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Carbon dioxide was applied at atmospheric pressure (1 bar) and under higher pressures (4, 6 and 8 bars) using a specially designed pressure chamber with the intention of killing Sitophilus zeamais in milled rice. Pressures of 4, 6 and 8 bars shortened the exposure time required to obtain 99% mortality of all life stages of S. zeamais from 148 h at atmospheric pressure to 29, 9.0 and 4.8 h respectively. Adults were the most susceptible stage in all the treatments. Pupae were the most tolerant stage at atmospheric and low pressure (4 bars) but at higher pressure (6 and 8 bars) no difference among immature stages was found. After application of carbon dioxide under pressure, a significant decreasing trend (P < 0.05) was observed in water absorption, cooked rice hardness, final viscosity, setback and consistency with prolonged exposure time. High pressure produced more distinctive changes than low pressure. However, panelists could not detect any differences between non-treated and treated rice when sensory qualities were evaluated.  相似文献   

The behavioural responses of Sitophilus granarius, S. oryzae and S. zeamais to synthetic 4S,5R-sitophinone alone and in combination with volatiles from kibbled carob have been investigated with a view to the development of a single lure to attract all three species. Sitophilus zeamais and S. oryzae were shown to respond to 4S,5R-sitophinone at amounts as low as 0.025 ng. Sitophilus granarius gave a significant response to 50 ng 4S,5R-sitophinone. Volatiles from kibbled carob were also shown to attract all three species. This is the first time that attraction of S. zeamais and S. oryzae to carob volatiles has been demonstrated. Fresh lures containing 4S,5R-sitophinone and carob volatiles attracted significantly more insects in pitfall bioassays for all three species than when either component was used alone. However, after 6 weeks a significant increase in response compared to the control was found only for S. oryzae and S. zeamais. The effect of insect age on response to the pheromone and carob volatiles was also studied for all three species. The response to carob volatiles decreased with increasing insect age for all three species. A significant response to 4S,5R-sitophinone was found only for 1-2-day-old adults of S. oryzae and S. zeamais but for all ages tested of S. granarius. The effect of the combination of pheromone and carob volatiles also decreased with increasing insect age.  相似文献   

DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF) and nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) amplification were used to discriminate between two laboratory colonies of two closely related species of weevils: the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.), and the maize weevil, S. zeamais Motschulsky. For DAF, three sets of primers (aldolase, prolactin receptor, and interleukin-1β) were used for identification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and agarose gel electrophoresis, and the highly similar patterns of the resultant amplicons reconfirmed that the two weevils are closely related. The fragments of nrDNA amplification showed that for S. oryzae and S. zeamais, the homologies of the nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer regions, ITS-1 and ITS-2, were unusually high, at 96% and 97%, respectively. Based on the ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences, two species-specific primer sets were designed: with the primer set ITS3/So, the predicted 450 bp DNA fragment was yielded with S. oryzae genomic DNA after PCR amplification (n=10), but no PCR product was obtained with S. zeamais (n=10); with the primer set ITS3/Sz, the same 10 S. zeamais specimens yielded a 550 bp DNA fragment, but S. oryzae yielded no amplicons. In view of the difficulty of distinguishing between these two closely related species, the specificity and availability of these two primer sets might prove to be a useful tool for distinguishing between them. However, the nrDNA sequences of the ITS-1 and ITS-2 regions of geographically isolated populations of both weevils still need to be elucidated, and the applicability of this technique to different geographical populations will need to be confirmed by further study.  相似文献   

