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People with cognitive difficulties, including memory, sequencing and attentional difficulties, face barriers to the use of conventionally designed information systems. This paper explores some of the reasons for these barriers in terms of the expectations normally placed on the user’s cognitive abilities and background knowledge. In the paper, the design and evaluation of three information systems are reported. These systems go some way towards overcoming cognitive barriers, allowing access to the advantages of computers for people with dyslexia, and for older users with no background in computer use who were able to access both email and the World Wide Web through specially designed interfaces.
Peter GregorEmail:

We investigated whether students’ understanding of line graphs can be improved by means of dynamic visualisations. The visualisations were designed to help students relate motion phenomena and line graphs to one another. In an initial study three groups were formed: the first group learned on the basis of simulated motion phenomena and dynamic line graphs; the second group additionally had dynamic iconic representations available to them; the third group was also presented with dynamic stamp diagrams. Contrary to our expectations, students were not able to make use of the visualisations in order to improve their understanding of line graphs. We hypothesised that students did not receive sufficient support in comprehending the visualisations. In a second study two groups were investigated. While the first group learned on the basis of simulated motion phenomena and dynamic line graphs, the second group additionally had dynamic iconic representations as well as dynamic stamp diagrams available to them. It was possible for the students in both groups to ask questions and to receive assistance from a teacher as well as from peers while learning from the visualisations. The results demonstrate that the pedagogical measures enabled the students to successfully make use of dynamic visualisations.  相似文献   

The real-life training of people with learning difficulties is a highly challenging and demanding process that can be effectively improved with the deployment of special-purpose software instruments. This paper discusses the development and evaluation of two inclusive training applications and two games for people with learning difficulties. Namely, the four developed systems are: (a) a cashier training applications; (b) a sewing training applications; (c) an accessible pong game; and (d) an accessible action game. The main objective of the work was to investigate the hypothesis that computer games, as pleasant, motivating and highly engaging interactive experiences, can have a significant role on improving the training of people with learning difficulties, such as attention deficit disorder or Asperger syndrome. The obtained results are very positive and encouraging, and have led to the identification of new research directions, blending training and playing, via novel training techniques and purpose-specific game genres.
Constantine StephanidisEmail:

Nowadays we need to teach students how to become flexible problem solvers in a dynamic world. The pace in which technology changes and complexity increases requires increased efficiency in learning and understanding. This requires the engineers of tomorrow to quickly gain knowledge and insight outside their prime area of expertise. To transfer practical, how-to knowledge, to re-use design solutions and to teach students design solutions in the context of a specific domain, design patterns can be used. Design patterns offer a way to transfer knowledge that is more practical and ‘ready for use’ than a generic theory-based transfer of knowledge. However, the advantage of design patterns might go beyond re-use, design efficiency and flexibility. This paper argues that in addition to the benefits described above, there is a specific added value for the use of design patterns by students to acquire design skills and domain knowledge. To analyze this proposition we will analyze the literature on cognitive load and cognitive learning processes, and relate this to experiences from three case studies in which novices and experts were offered design patterns to develop and implement systems and processes. We will reflect on implications of the use of design patterns in computer-based teaching as well as on a potential support tool to improve the accessibility of pattern languages.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of cognitive style, spatial orientation and computer expertise on hypertext navigation patterns and learning outcomes when participants interacted with a hypermedia presentation. A sample of 306 undergraduates was pre-tested both on their cognitive style and on their self-reported frequency and ability in using computers. From the initial sample, 40 students were selected to form four groups with the following characteristics: (a) 10 high computer users – sequential thinkers, (b) 10 high computer users – holistic thinkers, (c) 10 low computer users – sequential thinkers and (d) 10 low computer users – holistic thinkers. All participants completed a self-report questionnaire measuring spatial orientation and were then requested to browse freely a hypermedia presentation on the ancient Mayan civilisation. Finally, the students completed a post-test to assess the recall of the hypermedia presentation and the cognitive organisation of the acquired knowledge. The results indicated that hypermedia navigation behaviour was linked to computer skills rather than to cognitive style and that learning outcomes were unaffected by cognitive style or by computer skills. However, learning outcomes were positively affected by specific search patterns, that is by re-visiting hypermedia sections and visiting overview sections in the early stages of hypermedia browsing. Further, navigating overview sections and holistic processing fostered knowledge representation in the form of maps. These findings suggest that individual differences can affect hypermedia navigation even though their role in learning is complex and the impact of cognitive style on learning outcomes was proved to be less important than initially predicted.  相似文献   

