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In Drosophila melanogaster, regulation of the sex determination genes throughout development occurs by sex-specific splicing of their products. The first gene is Sex-lethal(Sxl). The downstream target of Sxl is the gene transformer (tra): the Sxl protein controls the female-specific splicing of the Tra pre-mRNA. The downstream target of the gene tra is the gene double-sex (dsx): the Tra protein of females, controls the female-specific splicing of the Dsx pre-mRNA. We have identified a gene, female-lethal-2-d fl(2) d, whose function is required for the female-specific splicing of Sxl pre-mRNA. In this report we analyze whether the gene fl(2)d is also required for the sex-specific splicing of both Tra and Dsx pre-mRNAs. We found that the Sxl protein is not sufficient for the female-specific splicing of Tra pre-mRNA, the fl(2)d function also being necessary. This gene, however, is not required for the female-specific splicing of Dsx pre-mRNA.  相似文献   

We have identified a class of pre-mRNAs that are spliced in HeLa extracts depleted for U1 snRNP (delta U1 extracts). Previously, we described pre-mRNAs that can be spliced in delta U1 extracts only when high concentrations of SR splicing factors are added. In contrast, the substrates characterized here are efficiently processed in delta U1 extracts without the addition of excess SR proteins. The members of this class comprise both a naturally occurring pre-mRNA, from the Drosophila fushi tarazu gene, and a chimera containing sequences from two different pre-mRNAs that individually are dependent upon U1 snRNP or excess SR proteins. Several sequence elements account for the variations in dependence on U1 snRNP and SR proteins for splicing. In one pre-mRNA, a single element was identified adjacent to the branch site. In the other, two elements flanking the 5' splice site were found to be critical. This U1-independent splicing reaction may provide a mechanism for cells to control the extent of processing of different classes of pre-mRNAs in response to altered activities of SR proteins, and furthermore suggests that U1 snRNP-independent splicing may not be uncommon.  相似文献   

The current model for the function of the U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) in the spliceosome proposes that U5 carries binding sites for the 5' and 3' exons, allowing the spliceosome to 'tether' the 5' exon intermediate produced by the first catalytic step and align it with the 3' exon for the second step. Functional analysis of U5 snRNA in cis-spliceosomes has provided support for this model, and data from nematode and trypanosome splicing systems suggest that U5 or a U5-like snRNA performs a similar role in trans-splicing.  相似文献   

Binding of a multiprotein complex to a 5' exon inhibitory element appears to repress splicing of the Drosophila P-element third intron (IVS3) in the soma. We have purified 97- and 50-kD proteins that interact specifically with the inhibitory element using RNA affinity chromatography. Antibodies specific for the 97-kD protein relieve inhibition of IVS3 splicing in somatic extracts, providing direct evidence that inhibition requires this protein, P-element somatic inhibitor (PSI). We identify the 50-kD protein as hrp48, a protein similar to the mammalian splicing factor hnRNP A1, and show that hrp48 recognizes specific nucleotides in a pseudo-5' splice site within the inhibitory element. The results indicate that PSI is an alternative splicing factor that regulates tissue-specific splicing, probably through interactions with generally expressed factors such as hrp48.  相似文献   

The pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp31p was identified in a screen of temperature-sensitive yeast strains for those exhibiting a splicing defect upon shift to the non- permissive temperature. The wild-type PRP31 gene was cloned and shown to be essential for cell viability. The PRP31 gene is predicted to encode a 60 kDa polypeptide. No similarities with other known splicing factors or motifs indicative of protein-protein or RNA-protein interaction domains are discernible in the predicted amino acid sequence. A PRP31 allele bearing a triple repeat of the hemagglutinin epitope has been generated. The tagged protein is functional in vivo and a single polypeptide species of the predicted size was detected by Western analysis with proteins from yeast cell extracts. Functional Prp31p is required for the processing of pre-mRNA species both in vivo and in vitro, indicating that the protein is directly involved in the splicing pathway.  相似文献   

Among the spliceosomal snRNAs, U2 has the most extensive modifications, including a 5' trimethyl guanosine (TMG) cap, ten 2'-O-methylated residues and 13 pseudouridines. At short times after injection, cellularly derived (modified) U2 but not synthetic (unmodified) U2 rescues splicing in Xenopus oocytes depleted of endogenous U2 by RNase H targeting. After prolonged reconstitution, synthetic U2 regenerates splicing activity; a correlation between the extent of U2 modification and U2 function in splicing is observed. Moreover, 5-fluorouridine-containing U2 RNA, a potent inhibitor of U2 pseudouridylation, specifically abolishes rescue by synthetic U2, while rescue by cellularly derived U2 is not affected. By creating chimeric U2 molecules in which some sequences are from cellularly derived U2 and others are from in vitro transcribed U2, we demonstrate that the functionally important modifications reside within the 27 nucleotides at the 5' end of U2. We further show that 2'-O-methylation and pseudouridylation activities reside in the nucleus and that the 5' TMG cap is not necessary for internal modification but is crucial for splicing activity. Native gel analysis reveals that unmodified U2 is not incorporated into the spliceosome. Examination of the U2 protein profile and glycerol-gradient analysis argue that U2 modifications directly contribute to conversion of the 12S to the 17S U2 snRNP particle, which is essential for spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