Fumigant toxicity of essential oils from rhizomes of Alpinia conchigera, Zingiber zerumbet, Curcuma zedoaria and their major compounds; camphene, camphor, 1,8-cineole, α-humulene, isoborneol, α-pinene, β-pinene and terpinen-4-ol was investigated with adults of Sitophilus zeamais, Tribolium castaneum, Anisopteromalus calandrae and Trichogramma deion larvae. The last two insects are parasitoids commonly used to control stored-product weevils and moths. The trial was evaluated at 0, 37, 74, 148, 296, 444, 593 μL/L in air after 12, 24 and 48 h for S. zeamais, T. castaneum and A. calandrae, and 24 h for T. deion. Alpinia conchigera oils were toxic to S. zeamais, T. castaneum and T. deion, while the other two plant oils had low toxicity. Adults of S. zeamais and T. castaneum were more susceptible to A. conchigera oils than their eggs, larvae or pupae. Sitophilus zeamais adults (LC50 85 μL/L in air) were slightly more tolerant of A. conchigera oils than T. castaneum (LC50 73 μL/L in air) after 48 h exposure. Synthetic essential oils, a mixture of pure compounds in the same ratios of the extracted essential oils, were tested with S. zeamais and T. castaneum adults. Synthetic essential oils were more toxic than the extracted essential oils to both insects. Zingiber zerumbet oils (LC50 26 μL/L in air) and C. zedoaria oils (LC50 25 μL/L in air) were significantly more toxic to adults of A. calandrae than A. conchigera oils (LC50 37 μL/L in air) whereas T. deion larvae were more sensitive to A. conchigera oils (LC50 62 μL/L in air) than Z. zerumbet and C. zedoaria oils (LC50 > 593 μL/L in air). Tribolium castaneum was more susceptible than S. zeamais to the eight pure compounds. Terpinen-4-ol was highly toxic to both insects.  相似文献   

The essential oils extracted from Eucalyptus saligna and Cupressus sempervirens leaves were analysed by GC-MS and evaluated along with cymol, one of their main constituents for their repellent and toxic effects on Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium confusum. Contact toxicity assayed by impregnation on filter paper discs or coating onto maize grains showed that these chemicals caused significant mortality of the test insects. Eucalyptus oil was more toxic than Cupressus oil to both insect species (LD50=0.36 μl/cm2 for S. zeamais and 0.48 μl/cm2 for T. confusum) on filter paper discs, and was more toxic to S. zeamais on maize (LD50=38.05 μl/40 g grain). Both oils considerably reduced the F1 progeny production and grain weight loss. Moreover, both crude oil extracts produced a stronger repellent activity against the test insects than did cymol. These results suggest that the essential oils from E. saligna and C. sempervirens may be used in grain storage against insect pests.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the diatomaceous earth Silicosec, a mineral industrial filter cake and domestic wood ash, applied at three different rates for the control of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais, on three maize genotypes was determined. Treatment with Silicosec was the most effective followed by filter cake and wood ash. The treatments reduced progeny emergence, percentage grain damage and grain weight losses, but did not affect percentage seed germination. Grain treated with wood ash at all rates resulted in a relatively low mortality 3 days after infestation as compared to other treatments. However, all treatments caused high mortality (97-100%) after 15 days of exposure. Therefore, Silicosec, filter cake and wood ash can be considered as potential components of an integrated pest management strategy against the maize weevil.  相似文献   

Extracts of 40 species of Chinese medicinal herb from 32 different botanical families were screened for contact, fumigant and feeding-deterrent activities against the two stored-grain insects Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum. Thirty Chinese medicinal herbs exhibited insecticidal or feeding-deterrent activities against the two species of insects. Extracts of Artemisia argyi, Dictamnus dasycarpus, Evodia rutaecarpa, Litsea cubeba, Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis, Polygonum aviculare, Rhododendron molle, Sophora flavescens, Stemona sessilifolia, Tripterygium wilfordii, and Torreya grandis were most active.  相似文献   

Thirteen essential oils (Apium graveolens, Citrus sinensis, Eucalyptus globulus, Juniperus oxycedrus, Laurus nobilis, Lavandula hybrida, Mentha microphylla, Mentha viridis, Ocimum basilicum, Origanum vulgare, Pistacia terebinthus, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Thuja orientalis) were tested in their vapour form against Acanthoscelides obtectus. Choice and no-choice tests revealed that most of them have a repellent action, reduce fecundity, decrease egg hatchability, increase neonate larval mortality and adversely influence offspring emergence. Furthermore, some oils were strongly toxic to A. obtectus, males appearing more susceptible than females. Among the essential oils tested, the most toxic for males were those of M. microphylla and M. viridis whereas the most toxic against females were those of L. hybrida and R. officinalis.  相似文献   

