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Spatial Scheduling With Interference Cancellation in Multiuser MIMO Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes a novel downlink spatial scheduling algorithm in multiuser multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems, which selects a good combination of terminals and base station's (BS's) transmit beams so that the BS's beams nullify interstream interference at the selected terminals. In the derivation process, we reveal the new property that the optimization problem of downlink spatial scheduling is equivalent to that of uplink scheduling under the BS's zero-forcing beamforming. Using this property, an efficient downlink scheduling algorithm is presented, applying the principle of an uplink scheduling algorithm. Numerical results show that the presented spatial scheduling achieves a much higher system throughput than a multiuser MIMO system without spatial scheduling or with conventional spatial scheduling by linear processing. We also present a realistic control structure to achieve the uplink and downlink spatial scheduling in time-division duplex systems.  相似文献   

Carrier Frequency Offset which poses adverse threats in uplink Multiuser OFDM systems induces Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) and Multiuser Interference (MUI). It is very essential that the power of ICI and MUI is calculated precisely. In previous work, the total interference power was presented in an indefinite integral form or as an infinite series. Further, an ideal channel was the scenario under consideration in earlier work. In this paper, novel finite summation expressions for power of ICI and MUI are derived over slowly fading channels which make the calculation of total interference simpler for any number of users by just specifying the total number of users and the number of subcarriers allotted for each user. Based on the mean of the dominant signal and the total interference power experienced in the system, closed-form expressions for mean and variance of the desired signal in uplink multiuser OFDM system are obtained which provide an idea of the strength of the desired signal. Finite-sum expressions for the total interference power, and closed-form expressions for mean and variance of the desired signal under Rayleigh, Weibull and Nakagami fading channels are derived and plotted from which the response of the system can be understood perfectly.  相似文献   

Macrodiversity provides improved coverage in wireless communications. It isused in single frequency networks (SFN), and in some cellular systems, whena mobile is in a soft handoff. The combination of OFDM and macrodiversity isvery attractive for the ability of OFDM to cope with delay spread resultingfrom macrodiversity. However, such system is very sensitive to poor frequencysynchronization among transmitters, which results in multiple frequencyoffsets. These cause inter-carrier interference (ICI), which severely degradesperformance. In this paper we quantify the degradation, providing expressionsfor the receiver SINR, and find the optimum receiver frequencysynchronization. Furthermore, we propose to mitigate ICI degradation usinglinear and decision feedback interference cancellation. In each case, weprovide a solution using both the decorrelating and the MMSE criteria.Simulation results show that, for macrodiversity OFDM, our approach resultsin significantly improved performance and robustness to frequency offsets.  相似文献   

Optimal pulses with minimum ICI power at a given CFO point for OFDM/QAM systems are found analytically. A lower bound of the ICI power is introduced as a measure of the robustness to CFO for a given pulse. Numerical comparison verifies that the optimal pulse is more robust to CFO than previously suggested pulses at the selected CFO point.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel space-time minimum mean square error (MMSE) decision feedback (DF) detection scheme for direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems with multiple receive antennas, which employs multiple-parallel-feedback (MPF) branches for interference cancellation. The proposed space-time receiver is then further combined with cascaded DF stages to mitigate the deleterious effects of error propagation for uncoded schemes. To adjust the parameters of the receiver, we also present modified adaptive stochastic gradient (SG) and recursive least squares (RLS) algorithms that automatically switch to the best-available interference cancellation feedback branch and jointly estimate the feedforward and feedback filters. The performance of the system with beamforming and diversity configurations is also considered. Simulation results for an uplink scenario with uncoded systems show that the proposed space-time MPF-DF detector outperforms existing schemes such as linear, parallel DF (P-DF), and successive DF (S-DF) receivers in terms of bit error rate (BER) and achieves a substantial capacity increase in terms of the number of users, compared with the existing schemes. We also derive the expressions for MMSE achieved by the analyzed DF structures, including the novel scheme, with imperfect and perfect feedback and expressions of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) for the beamforming and diversity configurations with linear receivers.  相似文献   

CDMA由于其独特的性能成为第三代移动通信中标准多址方式,传统的CDMA信号解调方法是求信号与本用户PN码的相关运算,而此时其它用户的CDMA信号就成为干扰信号.本文提出了一种串行干扰相减式抵消器法,实验表明,这种方法在对功率不相等的多用户进行信号检测时性能优于传统方法.  相似文献   

本文介绍在多步检测结构中把干扰对消和利用天线阵的自适应MMSE检测器[1]结合起来,并介绍一种新的基于信号子空间估计的检测器。使用这种新的检测器可以使当子空间的维数减少时,干扰就从接收到的信号中抵消,并用正交投影子空间跟踪估计(OPAST)[2]来自适应的估计检测器和空间特征。与MMSE检测器相比,这种检测器在性能上更优。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于码片交织、重叠剪切(OC)法FDE以及频域中多用户干扰抵消的接收机结构,将接收数据变换到频域,在频域中进行联合均衡和干扰抵消,在保证较好接收效果的前提下,使系统整体运算量大大减小.  相似文献   

This paper presents an effective alternating multiuser detector for the uplink of heterogeneous-signaling multiple-input multiple-output code division multiple access systems over multipath fading channels, where the data are transmitted using either spatially multiplexing for high transmission rate or space-time block code for transmit diversity gains. The new MUD first separates users into two groups according to their transmission signaling schemes and then detects the transmitted symbols in each group alternately with the removal of iteratively refined soft information-assisted multiple access interference to enhance the interference cancellation capability. Moreover, for practical low-complexity implementations, the users in each group are further partitioned into smaller subgroups based on their effective channel correlations and then detected in parallel by a bank of minimum mean-squared error soft detectors to further reduce the computational load. Conducted simulations show that the proposed MUD can render superior performance compared with previous approaches, especially in highly loaded scenarios.  相似文献   

