulation;2) the automatic method using TransCAD software of geographical information system (GIS) for simulation.By comparing the effects of the two methods,the research provides theoretical support for business proprietors to demarcate the distribution area rationally with the application of GIS system.The results show that GIS has very good graphics construction function to replace complex text,and the automatic demarcating mode with human-machine interaction provides a good business decision-making support. 相似文献