As part of ongoing research on Tanzanian plants used as edibles or spices, six samples of essential oils from four Ocimum species (O. basilicum, O. kilimandscharicum, O. lamiifolium, O. suave) were analyzed by GC and GC–MS. Eighty-one compounds, corresponding to 81.1–98.2% of the chemical components of the oils, were identified. Major compounds were either phenyl propane derivatives or terpenoids, including methyl eugenol, 1,8-cineole, camphor, bornyl acetate, germacrene-D, E-myroxide, germacrene-B, caryophylene oxide and p-cymene. The oils were also evaluated for antimicrobial activity against eight bacterial strains and three fungi. The oil of O. suave (B) showed the strongest antibacterial activity; O. suave (A), O. kilimandscharicum and, O. lamiifolium were moderately active, while O. basilicum oil was weakly active. However, none of the oils was active against the fungi species. The study has shown that, Ocimum oils could potentially be used as anti-infective agents.  相似文献   

The uses of some cooking oils viz., noug oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn oil and olive oil, and the reputedly non-toxic botanical “Triplex”, were evaluated against maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais, in stored maize grain under local Ethiopian storage conditions in 2003. For comparison, an untreated sample and the synthetic insecticides, malathion 5% dust and Actellic 2% dust, at the recommended rates of 0.05% (w/w) were included. All the cooking oils tested had a significant toxic effect on the weevils in stored grains. The oil treatments showed significantly higher mortality of adult weevils at each sampling period compared with the untreated grains. The cooking oil treatments also significantly reduced weight loss and grain damage as compared with the untreated control. The Triplex treatment was of comparable effectiveness to the synthetic insecticides, causing high mortality of adult weevils, low-percentage grain damage and low-percentage weight losses. These promising oils and Triplex could be recommended for use as part of an integrated pest management program in stored maize, particularly at low levels of pest infestation and, in the case of cooking oils, for grain intended for home consumption.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to observe the effect of grain quantity on the oviposition, distribution of eggs, adult emergence, adult body weight and sex ratio of Sitophilus zeamais, an important pest of maize. Three quantities of maize grains (200, 400 and 800 grains/glass jar of 1 l) were used under laboratory conditions (30°C and 70% r.h.). Twenty five male/female pairs of maize weevil were introduced into each glass jar for 12 d. The greatest and lowest number of eggs was laid on batches of 800 and 200 grain kernels, respectively. The total number of grains attacked followed a similar trend. The aggregation of eggs expressed as a ratio of the variance to mean increased as the amount of maize grains was increased. The aggregation parameter k ranged from 2.35 on 200 grains to 4.49 on 800 grains. On average, a significantly higher proportion of grains were infested (90%) when less grain was present. Emergence of adult weevils was, however, maximal (472 individuals/glass jar) when the grain quantity was highest. The mean weight of the emerged adults was not significantly influenced by grain quantity, but female weevils were heavier than males (mean weight 3.16 vs. 3.05 mg) irrespective of maize quantity and eggs laid. Sex ratio (males/100 females) of emerged adults did not differ among treatments. The importance of grain quantity, and of oviposition, in internally feeding granivores and the possibility that there is an adaptive reproductive strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Three years of experimental trials (2001–2003) were conducted in 12.7 t capacity pilot-scale bins to determine the survival, reproduction and suppression ofSitophilus zeamais Motschulsky under three temperature management strategies, no aeration (NA, control), ambient aeration (AA, 23.9 °C), and chilled aeration (CA, 18.3 °C) from May to November in Indiana, USA. One-way ANOVA indicated that the number of progeny for small adult populations of caged insects (0.14–0.28 insects per gram maize) embedded 0.6 m deep in the stored grain mass varied among temperature strategies for some, but not all of the storage periods. Progeny numbers in the CA strategy were significantly lower (P<0.05) than those for the NA and AA strategies for periods with longer hours of grain temperature 15.0 °C. There were no differences in progeny numbers between the NA and AA strategies for most of the storage periods. This may have been due to higher mortality, lower oviposition and fecundity from overcrowding of S. zeamais under the NA strategy caused by factors in the caged insect microclimate (e.g., rapid food depletion, heating, moisture, molding, and high CO2 levels). Our results suggest that maintaining stored maize at temperatures 15.0 °C for longer periods suppressed S. zeamais progeny more effectively than at 18.3 °C. In addition, leaving the stored grain bulk unaerated early in the spring so it remained cool at 15.0 °C due to winter aeration resulted in early suppression of S. zeamais progeny.  相似文献   