In this letter, a blind joint carrier frequency offset and DC offset (DCO) estimator for OFDM systems is proposed. By exploiting the underlying subspace of the received OFDM signals after the time-domain-average based coarse DCO cancellation, the proposed estimator can achieve excellent performance, which is demonstrated by simulations.  相似文献   

基于并行干扰抵消的OFDM/OQAM系统中的信号检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在多径衰落信道中,基于交错正交幅度调制的正交频分复用(OFDM with Offset QAM, OFDM/OQAM)系统使用迫零均衡器进行信号检测时,不能完全消除信道复数特性和滤波器实数正交特性引入的时域符号间干扰和频域子载波间干扰,及信道估计误差导致的误码率性能损失。该文利用对数据初始判决并重构相邻载波及符号间干扰的思想,通过分析采用迫零均衡信号检测时的残余干扰与信道估计误差干扰,提出了一种基于并行干扰抵消和迫零均衡器结合的OFDM/OQAM信号检测方法,并在IEEE 802.22 技术标准的两种典型多径衰落信道中进行了计算机仿真与比较研究。仿真结果表明,与基于迫零均衡的检测方法相比,基于并行干扰抵消的迭代信号检测方法在误码率为1%时,可获得1 dB至2 dB的性能提升。  相似文献   

1 Introduction OrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMultiplexing(OFDM )isaneffectivetransmissionschemetocombatmultipathfading[1 ] .Byinsertingaguardin tervalbetweensymbolblockscalledcyclicprefix ,theInterSymbolInterference (ISI)canbemitigat ed.OFDMwasadoptedasthemodulationschemeforaDigitalAudioBroadcasting(DAB)system[2 ]andADSL (AsymmetryDigitalSubscriberLoop) [3]andwasalsoproposedastheterrestrialHDTVtransportinEurope[4] . OFDMsystemsareverysensitivetocarrierfre quencyoffset,andcarrie…  相似文献   

Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for OFDM Systems with Null Subcarriers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An accurate estimation of carrier frequency offset (CFO) is a crucial task for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems but should be performed with affordable computational complexity for practicality. In this paper, the authors derive two new estimation algorithms (one for the integer part and the other for the fractional part of CFO), each of which utilizes only one OFDM block with null subcarriers but offers improved accuracy and reduced complexity. The proposed estimator for fractional CFOs operates iteratively and is insensitive to the initial CFO. The other proposed estimator for integer CFOs employs a pseudonoise binary random sequence to assist in subcarrier arrangement and accurate estimation of the integer CFO. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methods, numerical results are provided from computer simulation and analysis, and comparisons are made with other existing methods in the literature.  相似文献   

由于载波频偏会给多用户正交频分复用(Orthogonal Frequency—Division Multiplexing,OFDM)系统带来子载波之间干扰,从而造成多用户之间的干扰,导致系统性能下降.本文研究了多用户OFDM上行链路的频偏估计问题,通过使用多用户检测中的干扰抵消方法提出一种迭代参数估计算法用于估计多用户OFDM上行链路的频偏,该算法解决了使用似然估计(Maximum Likelihood,ML)进行多维搜索的问题,降低了ML估计器的复杂度,同时解决了多个频偏估计的问题。  相似文献   

针对OFDM系统中子载波间干扰带来的性能恶化问题,在最优Turbo均衡的基础上,提出了基于软干扰对消技术的MAP均衡算法。Turbo均衡部分首先利用先验信息进行干扰抵消,然后通过干扰抵消输出结果计算编码比特后验概率;同时对信道矩阵进行带状近似,提出简化算法,运算复杂度进一步降低。通过仿真分析表明,相比于传统turbo均衡算法,该算法在工程应用中更具有可行性。  相似文献   

针对受到共信道干扰的有频率偏移的OFDM信号,该文提出了一种接收机,其基本思想是先做干扰抑制,再做频偏估计。仿真实验证实了该文提出的接收机具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

频偏跟踪是影响到OFDM系统性能的关键技术之一。该文基于迟早门类型的锁相环,提出了一种新的适合于OFDM系统的频偏跟踪算法。研究表明,该算法既能在AWGN信道中也能在多径衰落信道中完成频偏跟踪工作。并且其低信噪比下的频偏跟踪性能比一般的频偏跟踪方法好几个数量级。如果系统对定时估计的要求不是特别高,该算法还能实现定时偏移和频率偏移的联合跟踪。  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems are highly sensitive to carrier frequency offset and symbol timing error. This paper deals with estimation method of integer frequency offset (IFO) without the aid of pilot symbols. The proposed IFO estimator exploits two consecutive identical OFDM data symbols with only change of phase. In order to improve the accuracy of the IFO estimator, receive diversity is adopted. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed IFO estimators, comparisons are made with other existing estimators in terms of error performance, estimation range, and complexity.  相似文献   

OFDM系统上行链路的一种载波偏差估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析OFDM信号的特点,该文给出了OFDM系统上行链路的一种基于高倍钟采样的载波偏差估计算法.与采用循环前缀的载波偏差估计算法相比,该算法实现复杂度低,算法精度高,受用户子载波数目影响较小,适宜于多用户OFDM系统.计箅机仿真表明该算法具有优良的性能,优于采用循环前缀的载波偏差估计算法.  相似文献   

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