We have identified multiple distinct splicing enhancer elements within protein-coding sequences of the constitutively spliced human beta-globin pre-mRNA. Each of these highly conserved sequences is sufficient to activate the splicing of a heterologous enhancer-dependent pre-mRNA. One of these enhancers is activated by and binds to the SR protein SC35, whereas at least two others are activated by the SR protein SF2/ASF. A single base mutation within another enhancer element inactivates the enhancer but does not change the encoded amino acid. Thus, overlapping protein coding and RNA recognition elements may be coselected during evolution. These studies provide the first direct evidence that SR protein-specific splicing enhancers are located within the coding regions of constitutively spliced pre-mRNAs. We propose that these enhancers function as multisite splicing enhancers to specify 3' splice-site selection.  相似文献   

We find that the strength of splicing enhancers is determined by the relative activities of the bound serine-arginine (SR)-rich splicing factors, the number of SR proteins within the enhancer complex and the distance between the enhancer and the intron. Remarkably, the splicing activity of the bound SR proteins is directly proportional to the number of RS tetrapeptide sequences within the RS domain. Quantitative analysis of the effects of varying the distance between the enhancer and the intron revealed that the splicing efficiency is directly proportional to the calculated probability of a direct interaction between the enhancer complex and the 3' splice site. These data are consistent with a model in which splicing enhancers function by increasing the local concentration of SR proteins in the vicinity of the nearby intron through RNA looping.  相似文献   

One largely unexplored question about group I intron splicing is how the cleavage and ligation steps of the reaction are coordinated. We describe a simple in vitro trans-splicing model system in which both steps take place, including the exchange of ligands in the guanosine-binding site that must occur between the two steps. Using this model system, we show that the switch is accomplished by modulating the relative affinity of the binding site for the two ligands. While the terminal guanosine of the intron (omegaG) and exogenous guanosine compete for binding during the first step of splicing, no competition is apparent during the second step, when omegaG is bound tightly. These results help explain how the ribozyme orchestrates progression through the splicing reaction. In addition to providing a new tool to ask basic questions about RNA catalysis, the trans-splicing model system will also facilitate the development of therapeutically useful group I ribozymes that can repair mutant mRNAs.  相似文献   

Splicing of pre-mRNAs involves two sequential transesterification reactions commonly referred to as the first and second steps. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, four proteins, Prp16p, Prp17p, Prp18p, and Slu7p are exclusively required for the second step of splicing. The human homologs of Prp16p, Prp17p, and Prp18p have been identified, and the human proteins hPrp16 and hPrp18 have been shown to be required for the second step of splicing in vitro. Here we provide further evidence for the functional conservation of the second step factors between yeast and humans. Human hPrp17, which is 35% identical to the S. cerevisiae protein, is able to partially rescue the temperature-sensitive phenotype in a yeast strain where PRP17 has been knocked out, suggesting that the human and yeast proteins are functionally conserved. Overexpression of hPrp17 in the knockout yeast strain partially rescues the splicing defect seen in vitro and in vivo. In HeLa cells, hPrp17 is highly concentrated in the nuclear speckles, as is SC35 and many other splicing factors, thus providing further support that this protein also functions as a splicing factor in humans.  相似文献   

The negative regulator of splicing (NRS) from Rous sarcoma virus suppresses viral RNA splicing and is one of several cis elements that account for the accumulation of large amounts of unspliced RNA for use as gag-pol mRNA and progeny virion genomic RNA. The NRS can also inhibit splicing of heterologous introns in vivo and in vitro. Previous data showed that the splicing factors SF2/ASF and U1, U2, and U11 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) bind the NRS, and a correlation was established between SF2/ASF and U11 binding and activity, suggesting that these factors are important for function. These observations, and the finding that a large spliceosome-like complex (NRS-C) assembles on NRS RNA in nuclear extract, led to the proposal that the NRS is recognized as a minor-class 5' splice site. One model to explain NRS splicing inhibition holds that the NRS interacts nonproductively with and sequesters U2-dependent 3' splice sites. In this study, we provide evidence that the NRS interacts with an adenovirus 3' splice site. The interaction was dependent on the integrity of the branch point and pyrimidine tract of the 3' splice site, and it was sensitive to a mutation that was previously shown to abolish U11 snRNP binding and NRS function. However, further mutational analyses of NRS sequences have identified a U1 binding site that overlaps the U11 site, and the interaction with the 3' splice site correlated with U1, not U11, binding. These results show that the NRS can interact with a 3' splice site and suggest that U1 is of primary importance for NRS splicing inhibition.  相似文献   

In today's market, dentists need to be open to using different approaches for increasing patient awareness of how dentistry can benefit them. The five key areas of practice management addressed here are just a few of the many ways to keep your practice healthy in our changing profession. Dentists who are committed to improving patient communication and accommodating the needs of their patients will be the ones for whom the future is bright.  相似文献   