Eugenol, isoeugenol and methyleugenol showed similar contact toxicity to Sitophilus zeamais (LD50 values approximately 30 μg/mg insect). For Tribolium castaneum, the order of potency of these chemicals compared by the LD50 level was isoeugenol>eugenol>methyleugenol. Furthermore, S. zeamais was generally more susceptible than T. castaneum to these three compounds except for isoeugenol based on the LD50 level. When sublethal doses (doses that produce no appreciable mortality) of eugenol, isoeugenol and methyleugenol were topically applied to adults of either species of beetles pre-treated with deltamethrin, the toxicity of deltamethrin was enhanced. A flour disc bioassay using no-choice tests was employed to assess, in terms of food consumption and growth rate, the susceptibility of S. zeamais and T. castaneum to media treated with eugenol, isoeugenol, and methyleugenol. Only eugenol significantly (P<0.05) reduced food consumption (RCR) in the adults of S. zeamais at a concentration of 13.2 mg/g food. However, it reduced the growth rate (RGR), food consumption and food utilisation (ECI) in adults and larvae of T. castaneum at concentrations of 35 and 99 mg/g food, respectively. Isoeugenol reduced the RGR and RCR in S. zeamais adults and T. castaneum adults and larvae, in a concentration-dependent manner, but only reduced ECI in the adults of T. castaneum at the concentration of 76 mg/g food. In comparison, methyleugenol reduced the RGR and RCR in the three groups of insects, and the ECI of S. zeamais adults and T. castaneum larvae.  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions between the larger grain borer Prostephanus truncatus and the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais were studied during two storage seasons in maize stores, in Bénin. Maize ears, randomly sampled from farmers’ grain stores, were ‘reared out’, i.e., kept for 4 weeks under controlled conditions for F1 to emerge, and periodically sampled, in order to examine colonisation patterns of P. truncatus and S. zeamais. For both storage seasons, P. truncatus and S. zeamais populations were sparsely aggregated and not associated with each other. The degree and strength of association increased with each monthly sampling occasion with the Ochiai, Jaccard and Dice indices of association. By the fourth sampling occasion, P. truncatus was found on most ears and on some ears in very high numbers (>300 insects). Almost all ears with P. truncatus contained at least a few S. zeamais individuals, but many ears with S. zeamais contained no P. truncatus.  相似文献   

Repellent and fumigant activity of the essential oil of mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris, against the stored-product insect pest, Tribolium castaneum was investigated. Artemisia vulgaris oil had a very strong repellent activity to adults and was significantly repellent at a 0.6 μL/mL (v/v) and higher in a filter-paper arena test. The oil had high fumigant activity against adults and larvae with adults much more susceptible than larvae. At 8.0 μL/mL, mortality of adults reached 100%, but with 12-, 14- and 16-day larvae, mortalities were 49%, 53% and 52%, respectively. The oil also had high-fumigant activity against eggs and toxicity progressively increased with increased exposure time and concentration. At dosages of 10, 15 and 20 μL/L air and a 96 h exposure period, mortality reached 100%. Regression analysis of data on individuals fumigated in the larval stage confirmed that the percentage of larvae reaching the pupal stage and the percentage of pupae that reached the adult stage, decreased significantly with increase in dosage concentration. No larvae, pupae and adults were observed following a 60 μL/L dosage.  相似文献   

The essential oils from aerial parts of six Brazilian species of the genus Cunila Mill. (Lamiaceae) currently used in beverages and food preparation, and in folk medicine, were obtained by steam distillation and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The main components of the oils were: Cunila galioides citral (citral −77.9%), C. galioides menthene (mentha-trans-2,8-dienol −20.0%, limonene −13.6%, trans-ocimene −13.0%), C. incisa (1,8-cineole −42.9%, α-terpineol −14.0%), C. spicata (1,8-cineole −47.9%, α-terpineol −37.5%), C. menthoides (menthene −77.8%), C. angustifolia (sabinene −41.4%, γ-terpinene −11.4%), and C. microcephala (menthofuran −94.90%). These oils were screened for antibacterial activity against 15 bacterial species. The oil of C. galioides citral efficiently controlled the growth of Bacillus sp., L. monocytogenes, S. aureus, A. hydrophila, and E. faecalis, showing both contact and gaseous activity. Although less efficient, the other essential oils studied were effective against Bacillus species, S. aureus, and other specific bacteria. MIC and MCC values support their popular use, and indicate that they can be an efficient alternative for the control of foodborne and spoiling bacteria.  相似文献   