This paper suggests the use of cognitive passwords as a method of overcoming the difficulty of creating passwords that are simultaneously memorable and difficult to guess. Cognitive passwords involve a dialogue between a user and a system, where a user answers a rotating set of questions about highly personal facts and opinions. A set of such brief responses replace a single password.The findings of this empirical investigation, focusing on memorability and ease-of-guessing of cognitive passwords, are reported. These findings show that cognitive passwords were easier to recall than conventional passwords, while they were difficult for others to guess, even others who were socially close to the users.  相似文献   

Animations and videos are often designed to present information that involves change over time, in such a way as to aid understanding and facilitate learning. However, in many studies, static displays have been found to be just as beneficial and sometimes better. In this study, we investigated the impact of presenting together both a video recording and a series of static pictures. In experiment 1, we compared 3 conditions (1) video shown alone, (2) static pictures displayed alone, and (3) video plus static pictures. On average the best learning scores were found for the 3rd condition. In experiment 2 we investigated how best to present the static pictures, by examining the number of pictures required (low vs. high frequency) and their appearance type (static vs. dynamic). We found that the dynamic presentation of pictures was superior to the static pictures mode; and showing fewer pictures (low frequency) was more beneficial. Overall the findings support the effectiveness of a combination of instructional animation with static pictures. However, the number of static pictures, which are used, is an important moderating factor.  相似文献   

Over the last decade the world of wireless communications has been undergoing some crucial changes, which have brought it at the forefront of international research and development interest, eventually resulting in the advent of a multitude of innovative technologies and associated products such as WiFi, WiMax, 802.20, 802.22, wireless mesh networks and software defined radio. Such a disparate and highly varying radio environment calls for intelligent management, allocation and usage of a scarce resource, namely the radio spectrum. One of the most prominent emerging technologies that promise to handle such situations is cognitive radio. Cognitive radio systems are based on software defined radio technology and utilize intelligent software packages that enrich their transceivers with the highly attractive properties of self-awareness, adaptability and capability to learn. A cognitive radio system has the ability to adjust its operating parameters, observe the results and, eventually take actions, that is to say, decide to operate in a specific radio configuration (i.e. radio access technology, carrier frequency, modulation type, etc.), expecting to move the radio toward some optimized operational state. In such a process, learning mechanisms that are capable of exploiting measurements sensed from the environment, gathered experience and stored knowledge, are judged as rather beneficial for guiding decisions and actions. Framed within this statement, this paper introduces and evaluates learning schemes that are based on artificial neural networks and can be used for discovering the performance (e.g. data rate) that can be achieved by a specific radio configuration in a cognitive radio system. Interesting scenarios, which include both commercial off-the-shelf and simulation hardware/software products, are mobilized for the performance assessment work, conducted in order to design and use an appropriate neural network structure, while indicative results are presented and discussed in order to showcase the benefits of incorporating such learning schemes into cognitive radio systems.  相似文献   