A genetic screen was devised to identify Saccharomyces cerevisiae splicing factors that are important for the function of the 5' end of U2 snRNA. Six slt (stands for synthetic lethality with U2) mutants were isolated on the basis of synthetic lethality with a U2 snRNA mutation that perturbs the U2-U6 snRNA helix II interaction. SLT11 encodes a new splicing factor and SLT22 encodes a new RNA-dependent ATPase RNA helicase (D. Xu, S. Nouraini, D. Field, S. J. Tang, and J. D. Friesen, Nature 381:709-713, 1996). The remaining four slt mutations are new alleles of previously identified splicing genes: slt15, previously identified as prp17 (slt15/prp17-100), slt16/smd3-1, slt17/slu7-100, and slt21/prp8-21. slt11-1 and slt22-1 are synthetically lethal with mutations in the 3' end of U6 snRNA, a region that affects U2-U6 snRNA helix II; however, slt17/slu7-100 and slt21/prp8-21 are not. This difference suggests that the latter two factors are unlikely to be involved in interactions with U2-U6 snRNA helix II but rather are specific to interactions with U2 snRNA. Pairwise synthetic lethality was observed among slt11-1 (which affects the first step of splicing) and several second-step factors, including slt15/prp17-100, slt17/slu7-100, and prp16-1. Mutations in loop 1 of U5 snRNA, a region that is implicated in the alignment of the two exons, are synthetically lethal with slu4/prp17-2 and slu7-1 (D. Frank, B. Patterson, and C. Guthrie, Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:5179-5205, 1992), as well as with slt11-1, slt15/prp17-100, slt17/slu7-100, and slt21/prp8-21. These same U5 snRNA mutations also interact genetically with certain U2 snRNA mutations that lie in the helix I and helix II regions of the U2-U6 snRNA structure. Our results suggest interactions among U2 snRNA, U5 snRNA, and Slt protein factors that may be responsible for coupling and coordination of the two reactions of pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

The relationship between preferences among alternative 5' splice sites and their sequences was investigated using as model mouse myoblasts and myotubes after transient transfection with the rabbit beta-globin gene. The preferences for the use of two different 5' splice sites, acting with different efficiencies to direct splicing in vivo are reported. The predominant selection of the upstream splice site has been shown in normal mouse myoblasts. In the case of differentiated myotubes the downstream splice was 1.4 times better used. The results indicate that there were differences in the preferences for the use of the two alternative splice sites between non-differentiated and terminally differentiated cells, within the same-cell line.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNA splicing takes place in two catalytic steps. The second step is poorly understood, especially in mammals. In yeast, the splicing factors, Prps 16, 17, 18 and Slu7 function exclusively in step II. Here we report the isolation of cDNAs encoding human Prps 16 and 17 which are 41 and 36% identical to their yeast counterparts. The Prp16 gene is essential in yeast, and we show that a chimeric yeast-human Prp16 protein rescues a yeast Prp16 knockout strain. Immunodepletion of hPrp16 from splicing extracts specifically blocks step II, and the activity can be fully restored with recombinant hPrp16. Moreover, both hPrps 16 and 17 associate with the spliceosome late in the splicing pathway. Mutations at the 3' splice site that specifically block step II do not affect the association of hPrps 16 and 17 with the spliceosome, indicating that these factors may function at a stage of step II prior to recognition of the 3' splice site. Recently, the human homologs of Prp18 and Slu7 were identified. The observation that humans contain homologs of all four known step II proteins in yeast indicates that the mechanism for catalytic step II is highly conserved.  相似文献   

We have identified an RNA-specific adenosine deaminase (termed Tad1p/scADAT1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae that selectively converts adenosine at position 37 of eukaryotic tRNAAla to inosine. The activity of purified recombinant Tad1p depends on the conformation of its tRNA substrate and the enzyme was found to be inactive on all other types of RNA tested. Mutant strains in which the TAD1 gene is disrupted are viable but lack Tad1p enzyme activity and their tRNAAla is not modified at position A37. Transformation of the mutant cells with the TAD1 gene restored enzyme activity. Tad1p has significant sequence similarity with the mammalian editing enzymes which act on specific precursor-mRNAs and on long double-stranded RNA. These findings suggest an evolutionary link between pre-mRNA editing and tRNA modification.  相似文献   

Assembly of the spliceosome is a step-wise process and involves sequential binding of snRNAs to the pre-mRNA to form pre-splicing complex A2-1. Subsequent dissociation of U4 from the spliceosome is accompanied by formation of complex A1 (Genes Dev. 1, 1014-1027, 1987). We show that the 3' region of the intron sequence is not required for efficient assembly of the yeast spliceosome. Truncated precursor mRNA retaining only four or five nucleotides 3' to the TACTAAC box formed pre-splicing complex A1, kinetically the last pre-mRNA containing splicing complex identified. The subsequent cleavage--ligation reaction requires at least 23 nucleotides on the 3' side of the TACTAAC box in a sequence-independent manner. Immunoprecipitation with anti-PRP19 antibody showed that association of PRP19 with the spliceosome was also independent of the 3' region of the intron.  相似文献   

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