The insecticidal activity of some fixed vegetable oils against Sitophilus zeamais on wheat was investigated. Test oils from different sources and levels of purity effectively reduced the development of progeny by similar amounts. When all wheat grains were treated with oil, X-ray studies showed that oviposition by S. zeamais was not affected, although there was considerable subsequent mortality. However, in a two-way choice experiment S. zeamais showed an oviposition preference for grains not treated with oils. Freshly applied oils caused some mortality in adult S. zeamais only at rates above 10.5 ml/kg, but this effect disappeared when treated grains were aged for 14 days before bioassay. Application of oils at up to 17.5 ml/kg to grains pre-infested with late stage larvae/pupae confirmed that these oils had no appreciable effect against such stages. X-ray studies established that the main toxic action of the oils was against the eggs and early stage larvae.  相似文献   

The maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky causes considerable damage to maize grain during storage in the tropics. The objectives of this study were to determine through two experiments the genetic basis of resistance to S. zeamais in African maize germplasm of open-pollinated cultivars, lines and hybrids. The first experiment tested for resistance of 20 maize cultivars (10 white and 10 yellow-grained) developed for lowland Africa grown in three relatively weevil-free savanna locations. The second experiment tested two sets of diallel crosses without reciprocals of 66 F1 progeny from 12 inbred lines and 78 F1 crosses from 13 inbred lines of subtropical and temperate origins. Variables studied for the first experiment included husk cover, grain texture, number of egg plugs, number of weevils produced, and number of grains damaged by the weevil. Results showed highly significant differences among the 20 maize cultivars tested. Significant cultivar×location interactions for egg plug and weevil production indicate the importance of environmental effects and complexity in weevil resistance. Of the 20 cultivars tested, Ikenne 83-TZSR-W-1 (open pollinated) and 8329-15 (hybrid) were the most promising for restricted weevil production and minimal grain damage. The results of genetic studies in the second experiment with 144 crosses indicated the presence of genetic differences in maize lines to weevil attack. General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability mean squares were highly significant, suggesting that the maize weevil resistance was controlled by both additive and non-additive gene actions and the inheritance was quantitative and polygenic. Among the lines used in the crosses, the two most weevil resistant lines with high GCA effects were TZi 30 (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) and FLA2BT 106 (Florida).  相似文献   

The toxic, repellent and feeding deterrent activities of the essential oil extracted from Evodia rutaecarpa Hook f. et Thomas, were evaluated against Sitophilus zeamais adults and Tribolium castaneum larvae and adults. Contact toxicity assayed by topical application showed that S. zeamais adults were significantly more susceptible (LD50=0.043 μg/mg body wt) to the essential oil than T. castaneum adults (LD50=0.118 μg/mg body wt) and larvae (LD50=0.093–0.126 μg/mg body wt). However, in the fumigation assays, S. zeamais (LC50=41 μg/L air) was less susceptible to the essential oil than T. castaneum (LC50=11.7 μg/L air). When compared with larvae of various ages, T. castaneum adults were more susceptible to the fumigant toxicity of the essential oil. Also, in the treated filter paper repellency test, the essential oil was more repellent to T. castaneum than to S. zeamais. A flour disk bioassay demonstrated that the essential oil of E. rutaecarpa had a weaker feeding deterrent action against T. castaneum adults than against T. castaneum larvae and S. zeamais adults. The reduction in growth rate of T. castaneum larvae and S. zeamais adults was mainly due to a behavioural (feeding deterrent) action rather than to post-ingestive toxicity of the oil.  相似文献   

Fumigant toxicity of the essential oils from Lavandula hybrida, Rosmarinus officinalis and Eucalyptus globulus against the larvae and pupae of Acanthoscelides obtectus was assessed. The relationships between the application period and mortality, and between temperature and mortality, were investigated. The essential oil vapours were toxic to all immature stages tested with LC50 values ranging between 0.6 and 76 μl/l air, depending on the insect's stage and the essential oil. The larvae of A. obtectus appeared progressively more tolerant to the essential oil vapours as they grew older, but were more susceptible than pupae. Increase of exposure time from 6 to 48 h resulted in an increase of larval mortality, whilst further increases of exposure time gave no additional detrimental effect. The essential oil vapours were more effective at 10°C and 18°C than at 4°C, 26°C, 32°C and 36°C.  相似文献   

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