Many public facility layouts have been developed with little consideration of the visually impaired, producing difficult and unpleasant wayfinding experiences. Not all wayfinding elements can be applied universally to all environments; several wayfinding elements are specific to the type of industry being considered. No known research has been conducted within healthcare systems to find wayfinding limitations among visually impaired users during the navigation process. The purpose of this study was to analyze the current issues in a wayfinding task for the visually impaired and normally sighted to identify wayfinding design deficits. Normally-sighted participants (m = 25, f = 25) wore one of five different vision simulator goggles to simulate a specific visual impairment (diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, and hemianopsia) and were then given directions how to get to specific series of departments within a hospital campus. Participants then navigated a second time (using a different, but similar series of paths) without the vision simulator goggles (normal vision) so comparisons could be made. During participant wayfinding, behaviors such as stopping, looking around, touching walls, becoming lost and/or confused were recorded by location of each instance on a map. Questionnaires asking about the surrounding environment were completed after each condition. The results of this study identified several design elements involving signage, paths/target sites, lighting and flooring that created wayfinding issues for both experimental conditions. The effects of the wayfinding issues on participants ranged from tripping to becoming lost in the surrounding environment. Enhancing wayfinding for the most highly visually impacted individuals may also improve wayfinding for those with normal vision via universal design. The hospital design flaws identified by this study provide key areas and elements (not previously investigated) for further research studies to analyze more comprehensively and ultimately provide sound design recommendations to enhance effective wayfinding.

Relevance to the industry

This paper offers information relevant to a growing healthcare sector facing an aging population with growing needs. Applying organizational, architectural and design principles from this paper can lead to improved patient satisfaction, safety and patient flow within the hospital setting for the visually impaired and others without visual impairment.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experiment that compared learners with contrasting learning styles, Active vs. Reflective, using three different strategies for learning programming via worked-examples: Paired-method, Structure-emphasising, and Completion. The quality of the learners’ acquired cognitive schemata was assessed in terms of their post-test performance. The experiment investigated variations in learners’ cognitive load, taking both the learning strategies and the learners’ learning styles into account. Overall, the results of the experiment were inconsistent. In comparing the effects of the strategies during the learning phase, the study found significant differences in cognitive load. Unexpectedly, no differences were then detected either in cognitive load or in performance during the post-test (post-test). In comparing the effects of the learning styles during the learning phase and the transfer phase, medium effect sizes suggested that learning style may have had an effect on cognitive load. However, no significant difference was observed in performance during the post-test.  相似文献   

A comprehensive model that delineates the interrelationships among computer systems, organizational context and organizational learning is absent. This study aims to fill this void. Unlike previous research, this study investigates the role of computer systems, i.e. organizational learning computer systems (OLCS), in facilitating organizational learning. In our framework, we argued that contextual variables mediated the impact of OLCS on organizational learning. In order to test the feasibility of this framework, we conducted an empirical study. This study employed a survey instrument, which contained data collected from 500 organizations in manufacturing, service industry, and academic institutions. A total of 165 usable responses were analyzed. The results indicate that OLCS have a positive impact on the organizational learning processes. Both ‘problem characteristic’ and ‘organizational culture’ moderate the influence of OLCS on organizational learning. The implications of the study are provided, and future research is suggested.  相似文献   

This study explores selected theoretical and design issues associated with the use of hypermedia learning environments to promote the recall, synthesis, integration and retention of information. The study contrasts two different hypermedia systems that contain resources on a complex historical domain. The experimental condition incorporates design features related to complexity, context-dependency and interconnectedness in order to highlight different aspects of its instructional content. The experimental condition was hypothesized to foster greater achievement on tests for synthesis, integration and retention of knowledge and to be more favorably rated by users. The control condition incorporates simple linear design features including several features that are antithetical to those of the experimental condition. The control condition presents the same instructional content in a more rigid and decontextualized manner and was hypothesized to foster greater mastery of factual recall but less synthesis, integration and retention of knowledge. Results however demonstrated that participants in the control condition were able to recall more facts, make more connections between themes in the test for synthesis and retain more facts than participants in the experimental condition. However, differences in overall performance for both hypermedia systems were not statistically significant: neither system had a different effect on learning.  相似文献   

An early warning system can help to identify at-risk students, or predict student learning performance by analyzing learning portfolios recorded in a learning management system (LMS). Although previous studies have shown the applicability of determining learner behaviors from an LMS, most investigated datasets are not assembled from online learning courses or from whole learning activities undertaken on courses that can be analyzed to evaluate students’ academic achievement. Previous studies generally focus on the construction of predictors for learner performance evaluation after a course has ended, and neglect the practical value of an “early warning” system to predict at-risk students while a course is in progress. We collected the complete learning activities of an online undergraduate course and applied data-mining techniques to develop an early warning system. Our results showed that, time-dependent variables extracted from LMS are critical factors for online learning. After students have used an LMS for a period of time, our early warning system effectively characterizes their current learning performance. Data-mining techniques are useful in the construction of early warning systems; based on our experimental results, classification and regression tree (CART), supplemented by AdaBoost is the best classifier for the evaluation of learning performance investigated by this study.  相似文献   

Web-based learning tools (WBLTs), also known as learning objects, are online, interactive tools that support the learning of specific concepts by enhancing, amplifying, and/or guiding the cognitive processes of learners. Research examining the effectiveness of WBLTs is somewhat limited because sound, reliable, valid evaluation metrics are sparse, particularly in the K-12 environment. The purpose of the following study was to re-examine the Learning Object Evaluation Scale for students (LOES-S), originally developed by Kay and Knaack (2009), to assess three key constructs: learning, design, and engagement. Over 800 middle and secondary schools students participated in high quality, pre-designed lessons intended to accentuate the use of WBLTs. Data collected from the new WBLT Evaluation Scale demonstrated good internal reliability, construct validity, convergent validity and predictive validity.  相似文献   

Why is science difficult to learn? Things are seldom what they seem   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Abstract The difficulties of learning science are related to the nature of science itself and to the methods by which science is customarily taught without regard to what is known about children's learning. An information processing model is proposed to guide thinking and research in this area.  相似文献   

In this paper, we tackle the problem of opportunistic spectrum access in large-scale cognitive radio networks, where the unlicensed Secondary Users (SUs) access the frequency channels partially occupied by the licensed Primary Users (PUs). Each channel is characterized by an availability probability unknown to the SUs. We apply population game theory to model the spectrum access problem and develop distributed spectrum access policies based on imitation, a behavior rule widely applied in human societies consisting of imitating successful behaviors. We develop two imitation-based spectrum access policies based on the basic Proportional Imitation (PI) rule and the more advanced Double Imitation (DI) rule given that a SU can only imitate the other SUs operating on the same channel. A systematic theoretical analysis is presented for both policies on the induced imitation dynamics and the convergence properties of the proposed policies to the Nash equilibrium. Simple and natural, the proposed imitation-based spectrum access policies can be implemented distributedly based on solely local interactions and thus is especially suited in decentralized adaptive learning environments as cognitive radio networks.  相似文献   

Applying inductive learning to enhance knowledge-based expert systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the use of inductive learning in MARBLE, a knowledge-based expert system I have developed for assisting business loan evaluation. Inductive learning is the process of inferring classification concepts from raw data; I use this technique to generate loan-granting decision rules based on historical and proforma financial information. A learning method is presented in this paper that can induce decision rules from training examples.  相似文献   

The non-linear format of hypermedia requires the use of self-regulated learning (SRL) processes, including making decisions about which representation to access. The design of hypermedia environments can make these decisions difficult, and may result in extraneous cognitive load. Note-taking, a SRL strategy may offload extraneous cognitive load while learning with hypermedia. This study examined factors related to undergraduate students’ note-taking while learning with hypermedia. Think-aloud, self-report, pretest, and posttest data were collected from 53 undergraduates while they learned about a challenging science topic for 30 min with hypermedia. Results indicated that participants’ prior domain knowledge, as measured by the pretest, did not significantly predict the content of their notes. However, motivation, as measured by a self-report questionnaire, had a significant relationship with the content of the participants’ notes. Specifically, intrinsic motivation had a significant negative relationship while extrinsic motivation had a significant positive relationship with the content of notes. Additionally, there was a significant interaction between the content of the participants’ notes and their use of self-regulatory processes while learning with hypermedia.  相似文献   

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